The Straits Times, 16 March 1861

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 THE STRAITS TIMES, and singapore journal of commerce. VOL- 17th PUBLISHED EVERT [SATURDAY, 16th MARCH. 1861.1 SATUEDAT EVENING NO- 1029
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  • 860 1 Who buall bk thk nkxt (Jovbusor Gknekal or India Tui* fMiywfW to Lord Pilinemlili hf MM Wka *MM lie lias a stake in the country.'* Ie is jmt in letter published in i>uiiphlet Turin by Longman 4t C<>., London. The writer (MMIMeM by telling the noble
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  • 1394 1 Zanzibar. —Colonel Riitbv, the British ReMoent at Z uzibar. has iatt-ly pu!disbed arepurtoDihe coraioercc, agriculture, elt* mate and goveinwenD ot mat com. ry, nlnch l* sii'iim iriscd as follows b) ihe Friend J India 1 he seat ol Government of these territoties is the island ol Zautbar, snua'ed twenty Or
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  • 778 1 How the Money Gobs. The following Memo published by the Hurkaru, for the benefit of Sir Barnes Peacock and other membi-rs ot Council, may be in'ereslin/ to oir readers who wish to know lv.v the money uoes A friend of ours who lately had some dealings in horseflesh with one
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  • 580 1 --^Olalvcc*. The following is fiom our ow. i correspondent, dated the lOih Mar<h The I) i t h K.i'idali has returned from his visit to Inch-' H>>) J of Tanjong Gilding. The only thing kM< we learn ix. that h wi-iit over tlifi" rnt-re v on a visit. He ■Ws
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  • 413 1 Pinano. The Finang Gazette of the 2nd inst has the following; A case was disposed of at the last Civil Sittings of the Court, which is of some importance in this place, where ambiguously or irregularly worded instruments are common. promissory note was declared upon, which waa payable by monthly
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  • 518 1 E(jb>pka* Pirates i* tub China *ea. —In the month of October last, a vessel sailed from Singapore bound ostensibly for KnafpoM. She took a large supply of arms and aimo'i lition. She was culled the Beatrix. S i- arrived iv Si.iga <ore r>al* ab<><it a month utter her departure, and
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  • 366 1 Thb Public Works department of the North West provinces, has received instruction! from the Secretary to the Government of India, to hold itself in readiness to construct Monuments over the Tombwells of Cawnpore. The designs, for these monuments are now ready. That for the Well near Wheeler's Entrenchment, consists of
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  • 146 1 The necessity of having all orders of Government given to natives in a lantruage read and understood by them, we have frequently pressed upon the attention of the authorities. It i* unfair to expect any man to obey an order unless he understands it. TheGovernmest of India have, we are
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  • 154 1 Monthly Tka:>b Rrrcuxs.—According to the abstract ot reverted svwtkly value of Lnports and Etp.irts, from the 14'h January to tbo 13 Ii Pehm«r« of the present year we perceive tint 'Hi vessel* of all countries mi I rig-«. isjiMrlei good* to the vilue ef 52.-Jfil.lO2. In the •aim P-ri*l khs
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  • 134 1 The B ng<l Htrkiru. in rectifying his error in reporting CtpUiu If-m-i doain, say*:— The following is an explanation of another moit awkward mistake into which we have been led. We shall in iuture believe th .t uo 6 idy is UeaJ uutii he sends us two Rupees 1 ti
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  • 83 1 LlOUr DOLLARS FBOSf TH* BaWKS.— Many people express surprise at receiving light dollars from the banks, as it is well known that only full weight dollars are taken. Their surprise will perhtps lessen when we tell them that the shroffs on the Streets and the subordinates in the banks are
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  • 55 1 O*E INOOVOBUITT THi LIBS. By th* steamer Thunder from Calcutta, we learn that just before her departure a packet waa placed on Board for Pinang, containing the Supplemental Charter of the Straits Supremo Courts of Judicature, making the Registrar's Departments part of the Government Service, and placing the Registrara and
