The Straits Times, 18 September 1858

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 26 1 N'.l. i Urn. e torts liar- I Mif.r pins l«a>:U i u., t< i-. in IK U U ft I 1. 11, l»f f>tttittm| Dfiiarimrnt. LU.
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    • 743 1 NOTICE cntB»:Tj:sraoMU(j z*:. HI 111 I.V Kivr, N.ili.r 11,,| 1,,, (Ir-iwii tr..rn 'hf iirm lat<|y irtvin* nn liaile aad l.iitn.e«» uii'ier tin- «ijl«- »l i a,ae r«ata Jt i ..I i^ baa tin-, tfa] aatoMaahad liuim. II t% litawal ht-4|rr, i ajaaajßieaiaa Xk*""l aaal aaeaiaaHMf 'imler tlie rtfti at, «:i
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    • 878 1 The fifliri ip *"jf? ruin »,t rim „rai a«u —-lUO HOLLO A/A\T5 PJLVI T Exciting Cau .c of Si:kn «a. I i-. fir- t. f fl «i. l» -n n- r»..- a i i i t- m inafi < i 'i<tn'> ii. .m 4i,l ur- > utr I I- -i,
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    • 1037 1 Mm Such Word tin #V#i/. A RESISTLESS REMEDY. :lIOLLOIVtVn,I\T»IE\T. CIRCtTLAH T") T3E SfJK. The fir<t h.«p nl ll p'l 1 Keiata '.f Eurv.-, „i ,h -mlaaaar«aary and l i»wiiin» p<> >-r \-i f iiiU -it- t« < n .n 't< 'l* -i th If »n I mili'.rv aarvteiai ika ai%-aaa
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    • 901 1 i'O UGMPOSIIOfIS nfiMfKO 'ir tit) .1 .Lid S.ei 'y Workv fl,^ ttr^U* Ti -n't OB'" P WS sOCM J<iE.MrAu 3f t A A NV/ICATIDN_CO!«'ANY. Ti ..f rail njiTt I. th-Ovr-r. la 1 1 It I'it fro v Jiti. Ciim. an 1 tlic B rim m r.-< >•• 1 r I■l
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    • 784 1 KEATINC'S COUCH LOZENCES- CKRTAI KKMKDT f r tii Ptttmon tt of ivathiag] ia aVJaaoaaey of Ph cjen vn Incip.Tit Contxmption [af which t'oa ik "t pn.iti.f i .dication), tuey n^ erri',; ,-fB iov. nn I ihei k'i > vi Up t'ul, they »re (tm f->n er.-r. teri.>m 11;r lif.n n
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  • 161 2 STRAITS TIMES SINGAPORE: SATURDAY, SEPT, 18,1858 We bate lo announce ihe arrival of the foil >rtin^ B»«»iiB« > r»: 13 f t Malaaar, from Bombay for Singsfwwt, Mr. and Mrs. Loann, alsssn. L)eL«cradi>t, and Carlj be Bongkoug, Mr. sad Mrs Tamat, BaMga KisMi-ii, Mavars. Charroll, Forrot, Walsh ami \i Dlan,
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  • 40 2 TMBM AGAIN. —On Kridav |jst a Chinese named Wei ah Moon, was earriod .|T b] a Tiger -it 800-koo-kuag. The holy brought inio iown the same evening. Bud alter bring namined by Hi,- Coroner w.i- ordered lo be buried.
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  • 40 2 \V»; re^rd l \in ihal mmH pox connues to r.i^'c paitnulaily in the rur.d districts, and the suburbs nf the town. At Boehore moay recruj cases have occurred, and in Mm L'ampong Uam district men than lilty rases ire reported.
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  • 32 2 Thk Borneo Company*! steamer Sir James Broole," Captain Skinner, will Ivave tins ..t o'tlork on this evening, hound io it sjgiok imihi. oad will run regularl} between Ihis and liie above pott.
