The Straits Times, 22 July 1856

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 230 1 Naarii IB SALI m ROOMS OF JOHN LITTLE CO, [OAFORS. fittißß Di'parimnit. iiia.le Saval anil i a;..i plaia .r* ay, \ln'.'.. mm I w«-«-U.>i Mill, »nd rtU .l Klannvl k, m.d >ilk. tabaek Medic»l 1.i.11f i lolli, and i r.i. I/llifr, COtll. W int itbaada.' Mrrmo I i .ml Kiicliii
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    • 506 1 1 Maeßa 'iloves -Kreorh Kid. White an -„i r .'..urrd rile, ft thread Pw*s -I -ilk i.|.,,n. and fi«ured Kibboaa— silk, aatio, bona» I nd rhiMrcn'i h irrrat aaeOftJßMl Thread— rotton oi. re-U, ><ilk, ta]ie». liobbm N'pdlra, Pin*, crochet fhrfaei! "•i nerdlr- Hoods aaa Nata silk »nd aalii), l»r».|pd. Boots
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    • 846 1 Mee.™ WHAMPOA AND COS ADVERTISKMKNT. U Msaara. WHAMFOA i Ob, haw aj««wa ua Bale an raicaaive aud] el»oie« assortßwal <>f Hie f01!,, «in k j^.kxU, selected apeeiaH| fi>r (heir i Bierts. "iioi.kmai.j( MTAILat rou K.viMinrATioN j Millinrrij 3i?ooirri>. Articlea for ihe Work Table) itaixaruie dressei; II iiuniiets oftlie ial»«sl moil.-s,
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    • 771 1 Al. i-onnou- K.Algar s Mi»*t Honglmnjr- Armst our ft Law Dn'avia- I.ange rrnct. NOTICE cursetjee raoaiMuzs. HRRRBV Rives Nolice that he has wiU drawn from the firm lately enrryin^ on Tr.ide and aajfcMM under Ihe style of Littlk, Cthski JKK A Co.. and he has this day cstahlishcd hiin»e|f as
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 699 2 MamU No. 3 an<i 4 cif ••are, VatuU »na Cliin»; colon, oil and water, in Un xrt «n«2 emke»: camphor wood trunk*; rr<>wn«, f" r iitJ C4|y; .(iimrr *nd tea o*lVH*s; dressing c«s«-»; writint; fowling pieces. nn«le «n<l r twnel pittolt, gunpowder and birdm* shot; 1» <li for n«val c»,»:
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    • 845 2 /tlrDical, fntialiD AKD GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, Established, Itt-il-CAPITAL. £600,000. HEAD OFFICES, J5, PALL MALL, LONDON. ENGLIBH BBANCH. Ta ictus. Cbarlea Hopkiason, E*q., Regent Street. Sir Thomas Phillips, Temple. Alfred Waddilove, 1). C. L., Doctors' Coium»o*. DIKECTOaE. M»icr Jlenrv I»oveion, £>iwarH I>oahi«d«ky, E»a. vieury«(ian H«v, Sag., i<«ms.inin Phillips, Esq., P.
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    • 670 2 Prorpedutes, containing fmtt particulars and ins true'l (u>»# to jtartte* desiring 1 1 injure, r.ay be obtained at, or i| vtti bejorwardtdfrtto* application being made to I-OUSTEAD 4 CO, Agents. Singapore, 20f* May, ~">'A. CALCUTTA MEkCAffTILE MARIME. INSURANCE SOCIETY r pHE 'JiUertigned, aavin^ been appointed Agent:-, for tlie above Soeietv,
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    • 437 2 OPENED THiS-DAY. A Choice Select! ,n of SaDdi kry and H,,.v 1 V from a fir»t rate London Howe Al A spleiided assortment ef Oilman's Store* ,>,„„ the celeba-ed Brms of tTenlieth. Dariau I C i Fortman, lfaaoo tad Co. On Monday, .\r<iij2t\f/t, at 10 1/ Will be opened a
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 432 3 #mjn Etta >■ Hifli-e, ■a\ d am. MAX AOEKS. ki'irtnan and H > ;>ut ii Chairman. \I.P P, li TDCU HorvEatK. |re I hh:v. Eton-., .VI. P. »m Fran H. (i Ilivii i \l. P. i BM jre. -qie. I' tore. M. P. l'.Mjve. 1. >\ Mcrchauti al Singapore, eonatitated
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    • 962 3 l.vl us Hen sun Together HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. \VH K SICK It htuUi-n the lot of Unman race to be weighed j down by diseaae and iufiering. HOLLOWa 1 9 PH.. the relief of the WEAK, the XKBVOUSt the DELICATE, and the INFIRM, of all climes, ages, sexes, and constitutions. Professor
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    • 607 3 Ejc "Chrpamlite" BOOTS ft SHOES A larj(' assortment of rery iupt-r;<>.- make and :!lg of Enamel Hide Laung Shoes. Do. do. Elastic Fronts. Light Calf Laung Shoes. Grain Kip Siout do. Patent Calf Shoes to Lace. do do. Elastic Fronts Doe-*kin do. Patent Fronts. Albert Patent Calf Roots, red tops.