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  • 61 1 It is said that Her Majesty's Government intend fortifying Singapore, and making it the Gibraltar of the Far Bast.' It is to be hoped that the fortifications to be built will be something different from Fort Canning built on the ruined reputation of tackling Engineers. Every Military man of note
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  • 57 1 T*s recent disclosures of the corruption prevailing in the Polios force, baa induced Col. r avenagh, at we are informed, to recommend to the Bengal Government, that the Gambling Farm should again be established in the Straits; and that the revenue realized thereby, be expended in introducing females from China,
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  • 3158 1 Rckoum are afloat that great portion of the property left in trust for Raffles Institution bas been discovered to be in th» possession of one ofth« former trustee! of that Establishment, who took advantage of bis power as trustee to appropriate Urn said proper--.i to bimaelf. I **n It V
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 113 1 ratk» or suncmrrio* Aanullv Sp I>n It H«lf Vesrty i Uu«terlv j Ow Mm- lA ABi««W< .....OaeftciM* ADTEETISEMENT3 Ternx for Advertisements mads known at the office ontracU entered into for long periods st reduced rates. Advertisers moit specify in the copy the nnrnber of ihe insertion* required. el<e all notices
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    • 15 1 AOKNTS Isailaa T. A. Alsjmr Em J asMvt*— Las«e C« 1 CsismtU— Apcai a- C«
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  • 264 2 ViMOHAsntM of Ciimiual cs*es tried at the Ut Se«tiont of O\er and Tiiajiasi in 1861, at Malacca, from the 4th to tbe 11th in*iani. March 4' h. Gah Ah Pong, attempt to commit At '■on, guilty, sentenced to IS moa'hs in Ihe House of Correction. Namshawain, obtaining property under fal*e
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  • 341 2 UXDKB the heading G od News frcn Home," our contemporary tlie Bengal Hur ktiru sajs In tlie»e liard time* when retrenchment and disinis«al from sen c ap, ear to be ihe oider of ihe A-xy. good n-'Ws is n rare thin*. Government Cl«rk-> at d >ihe>s will ao doubt be
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  • 241 2 CHANOIM U THB Cot'HTS "I Jt'DICATUUK.—Under the su|ipleiueiit.<l charter <d the Courts of Judc.tuie. to Which we xllmied fsiaTilay, we a c informed, that the lle^istras »re 1 ceive Rii|i^eK 1,000 per 11 Oii'h h the S-nior Mum ('leik* 500 UupecS per uioiill eCn, the Junior "nwoiii Cle>ks '200 Kupet-K
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  • 150 2 The Suruffs. 1 h<« *ti oils belong to that rapacious rflasj ot the u»i.u« hniio, w bo live l»j preying on their f. llo»«s. They will not reevtve dollars tliou.b lull w-ii^ln, except Ht aln-avy ili». omit piuvuleii they b<vs imi -n •li '[ipeil or stauiped wi h Chin-xe c
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  • 162 2 Wa are intonued -li..t h L ul Engineer ha* made a piop.isil <n the .Vlu',i<-i|>ul (Join mi*"<oners to <hrowa Lattice Girder lind.e over the &iui:apore Uiver at the foot ol li nham Street. This Hnd±{e i* to be <•( Taot* p* fii>< >vtHjd, 25 teet in width and snppoiird on
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  • 224 2 The Iii 11 1.1 pin kj.— The Phillipinea, notwithstann'ing the ro*trictive policy < f the Spaniard*, continue to progrevs. From the Iharo Manila, as translated h\ the Overland Reqitter. we learn, while in 1850 the expenditure exceeded the incone by £15.368,18.31. in 1860 the revenue exceeded the expenditure !>y
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  • 143 2 Thk Police.— We hope to he able to treat our reader* to a copy of the proceed, in** in the Ute Police case, in a few -lav- 1 We Imve to suknowledge with >h-r k the receipt »f th" foHowinsj Circulir <% The undersigned ha« the honor 10 inform the