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  • 44 2 Tali 11. C steam ship Fire Queen, Captam Barnaul laded no Thursday sfleniooii, at 1 o'emefc, bound to Gakufta; she will louew at Pmaug swd I' Blaii (Andamans), About sixty se.iiiitu, l« unlei rs for Mm Kara! BriKJJ I.1'. proceeded m her Sun tins
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  • 53 2 1 hi. V- O. l.'i«. >. S. .\»bi'i on her .iown Iroin Cal. ii'..'.i lv Sun, brs4e her inteiuieoiaie shall, wiuisioll UaUcj she maua^i-d tv |jel mVi Gaile, aud tranship- |.< 1 Ift ps»senj{er< me I' A it which *ess. lor "un mmmwmmly. Imi o. V. h'h> l^d \<t<- C
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  • 43 2 Thk S. v .1 •!•>') -i vi, bound from Suez lo (ialle. with the Auslrilian malt, oi board, htoko her shall, on the <.<>)*t>'. and on her arrnai at ilie she uiiiiieliiitely went lv liit.coinih'". t<>r lie neces>ar* rwpoaTa to be do;ie lo her.
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  • 46 2 O\ Wedin s.l.y. the Islh instant, no le«S, than euhlr.n owneri and syci-1 ol hack pJbmfuisM *ere s.verally lined dolUis ten lor retviamg io hire oit their Mmm< Ihe general Mnle ol 111.' iiackiuy UlliagjHJ is not Kiel] wlasl hmf, m Hie betel sikli lieoy mukts.
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  • 45 2 1 111. irad hid] of a Chinaman (name unknown), •••> amtoterod .'t o'dnel on |"u.«!.y F*«HSng, in mmmj posture. an i heap oi st«nei near < oleman'i Bridge shero were no masks of violence oa Mm body, an I it wu> in a rerj rmarialod con I.lion.
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  • 68 2 PmsJiCV.- -We hate !> en Mormcd tint, made Mm KavVwmg I'atemenl lo Mr. lanes on basord IheUosi h»al v«'./--oam»r»; Ihal an lui-sday lost Mm smd Chi--1,1111.111 rtith thtce mm, saissd mthe morn ing. in a Chun-si- SaOMMn, and when sjfl I'ulo t'l-in, th.-y were aHacked fey aigM CS) Malays
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  • 48 2 h Chine ni raptmrd l>y the Marim Police, on Krid.iy last, Steoting some sa^o out of a I oukoug, and HUStniCd to six tnonlliS hard Uh.iiir in the II .ur- ol Correction. It is not often that Mm Moves alloat [all him Mm chstchei of the I'ol-.ce.
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  • 61 2 TwoKling*, named Lebby Toaibj .«ml Sultita, were brought u|> before tbe Mujriatrute on Saturday laot, the lltli instant, by Mr. 1.(). tniiic, Acting Secretary to the Municipal Uominis> Monensi ami charged with offering fot •ale aoujM ti'til net, part of the cargo <>f tbe burnt ateamer M. Lmtit.— Tlw Magintrate
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  • 80 2 Wk haM heen f.noured with the tolowing by an an oirtrer e4 the I*. «Jt < ).(*«">. S. V. \iul'il"ir, whirh vesoH ■rrtted hero on Sund.iy list, from Bombay. The 11. ilcsmrr Auckland, from dlniiu bound i 1 1 Itomliiy was ni Galle, bating sprung I leak on her port
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  • 73 2 Wk ire ind.-lilid lo r.ipt.un N'trris. of the ship J{i/r;>a/i. (or NeiSnU (N''W Zeiaiid) papers tv the middle nf July, which the colon; was in .i moatptOSpeioii; condition. Some of the ii.iliu" Irihes •era engaged in Feuds, and Urge i]inuii-tu-s «f liiiislvels, |i.-.yoin|s, and o.h.i warlike m.ilcri.ils had hetu
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  • 51 2 A Utter roerived by the last M til menlions that al the K.isi loom lloii-o they were prepoimg for the adjustment of tin- estaMi»btneht, KCOrding lo Hi.- priivisi.ins id Ihe ad rerenlly passod, Fome id ihe iMer servant*, ol the ('..iii|i..',y, on the 11-'im* establishment intended to accept their retiring
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  • 45 2 Wk havi anotlicr sjetimeu of Ihe hi ir,,rs of the conly !<- 111 llu- Ylllprtllor .HI American ship, which left Swttow with 380 Chinese on lioard <>t whom 12? died on the pmujr. uot»ilh»lm)ding the orcumaianee el tin- s|,ij,; an cuclltl.t assagc lv ll.ivaiiah.
