The Straits Times, 11 March 1856

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 533 1 K.i a* i i Acaualty.. sp. bra. 16 4.if\early.. I j ,rt^rl».... i r M'-ntn... H I A. Sin«l* Copy— On* Kuoe* J LIST M VKTK'LKS FOR SALE <<>\I. MISSION ROOMS OF JOHN LITTLE CO. rm m lAI SQITARE— SINGAPORE. Outfitting •rpartmrnt. Pool. »h"«. »»l .Upper.. f*ri- .mid Uirlon mad^
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    • 478 1 •y md if Mukliu (ilnres-Frenrh Kid. Whiir an coloured. White .ml coloured silk. thread Parasol —silk, plain, and tiKured Kiblmns -mlk, satia, bonnri <nd rhi|Hrm'« c"*' n««ortmrot I hrrad eottoo <n reels, Silk, tapes. Ix.libia Nepd!<-s, Pins, crochet Ihroaed and aeedle* j Babies' Ho. ids and Hmts— silk and satin,
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    • 849 1 M««r». WHAMPOA AMD COS ADVERTISEMENT. ■^|e»sr*. WHAMPOA Co. have always on 1 Sale an exit-nsive hikl clioice HRsorlineiit of ilie following giio.U, Kflected >.|ii-<*ii.lly for ilieir Sluris. WHOLtSAMt HKIAII. Jt rilH rxi'uiii rii>N iMUUnrrp IQoeirri). Article* for tue Work T«Mt| «»l*arm« dreaae. fiouuet. of the latest modes, from I'nris (.VmiMln
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    • 847 1 Lunaom— F. Algar Bti— I Hongkoag— Araaat ***** Law Batavia Laiige Co, icnic NOTICE cursetjee raoniiviaiZE. HERRBY gives Nolire thai he has withdrawn from Ih* firm lately carrying on Trade and hiHinns under Ihe style of I. CchsktJk.b Co.. and he ha^ lhi< day established hinM.-lf a* General D.'»ler,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 532 2 I mi. t 4 cie* j I «nd wain, in t>'> ie e»««->; I npowdcr r 1 NHmg swot; f,.r naval i ...r«..-«H. brMUa uA Srirtil hare:i:r; «i1 p-uir carry IMiaaj ..r and oil I, ..-i «hi;.-. ELiRTJEK i- CO. NOTICE. MIZALES SON beaja t.. unity a d ra«l Vi
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    • 830 2 JRfMfIH, r-attaliU, GENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, tttubluhtd, I o-4 1 'TAL. fso»>.tXX>. i» OFFTCEB ti PALL MALL, LOKDON. IKOLIII llt-vM C ll TkihtHs TLari.- ll..|>kins.i t i, F>j.. Kegent Street. B r I I). -Ilia* >"liiUifr*, Ttli. A.lfrt>i V.auuiioxe, D. 1., Dor: ('oninwni. I»1KI CTOKS. Major 11.-nry l)ov.l.>n, Edward DaaWMa]
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    • 708 2 Protpectutes, containing full particular* and intlruc- II tiimt tvpaitit» dciirinj to insnit, may bt ob'ained at, or WiM be fornrardtd cc on application tc*Nf i.mdc to OUSTEAD CO., Agtmu. Singapore, 20fA .1/« v, lWi. CALCUTTA MERCANTLE MARINI INSURANCE SOCIETY. f T I IIK DUkrtimaa\ having beea appointed Aijrnts for th<-
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    • 801 2 For WjOhooh tiireot iii v 1 GUIDING SI AH J^ptfV lifter, lias sup i •jßmm&m f.» PHB"eng.-ra. Po furilirr par iralara. »pply < Bvns, on board, or nt i „t ii \.\iir;io.N. i.\:.w \*t .Vc»«! *'<n- Vmiemim rin Vhtatta Afjji s v t ■>"" Ton b M ior ..ce.i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 943 3 -II IWII rlllFS WITH'TT MFDiriXF, H. IF rowEMEME OK EXPENSE, BY -|i r.VKUY's delicious KKVAt.KN l".\ AKAKK'A H'"'*. MS r. >t in oili.r in. an* ot ili^ iiainr.l renmlv mlixl Ii nlitainril f .utM from iii* Kighl Him. the I' aWhiweM Stuart of Hosf, in n d\H|ifpmn). cunstipa- a
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    • 796 3 •ll th* aSo»e p»rtr>s*>ili l^happv to aatwrr N<- -'>I.4S'.', Dr Wi,rzer'« T««timoni'<l. »onn,l9ih July 1853. »l i- hfht and |.|pi«.ni Farii a i« one of tliemo.i.x--c 11. -in, iiomiatiiiic, and re»turxii»c reniedn-., and i'l-|*rwd»-i, in niHi.t v.i»e*, .ill kudo ..f mid.ri e« I' i* |< n.iiU.U uk. full.. <• tifined
