The Straits Times, 7 September 1861

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • 1244 1 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, SEPT. 7, 1861. How neld mi ilui hj: nearly ten yens li iv.- tin* BritUh ar been allowed < long r. j> m The <ri iipan Wtt hid barely b. en broii niclnai m ere our troop* «ci r >■ died >>il'to Persia and iii a. The
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  • 1067 1 It has- become v recoguUed duty with all established eomiuunitii s, to nrovi.'e accom .odili.ui, and fuillUl inedic.'il attendance lotbw* who, I em accident ur .list- is,-, may be withdrawn lium their ordinary mcr.* »f support. I'm- tome yeai> ba< k our own arrangen,eiits in this rewpfCt were far from
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  • 628 1 A I. tter from n 01 respondent appeared in this paper a few days -ince, drawing attention to the exee^sivelv large i|ii.inti y ot il.uuag. d oils dsehiijiril at ihi- pint. Tl.e matter has we hfliev. s ik'l- occupied the atlc li n 1 t the Chamber of C'omineiee, and
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  • 660 1 SIIiNOR Roßßlo's. Convert Cilllie off list night at the Theatre We were very sorry to see Met a poor house to witness such .t very fine ent.'i taiiiineiit. It is to be regretted that Sijuor Uol)l>io hit- arrived jii-t when we have liad a plethora of Public amusements; yet
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  • 1351 1 Wk arc infoi mcd by Captain Stauntitn, that during the last cruine of the itniriit he toiuid on 11. M. S. liuliri/h's shoal, only 12 feet water instead i>t A fathuius as stated on the chart. The n< xt reet South West, about a mile in extent,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous

  • 855 2 \i the fliindtrsliitid aftacSlal u!t. are extract tbe Mlaerii r aartlrat> < it and barglarie* ba»e Laaasnhttl in Batnvia, .tt.<! rumplainU are made that ili<- police ;ne i-ranizt'il ;is iaraierly. Tlnru' is a alaa aaftaTaßSad ralso a mr|i«. af AMaM sentinel- ti» prevent rolild i 'I'h i i baaa rerj
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  • 228 2 Taa C i*m a« i hb Cam m w. Shut By Diki-'M)\K- With relerenee t«l a totter which appeared in the Ihiih/ Times af the :{r<l instant reejarding a moil ahiietiag a Chinaman, we have been inlo n i ii by the Coaiiaijwii*wcr of Police thai the faeta are a*
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  • 165 2 On Tit' itsDw la«*t the new UirtVs tliat hay. Intel) arrived were di>»iibui- < d to the meaihtn afthe Volanteer Corp«, al Hie 6«d«Hrnn of t'aptain D.niiisui). Only fifty rirti 1 have come to band, so that many wt the nn mberfl whii applietl late in the da) were disappointed.
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  • 127 2 A second watch t.nk |*lace at the I' re* C'>urt 'in Saturday the •U>t Aag., originating in a challenge jrjven S .1. Murray, C D-mlop and J. Ly ill, liy Jaoion B. W'alucr, 1\ V md i hule ai'ii J. M. Panria* Tin- gaate ;i> played with tii'ich sj.iiit on
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  • 187 2 Wiin regard la the m»lbußded report of a Miiail craft, called tin! .\\r i, having been fitted (Ml at, as a privateer af the rehelli«HM Southern Mules ot America it turns out tiitt nw itnpre-siuns weie Cut net, an stated in tin* Dnilif lime* ot the '22nd ult. The
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  • 170 2 IJv the Emeu, we notice the departure <>t one ot our oldest resident* Mr. •V. \V. Willans who has for some time hl.« I the paaitioa of Chief Magistrate li-i <■, and stands hi^li in tlie respect an eateea* ol all ot ii*. In another column will he found the
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  • 150 2 TIIK SINGAPORK RaFFI KS I.NSTt I T tion. We arc Very glad to nntiee, that the iiiucli needed repair! af the Singapore laotftn'taaj aye nienaseaccd at one rod of the buil ling, beini; tbe part ncenpied tor the (im's Sehot I I and W« lin«t the work sTiU be pro*e-
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  • 35 2 Tbe Me;;!!! r Toiizi; (apt. \oyes makes a' ol the i-laml on Tuesday la»t, with the < '■■niniissittnci nf I'n'i c, to riall ami iaancct the PottefJ Sta* t ions, ami lo k alter phratea.