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  • 167 2 A letter r.cciwd one ni Ihe pailMl gerabyth* PbttiHffer, frnm kntn lo lioNo, iiicitiuiis ;-i \er\ high trims the promptitude and active teal taVptayeU It) Mr. John pukes. Mm I'.uido. fumpnni'i %genl MGaHe,m ,it once i)es|'alchin« ihe Bt*s*l lo Suez iii place of the Nubia, wbtrh latter »e>si-| liiol>e
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  • 63 2 iiiAr piece of r'abcr'l architedur* Lno«n ;>l :'i" iriracr is ma very sad Mate of dilapidalMM \t or :l beams, eaten »|i f.j •> bile ants Im»<- t;iwii w.,\. We would ».rn all pastel 1 j lo avoid if. as we arc daily in e\|.,( of its rousing down. a
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  • 96 2 On the night ol the I3cm instont. between Ihe heaM 11 <md 12, somo 00 saiion <>r more, volunteeis for the Kaval mrigade, cr.-a-ted a mtharhanee in North indgo oad Mnldlo Itoads, and Kohcuolcm Street. They weie armed «uh dubs and sticks and would have toused r,.wil\ but lor the
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  • 191 2 Thk Untisti si earn -ship .Irmcnian, Caai. Fowler. Irom i|. mil l',;wi, Xn^iisl J>!|.*, md Mm Sond 11. IK an 'in- Ist Si-|ii.-iiiin-r. ■rrned at this port m Mweida] wst, ih--13:h li.stv.t ..t 14p.m. Itsauwon thot an MM .*)lh Inslinl .it 1 |i til., when oil I'ilo Pre|i.iti«. I Pi*-
    191 words
  • 1080 2 ()n S.itiinlij Itsi there vm a meeting of lli<- sulis, rilicis t,i the SiMi;.i|i.ire T*«n Ihiil, In-11l I tlie Ni:*s U-ioin, lor Ilio |,ih j.ose of taking int't fonsi.|i-r.iti>ii irrl.un |iinpositioiii iol.iliw to the bdihliiif. Mr. Ji'i|nnn ,1 A !nii il.t waa MMMMMaeI] ..ill, il lo .iinl 1.1,1k Hit- Chair,
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  • 77 2 Q%LCVTTA |>i|'<rs nt-ii l,> Hh- sl.miii. i <ni .iiin.iii iv (h.,1 t tKilri short el •■ii tli<| ti.i v».is «-\|m rteiH-rd i Caliiilt.i .it p. in. on tin- IMb. lasted ilm.iii iwrlj s.-,,iii,is, eadw follow H dwing Ifcjt infill I.) .i in liurr: Si-M-i.ll ITCtIMI linl lici-ii iili!,.|iinl o<>
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  • 86 2 IUK '"<-jlni |>.i|>.-is in. nil.m lint t(Ca lo'll.ll scll.iolll-r I'i'lll licril l|.'»|ll|(ll«' t.i Ilim din.ilri' l.i t iU- „ll In li.ill.- Ill*- m.ii of llu 1 .Austnilnma Urn l.iit.r I I) ing <il Trim oni.ii,-.- mill iiiin- l.rt «>lr in in r liulil. 'llicAii-lr.ili.ii ('..,|,hiMU Hji i c.'ii s.kllj
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  • 108 2 I IIK r.oliiiiil.o (J/isrrrr inenliom I M i>f UfgHJ on Ilic ,1 Mer..inlili*R»nV |,cr|it-li.ilc.| HKTe«afull) .it <'."ln II >V pears thai Ikree bnolit of mtfmti hM r.i. Ii t-oiil. lining l()i). w.ri- tlolta, '"'I I'" n linn ..I Ihe^tr 4nd Aci "v .!h I In- ,m,,\ I.imiiil
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  • 407 2 11. M. Survcvmji -<-\ i St Id. Ini If l-'.-ij wi-1.-r .iiM..iiMlt",'. (i.ii.l .11 .il tins |...|l on Hi.- |.r<-M'..t 11, ..Hi1l .11.1 l I l- rr.n*****11f,.!1..»n day. It re|iwl«il IM SUnloti. mailer r.. S. I" 'I Ihe rumauNd. ll. r |i<-..i,t .■••■> Sllil UoflM I V our of Ibt
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 113 2 OI6APORE IDAILY TIMES. 5.1.1 40 23 1 v Saturrly i 1 nr n C C< 38 'mi will imti Office SCJ iiATAVIA CALCUTTA LONDON THE KO3E NEWS. Tht flt'ti himl flail I i BOMKA7 NATIVE INSURANCE n .w.b O*J)rononutns. ABLISHMEKT "mNCE COMPANY. CALCUTTA rVLSCANTILE INE iNSIjPfNCt JOCitTY. ,r. pre "i
      113 words
    • 299 2 THE LONDON HOTEL, 1 Hotel de rEsperance. MADA I \N/A >- 'hII\. and t«krn known a- the I |.K tihere will I E ADELPHI HOTEL- I I FAMILY HOTEL 1' H •.r the LV HOI 1.1 wW Pea s HOTEL DES INDES. ryi!! l i-i rrsigned, Proprietors the 1 801
      299 words
    • 265 2 SADDLERY. Ti tft with Haas Uta. t K-r.UI.K re, June I lth, PKM OVEKLANII MAIL. Lug and Oaajfo lio 4ra md H..]d^r» i Wnten M>-t:.i Slemoraudum H ki (tan It *ith ih* Improved Triz,r«-r. and Kami I II •■<•* au«t Cartriugo** Bloii Wri'iim Dr*ks, M Cti it-. SOM I \M>i\<..
