The Straits Times, 26 August 1856

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 708 1 htm op nrit*catFTi<>« Annually., ftp. l>ra. 1C .-Ulf- Yearly.. 9 rIT I A single Copy One Kunrc LIST OF ARTICLES FOB SALE A I TUB r >\I;,1ISSION ROOMS OF JOHN LITTLE ft. CO. Outfitting Orpartmrnt. MOTS, ratfcl sin I I.'iM'lmi made. t, aa« 'on. lSuitons Naval and t«. llradf m
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    • 498 1 oy Ac, Muslin Gloves French Kid, White an coloured. White and coloured (ilk. A thread Parasol •ilk. plain, and figured Ribbons— silk, satin, bonne I •nd children's, a i/reat assortmcat Thread— cotton 01, rei-ls, Silk, tape*, bobbin Needles, Pins, crochet Threaetl and ■rod lt. ll.ibien' Hoods and Hats— (ilk
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    • 782 1 Messrs. WHAMPOA AND COS ADVERTISEMENT. Messrs. WHAMPOA Co. have always on Sale an extensive and choice assortment uf ihe following quods, selected specially for their Siores. wiiolcsalk iiK 1 aii. a- ron exportation. iHUUnrrn Hjoairrn. Articles for the Work Table: Bali .ne dresses; /ionut'ia of the latest modes, from I'
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    • 800 1 aGBXTR. I Lonuon— F.Algit Btreet 1 Hongkong— Armst-ong Law 1 Bfctaria— Lange 4 Co. [rene» NOTICE CUaSETJEE FROnXREOBZE. HEREBY gives Notice that he has withdrawn from the firm lately carrying on Trade and business under the style of Little, CorsrtJkc A Co., and he has this day established himself as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 940 2 v r.e»rt, ManiU N'i. 3 «nJ 4 cija i ma China; color*, oil «ii<l wnlrr, in tin uopfeor wood trankf er->wn«, for -I tea srrTici'«; drrssiiif c«»f»; »k«. lra*«llcn wrinn»; i m, omgle ami > »U»la, Kunpnwdor mid MHIMg sliot; 1 i inch Cor naval CApr: h*it, Manila; harnrw, aatidln,
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    • 600 2 CALCUTTA MERCANTILE MARINE INSUKAftCE SOOIETV THK Ur.d»-i-Bi>rned, having been appoint ol Agents for the above Society, *re prepared to teki- risks and policies, payable in London, Calcutta, Kangoon, China and Singapore. SARKIES A MOSES. Singapore, WOU Sept. 1854. MONAKCH FIRE A O LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LONDON '•^ll K L •i<lersi|iiifil
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    • 828 2 OPENED THJS-DAY. Choice Selection of Saddi.bby and Harness Ij from a first rate London House. ALSO. A splended assortment of Oilman's Stores from the eeleba'ed firms of Hesketb, Davis and Co., tnd i Fortman, Mason and Co. On Monday, May 26M, at 10 A. M. Will be opened a choice
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    • 900 2 To gire still further .ulTantap.-n to tt, Ciety h»s been fram |M owing to wliieh lh*wkob«fth« Profl will bo iiivi.l i nmonpst t1,.. In«urrd mhm, nnd m v nine-tenth, the As.«ured and p.trtly amniigal Skaivh MODES OF ASSURANCE. THE following are the mode, by which tho Maritim, Class will bu
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 706 3 sun insurance OfMce, LONDON. 1 TAIiMSHKD 1710. THE Managers of the Rrx Fibi Office. Lo*. r« inform the Merchants at Singapore, thut they have constituted aid appointed dcrsipned as their Attornies to issue Polirie« of Insurance against Fire on Buildings, sis, Merchandise, and other^Property at that bjbMSl The following are
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    • 938 3 i'*'t ub itniHOft Together. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. WHY ABE WE SICK It haslieen the lot of human race to be weighed down by disease and suffering. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS are specially adapted to the relief of the WEAK, the NERVOUS, the DELICATE, and the INFIRM, of all climes, ages, sexes, and constitutions.
