The Straits Times, 24 December 1859

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 338 1 !.!> I "I Mill' LKS i-nii OF TTLE A CO, RK. outfitting 9ts*rtmnU ■■I--, n it» t mad* ilota. O!T.ce; trial; far r for Tr msmtraff an. i plain I ' ill. an 1 ig Linen Klan- k an I White in, and Uciikil aid Al a tk, aa'l eoloarrd,
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    • 847 1 NOTICE CU^I3KTJiI2 T&OM.HU iZE. ;li:.MUY firet .Vitas llul he haj aMkrl rtiawn from the iirin lately oirrung on Tr.vle and i.usin -ss u -.uer Itic si\U ol LirrLl, CumitTiKK Jt a ,t he hat Uu «a] ettahMilMd ln.n« If at Gneral Deafer, «:(jinmi<«K.n Agent ami Au !io ieer Malar th«
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    • 934 1 The flcrticine ol the Million 1-lIIt i-OPHY AMD TACT. HOLLO WATS" PILLS. The £xcltins Cause of sickness I ho h'.o .-1 is th<; lile-Mnuinin«; agent. It fur-nis'i.-s 'he rotiipunenti of ftVj'i, bone, muscle, n.-rve, aad iiitcguin.-iH. Thextoin irh is it-t minufi I. iry, tii v.-ins Its listrihnlora.I ist r ihnlora.
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    • 967 1 lo Such II ortl :ts Fail. A RESISTLESS REMEDY. nOLLOffAVToiXTMEXT. Circular to tbe sickThe first hospital iur^*on< nnd rae-iicnl pabHeists of Earape, ml nit t'le unnnr.illek* 1 anii-in-fUtnmitory and hsaliiiK properties uf IBM Ointment gorernm.-ntasiDct its aw ia th ir n^r.-vl And military services and the ni'W in this
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    • 820 1 PcaisuJar and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Offices, Battery Hand, Singapore. MAXX. i <M LIMBS. "^l OUTWARD MAILS. Osi: ol the Peninsular anJ Oriental Ste*m Ifaruatwn Cma|>any'i Strara Ship*, witli tin- K-^lish Mai'a* of November 26'h, m..y be rxp.-eed at Sing* pore en route to llou^koiiK on <>r IM i
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    • 978 1 !l.o«4o«-l ,\l«>r* ".ti.Bal^riA Oiteutii KEATING'S COUCH LOZENGESpoII half j rntury tb.s well-known remedy for Pul diTOrJfrshis iucc<>..fulljr .tood tat t«l g( public mipror.l, an I their u-efulnriV hat beta •xttodrd to \vr>« and country of the civilued world. Tb»T ■ajr be found allkton the (oM-Atldt of America, In trery
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  • 91 2 NNOAFOaE: SAIL'KDAY, Mti DEC, 1859. Wk announce the arrival of the lollowi g passengers Dec 21 f>«r ( Sing pore, Mr. Dut:\l to Mr. Morrison ;Xn Scnrhampton, Menrs Ni-.vhy, Green, >in,| aon, an! Jurett. Wk announce tha departure of the following passengers Pec 2:!. |>er flangrr, tn
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  • 41 2 BY THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. Hat.ivia, Dec. 22, 18 i). Intelligence has hern received of the complete success of the Boni expedition, after a sharp cmitest. The s earner Rahinna from Singapore has arrived, with Mr. Gordon and tlie Bishop of Labuan.
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  • 118 2 To- mo into w will uk Christmas hay. and, in example of old custom, we wi-liour readeitia happy Xums, leaving in sto.e those frratulatinns iu-cidi-ii'al to the new year. Monday !i \f by univrisal consent an irre»istih!e power —hi* beta set aside for a holiday, a general and universal holid
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  • 37 2 At n meeting ot tlie members of the tingas Tf Bsßbaaejej lield oc Tmm lay ir vr.ts iinariimoiisly agreed th it Monday, tlie r 1 1 instant, and Monday, the 2nd. proximo, be kept as public Holidaxs.
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  • 28 2 Tiik French War Steamer Phh-gi'tmi arrived h re on Sunday last with despatches from the Admiral ut Saigon, Coctrn China, for transmission by the Mail steamer to Europe.