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  • 30 2 Tiik tea ci Huimbvm from Saraiv iU, with Sit .lames il n»kc on board i> in uht **r .tun--, int -nds lioni- hy tlii- mail to d iv if pas-iUle.
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  • 53 2 Ifi— Exce leucv t c (in ernor General el the Nell ci lands India, and suie arrived last evening about 8 ..V| ck. The a«aal aaiaten were fired from the Km t ttii* m lining. His Excel lenci |in«i'(il- t i Knr< pc by t c Mail Ste .Iliel 1
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  • 4028 2 M is 'iks „f (I,- >,■ ending* of lite Mil .iri/.uf ni,i'ni.ssi,:itrs mi 'J'u'trsid if, t/irJ^iHi J JjL ii u^,l6liL, < omul ssioncrs preweai The Honorable Captain Macah nMM l'icsi<lent. s. J. G Jeilicue, Besj. \Y. 11. Re kd, K»«| Fu/itiuiftitilcH/s Itrptirt, Kirn Stag** Hunt, and t'tuUdwelCt Bridge.
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  • 71 2 Mmeeo, 24/ A Augutt, 1861. Srir Pat,, i J60% Nem Bmartt ia*t. Mai uu —71 <'S l» -r cheat. Cotton, H' 1 14 pei pienl. v iis p S pi co Biee.— I in. -.'8 id ■!s'■•: 2flj Bengal, 2slj x IJ' B S ifSU Ai ||J lIS p«
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  • 100 2 Houqkoi Ix6l. .Y< I'uliKi. 77 > Ics stOi-K. tan i. 7fl If ,i 71 1 > quirj esa (»ck. Miilua 71-JS 1i» a 71 K'xxi c 'ivi-K, jr. Vll/1011 Bombay, lus II: pc —dull. Calcutta.— los aU* pc. n- 1 --dv I. Cvtton Madras.— lo% a 19$ »er picul dull.
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  • 96 2 Oriental-Bank Corfomlton. I ill- on London ii mom s 1 ii i-t i-. t|d. Pnta i bil \t 6J i. In Is with Uoeumei t-, Is. s Un B luilwy, 3 di. s' wi^lit, K-. On L.Uuttii, :i ilt.jw' sight, tt*. "iIS S 100 loucb, ifi i t-ut iemi
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  • 80 3 ~it linu irt li mi thu I I x ..t til. 1 v- II '111-, iii- un- mii. ri of the will lie atravt. .1 la lii< 1..», -.11 I Instio.. »in, ii \ri v is ha*« ilina ni, who aa '-t au.l fair .1
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  • 81 3 l'i\ \v (i \\'f ii;iv heca nrcqventlj disappointed in tut- >vc ptiaa dt the Pitiang ti i;>i r>. ami \vu Imai 'liit utir i-iMitciiijKiiar'.c- there, as wt-il as iMtutanter, will take care tt» ouMlffc tl.tir riaciiiu,' aa by evt 1 v availuble u|i|nii'tii:iil y liv the TlniiiiLr wr received iatei
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  • 240 3 v .-iit«- Tain- i- lii li t "k it, (Sin i A« .ill-UTS i t■ thaio, r ln-'d in B ptein ."in la, in i eoalori .1 ilic I i ell up, us illTlll^ tun. tin- A uiai run li >1 lo i tatiou. Tli«" ii r i Mr. Uaantor