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    • 529 3 JUST RECEIVED. Aa awortmenu oi Garden Seythrs with handles mid clones. Do. of Race Horie Curry Comba 7 bars. Do. Do. Bruaaaa. A.LBO. A few sets of the Boat Pony Carriage llarne«s Plated and Bras* mount in i;-. Buggy Pony and Horse HarneM plated and braM mountings. Palanquin Harness of
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  • 170 4 Straits Times. Singapore: Tuesday, July. 22nd, 1856. We have to announce the ariival of the fol lowing |mv-ii July 10 per Siiißapore from Gain, ace below 17 per Hooghly f.otn Malacca, C.ipiam and Mrs. Alexander, Miss Lfisk and Mrs. W^att 18 n cr Hydroose from Pinanp, Mr. Palmer; per Malta
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  • 15 4 The Spanish war steamer Don Jorge Juan, from Manila, arrived here on tiie 16th instant.
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  • 25 4 The P. and O. Company's steam-ship Singapore from Bombay and Ceylon arrived here on the 16th instant, tad Silled on tlie following day for Hongkong.
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  • 24 4 I'iik P. and O. CnsjMMSjy*! steam-ship Malta, from Hongkong, arrived here on Friday evening and Ailed on undav, at noon, for (Jalle and Bombay.
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  • 19 4 E r. and O. Company's Steam ship Pekim,inm\ Hon.kong t*» Bombiy, may l)"jBxpp( ted about the :> l st instant.
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  • 67 4 The American steamer Underwriter, from Hongkong, arrived here on Saturday night and sailed on for Pinang and Calcutta. The Underwriter fell short of coals wh. n off Pulo Aur and sent a boat into Singapore to secure fuel. On the 18th the 11. C. st-amer H<x>qhly was engaged to tow
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  • 31 4 H. M. Ship Spartan, aptain Sir Wm. Iloste. Bart., sailed yesterday on a cruize to Pinang, and will return to this port before the arrival of the next mail from Kurope.
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  • 47 4 Captain the Hon'ble 11. Keppel has been appointed Coinino lore in the hast Indies in succession to Cotnmodo c Klliott, whose term of service has expired. We suppose 4he Sijbilh will return to the India station, and the command of that ve^el be taken by Commodore Kcppe!.
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  • 43 4 Captain Wright, of the hooqhh/, reports the arrival at I'inang (seeking) of the l'ereyri»e (J/'Vrr from Hassein in ballast. Off the SambilaM the Hooijhly spoke the ship John Bright from Bombay to Whamp'>a off Malacca passed the schooner E/i/lis/iman from Singapore to Madras.
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  • 37 4 lin Criminal Session was postponed from Tuesday until to-day, in consequence of the business connected with the mails. There if only one rase for trial, the charge of kidnapping, which will terminate the business of the Session.
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  • 27 4 On Thursday la*4 several parties received their personal discharge in the Insolvent Court. On Thursday cxt Mie re- Minder of the Insolvent cases will be disposed of.