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  • 11 2 H. .M.'s 4 till ami Gt>tli Retriinents are ordered to ('him.
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  • 50 2 \v India* Milifarv journal state* thai Her MaJeatyV 'J7tii, Ure\ <K)tli, <>7tli, and ()!Uli Regiments, ami the l-r ai.d 3nl. Benpil fcarupeaae, will pro- <•<••'() t> riiina. 'I'll'- sane journal Mjr< tli it the dttnil of Civaliy uill be be tin nUlifil liy France, and will lie limited to I,<MK>
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  • 49 2 Tin: fruMulx Brip^clier McLpikl. lately in mttiniand in the Strait-, will be :Ji'l to If.uM that he has ooMi appointed to laeceej Kiicadin- HewftMin in the I'liimuaiid uf the TVwiot at St. Purl St. Oeorn. Madias. Colonel Ki>lier, now ciitninanilin^ the lal I'li-iliiis, will MMeeed lirigadicr McLeed at .laulnali.
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  • 137 2 A Wo no in Skason. —We are triad to peicetve that our auimadversinis on the su'iject of the filthy slate of the Streets has had some effect on the contractor. The drains we believe, in vaiious quarters ot town are being poked into, and emptied of their contents. The question,
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  • 164 2 At the adjourned Inquest which sat on Monday last, the I9U| instant, upon the body of the Convict found niur dercd on Government Hill, on Sunday n-ceU, the jury returned "a verdict of Wilful mind' r against thra other Convicts.'' who were employed, as fellow cerv.uits with the deceased, at
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  • 94 2 Cochin China. By the French War steamer Phtegetnn accounts have been received from Saigon to the 14th iustiint. Admiral Page had arrived, a few days p ior f-» the latter date, with several vessels. French ami Spa isli, containing Troops of both nations, for the purpose of extending the French
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  • 189 2 China.— The Mail Steamer Ganges, from Hongkong the lht\i in«tant, arrived at Singapore last on Wednesday The Mail steamer PeLin did not reach Hongkong until the 14th instant, having been twelve days 01 the passage up. We have rec?ived little news by this opportunity. The clipper ship < hie ft
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  • 419 2 Thk Baivviv Hasoki>bi.\i>. We recently took aeaaai Mto notice an article which appeared in tin* Batavia Haiutelsh'nd, putting forth so ne sidy remarks which our contemporary was pleased t.» d'-siijiiati' BngtUa. grewlinjj in tin- East.'' Our remarks have c tiled forth a vulgar diatiibe I'rmi the same journal with which
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  • 307 2 Atißi Horticultural So^ir-tv. VVc are li-ippy to state tlint the above institution Ins pen tonncd under most favorable auspice-i. sucli as t<> promise eventual success. A very eligible site for the Botanical gardens has been secured, through the aid of tbe executive author ties, namely, nearly sixty aces of ground
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  • 193 2 We regret to learn that glanders lias made its appearance again among the horses; and considering the frightful extent uf the disease at the oMiiiti'Miceincnt of the current year, we derm it necessary to caution own crs of horses and ponies to take all possible means to prevent the spreading
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  • 434 2 On Saturday l,«*t tbe Annual Exaui v itini of the Sinirtpore Institution Schools took plane in t h> ii-escice of H. B. <»->vernor ami the Hon'b|,> Mrs. Cavanaghi the Patron and Patroness of i he Hoy>' and Girls' Se tools respectively. AaMOjg tbi: r'rieods of Educ ic.iti >n pie>ent were
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  • 463 2 Sim. vpohk Institution Schools. —The ainmtl public examination of these Schools took place on Saturday last, in c of a considerable audience, among whom we observed His HoTior the (iov. rnor and Mrs Cave nagh, Captain Rum, A. I). C\, Mon Captain Man, Rev. Mr. Smyth, Rev. Air. Fiuser
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  • 457 2 Thk Pouch is tiik Sr»Airs. \\> lean aritll ple«eare that, at the instance of His Honor the Governor, tlie Police force is not merely to be organized on a similar plan,' but that the higher appointments, even up to the post of Commissioner of Police, will be opi'ii to tlte
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 520 2 the SINBAFORt: DAILY TIMES •ion to th* Daily Times. Tor one jr«i six months 23 \i XachCopj- Cents 23 Weekly Edition of the STB AITS IMES. will be published every SaturdaT afternoon. on to the Weekly Tin.Mi 5 Q Half T*i»Tly Quarterly One month Each Copy Cents 38 Advertisements and
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    • 799 2 NORTHERN AB3URANC COMPANY, KiR FIB! AND LIFE ABSUEAKCI9 AT lIOMK AND ABROAD. LBLItBB IN 18S8-IN('OKI'O;iATKi> BT M'KCIAL ACT OF I'AKIJ AMI N I CAPITAL- £1.259 760. £190,000 DIBFCTOIS IN LONI.n.N. VUHaSS Miller. K«q., M. T. (JeuigeG. Andeison, Knq., The Ki^lit Bon. Lord Irnest Bnice, M. r Thorn N. Farqubar, Eaq.