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    • 604 3 JEjt "Vhryaoiite" BOOTS h SHOES. A large assortment of very superior make and finwh consisting of Enamel Hide Laung Shoes. Do. do. Ekstic Fronts. Light Calf Laung Shoes. Grain Bip Stout do. Patent Calf Shoes to Lace. do do. Elastic Fronts. Doe-«kin do. Patent Fronts. Albert Patent Calf Roots, red
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    • 502 3 JUST RECEIVED. An assortments of Garden Scythes with handles and stones. Do. of Race Horse Carry Combs 7 bars. Do. Do. Brushes. AMD A few sets of the best Tony Carriage Harness Plated and Brass mountings. Buggy Pony and Horse Harness plated and brass mountings. Palanquin Harness of a superior
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  • 141 4 Straits Times. SINGAPONE: TUESDAY, AUGUST 26tH. 1856. We have to announce, the arrival of life following pas*eiitrers Augt. 19 per Haven from Banda, Dr. T. Oxley and Mr W. Taylor; per Hooghly from M ilacca. Mrs Wyalt, itn Ueudrikj, Mr* Sdie. rder aud fiiut l J. li. Alexander E-<jre, ami
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  • 16 4 On Monday next the Hon'hle the Uecortler will proceed iv the Uoogkiy to Mallacca on circuit.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 907 4 5-56. TEE ART UNION OF 6LASCQW. Sterttanj l^»c<nt Plat*. Ittmtt* by Act of II« M»je*ty'» Pi ivy Council, IMS, Patbo.h His Koyal Huhnes* the Prince Albert. P»tsiDE»T:-His Grace the Duke of Hamilton, Braniinn. and Chatelherault. Vi.E-Ph <irace The Duke of Montrose. His Grace The Duke of Argyll. 11 v. The
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    • 712 4 FOB SALE. >. rpHE fast-nailing Ship ANNA, caAJJ^. J pabh- ofearryinßabo'it 6V" Tons £BmM of ipe an( not **l for delivering her oJHBBhp Cktito in^ord condition. She is well adspte for the China Timber trade, having large Bowport*. and 1* now in first rate order, well »upplieH wi'h Storec. and
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    • 574 4 FOR SALE. i Strong Palanquin, Pony and Harness. Price extremely moderate. Address D. C. Office of this paper. Si;qn)X>re, 1 1 th August. 1 556. HuTtL DLS INDES. TnK Undemiirned, Proprietors of the HOTEL DES INDKS, late ROTTERDAM HOTEL, at Molcnrliet, Batavia. beg t inform Gentlemen Travellers, that nothing will
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    • 454 4 GUARANTEE FOR FIDELITY IN SITUATIONS OF TRUST. Cfje £roplt'e ftrobtUmt Hoourance &ocfrtp. Chief Offices, 30, Old J^wky, London. CAPITAL £200.000 in 30.000 Shares of £2. 10s. each. (With power to Increase to One Million Sterling,) CHAIRMAN OF UE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Geokoe Albxa.ndlr Hamilton, Kaqre., H. for Dublin Uni^T-ity. INBTAN
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  • 21 5 Thi tteamer Fiery Crots sailed yetterjav at noon for Calcutta, conveying thitlie Treasure recoTereu from the wreck I'atha, -alued at $£56,000.
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  • 39 5 CAfTAiM Curlinpf, of the steamer Chusan the following Aug I6t!i off Pyramid Island, beating down tlie i rilinh brij^ Tiger. 20 mia. M. and Lon |Cf d«R. 45 m. J". ,st, the steamer Gauges from Sngspoie bound to Hongkong.
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  • 81 5 rivate source we leani the A. J. hcrr. It ship, had put back to 15th August 1806 h«YiM .tl lur time tap MHH fi" Jni.k Ceyli.ii in a stroi of wind. There had Bern ferj hcatv weather for some days before the Hooy'hly left, with constant showas of rain. The
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  • 96 5 iv. nj.ort of l lie BtNMMttp Fieri/ Cf«M D tlie «lnp 'j:jrJ Jn'y at 4 p. v. B J«rj at 3.:t0 i. m. Ul July at 7 a. m. Anchored in llongk< ug 7il' August at 7 p. M. L.i ft 1 1 i _-4. < 1 1 14th A
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  • 185 5 From Siain We learn that the Fren< h ->ii hi trat progreering. Comiderahle de- y had t:tk< n ]>!ac«- in roaMeqnence of m i rnitaltlr hnntn briny BTaiUhle for the Ambawasiar< The honee sc-t anaii for the temporary levidence of the Bntieh aadtua Uuitrd btatti en bawiee bae beeoaae the
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  • 337 5 Tin: Sydney lfwTSMf Herald July sth, IM the following dclßled account of a frightful aMMaeieat Woodhuk Island toWiiin-nce harp MM *r+*t_ ?*f* thp Ilvt efrighUul mawacri-s' of whkh tha aaaßM al tiir In afford but ti»i n.ii.;. thta nil* I monary, and the other fourteen the marter ni-ar t:ie «mlli-.-..-t
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  • 48 5 Hongkong papers ,to the ilth were re- B reived per Chusun, to the 13;h by the Fieri, Cross and to the 14th by the Ltyht- I niiHi W.V--^ sieanur Coroviandel, with i Mr I). K. Cahhvell on board as interpre- tcr had proceeded in search of a Horg-