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  • 109 2 X\ E are lin!>pv to bp »n|e 10 nnnnunce that the Sinmpnr* Rac«-n for 1861. hive, hrouirh th« bumaiii'v of the *t«-wnrd« "f tbe Uac-riub. b»en postponed "ill the 9th I lib and 13th |>r..ximo. We think 'lie st «ard* are etritled tnnur cnmmenda'inns for the inHnls of the. Ifiimiiip
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  • 92 2 A TI»lf 1! MiuT. -The eirvl ye< in GoiprnniHiit .•ffi.-.- irrin*, <-l«ni"i"ti» for a half holiday «»v iatarsV*. The Merchft* ln»e itivon iheir '-leil;* this indill'.'Pinv, and we are a««nred b\ t'iPil', 'hot their work aracta»*Ni j"i*t <* f«-r--m»rlv. We t lit' k that ihi* euhjeci h<* oidy to
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  • 100 2 TnE «hioU of an eirthqu ike was *li>;hrly felt at Sinm on the eveuinor of the 16 h till, about a quarter to ei.'br. About the s-nn-' time the water in the tnnk< in B tiu'»l ro*e *ud lenlv two, and iv *ome in*t«<ic>M thee feet. It; i< stated that
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  • 83 2 We regret t > Imvn 10 anno>iuc<» Hip |s> tal I is* of the IWni'ii schooner Willy, on a \oy:ie- from Koig >.iot to Siiuatiore, nbont 8-5 miles south \\-*t of Pulo Dannnr, on tb- l*t in-tt. Tlih i'»i>taiu <-r- w and »otne native p.iss»*nL'erM then tnok to the
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  • 65 2 Tk-t«bi:at we published Mr. laassa/a Minute on the MaN-.a land Hill, lie appears to think had the Strait* Au rhoriti-N exert'd their rijjhl of ditimstin; of the MaUca lai.<l>, comnrised in the L'rmt* redeemed by (Jovernor Kullerlon in tee wimple, immedi >tel> nft-r that iedemp'i'>n, the ilitfi tilly as
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  • 82 2 Friday* Oovernmrnt (lazrtte publishes an account of ihe leceiptr. mill disburse. men's Inr 'he year 1860. Out of the sum ot SI 1.32-2.391 receive.', (mm the (}ov tr ninet.t and the Municipal Co.nmssi tiers on acconi.t of the- lone, we find t ha' 5 9.195.051 were expended on the regular
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  • 75 2 It will be seen fiom las Minute of our late Governor, RiUlid. 11, that he entertain. Ed sawn Bound id<us on ihe In si mode „f dealing with ti.e. Malacca la d*. F-w gaVfl Mr. iilunde'l credit for the clear and comprehensive, view of ibis qtu ntion taken b) him,
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  • 77 2 A Cißcri.An i«»U'") from the Office of the P. &O. Company inform* as, that in tuture ibe steamers from B tnbay, Galle and rfaaatf, will e-'ter New Ifaihsjm ihiai. instead of going roui.d by the It IU s" light. This will enable <he Gharee waUln to fleece the P.i*aeugerK. a«
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  • 136 2 Wi beg to acknowledge tbe courtesy of II U. the Governor, in forwarding us i-opies of the minutes ol proceedings in the Legmlutive Onuncil of Bangui on the Malacca La .d Hdl. and other Mator* not nnnie li»telv iirt'ciog the 6 raits Senlem-ntH. We I'HVe air- Htly publixheil iheSM ininut'i*,
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  • 88 2 F I*M- By the Siiuie>e Ste>im.r Chow Phya. Shannon, commander, arrived on the 13th, we have news troin Slam up to the bill instant. Tlie great in. ident ol th month in Uanukok ha« heen the sVasaar of the female white Elephant. It wan aupp>*ed that her recent j.turiiev from
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  • 67 2 A TiuKit Cacout. Some Titter pittinker* resitliiiK in the P»oh Lebar district have succeed' d in trapping an immense Tiger. The brute will be brought ktfa to«n in a day or two. We never hear of the patty of comict« who ate supposed to be out liver hunting making a
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  • 60 2 Wi observe 'hat tho.'gh the Town H,.t| hns leen tooted in. th'-re are no spouts put up for c*rrvinir af ihe water, which tails r-m tl c almost flat roof, on the unplasteu d will, ni tea'« (.way the u.oitar;- Am doiiw the buildinif more injury ia a Me. k
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  • 38 2 Thk Ilwujhly is to bf repaired before sl;e proceeds tn Malaccn. We believe it m <frtain that she is to he sold. The Imli .11 N»\y ha* ceaxd 10 exint. It is now 11. Ms Uoyal Inli.ll X,iv.