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    • 208 3 aa*. I' oi On i aLtMrt tive < liiiimiii in am k nj o.i h- pnh- m ."I in i'o i. c, lio i«in^ biaueti bj l««a rd laj, and v- at tie Pubne man waa I IV in II two we.-ks v i 4. iron of the .1 y
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    • 646 3 (To i' Mraiti Ikaak) v ir,— lt you nan timl a i,i .re corner in one of uiiiiin, |.|ea*j insert thc»i- few lint--. Ihi the tir-t tint- I have attempted to y »iiy tliinij, m:i |i-jiiii.- jinhi I, tut in i, nt an n aaa ■haawa, »uiij<;rt milter haaßf >
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    • 409 3 rVaW J < f■ik. -I mu't ir.iu'ii- y«a with »>i.«» i the ,rj af aaa af tha it abaaaiaa I -u ■.> aaj .ii I i. .ti nf larga beii* v- nti .n t.» Au.-i "i Salaa Theealy a* r|.. m .if him imi-.i- M HI i» labliabad wlaai
      409 words
  • 1904 3 It i W li :H 41 -v ill' I. I Ilillu-Hii, ;ill rrnn in JU .l.'int'llt UM 111-- J C el ur (J.ixri nun ni i !•>• M i'"- i» ni»hiii*; ilieir i H .cnc man niiini 1 ■>»•• iwUbV bo'irni^ Sliit. Un'lfi N itiv,- rul- Itilnl in;i k.-l
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  • 50 3 Monday, %m\ Sepirmher. Aru. ahip Samuel Applelo-i, Otgood, Pi--11 n K Am. »hip Th'.niiHi W. Scan, Drew, New York. Dutch barque Kirn Hay Seng, Cheo Ban aWg. Uhi... Tuesday, 3rd September. Dutch b.irpue Zen GeyKuatti, burger*. Baiavia. Dutch schooner Pontian-.k, Ong Seng, Pontitmak. Dulcli schooner BinUng Tujoh, K.tng Siam.
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  • 83 3 Wk announce the arrival of the following p;u«eii*>eis liy the »ieamer Parian g, from Batavia Mr. Vidal, Mr. snd Misi Kruper, Mr. MaaUr and Mi~» llee.h and Child, Mr. Hl.-it.i, Mr. and Minn OlteiihufT and Child, Mr. U li.illen. Wk niiuoin .«e the rlcp.ll ture of the followinir; passt'ii^ersbyllie
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    • 42 3 Baddanrj at Vlulacot, on ihc Slat ulumo, Agnaa, the iiflovel wife of Wai. KaaMgattaji Baqnirr, hk.-.I M yearn. On tbe 30th August, Kmily Curv infant Daughter ot C'Hplaiii (ieo Kone, SujxrintoHdent iff the .Sailtr'i Home, A|jed 12 inontlu aad 5 day*.
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  • 630 3 Au^t. !>t!i BaaMMaMa, fiom to Hungba«t lib Ifartarlaad aad ftiaaja. fraM B»tKvi» to Rottatdaai lMi Jo miin.l Vit ori.i, from ManilU, to Liv ip -ill. 12iti laaaaaji fiihanna. from It.itt.-r !»m to ll. '..via 1 J Ktii.-r.-il, fioin \«aniil 1, ti L nidon. IJ li— J
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  • 318 3 AIUitVALH. Monday %ti abar Hriiish ii,n m k ti.'l i'eli s>; lataa, V/iaab.tri.nv 0 111 ii;iii'l- r, PiaangSllal \iii(. Hnti-h hit.|ii' M«i.|iiir' K»in Iy, 33) tou«, llatta. cjin iiaudcr, Haaghaiig IGIII M iy. i<rili«li bri» E'tflc, t"H« Xacoilah, Pinanji 17th Aug. I a«> lat I.l Sep 1 H.I.M.