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  • 210 3 Ir.Mi. is** ndM lo Ilic Mh .•nil* .|l ill." I .»,l II 1^ I. l.iul.-.l.v, ft htdi I<|i> Id.- ltd ol »r\,l. i oi Hi ii ilij Dm .1 '> III 'I 1" .I'l'l i.e. I limn Illtll K's|M-il|ve Mi«« H.- <io» lien -ii.ixli .1 ii\ a glnx-riug v|
    210 words
  • 118 3 rjr «.f Um n.m- i'l I 1 I i»y. Ib** llni.ti uo( lh J.IIII. turn,>h"t tl.*- 1 I. mi Ueitaje 1 v ttm4 lUna« y tu- j" 11. l« al .c < *"> in t« 1 aad c»r- 0 a -ruiifpo-. i U j „re»«»i 'J .ken laaoara v i:,
    118 words
  • 2868 3 I Ball hi U. U H*nt I'.-u.) !ii'ur-lu#. V/(. li'/«, 11>». L'irceiiy, Tn MfctWlmj K|" 't (aw I r.l > t!i- lib ii.» im, iij di. A. IS. In 1, ln-p- ut it' Putter, ii Vlciotla tit t1...- .Ii .>. in...' < n. Vi 1 .1 Horn.
    2,868 words
  • 1964 3 The Sir iils men in L— Jo and tlu-ir fnctiln liavc n.t intc-riniUtM.l I lie ur.;i'ncy uf iluir |.ri'n iir.- f.ji .scp.i-iii< j;'>v. f tiuiit for tkti Si-'t ••mi-ill. L« d Si,in| t .y Mi ,v. BjaisleJthat the ilel.-iiU id" the prOINM d rliiiii.''- wt'i- Rot cl' to him
    1,964 words
    • 247 3 .Sr|»'. 11— Miitcli iihitr Joc.ilt m Anna I'cilm it. \ui,l.r.|i n, Mi] Ij ir.n. i imN. Itniislislup Ituti/i, lUrnlt. ITm^-k-i Aii^i. l\L in 1,..Hi.1. lirti^li vidir. *li—. I.- I (I'll I I i i 1..i1U,t. —D«Hi h v liir. Eil)| in in, \.iki ii i, I ij -(I. >c|,t.
      247 words
    • 188 3 Sept. 12 Hut ship Itn-im. lUrratt, Maaag. Mtich lurk l»ulk.i, Nakn.Uh, \l iI-htj. HritiOi Adelaide. 8..«r I, C.ilantan. llrihsli bark E.irl «f HariUitke, Orion, Main. Dtikli lurk Eng Guan. N.iLo.|,ti, Rhi.i. Kri-men liirk l.ifhiiil/, Schelling, Kalmoulh lur nrden. British sli.j»ikt Alma, Wholl, BollM'O. llnli«li schooner Eliia tin, VareU,
      188 words
    • 73 3 I china i. HfW,, t I. id airii Mala iar pany't ihr Aim 'i ul jt,.jiil ,'ji.i 1,,.l i:,r. tllil Homer. Palestine. AJ.airal Uup rr i Qu^en Marian t. Jonn Bitiby. K it- Cleat ler. B Auroi.i V-afrlily Dragon 01 Triuganu. Hoo 0 'i.1,-. Arm >o Ji Vnr
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  • 2 4 1 «U«-M
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  • 16 4 «i h'.*r umi «armg we »qu*ii ••>■' urIiI 10 i I I ■,<•«- dr im.ilir -i. who i
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  • 16 4 I urn Itei i fille.l, "nefital r.,mp.ii > i wrbarf, 'in. Mag NVl...rf and to her tem.
