The Straits Times, 10 August 1861

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 18 1 The Straits Times. 1 7 r ii PUBLISHED EVERY SINGAPORE: SATURDAY, AUGUST 10, 1861- SATURDAY EVENING. NO- 1047
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  • 599 1 THE STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, AUG 10, 1861. Tii.khv it ill coiitiniie their ravages •mong the agrieuharal Chinese in the i- I riot of the i»land. When we siy they continue, we mention only thai we It ti"\v cases, but those which ilo not come to tin- knowledge of tinami oritien,
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  • 465 1 moM our own CofTeNpomleo.l dated Lawaan, :H -t July, IS<i| H. M steamer Liri/lulis, Ilon'hle Captain Keaae, leaves tins tor Binga> p ne In- unv, with the Mon'hlc Mr. Kdw.inles, un his way to Bagiand. lie has heen rrnVved from the Lroremmenl <t theCMoay by the arrival of Mr. Callagfaaa,
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  • 298 1 Thk Cm rspidiilence on iheatricul atiiiis which has iifoapied our Co- 1 loinns fur S"ine dayi oaot, his now! ohtaiued so iilarmint; un ineni-'' of writers, thai we think the pobtk will agUC with us in our opinion I hat il is time to let tiie suliject dr<>p. While there
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  • 241 1 Tiik following Despatch ta his R x eell.'n y the Governor (Jcn.-ral of India, rdadng t-» the ronrse to be '< taken regarding Prteai which atoy lie mailc hy either of the pirties ti> the arenoM cm, test in \merica, we find in the last 6otonNw*»J OawoM*, F.HKIIN OkFICK. l*r
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  • 191 1 Arkiv\i. of M il Nteameraal Sin gapore. \< > nrwiag to Table prepared hy Ilie I*. >c <> Co'iipiny, and apinovc I by the Louis CiiinniMsiiiiirrii nf the Admiralty, ibewing the nvtfonaenta the slcaui'-rs The moj I from Eno; I ('id and lon will ,tr ivc as F<»Nowil r.ibn'i. l.i-nre
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  • 84 1 Thk Ciikisiian in Si\(. umhk. —We have received the second mini her of this religions isHfywur*, published quarterly by the Singapore Ladies' Bible and Trad Society. The following arc the contents of this number It hl<- History of the Creation. <<n Eternity nf Ponisthmeuii The I'.u.ih ilic TeMjhinf; of the
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  • 265 1 By the Dutch HtBOMUr Hutufia whieh arrived on the Ith M»si., we bat* received the toll winjr ioteWgCMße lioin our Special Correspondent at liatavii. Ttntaria, 3\ttJul», IR6I. T c woHlher i»'ill cv>Ntinue> wet aii'l iii.hi-I led. It i* »t this vciy moment raining in I .irrnts unl I okl moie
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  • 189 1 "■PORTS ON TIIK Ksi'LANADK. A CricU Ma I, was co nmeneed on th<- Ksplaii kli- 'I'liursilay Hfte'-nion, i>y a patty af th Crioketen of Biuo;i[»..n-, .mil sitiii 1 of the (itrrison. It Wa« a Scratch Match, t>of up ;i< ,i lelift fiuin the fatigues and contiue. nii'iit of Mail lay.