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  • 457 5 Kong lorcha, which in her passage back hum Singapore had piraiically seized six junks, three of which she had taken to Sun-ling near Kulan. The Mail states thatlhe Captain a European, named Leaver, who had been acting under compulsion, escaped overland to Macao whence he proceeded to Hongkong. The Muil
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  • 329 5 Coroner's Inqifsts.— On Wednesday, the 20th instant an Inquest was held on the body of a Chinese Agricultural Labourer, «kfl had beta killed by Tiger the day before, whilst gathering Ganibier leaves on a plantation about four miles from the village of Uukit Titnah. The same aftern>>on an inquiry was
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  • 132 5 We insert below the leading features of the Judgment of the HotVMfl Recorder, Sir 11. l> MacCausland, in the collision claim of the Zarah, wliith vessrl and the steamer Labuan, it will he remembered, came into collision on the Ist January last. Mr. A. M. Aitken acted as Advocate and
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  • 1627 5 Division of Singapore nod Malacca. Admiralty Side. In 111 Tho Labuan," Brown*, Master. Thi« wu a Suit instituted on the 3rd January, 1 s,'(i, in the Admiralty Con it of Sing pore, by the Master and Owni
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  • 1079 5 SIEDATIDB»KWSTKRONSpiIITrALISM.— JtftDV of tur reader^ are aware that Mr. J). I). Hume, (formerly of Norwich, anil who has numerous acquaintances in this city, who hare the highest re?ptct for Hume's sincerity and honesty in his search after truth,) wrote a letter in which he upoke of having had sittings" with
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  • 4870 6 P I N A N G. It will he seen from the subjoined communication from the Kerdeat Councillor to the Chairman <»f th* Chamber of Commerce, th tt the never ending quarrel* amongst the petty chiefs on the N. E. Coast of Sumatra have lei for the present to an
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  • 3211 6 Titr P. O. S. N Co.'s Sleam-ship Singapore with the English Mail of the 10th June, arrived here on the -25th ultimo— News from London 13 days old. The P. 0. Coy* Steamer CSsmsm, with telegraphic reports, rid Calcutta, from Lond a to the 2(>th June, came in on
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  • 2921 7 Thk Qotanen Dmipii with Amkrica.— With Mr. I'iaiir ti ii'n ezplaMatioa ef his conduct, and l.otd ClaasaaaVs laal i vatah m Mr. Dallas on his Baliatiiient <iut*:i 11, W'' trust that tli is* division of the misanaanlaaauMj between ihe Brittah and tha Ameikan Governments will 1> ciiisi.lrrul SI
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  • 1050 8 kxchanui and Brttios. C*:fToy. IStli Aui<.— Oriental Bank Corpcrafioit on l>on^on at 6 months' siclit. 4^ ll^d. On In, ln .'3l Ks.-(i..W MUMMH 9ycee W* per ceni premium. Duty Sycee 1 1.1. Other Bills on London at month's sight os Old. a Islljd. O» j •>.ij a tO
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  • 165 8 Acgust 19— British brig Raven, Baumgarlen, H.iiui.i Augt. "J. French bark Augustine, Jallobcrt, M.iiintiis June 20. Briluh schooner Maria, Mel'.iii^lon. Pcdier Coast Augt. 14. 20— II. CS. V. Hooghly, Wright, I'inang ltilh and Malacca UUh Augl. Uiilish brig Full i Mouibar.ick, \ikodttii, Bombay, and i'inaog July 18.
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  • 207 8 Augl. il»— lini'sn urig \orr\ra, nunuws, i« ,f Dutch brig Sree Biiniak, Nikodah, I'uhlianak ili ii-.ii ship Coldslream, Tickcll, llDtigkung. 20 British bark Mountain Maid, Hartley, Amoy. French ship Scrvannais, Gdulier, I 1 'i i: -v and Calcutta. Bri:ish silir. Opium, Nakodah, Sungora. 1\ and O. Co.'s S. V.
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  • 261 8 tatt WtmtU ffnm Wtm Fur. uly 6 John Id— iJ (Am) N MM Whaling 7 Esther (Swedish) I'.at:i»i^ Stockholm 9 Onwnrd Al^o:i Hay Cinton „11 Alna&Olga(» U-t.-ivia Baafc«| Eliz.i Thornton lli:a%'ia Utmi 12 Fire Fly (Aiiwi) M Ann McLe v A tinier Jam Xarifa I) >. do.
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  • 52 8 11.. IW.I Mis. „-l I'll.- 1..V--■WWI ]T«US aih k(d 1. I -i\.r.. ii ii U ..n Hi,, kli 1,, tii. JilUli*. iniliy r.[.'lt--. 1, l.iv »lt!>OUt bntctttta* ll'.lltA <>i:i'.lll" It »!1.l PltU, ItW l« )<■ ti i i ptnsvvm ItiHT nun Hi iii •tr be had bern in kh lift',
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  • 503 8 N VI I VK IKAFI. BlliriSU. SulUn, iVi, iii.l > ned Saindanny, Ifmtttl Hair, t'carl, Jt'utu Moburrak La I'clice, Polkn. DUTCH— Guan Sian, M.ihonict, Fydool Raclunan, Oa Kiam. Tanjonj> Pinanp, Brckat, Fatar Azec, Kirn Chan Lion, Pooh Guan, Zapher, Kirn Tiang Tye, Api Mas, Hangkee, Kreak
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