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    • 46 2 FOR BREMEN 'I'llE fine A. I. Hiitnbnrß ship 1 y iroil\ K, Vo)len«o. M:i»yQA, t<-r. tH2 Tons Register ha«»ery »u--~£~-'~T-r pcrior Hoo>minodatioii £a_. Psusengcr-, ;.iid «ri lo.ivf on or abos^^e I-'mli Deremb* r. For pntnage apply j^ar BKHN, MIiYEK A Co. Sincpore. 1 4th November 1859.
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  • 164 3 iri-tiib'itio" of the higher rill niter and cutitiuu .me worthy and hon>>- .i n. nepotism, an I ..ther groundi of preference must European member «»f be impressed with the pt»n--t the honorable and wel!- it of imnissioner 'm to he seeuif.lonly by h The enioluments --inner, a thousand rti- in,
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  • 297 3 I\i-)ki TmnKoh H«n.t.\Ni>.— \e hi vaniMH occasion"* made tlie I ll.ill.tinl. strictly speakiii!:. iii:»mitdeture* of her own. an. l isititm on fiat ;iec mnt i» • of a br»kt-r. «r HMral •i|.> agMat. Htlluil liavinj; I »xt her f\tortii»n, ahiMt art-ntiiry le tiling piwitio i in th<* [iiir'«<r
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  • 710 3 MhIKOROI.'iGY AMI THK RmKST &AUU TtJI Km.USH CmANMBL. Ii b I'Misidf ml liy men ttH&Ht* that if the laws of meteorol >^v wen* properly -t'i<lii'd l»y those wlin have dir>,t i-itetvst in aWagMly the disastrous ttheu of p.ilcs at si**., iii tin* «'.iy tt Mfwntk* and 10-.s of lift-, ttiifrlil
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  • 1434 3 Sunk Inii kkki iion in thk I'm tki» Sr\ir.>. —The iiiiiirifi-ti >n that li i> ii^t t ik'-ii jilkv antoagst the ii'^im s iff S.,ut!i Cuolin i, tin; United States, i> ii it the beginning <>( a teriei <>( MagiUitarf iHttbretk*, ■vfcich will nut terminate kill •layer* h iitt.'ily amiiliil
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  • 141 3 U r e are indebU'd to the (vmrtesy of the Resident t ouncillor at Malacca f.>r the subjoined abstract of the number of vessels which passed the Floating Light dtiriiifj the past month: J: St ■•mcr Ship Bark j Cri< Schnr. Junk in <>ut in out in outj in out
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  • 4763 3 Local. MUNICIPAL COMMISSIONERS. (Jknkkai. Mkkum.. Singavore. Dtc-mber 9/A, IHSP. Puksknt.— Tli.- H'nSle Captain H. Man, Preaiieat, T. Uurnmn, Esq., W. Macttlkraart, Ei«q., J. Moo^er, Ei»q., H. M. Simons, Enquire. A letter ":i<» real from a firm in Pinane, r'frn'H'iiiif the Secretary to return receipte.l bill«. f.r hatfJMl >lue on
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  • 723 4 Lurr »h.>-t cn'i'n'd five aaaaoaa Ta*j aaaatyaaod tt oaaj«^a.'eharg. id with mu'di-r, «er.- r<-inoti-li'.l 11 1 il r.n»ti.v. A Many, charged with bvin- 1 I a«aa keo| er, 1111 I threr aMlfra, c!i-ir^i-.l ith fraaab'iag tberein, wore rairi-ni'd and di*.liHr_-, A RbiiMaMM, ohati{.! a-itbi afoortaia awai-a, •aa eomaaittrd