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  • 144 1 A .Im I of rain has fallen with* in tli<" last fi-H' ilays, which is ratlicr iiiiiHuil at this se isoi) o> the year. We lio|ie tli it the new moon of this itioininif, will iisliei in a;i iinpiiiviiient iti the WOatln f, as sunn' of ihe ruails are Itrcofwiiig
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  • 123 1 Wk would c.ill the nttentioti "f tlh- i»mi ii»-iiin.-r of i'nlce ti the uian\ (liiiikin S ii !,»r< that wander klmnii t it- Alreetn, and threaten to >!o| pilanij ii:is or narrowly pmmbc briiiK run liver, troni a drier, nin ittOtl imt i > tfi-t MM i>f tlie way. Tl»i«
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  • 76 1 W v. I'-aiii thiU l iic sti|.|ily i>f AnKriBM ice is <'xliau»t<'il. A-. hi t!u- |noli.ihiliiy "I future su|»ji leu wf arc nite in the dark, hut in any rise, tin- preMiit is a opportunity far tiie nc v machine lv eumnimiae npcntioai. I'll- tin* iiit'U iiiiitiou of the
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  • 295 1 Wk would mil tin' attention of the |H(i|ht authorities to the following let tar, and the very reasonnhlc requrst that the Roads while in a state off rc|i.iir >lii>uld he properly lighted to prevent awidents To thb Editor of thb Pailt Times. Sir,— Sim-e a few <)a\s large Hnd nerehsa-y
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    • 287 1 To thk Edit >r op tiik Struts Dui.t I imks. Sir. —1 hay,- ret.l with :it'ention Hnd interest your E.lit'Tiil reniarko m your Satur- i day's issue "ii the in wnmli I ii .V.- :-ik'u nari, -«n I ,lt!iou_;li ,n tlie mum fully a^r. ein^ *ith yu. I think
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    • 180 1 TO TIIR KbITIIK M TIIK .^TKAITS TIuKS. I'kah Sim.—l i» v aarrj to a*« ihe cirrca- poiiileuc wi.uii h ..pjii in your p<«i er ma ii' nu.ij at abmlmm iiu-.unra s. Ihe emeu wlio no kindly come for- wara ;o awnw v*, dv ay „i |ra«i pi rauajal nr
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    • 186 1 l'n tiik l.tiiioit or iiik Daily Timb MR, 1 4S fully ippnol to Hie S|i|,it if n mh" ii hiucii Som«« points .hi llu- i, mil- abau diM ih t I eoaiiuiitrd i.isi F i i.. .-Vi-iim.^, >l I do lII* I- runt's wii co have |'i;i,i't.d Sup r.,un., r
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    • 288 1 To tiii. RoHM f tub Daily Timeb. i i 818, lion x a|i|)Mni to b<- i ainlully af- i tic 0.l with .n- Sei ill, ndi, loi in >..ur lw>M "I .-viinliy. L obseive another lolij{ t i ketUfl iron, hint. All ny me Mr. Ivhtoi to atk voua
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    • 101 1 To the Editor ok thb Daily Times. Sir, Forgive me for again encronching on your time and space with these remarks, th y are the list wi h which I will trouble you, at least upon this subject. My sole ohject in commencing this correspondence was to make the stage
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    • 79 1 To the Editor or the Singapore Daily Times." My ukar Mr. Editor,—This is really terrible, when will those naughty men cease writing about our pour little Theatre but then you will say, \S bai right have rou a vonua to interfere ia the matter." Now, I will just tell you
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    • 285 1 changing my .lim< fMt enough »t the late perfo'innnca. If you, my ilear Mr. Kilitor, only knew the <litticu'tii'< <>f attinj; out of one erin iline into an. o-lirr. y.>» NW s»JF I ha;! been very txpedilinut. Or Mr Uitar, in'rli»p< you II ivu a wife, if you have, «h«
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    • 792 1 !'<> tiik Kun-)it ok th An.r TiKM. Sib.— May I, a> iin-niln-r of the pure Ani.iiiMir Conn), t>« hllowvl to Ml n word hi ief ri*ii<-e 10 t!ie letu-rs nf >rnrx'' Juv nis" lui'l A Super. umer..ry" which liuve Hppe.ut .1 in l.ti' MNWf ut your pi|ir. I itvn-t iipicli
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  • 631 1 Thk Chinese disturbance* still continue, between the two clans of SacTan and (>ee-Hok. North Bridge Road, Rochore Road and Victoria street, have been quite blockaded by these desperadoes. Many arrests have been made by the Police. eedingt of lit? i tlm BM. 11-)!l---i i.iin Mai-pherson. Me»ora. Head and Kohert»on. r
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 122 1 io Subscribers and Correspondents. of I teii 1)1 E i.i) aa a duct of olirn ,n lll.e ii y af his ga will confer i oarbood. I] i i.f ilixiikluiiy ooaima■n- lii* I me »>1THE STRAITS TIMES. D»ll 1 I 1.1 I.l'lTlnv. Ura, II II •1 1 v 5 ADVEETISEM2NTS.