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    • 974 3 Mjet mb Heaaon Together. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. WHY AMI WE SICK J It haslicen the lot of human race to be weighed down by diM'Use and suff«-iiug. HOLLOW iV'S PILLS arc specially adapted to the relief of the WEAK, the NEKVOUB, the DELICATE, nnd the INFIRM, of all climes, ages, sexes,
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    • 585 3 \olice MR. JAMES W.TSON akd MR. THOMAS SCoTT, are Partners in our Finn. GLTHRIE A CO Singapore, March btk, 1856 u c hOl i o k. MR. HEXRY WILLIAM WOOD is authorised to sign our Firm by Procuration. MMI CO. Siuyapore, 12M February. 1856. uc NOTICE. VfR. E. M. SMITH
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  • 93 4 Straits Times Singapore: Tuesday, March 11th. 1856. -«»lOHI We have lo announce the arrival of the followinif pas»eni:erB Mar. 4 per Chusun from Calcutta, Messrs. Me Arthur, Pehmoller and Joshua 6 per Hydrosc frc.a Bassein, Mrs. Brown. We have 10 announce the departure of the following p*Bseiitrei« Mar. 1 per
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  • 64 4 On Tuesday laet the P. and O. Company* Steaiu-nhip Chu»an, Captain Curling, auited from Calcutta with Opium, and nailed at noon on the 6'ih instant be Hongkong. The Chusun brought on Tele^riiphic news from England tv the "Jl.'ili January ihr particu* lars weie iajinediaii ly pluced in ihe hands ot
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  • 30 4 We hear that the H. C. steamer Hooghly is not expeciel to reium to Singapore until the 14th aud that upon hei anival the Bishop Metropolitan will proceed to Malacca.
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  • 44 4 Thk Neihrrlaii'ix Steamer l'»l*bet arrived lrrt on the |NMa| of the s'h mm. fur the Java Mai'a from Kurope, which had been previously rfenpatched to Batavia hv the Swedish culler Tar* mnd Ages. The Celebts returned to B*iavi« on the mor-ung ot ihe7'h insiaiit.
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  • 41 4 O.h the evening of Wednesday lam m e H. C. steamer Auckland sailed for Siam, o <in. veying Mr. Park- a. the bearer ot ihe ritifi^,) treaty. The Auckland will probably remain un'il ihe treaty comes unto o|>eia>ion (April 6h next.'
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  • 52 4 The Ameiican »hip Anna Kembtll. from M». nila bound to New Yoik, with a nigo rfiMi, a 1 rived at Singapore on Ftiday last, having heeii forced to bear up lor this port with of (ore top mast. The Anna Krmltll ha* email \nx on board, which diBeai>e is raping
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  • 150 4 The steamer LanctfieUl left Calcutta on the 2 1st ultimo for Pintiuit, Sinyapon and China, and according to the electric lel.yraph repor, went to He a on the 22nd on which day Ibe Pilol let her at the Sand -heads. Not hating retched I'iniii'g or this poil, fonie »)ipiehcn-ioii is
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  • 130 4 On T-ie-iilay l»8i the foundation of St. An diew"* (hnu h ml laid In t lie Right R. v. Bi>li.>p Wilson, in ihe pi •■gene ol a NMMIN uf pi sons collided o Aitii-'io 1 lie cc.c ion_\ wluiii whs prrtoiihed in ihe oriler noticed in .<ir lam pHMaV, Bii-h»|>
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  • 34 4 On Friday last 111- ho<l\ 01 a lull grown wuA* liver was brought \m*f tomu. The bad l.illen in'o a pii containing Water and drowned. The pit ivi.s in Ihe Ltukii Tim.iii district.
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  • 49 4 Mr. Simon.-kn will give a itecond Cone* it thii> evening at the Theatre Royal, and li;ih |mo\ided a tare eiiieriainineut lor ihe lo*ets i.f Mumi- ol liiuli clii«s, uml micli as r.irt-l\ offer 10 ihe ;S«r.iiit« re>>i<ientt>. We trust thai Mr. Simoi.tiiMi will he rewarded l>v a full house.