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  • 34 2 H. 11. the G.». rnor and Suite, arrto*] li.reon WvaWfafaj t by the Ilooghfy, and Irtinleil v,, f r the usual salute. On landing he »ms received with due hours by tbe local ditnnta>ie*.
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  • 35 2 Tut sjaaMMl tain wnich has illumed Bhmwuubj tor ile lust uontb is a pmskivsj godsend ti the Muiiical Cninnits^ioners. as it i" an unaii*"e<able t xcus- tor the 1111- ns-alde Mute <•( BMUri ol the nads.
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  • 24 2 lir a reien' H<b.te in thr LVfialsjtivt r,.ini'il of-H-nijal. Sir Hidoud Koitui Mct'«u«land wn*fi|..keii ''t by Mr. Sconce, as the late livmdrr of .Ifuliicra
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  • 1473 2 Advirtiskmknt. Toth« Kdit r <>r thk Daily Timr«. Sir,— You will bl'ge me by giving insertion to 'lie fiHi.wing cor.c-p 'udfnce, in your a ivertisinj cclmni-s. Y. ut« truly, J BCOTT, M. D. Siuga|<orr, 12ih March, I*M. bin^ai ore, 4 h Ifarak, )B'l. Mr Druu Dr. Little.— lt
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  • 3377 3 IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. ThIBSIUV. Thß 7TH MaKCR. From M<l «cea, by the MrMMM MM, MM Jowrc [M pis tin, 70,000 il tilos, 20 pit sa^o flour, lo Mien* T. c. r nun CaMMCta, by t c Hiitiih larque Indian Qu,tn, 3 000 gunnies, 80 i N
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  • 1395 3 AN INDUS' VJKWOF THE CAXA. 11AN EXTRAPITIUN CASK. (Fintn the liarkaiu) T F 7. xTuriii. nme n < hiimlh, which when the Mfil utlle Ibib of JauuHry lefl ww nc.iin K <« r u-li .ci't-un «i Ijoinr, raiuM a very irmitrl.xi.l.--,,ii-k|cii of iniernatiiJiial i»w .ml i.f
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  • 1316 3 (from the Uomhay Gazette J Another unmirce-nful attempt h*» b-en mruie to curtail tlie tibeity of tin- preM. The fact* nf the ca«e «p(>«<tr to be tliese A i l res irciable |>er»in, an attorn clerk, tnkin^i hi> interest in the V. luntrer Mii'iirn:, took the
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  • 487 3 Feb. 6 Americ.n ship, George Lee, 647, Bei.t Hoogk. ug Sisines' ahip, Swordnsh, 600, Wil MMM, Houykou 7, Am rican Urque, C. K. Til ton, 449, Briar*. H- u^koiiK 8, Jir.ti-h barque Neibudda, 4U'I. Fuwler. Hitniuay; Siaiiirst b.iqu--1 on Duke, 300 MMBMMM| 10, Portuguese ship, I'Hinell.i, 07".
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  • 45 3 BIkTHS. At Transit Lo.!ge, on the 12th intt., the wife of Ch plain C. Lai';, of h Son. Uo the J lib inn the wile of H. F H.Sewell E-q l.itu'. u.nt and Adjutant U. M. 40th Kegt. M. N. 1. of a >.