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  • 224 2 Tiik Nmv GoVKBVoa ok I.xiii w Mr. Kdwarde«i the late Governor, arrived] here lew days rineeia 11. M. Meamar Cltarybdit m nmtt fur Kni;!aiid. The par! tpken by Mr. IMwarden in the bate Sarawak and Muka affair, will be fros'i in thi-rcrol-hcti, n ol our rea.ltis, and principally, if not
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  • 305 2 Total t'J.KMt, Notj an bad fiir ftoverninfj an (aland wluii- lit ai lv ;ill the Knn>|»iaii (iovi'i iiit:eiit rvaiits Duwiiiii^ «ti e t has i cc-i 1. 1 nuns lurjnl)- (we tuifrhi al mi st ajajj ititauiiius tii'in Imie uiiineiikiiill even before th- l.nii"ii- tete* {,M.iin "t ilvi raif
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  • 107 2 Tiik I'aii" imi <«f the is^is-i|>;«i is tv be exhibited on Mondaj avcuiu|(, at the Town Hall, witdei tfcw MH|>ictni ..■id with thr valuable waetHtnaoe ot I 'i titff-i r Ki-li'y. who will iwtroduce Home ot Itis inimitable lie MMtga npro|MM to tlic (m-im»i n. The laiio- a uoik of
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  • 657 2 i: v i i N-TIT! tiox Mir H -:i- ',-ig will rejuice lo 'i-t.-e--ar- a.-, n naenta I i --v ilini; ma) i be dona iv funuenu cc ita Tbr li'-i duly of ilm nearly appointed 1 1 ire* will br, of courae, lo reeovir aa mach aa
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  • 1607 2 LATEST IMELUUENCF. FiOM CHINA AND JAPAN. Si mm miv of NnWI Tub 1.-m^n inai -.t June lOlh arrive! here en tha d ma int. Affaire hi China an i Japan remain n-a r lv as the] wmo dwing me previous ioitn irht Dm n-ws Irwm Japna is eoaanti* il
    1,607 words
  • 147 2 (From the China Mail.) Tiik Am- riiau ships w.r iii hoChiaa W:il-ih have he. -n r--:il C-l, ii.d t lie Ant-ii-ean interests in China aie HOW left »ltounprotected, eicepl aicli protwti in io win be aflbVded by M.itisli rreaaja iv i tit) cuea nor aai i mc«
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  • 1110 2 THE UNSUCCESSFUL overland JOURNET TO INDIA. (/■)u!/i thr llwi'i'. m <>i-> i/i«/ RajN Tin party wl get tkjmen eoaapneißg the \\i litioti i ' krfi Bhanghai in Prbmarj mat iniendinn to proceed t > India through China mi Thibet, reUirned laeeday last liom Hankow hv ihoiMr. We have published route
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  • 816 2 AN OVI KLAND IXPBDITION FRCJJ MJIOABAKI JO K \X Ati.WV t/-'n,/,t thr Nmik China ll mild Tm eiprdhi n o\e land fro« Nagaaaki 10 Kanagawa un<i>r :ikt-:. by the Unti-li Mil it r and Netbi rlaudi < mi I in Japan, teraiioat d by their aafear<ival al KanagwWß im