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  • 767 3 Ships' Nami.s. I'LAU AND KlO nJ vrE Wiikbh From. v1..,1T.V H Consignee* or Aobnts. I)EBTIMaTIOV v I I J!l,\.li|-1\ AH. I Gorsrnmeat do. French Consul (iorcrmui'iit I Surveying Saigon feracM -'union tio.^bly Weigltt I. vl. BcLooner 11. M hti-aiuer il.l. .VI. iie.itner 11..U.1..N. sleauior 230 4U
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 272 3 At Ciion Hill, on Kn Uy imtint, tlia wifa ut' J. J. Qnaaahialdi K-hj. of a Sou. Jlffl)Wa|'l PillianJ Olmtmmt.—h\i the maindied inci.l'Mit to Spring can lie pr»-v.-nt<-d, clicked in their oourje. nr ultimately i-ur« I. hy these tin* parifftag aad aaahag The Hilla ion*- thf fttomach, rci{iilaie llm
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 417 4 INSURANCE. NORTHERN ASSURAPJCE COMPANY, YOU Pill AN" LIFB A»SURA»CIa AT BOMB «HD i iambiit. CAPITAL £1.259 760. '1 f II I tllO JLalai if 1 f I .ken from the I -rt Fir's Departnornt. r.«- V's r ri-,- 1 nix" 1 I. hd ir ,iLLI! N>tt L ■Miaili J
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    • 782 4 LIVERPOOL LONDON FIIU2 l\ I RANCE COMPANY. 'Kill: ui),ler»ij;i' liaving Invn ppointeA Agents i MJ y are prepartd *o I SYME CO B>jgpaMOa, Mth Sept., II CALCUTTA MERCANTILE h.AIIINE INSURANCE SOCIETY I<IIK UatVnicßa4j *cajri**|| be.t\ awpoaat' ..1 Al'i-i for tfca are prepared to take i;-kianil pr..iir p. li, Hb'.'in
      782 words
    • 1091 4 LEA AND PERRINS' ,1 I IBIt.VTKD VVORCESTEH»IIBE SAUCE. PRONOUN I NOIiMKCKS, Tli BtC THE Cf.LY 0000 SAUC£ Al't'tlCißM: TO ETERI VARIETY 09 DISH. ■7 ft i \!,iliral Gentle- >; i > >i Ilirr at H'orctmtcr, rWISLLLMMkI l*Mllai Ml th.-ir Sauceia hiihlv MBMMmI in 1n. 1i... mi, l ia, in my
      1,091 words
    • 1069 4 CAUTION AGAIMS COUMTBEFtiTS. NeMaMtMMai «.»/<•« mm 1 Ce. it "'".'7" MMM o» the bottle I tmd twh bolth is p iv a«MN mmMi keariay the /nprmmt li, ime ami aeUvWM iii Ui MeMil.l LPnm aad Co. are only to be on.ultid at their, No. II lierntrs t>tr*-it THF. GREATEST
      1,069 words
    • 935 4 Me»n WHAMPOA AND CO.S AI)VF.UTISKMr.NT. Mesurs. WHAMPOA &<"o. bamj arwart mi S;.l»- iin iv'iii- \i' and ehoiee »n--rorinient aftha fbthrwiaf acWctod apeeialry Ibt tluir > WIIOI.KS a 1.1 nil \li. MM i XI OWTATJOaT. Alwavi .'i s I r.i- 'I' lh» ehoieewJ iavor eoaapr king, Uaaaowder, I', Km-. HyaeM, 9ouehong,
      935 words
    • 544 4 1 TARGET tin .-«i»at. /TS* 'I'll I 1 |i I 1 CAHTHIOCK. LEY'S A M iV> U 'vl ITI 0 J OF h\ lai I>l M lIRMI l.ili ■PORTING OR MILITARY PUHPOS DOX7HLI WaMraeaaf Ci aw I I Wadd of Uuna, «t i mi I -riof-u- a.: .m-". .-.i ..i
      544 words