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  • 291 3 ARRIVALS. Mar. Hamb. bri.. Ciibo, too ton*. Ha. mariN, commauder, Hamburg 13t d .yt, coniitfnree, R. .SclituiJt it co. lO— British barque Prince Re^»nt. it* tout, In^r.iin, commander, Anvy 85th F. by., oonßigneaa, Leak and Cftinj? -*eng. lintish Imqut M. Howm. 414 ton«. Humph' ey», commander, Ainoy J6th
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  • 86 3 Mar. B—British8 British btrque Kdtrard MirquarJ, bluerii, ll'in^KiiOK- •< Urltistl ■hip CsMMHMj MnKhall, Bailv Atopaum. UritUh barque Annie, 8. Kobintoa,^pK)t. British sclmr. &ll>atrost, Milnat, MsWWlMfta Hntisli Bliip Ken»in(:ton t Loftu*. MMJJMi iJiiuah lurque Cador llui, Sultau Ls«, N '^apnlain JJ».ulj brig Alwin*. Omiaburg, ImiM. 12— l^iucli ship F*t;»l
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  • 126 3 Ifjllfrcvfi Pilll aid Oi'«'«<«r. 'V> isuinptiou Praveate<l ImmmMMs, nod fever are now prevnilnij; with uuusual aeventy though easily cured At tirst, whan neglected they frequently MMMM seriois diaases, ..f which the chief mid MMM f't'l is co isumntion. If *****-.w < Hills be resort :d to ud the first
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  • 555 3 Tom AOIHTt. D>«TIIIATIon. IMM Hio. CAfTAIKI. B. M. nclr. •'iMi-i-n 11. M. »tmr 'logbly H I.\l S «h>i Jap ii Rr'ti*li buk 'm a Am«*r. b-tr'-lClmmpi'tn itiitiih b<rk Prmreii R.>y» OKI. seli'ir j\. i.ermann Span. bi tt Tieni|H. -ti ii ixh bur i K. Jackiun
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 745 4 THI SIKBAPOUE DAILY TIMES Subscription 'to Uha Daily Ti e Jv Tor one year '"I? M six month* mm three ""ifi a* K*cb Copy- nU Tht W««kUr Edition of th« g l TTMXS will be published «wy Saturday jJbSription to tha Weekly Tim... Annually *T ■alfyMrt* j Quarterly One month
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    • 838 4 PENINSULAR AND ORI- I > NTAL. STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Offictt Battery Road,— Singapore. OUTWARD MAILS. Om of the Peoinsular and Oriental Steam Narration Company* Steam Ship*, with the English Mart, of Feb. 10th. i»y be •xpeeied at SiniMpore r<m«« to Hongkong en or tboui the 15th March. HOMEWARD MaILS. O»I
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    • 784 4 NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, FOR FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCES AT HOME AND ABROAD. ESTABLISED IN 1836.- INCORPORATED BY SPECIAL ACT OF PARLIAMENT. CAPITAL £1.259 760. THI Twenty-fourth Annual Meeting of this Company wm held on the Bth iusUut, and the following ia a th..rt abstract of the transactions of the rear
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    • 1113 4 Mewn.. WHAMPOA AND COS ADVERTISEMENT. ■WWi jtfleißrt. WHAMPOA Co. have always on Sale an extensive and choice anvortraent of the following goods, selected specially for tueir Stores. WUOU.SAI.Ii, KKTAIL FOR EXPOBTATION. Cta* and (Grocers. A I way* on salf. Teat cf th<- choicest fla yors comprising, <-»unpowder, Pekoe, Hy-c.n Souchong,
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    • 913 4 NOTICE. IN connexion with Uevn. ChaM-bs ShaW and Co. ol Liverpool and London, we this day eminence buniucw in Singapore,— too partner* being CHABLEh SHAW, London. Tuomas KiswouTHT SHAW, HrerpooL Edwaso Walker. Singapore. SHAW, WALKER CO. Singapore, lit March, 1861. 2m.l*« DRY DOCK. THE PATENT SLIP DOCK COMPANY. BEG to
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    • 976 4 PHOTOGRAPHY. MR. T. HER!TAGE. Photoyr.phc ffc, London) beg. to inform U.V» P h.Uta,S Singapore that h,. Plll*»|,|, r K>llu N N Queen Street) will be opened on Monday Instant, and will continue ope n to the Pulili Um^r, w«dne«H.y. Hi Km. „,.1 cTu.".;? l^ur«l.,y k n d Saturday, for /ViWe
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