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  • 3596 2 THE Ml\(i Tom us. An iiiti-ns/iii,/ Xurr iticr. Fihih (hi Nmrik (lima Hi ial J. Kv'-IVO' c wh" I n.4 li'ti,- tune ,,rc nt Nanking abouM •.■■> and tlic ruini Ming tombs. lirnwauß'a |<amee m l«- miwwii wit'n i red aa I gold lir.tu;' ni and
    3,596 words

  • 1695 3 f^'ILITA»T OoLONtZVTIDM IX [\|)lt. I n ril 18J7 ilie total Bnnpi oa Kama in Indi* mm ered, all inns n-'u i- I. 1>,17'.». \c-ord" I j•< tt) IBjSJ I «,,t .nl 800 l r. it.'^tMii.te, 1 Int re strenijtli m.i»l b.- maintained at 1 HiMIBJBWii 800 il 7i.:'xio. Tbiis Id.-
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  • 824 3 The litrnhard Ut'tng v>i* So.ron IlVJ.nar left Il..i,..k.>iiii fiiiei-u 1.V.. .jo h.niil la lUt.ivia. On tin- rtuJ.ilv, oatMg iMttn h|mM from.S.K, BM MM If r MMMMMaI in nut..)..- >ll vitm ,«t mid aMMalaaUs, Tli.-Imii.lh I, ..i birelv reached the il ik, fr fining the tafsjalHWl unit, wien the
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  • 51 3 An ir i/.« n' •<•>•/ fiimi Si.ujiiifire. July -Kni t ..M..r, 11- ■I-....'. t\— E. ofll.r.huo c. 'initlu 41 Amtf July (i— He.jinn, <"ri-ulitou ti— Po-t' j. n, Qriea Tv- Ilin, lUynart. 17 k. Vuv.k. Dtpartmrt from tlimyiwuf fin Hajajsjm July 12 Nni L '|M., V.ii.l H
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  • 258 3 July I I Hntisli brij; (Mm, 28i> t'»n«. Op. ..eur. MMNOir, "Miitfiipotc, eoimignee*. Horm-rt Cmm»«nj Limit d July 14—Siam- 'up Knee Hor-,- :|.'xi t.".s, Wmmmf, rumin .n ler, O'i kd ij. consig u-es, nrtlMfok Tlihk .V < j J.ilv l| JNlllsh IM— I C'U of N iiiiteK, 201
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  • 463 3 A It RIVALS Sun luv, 4th .f iii, Mist. French bo.i«» Mnlubar, ID ion§, Ductne, Sin.-.poor, '.i il Amg. //irwli iLtHMjir Y-.iim({ Qoren, 60 tons, F.iiimli, ylmpiinuiit :t'll July If. M. mil K-yuiff st-hnr. S'tracen, Suuton, CliniM »c« (crui iuu) "••.■li >i..., ii //itHVii, 92.) lung, Nye, //at
    463 words
  • 121 3 Holloic*!,; fill a»4 Ointnmt. -Palpitation of 111- tMtW—MMOM of brealh.— Thr.e dislrewi«lC aHectl.>n« frequently arise from iudigratioo. or 1 state ol thenrrvm. MMMt, »,,J niay I)., tliiion/hly overoonid by a ouiae ot ihestoorreotiv. H.IU When the throh n^ „f the heart, and foeluw of nullocttion hara»» th.t pit.ent, Hoi. loway'i
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  • 153 3 We have read with much picture Dv R«rry'i Report nl the ouriM witlmut M.duine by Da ■atty'l 1"...k1. Tlu- folliwin^ are h f.-w extracU wliic-h appear to merit 1 lie ntlvntion of MM Cure No, 47.15 Mia Kliz.bah Jacob*, of N.Zui^ Vicirs^e, W.ltliiincrOHi, Herts: aeur«of extie ne herT.iusnr»», in .ij{^«ion,
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  • 585 3 BofT. MM Caitais. IbtOl Rio |ToN« AH ITAt w «bk Fao*. Klaoand Rio Tos« 'A r r. vr Arrival. Coxsiohkcs oa Aoints. DnTWATioiia. I'hif vli.lw ]■]■.< mj t' KlKopiall M.-t-ur V,,1a..t U r iiu.i Steamxbs. Katavia ('lion I'hwi K.-Miie H. M. aieamvr August 6 Labuan Bush