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  • 13 4 Madrai r, iiiiti t» tin i tMngapare, I] be taken I.» I1 main.
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  • 86 4 ranJ v».ek •<■ hue heaa aaaJm, aaeon. Mag d .in^e (o Urn m Imur and destroying tn I' the njij .1, place rd i any daJßage. l li al»ip i».iv the latter k i -d b] i bet aach r» •art r bnwi. Ihe •M run mlii l>y a AbdajUab;
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  • 3 4 Death.
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  • 27 4 'vrre ail 1-r 1 1 ilh atealing her, and ihe in the I ii»tur. "I'lainant BO her, out ;u, and '.I. pair eudani Al <• Cri.
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  • 1297 4 -KeiLil, H I g, .Sin.)--»y tried 16th iaatant Mr! i led lo a pt« and a!au a autt were d I i 1/ i Flotte Kivri an i lit- MtlM irq Wi ]i.<ni ihn lIM r.N, .rc" iy 1. an i 1 n.ltflr '.m-- ,i V i I ai. ariili
    1,297 words
    • 13 4 Beat IT—Itritisii brig Wid lri.«h t.irl. laat, Uruiu August ,i\t; cargo, general.
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    • 9 4 Sept. 17— Atnoriiin sl.ip Aurora, fbjfjgk, Hoti ;kong.
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    • 329 4 H if ■> H. C. ItiaanT. /'.■/>■. Captain Wri ;.ii. Iron, lil.i,., .irriv. .1 li, r.- in TaurMajr lattal i i.m. rxperim <il leven «cju.ill mi the morniaf nfthelvn Instant: aroke die Hn:;Mi ibip .pt.iin .ri.ui, iron, tl:i- |i,>rt bound lo Melbourne .\<\ in lilii.i Straits. Tbe S.S.
      329 words
    • 849 4 NAIIN K CRAFT. Itllll ISH 1.,,.,. .W.-rui. M,,-:-ir. Nu/n.;li .Sr.ii. S,,|. a i.. Ul rtH— leo/ Gujn, Yati Leong, So. M \v.,t. Gnvik Sree Nag*, Lwnber M atahoor, Ouan Lee, Pnaabatan, Hognaa, lJanfriian, Chinde l«nt,BooEeai Leei »-lin, SIAMESb.- kirn 11, n C lions, Sree hu, San
      849 words
    • 60 4 ■>*»*»■ Cai-iain Aoan ,oem H.M.Sehr. >■„•;„ en aßßttfc.i*fc,. I LmyiM Hntl»ta .>Hr» ttilM MrL<-nn i 3lo< llawkinl kfarlh, I )>•<■»• .■■>. n,, •■■•■!>• Gei.^tWiU Mautenbn«. Sehnidt co. ilo BriUnb.emr.iCliowPhy* r „,,,-Ml Kff*BawMm*m. n M h I'iitli.liliark 1., rt !>e!av..l :i'.»_ 1 I >it t •> ,r.,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 421 4 TO COMPOSITORS. NITIC? LIBERAL Wagjet and eaantaal employ- jHE (ntereat and 1™ of Si Kng Wai meat for eteadj baoda and goud work- iaourFinnhai ee^ed m men, at the Zinev /n w, Smgapjre. (ue) ti.,- till! February last i«rm^r CHONO s.\\ SENG CHAJ I M» ,;.,V Singapore, 30th July.
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    • 475 4 SHIPP^C. m Vei.insuiar and C nental SU.T rvavigation Company t Oi OUTW al> MAILS oiti.e Nniauli t Ol pasj I alum ibip »mli ike UakWk. «T Au^t^.h.niaj.-e exce,,, "**< ahoul -hr |fM |,r..Mn,,,. *•>■ Ap|iNcallna loi r in^lil ami p,,, ne UMdr al llie <Mli.e< n,e I HOBIIWaId M.IILS. llm
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