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  • 816 4 I'KPI'ER v, \U';r.vrtD. to Tn* sr>iToß or m;: nnr,T rt«sa. Dt.iß SlK,— I be; t> tr.i-.l- v.i w.'.h (aw w.irl". ti <X|ir>»» my <l-e;> (r>ioer:i al Baviaf rear R-v eemaaaaaaat »f I i- r -k t m »np'ir' nity M impute to me in -tiv, «hi I ua nf
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  • 152 4 T> TKI. I'UITOKOF rir« !"ISO vPOKE TI«K8. I)i:mi Sm, I d-i not aapuoto that any of v vii remit i- t'xp.-c me t> reply to" P«*p pi'i-'s," 1 i-t. W'lumi n man ci.'s peeeaTi' .tndi .nl. >-«■■' ti.t ha li:i4 written in i^n ra:..'*', UOthflljf mire renciili*
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  • 749 4 r> riii: KLuroic up tub "oailv" ami dj WEEKLY TIMES iiSUAriillE. Siu, -WIIII yo r a pr biti.jii 1 l>og to j<<*i tli<* I' .I vui^ I iii-- far itinerl ion ;iI bo olosiiii; paaaajajaa yn I'hiiafmaa daj ol \<iiir raluabU papf, wliien, 1 oinci. ii, ms>y
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  • 192 4 drums. —UU Excellency th* Lieutenantr»l, c i.iiiu.idi-r of the 2ii It ,ni m \|ie! iida, arrtred al .ilar.i.ttar on th.- 3-J 1. tu 1, an I nexi .'ay aaaaiaard i-.iiitnani of the IMOJI aa I tba of tli.? politic il transaetiona. Oa the 3rd alii wo, aTivwi at
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  • 895 4 Municipal Commissioners. At 1* Meeting of th* Mv "Vpil ComniUuiotirr*, baU on -h- 12'h Daawaker. 1859. Pmen' Kon'hV Pnpitta Tf H|l%l 'I. Chairman Iht N'eu l .!onii--r, A. l>e Win I «l C. E'»n«. E*i.i'rp« Th» aen'iUMtn of tlm p^'t mi:ith examined an.l p^i>»l. The oviT-^rowh oC junjl- on
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  • Singapore Shipping.
    • 415 4 Dec. 17- Rremon baraae Ri.-luird C.)b ton, Falibaarn, Swup, l)ec*7 car^o, ■tajorai, Dutch »clii)iier Kirn Song Wat, Nakodah, P.ilL-.ubanj;, Dec. 4 cargo, ft iiulrie*. llntisli barqiio Gii-am, lloudcrgon, Sia 11, I) ii ci'^o, Mtodriea. 18 -tntiah b«rq<M Boaatta, VfilbanM, Paaaaar, \)rc 1 1 cargo, gaaamL "—H. I. VI 1
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    • 433 4 11. <; .'.,,,t Ii wli eh ie't thi< In' wmk tm th-3 nonbamh I. fht H..M-. MM C 1 ;> IM t) U-vr tip I I ti- i"". •here arrlMd in flaaihj km. Ilu 1> ii ,t.-:aiit. aariag hia al amkirataai I t the 1.-ht ll..u><>, but *•»<
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  • 528 4 N"» V V,.v IL rov firr»iV«. SSMWW. R. M lehnr. paraer-o 2&1 W.9tantnn, Bm ''<*■" M IM S. V |>hv 60| \foni P i- ir l Aim r. «tmr. >» Laaii I*Y> Hitman W I V:mr. ip CtffltM 119^ Mo.cs I -r. ship M..«i->n tjo r;
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  • 40 4 Natioh Ik Rio. Vtucu' Xjkii. Ton» Cirms 1 I s Rii'Mi hivji Fi=ig of Truce ITi'M-iy W». Boottiawood« A Co. H Prusg. ship Ferd. Nies »iColef Hehii, Meya ft < Humb. bark Kit-hard 182 Hrcinen 1 itto
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