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 485 3 N BW ADVKUTISKMKX TS. a A CARD MH. JOZK L D( OITV, IVaOJOM of Munic, late of Mais Ma, NapeetMlly cl.ima the kind sMMMf* oflh" Sin^HjKire Puhlio he is i.repired to Copt and Instruct, Vocal »nd Instrumental Mii«ic. upon the simnle»t and enwest uiwlea, of BMateriap those plualag aeeaaipßahMeaM I'ianoFene,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 422 4 INSURANCE. NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, x LIFE ASS'JBAJICBa lAD. m r. 1 11N CAPITAL £1.259 760. ,f thi. ihe De] rtno P"" 1 „JII 3 0 II .1 tfg !< 1 I Lii I—l Life Department. I. Mil. n.m i* 1 t I'o- .1 all 7 > g, Li a. tl'<
      422 words
    • 785 4 kXDON l ii k\ •MI'ANY. 'PHI", in ppaialei Apen.i I |irep.»r«d grant PwHetSt on the usual trrn.-. SYME 4 CO Btß)(aport', Iwth 8 CALCUTTA MEMCANTILCIViAUINE INSURAiMCE SOCIETY 'I 'lll-; ITuJeitinneti. tuning; boon apixunt- rd A|C«nta tW Uw above i'utii|> ay art- tak.- ii-L-i :mi gram p. lies) able ia London,
      785 words
    • 1108 4 LEA AND PERRINS ChIEDKAI KO VfORCBSTEUSHIRE BAUGB PKcMUNi BO Vt (M Niil».>lX'iy>, TO HI Till. Or.LV COiD SAUCe \.mi Ai'ri ii im i ra 1 Vi UV VARIETY OF DISH. rat, to kit H un-t*ttr, Af-y,ltW) ii i, 111. I. i .iii.l P.-. tins tint their Sauce is lii.h
      1,108 words
    • 1198 4 CAUTION AGAINT3 COUNTERFEITS. Sone are genuine unless the signature of R. and I bloirn an hottlt <"W *>ufi hot 1,1, ,1 paUmt M, -r> H I I. Pkiiky Snd Co. Bta only to bo eonrakrd at their iwaaanea, No. 10 Beraaai Stm-t Tin; SBBATBSI MinicAi. DIBOOTBBr, (>K TIIK AOI PIEBT*
      1,198 words
    • 1044 4 Maasrs. WHAMPOA AND CO.S A.DTBa\TIsBMKNT. -.HOB"-' Mpsurs. WUAMI'OA St. Co. Imve alw»ys on Sale «n rklenerra aad] eaaiet an■artntral ttjjkt Ibllffwinu goo 1?, leWcted tpeeialr| Iwr Inear Btorea. nIIOLKSALK, HIT\ILV KOI: 1- I" It I ATIoX. anb (T-rotctp. lamyt an mle, Pent .-I tin- dioieed BaTOr < eonpriaing, GranpoiraVr,
      1,044 words
    • 552 4 TARGET if ?W- I 1 1 vs r N K I I I I, 1 CAITRIOCII. LEY'S AMMU i\i ITI 0 N "i il Ml ii almoa i SPORTING OR MILITARY PURPOSED D(M LI U add "in!.., t,.i Kill perior is ir.ii- i 1 Coli'*, A.I ,in.', and i-th.
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 69 4 Till SINGAPOHE JIAILY TIMES •-o the Daily Timca. t > 40 six inontba 23 H llr IJ Raco Blj» CentaaS The Werkly EdiUon of the STRAITS TIMES, will be published every Saturdaj iption to Weekly Tiroea: Half yearl., Quarterly s One month EachCooy Cents 3« m and Su')acriptiorts wil 1
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