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  • 129 4 Wl observe that Messrs. \V. S. Lindsay, as also a French Company, intend to run a line of steamers, via the Cape, between Kurope and India, propose 10 accomplish the passage t o Calcutta in TO days, the English line celling at Mauritius ant! the Krench line at Hourbon. If
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  • 80 4 I'.Hioni. the local Examination Hoard appointed by die Afrwt and the Insurance Ollices at Singapore, Um following rcrtilicalcs have been granted by tlio ElMinin, Captains H t. Marshall, W. < bmk and Win. Wilkinson: Masters. Mates. (ierm»nu Jo de Silv.v I Iwviah Willia.ii Riolmnls Hmry Lol,. John \\i]|i H ns<
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  • 496 4 Yksterd.w, the 2tst instant, the argument rame ofi" in the Court of Judicature at Singapore upon a Rule Nisi calling upon George Mill r, why ;i writ in the nature of a Quo fVana»'t» nfcoiiid not issue ageiast him to shew nwee by whose Hiitnority he had been appointed a
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  • 293 4 China.— By the Steamer Malta we bate received advices and journals from Hongkong to tin- Kith instant. The vhole '•ninny appears to be s.-t 1) V the cars' in ( of the conduct, temper, and |)I«r< tilings of the Attorney General, who, whatever are his intei tion>, has a niosi
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  • 1356 4 On ih.. 14 I, ad2l si „f J, m^ last were hur-<l-d tkrON^li fil»l llll( (pomml ,c;,(liiu.s die new Municipal, .Wessm. „t, »i,d Police BJ's (which were inverted in our b»oe rb« ldih in«!*it.) uiili ikat prveipitanej prcuKa*K eha- -..n-i-i .ric.- „f Indian L^rwlaHmi, ihe Council ii. d ih-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 568 4 NOTICE. rpHB Co— i|ftfs of a Box marked B K con- taming White Figured Dress* k, received per the £i>m,mgtM der NeierUmie* Steamer from Malaria in January last, are hereby requested to take delivery of lh» same within ooe month from this date, otherwise it will be sold at Auction
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    • 514 4 Jcurt Received, and on View. AN Assortment of Millinery, specially selected for this place, which consists of Muslins of all.; kinds, Tarlatan, Ladies' Scarfs, Levantines, Gauze," Velvet, Ladies Slippers, Berlin Wool, Blonde Lac", Muslin Sleeves and Collars, Muslin Hkbit Shirts, Ladies Fancy Satin Bonnets, Ladies and Girls' Dunstable Hats,* I
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  • 188 5 Svii.oks' Home.— I'iic Annual Meeting of th? Subscribers and Fricinls of the .:!i '\c Institutidii, was held yestfnUv at ihf News Room. The H»u'ule T. Cbureh I'.sqrf, in tlu- ('hair. The (MRowiiig IJcm»lii ions wtm put and carried PMfjMMd bjr 11. T. M.i"!i.ll. K-q. in. l pa comle.l l.v W.
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  • 749 5 KOlt 1800-Jt>. Your Cornmifi-e navo (fient ple:nure at tliH, tho Anuual, KaxHiag af tw S'latenam and f timmi* of ipon Sailors 1 Haass, la npan Urn eontinaad uaAtmeai aadsaoOMßi "I he l—tiiatma. Within iho pn«t year m re UsM 500 Seamen a:«l 0(1 Ortic-irs hrM av.iiieil if
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  • 2131 5 Hak ka Atrocity*. A friend lately returnej from a trin Joivrrthe We»t, and w'-jose infor nation in iy by reKe 1 on, nf-inns n< th it the whole of tha districts known nSbUm and Su.nning.ire in the hands of a numerous !>ody of Mak-kas, who are committing thi-
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  • 285 6 TiirTeniatuiuli Oriental Company's Steamthip SINGAPORE. Captain Grainier, arrived hrre on the 16 th at 10 A. M. having left Bombay July 3rd, Oalle the Bth, and Pinang the 14th instant. We annex a list of Passengers For Sugmporr.—Tfce Hon'ble G. Edwarde, Mrs. Mary Dr. Mm Urn.