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  • 49 4 Thb Pa-sengers ex Orie ta-, as well as those per Indus, made the journey .etween A exandna and Cairo by K lilway time occupied in c .eh cam seven hour*, and ihe passage perform? 1 very satil at- tori ly. The Road from C .iro to Suez is progressing.
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  • 83 4 On the 7fh of February the Kingdom of Oude was formally annexrd to the Indian Km piie there was no disturbance, no bloodshed, no.ising. The King issued a proclamation to all his prim-es and 1 jecis requiring them to reaped the orders of Major General Outram, the Com.u'ssiouer. The property
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  • 976 4 On Wednesday evening n. x lo^awrnt*, the Bit>h>>[>of Cnlcutia propose (D.V )io|>n*eh Ins farewell termon. as he hopes m leave atom Fii bj by 'he Huoghly. Last Pi fata t evening his Lunlthifi ■•lmiohl^rtd the riie of Confirmation 10 3.*> CrHniHi'f j.n Urge OOH^IMMImi being present. On Sun. lay morning
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 923 4 otiee. MB CHAELffI HKRrKAND. ju»t arrived here, ha. the honor to inform the Ladiea ol S,neapore. that he will expose for Sale W-f o^"^' w2kM«Uy. the 12th instant, at H a. ot i» of Mi»r.. STtiHiNs f^ffJST* Habit Shirt. Handkerchufs. y th, fine-t Bru-elle. »l« J«^,nets. Habit Shirts, and a
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    • 541 4 mar "Chrysolite" Silk Umbrella., bone h Ditto Tubular do. Mazarine Paramatta of beautiful texture. JOHN LITH^E ft CO. \st March, lBs6. [uc] Ear VhryolUe BOOTS SHOES. A large assortment of very superior make and fiuish consisting of Knaruel Hide Laung Shoe.. Do. do. Elastic Fronts. Light Calf Laung Shoes. Grain
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    • 455 4 FOR SALE. Old Port in Quarter Ca*ks Ditto in bottle, very superior. Glenlivet Whi.key. Fine O d ttraudy. C -ckburu ana Campbell', first cla«» Sherries and Claret. JOHN LITTLE CO. Singa ore. Ist March 18S«. [«c] Dimmer Scrvtt** The Underxigne J ..ave for sale a fets Set. complete, of handsome
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  • 4184 5 •26th February, 1856. MMBK The Hon. T., Ksq. Chairman. H. T. Marshall, I apiain Macpherson. i. Harvey, Tan Ki.u Seng, E»qre. Lattw (A) to Mm address of His Honor the Uoveruor transmitting tlie Statement of Keccipls and iJubursemuuts is recorded. The Collector submits a Letter
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  • 382 6 THE tiding* brought l»j Ihe Tigris from m.iii Gulpli afford but cold romfort for mf>m,,ii of the Press. Ihe P' r-ians arc motiiM? on llrrat. as they were this lime t»eiily years ago. Whether ihey Rd on U>trr tlir\ <)i<l in I&JH. or do more *hen there than
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  • 141 6 We are glad to hear that the Governor General is to much beiwr that lie 1i..» .sigmfiid bin attention of ;itIcu.lii.g Diiinc- Service ;.l the Kirk of hit forebears tomorrow tuoriiiug. This we believe will be His Lurd»hi(i'i> fi-ot apiKjariuice in the chitiacter ol a ton of tin. Kirk.