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  • 360 6 .mm oib Own Combespoxdent] Sli/, UM June, 1806. The topics of greatest general iiitere-t in the English papers by this :i,ail appear to be the dismis\!r. Crumpt(iii. our Minister al iS'ew York, a:i<l the result Of Palmer's trial. The fo-iner even:, altboach the American Mii lias also U appears applied
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  • 1381 6 [Fkom <>cr own Corrlspondknt] II aaVEA, \Uh J,n,-, 185 C. The latent accounts from the Crimea represent the evacuation an being carried on with all possi ble acti. ity. W« h'-ve evident proofs of this from *be frequent arrivals of troops and stores at our Island from the East, to
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  • 816 6 The following are the principal items of intelli- |j genee from the West. Tne c It- bration of Peace in the British mentropolis. by jiublic rejoicings fireworks, iilnimuutious, <&c, went oil most satisfactorily, without a single instance of disorder. William Palmer had been executed on the 14th ins t at
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  • 1427 6 [Fkom 001 own Coi;iu:si'(jm>ent.] Londov Am ltd, ISiii. Sinck the despatch! of the Mail ,i!iairs on the Continent had been quietly Milling down to their usual position during a tUM of peace. The twcin-iuenf occasioned by the lute wai bai almost en irely subsided, and the e niniunicatious winch
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  • 351 7 x ol« Ows CoaJtlarosDC.NT) rest ul ill.- day in Eng an i ap- i, and in Ui..- Parks '■alaj i. Fra ie« and Aui uaTi |irea um-up<-aa inWrreutioa in tini:ian h in; In 10, UU Uri wh and U 1 r .Ii wil. i-i.utiiiue to v Conttan- tt-uiber a i
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  • 1208 7 09J im 1 QWI ('i)HUI Sl' .M)!NT.) Malta, MM M(t:. IBM Since the ot the last niaii tot Indi i we have iruin tin- I limea to the ll'tli and C.n- Jaaraak aad 1. tt.i- to tin- Üb4 n.stant. On :ii Mth ultiin... I Russian l'.,rce, arrival with ■Mil
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  • 1648 7 From mil own CluMMWilWl j Londui. 2'UI, Mv,. ISili. My l-tter- for tlie future W .1 In; of a. more chequered eiia'.MCier. Having lost the o M taatl .h« war, 1 shall bo c;i ibled to loauli Uj on ,;i ilt variety of sll j r-8. 1' .rliament has
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  • 1519 7 A Mkmoih of William I'.u.mer. Ii appear* lll.i Mi. W'll.l.illl l'rt.lll.r 1* ii :iii-|iil>ei uf ;i very umlliv (..iniiv. iiu.l U iiua in Ins 34 Ii ye ii ih thereabout*. He (m tswaicd tat i lte uu-diual uruft4»ioii, «as a |>ti|iil «i St. Bar I lkol< re- i-eitiM
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  • 1763 8 dfain there haa since the conclu- of peace bee* a general improvement, but the mrimg uisim having bow being completed the re ports from dtt maa«£s*turintr town* have not been to MtMwtory daring thr last week upon the wholi v?r«r, there is not much to complain
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  • 152 8 .Irrivrd. May 14 Arrow, C.inton 15 Ocean Spray. 2v: :t nil.i Abrona. Cant« ;i 1(> I{ ii nut. M 1, 1 I wn. Bl'angliai ;IS Pio eer, S rig pur. 22 Com-mi-rce. Singipore; M Tinto, Foo-chi>«-fo<> f] \\,r., Shanghai j Magnolia, Cuitun ;28 Ni!o, 0
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    • 241 8 July 15 Brit, ship Good success, Dutuayne, Hc.uiliiiy June 18. Do. bark Mary Ann, Smith, Cali-utU June 15. Dulcli do. Maritius Wildclm, Van Duyn, Uassein June 15. s pan. S. V Don Joitju Juan, Briores, July ii. Hainb. ship Semiramis, Ail.uu, Rangoon June ti. 16 Bnl. schr. Juliette,
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    • 228 8 July 15 —Arab ship Ma^roe. Nii-mla. tUtmttt —Dan. lirig Acmel, I nn'-r-. Mo' gkung. Brit schr. Sidney. Polir. Ktrr <mI —Do. Itark *iti){Ap<»rP. luil-rr SlevnCtiw P,, —French -hiji Marie I.uiiim Du^ai, Nantes. m 16—Brit. l.riß Him*. T.iw. C-il'< t'.. Dutch «»aik MffcariM, Mniiii. Asaay. BiiL Itng G>*ll.i»l. Ul.uL OrtMNi
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  • 237 8 CSkL. ikii|- > Baiiri. Ju UriSoVS 1 "f 1 WUMhntau Dutch! CarcMr H« ,-ng July 1 Ttv.-v KaehtUda Datch] mjSsftf fSSJtefIL,. -3- 4 Monmouth Am.r., Iforf do' 5 •*nghta< D Cardiff Saxon K, ii- do h Queen.beny Liverpool Hon/konV a l r > Amo »0 -New Hay
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  • 617 8 SHIPPIN G IN THE HARBOUR. 8 L^ F X A!{ -F-"--» K,.,v,a. J-1,,1 K»rriin,K.,»,,ri,.,..F I .i,, Allum. JiiTlOS VKMKI, VntKLt' .Namk*. 17*5: Wnjfi Brian— Spanish onsu] HiuUa j I4fl John l'uivi- Son F r S (■9+jThrane Ditto Disc:. MM I Choon Hock co. Chin 2«4|rlob«?rts Tan Kiawhtng Repairing "JSd K^ers
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