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  • 3378 6 Thk following is from Lucknow, dated 30 h January Ihe Ri sident, General Outain, has returned. II arriva has been ardently wished for and Io g i-xpectod by men of all classes. By many it has bi-en looked forward to with breatnlcss anxiety, io.- all believed that he Mould
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  • 473 6 BY ELECTRIC TELiiGU.VI'H. VIA ACiUA. The Steam-ship CHOSAN, Capt. CTJSLING, arrived at New Harbour on 4th inst. at at 11 A. M. having left Calcutta ou tae 24th u.tano. By this opportunity we have received n.-wi from England to the 26th January. Sailed Ir.un Calcutta
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  • 418 7 of i>, to bf Bttove and ii id he mtoikl the ;i<i;i tlta Louis, [m the Comrious the il.nriil,- 11. llyug and Mi. W 11. BaUM ittd aecund tlie add reat. i'.uii ment in .1. s-t;l v GuvweU let- i!)in rl i auiiffunriiijj I: froiii I'.irI'li^iu •;> has
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  • 139 7 L nuoit, Mi/t January I^.lb. Consols.— N neiy and a half. Hank. Di-iount. No ulteraiion. ii.lls un Bengai.— Two Itundicd and two thousHiiil, Mid as tweuty-oue tliousaml, Bombay live ttnMi*and liullio.j til iJ.uik. Ton wi a li.iii milllot.>. >il\cr. F Calcutta, mat dtoajSMad; Vladraa, twenty-fivfj tliouMud; da.uhjsv, two
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  • 3770 7 ■■■<<. 1 a :!i!»» t>r.> sitio s p< teamed '> the 1 raucu j i; v liv mice and Ragland. 1 atil v.. > are officially i'W .1 aaa.v as 1 m wlial ia a* in Puria, air ■^■'y a'iu i ad to, and 1 have 1 bal
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  • 281 8 MMrXIVMLO. Mar. 4 Frit, hnx Elizabeth, Marcus. Pmang Feb. 2i. P. and O, Co sS. V. Chusan, Curling. Cahplla Feb. 24. Dutch bark Orestes, Ago, Hongkong Feb. 24. Brit. do. City of London, Fine, Swalow Feb. 2U. i)o. do. llaniet Armil.ige. Watcrson, Hongko-.g Feb. 28. Do. ship Circassian,
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  • 432 8 AUiii M.uke Cardiff 29 |)*c Antilla U.i iv Liverpool 29 i)«-c A iuui Medjid Ohi^uu A l4" OauiK HuBIMHS Briunnia Daniel (iU-^uu 7 Doc Cornelian S;uiicr» Wiwpuil II Oct. Commodore B.rr Gliu-go* 14 N»». C 'tii'of r, crMHi Linipool 23 Nuv Cbinu M. ■vlillaii Lm.dim 2!*
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  • 117 8 I) <'• Veutlt Same. From. For. Feb. 6 Radiant (Aiucr.t Manila Cwk 8 Hero Wh.impoa Liverpool 8 Confi.uice (l'ort.) Macao Lisltoo 10 Lt.iy. (lore (Fi-i-ik-Ii) Hoinbay Shanghai „11 l>i.,!i.i i I'r.ii li i Amsterdam Suurab.iya 12 C»ur- r ombay China „13 Alit-oi.a (Amer.) Sli'ngh.ii V«rT«t M Naiuibii
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  • 62 8 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL Ti> An-inioiiy Ore IS lOh |*r *l *W Srtiul.i.-r £4- 10s. P.htl < i».i Jl I I<>> to 5 [ii.iui Rulil.e- £4. 15-. S.-.. F....H £4. 10s Snijiir .1' 4 15-f. an, JL4 15-. Jmree in lmf" €4 IJ-. p. r I'"* <•» i. Ulack Pei>j>iT
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  • 465 8 NATIVE CRAFT. BRITISH.— Hannah, Lotus, Ameer Doorman, T. K. D.vid<on, Nazree AlajU. U L'on, Goud Luck, Eliz.ibeth, Samdannv, Weraff. DUTCH— B*mvi«, 8..,. e H. Cli.n Gu*n, tUwmtm**, (>••■ K- Tv> A'-s.M.n. [n« Be., 'Juan B Guan, BerkHt, Futtool Kair, Abubaker, Cecelle, Nairn Bilgyer, Kirn Soon tl
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 567 8 THE BZCOND OPIUM SALE. Calcutta, 20th February. 185fi The ~ml Opium Sale was held on ihe 12'h instant, wlicn i.',39() chest 9 Fatna, and 995 chests Benares were sold at the following rates Highest Lowest Average Patna. 9 5 »55 *****.10* Bentves !>9O !MO 98i. 'J. l| I his 1
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    • 483 8 WIO.^-Y WIAHK^T. »i, iMiKUmlii M .iiilmcri-liiiit 4s. 104 I. to 4, nj I'.ilcutii. Hi 10 225 Rs.p.-r I.k, a..,..,,,.' O 1 China 1| a 2 per cent premium. ,!..,> .|.,y, ,iw,,i „s. |.«i 100 *ymm "in' 1 k>ts>H i»-i bsjsm |.n mi mm'* Kiipn 218 BH IUU dollar* J
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