The Straits Times, 8 May 1855

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 914 1 OP SUBSORIPTUMi dually.. Sp. Drs. 16 H ,|f. Yearly.. 9 Quarterly.... o one Month 1* A Single Copy One Rupee LIST OF AIiTICLES FOR SALE A T THE COMMISSION ROOMS OF JOHN LITTLE CO. COMMERCIAL SQUARE-SINGAPORE. (Dutfttttnß Department. p shoes, anl slippers, Paris an.l London made. HfcUstic, silk, and cotton.
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    • 501 1 Ny Lind. *c, Muslin Gloves— French Kid, White and coloured, White and coloured silk, thread Parasols —silk, plain, and figured Ribbons— silk, satin, bonnet and children's, a great assortment i Thread— cotton on reels, Silk, tapes, bobbin Needles, Pin*, crochet Thrraed and needles Babies' Hoods and Hat*— silk and satin,
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    • 762 1 Messrs. WHAMPOA AND CO.'S ADVERTISEMENT. T^Tessrs. WHAMIOA Co. have always on Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, selected specially for their Stores. WHOLESALE RETAIL A fOR EXPORTATION. i«illinrrp 9c ©ostcrp. Articles for the Work Table: Ualzarine dresses Sonnets of the latest modes, from Paris Chemisettes of
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    • 837 1 Aonm. I London— F. Algar ACo Calcutta— Thacker *Cr [rence j Hongkong Armsfong it Law f Batavia— Lange ft Co. NOTICE CU&SETJBE FROMMORZE. HEREBY gives Notice (hat he has withdrawn from the firm lately carrying on Trade and business under the style of LITTLR, CursbtJEK A Co.. and he has
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 635 2 coats and jackets; cigars, Munild No. 3 and 4 ciga cases, Manila and China; colors, oil and water, in tin boxes and cakes; camphor wood trunks; crowns, for naval caps; dinner and tea services; dressing cases; desks, travellers writing; foiling pieces, single and double barrel pistols, gunpowder and birding shot;
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    • 778 2 f, INSPECTOR OF BRACNHES. W. FKRftRICK FEROCSSON Efl<J. Landing counsel. T. C. MoKtoir, Esq., 10, Old Post Office Strati. Officiating. RrtOMIK, EsQ, BANKERS. The Bar* of Bengal. SOLICITORS. Robert Moslet Thomas, Esq. 6, Old Post Office StreetMEDICAL OFFICER.— Duncan Stewart, m. d. Presidency Surgeon 29, Chowringhee Road. SECRETARY.— P. M.
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    • 620 2 SUN INSURANCE OFFICE. HP H E Undersigned havint been appointed Agents for the above office, are prepared to grar*, Policies, Risk payable in China, Singapore an Calcutta SARKIES MOSEB. Singapore, 3rd March, 1855. CANTON INSURANCE OFFICr THE Undersigned having been appointed Agent here for the above Office, are prepared to
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    • 539 2 Peninsular and Oriental Stea^ Navigation Company's Office Battery Roud—Sinyapore. OUTWARD MAILS. THB Peninsular and Oriental Com steam-ship CADIZ with (he English T ]i April 9th, mat be ejected to arrive f gapore, en route to Hongkong, on or abouMh' loth prokimo. llle Application for Freight and Passage i n made
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 928 3 Notice SPECIAL BILLS OF LADING. «T«« LL) Panels and (ioods despatched Sraflti' 1 l>y the P. and O. Company's >*£SDSfI» S [VHlli '""l* t0 PINANO, (iALLK, MaCalcutta, Bombay, and io jlihamhion, iioNOKONO, Canton, and Suanohai, require Special Bills of Lading, which may be I'rocureu at Hie bTHAiTs Times Office Singapore,
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    • 762 3 Stevenage, Dec. 16, 1850. Gentlemen, we have used your delicinus food for four month", and found it admirably adapted for infants. Our baby has never once had disordered bowels since taking it. K. Ambit r." No. 4,876, Qucen's-terrace, Bayswater, London, 22 November, 1849. Mr. Dumpier will thank Messrs. Da Barry
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    • 1095 3 The MnfaUible Remedy HOLLOWAVS OINTMENT. EXTRAORDINARY CUKE OF bORE LEGS. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Michael Hyatt, of Meerut, dated the 20th of August, 1854. To Professor Hollowty, Sir, A man in niy employ, named John Jones, was for sixteen years afflicted with the most inveterate ulcerous legs, which
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    • 527 3 THE MONTAGUE ACADEMY TOR BOYS. TSaUU Boarders. Rupees 25 per mensem exclusive of shoes, boots and clothes. Rupees 35 per mensem inclusive of all charges but clolhes. Mr. and Mrs. Montague personally superintend the Dormitory and Refectory, and take their meals with the children. N.B. English, Greek, French, Latin, Bengallee,
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  • 189 4 Straits Times. Singapore: Tuesday, May 8th, 1855. IWHI" We have to announce the anivalof the following passengers May 2 per Rattler from Siam, H. E Sir John Bowring, Messrs. Bowring and Parkes, and Dr. House per Shanghai from Calcutta, Mrs. Linstedt, Moonshee Burzloo Rahim, Messrs. Mandy, Ross, Henderson and Low
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  • 127 4 Memorandum of Covers received for Delivery at, and dispatched from, the Singapore Post Office in the month of April, 1855. Received Per Steamer Kmingen der Nedtrlanden 2 547 from Bdtuvia Norna from Hongkong 576 Sinyaport from Europe 9,476 Do. from other places 1,1*89 Formosa from Hongkong.. 128 Reina tTCastilia from
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  • 82 4 The White Swallow, a fine new American clipper, arrived here on the 2nd inst., from Melbourne, after a good passage of 30 days. She reports having spoken on 24th April, the American ship Whistler hence to Melbourne, off Anjer and on the 27th, signalled a barque from Shanghai to London
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  • 31 4 Thr H. C. steamer Berenice sailed on Wednesday last for Vizagapatara with the remaining portion of the sepoys of the 43rd M. N. I. From Vizagapatam the Berenice proceeds to Calcutta.
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  • 74 4 H. M.'s steamer Rattler arrived here on Wednesday last from Siam, having on board H. E. Sir John Bowring and suite. H. E. landed under the salute due to his rank, and became a guest at Government House. In the afternoon H. E. gave an audience to the mercantile community
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  • 21 4 The H. C. steamer Hooghly will leave this day for Pinang, conveying thither the Hon'ble the Recorder and the Court establishment.
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  • 47 4 We are authorized to state, it has been arranged that the Band of the 38th M. N. I. will play on the Esplana le tomorrow evening, and every Wednesday evening until further orders." Mo day has been determined on for the Band's playing at the Sepoy Lines.
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  • 106 4 On the evening of the sth inst. the body of a male European was found drowned, and a Coroner's inquest has been held, but up to the present time the body has not been recognized. The following marks were on the body:— j. M. on the right aide of the
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  • 130 4 We observe that the Friend of India of the 29th March urges upon public attention the 6d. postage question, and recommends general agitation of tbe subject throughout India. It is the duty of every one here and in India to join in the cry for reform, for an extension to
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  • 120 4 By the arrival of the Berenice with the Head Quarters of the 38th M.N.1., the military force in garrison has been made most effective, as the subjoined abstract will exhibit: Singapore, May Uh, 1855. I— i S 1 "2 < o 2 3 2 5 It 50 «5 1 106
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  • 271 4 Wb subjoin a list of Subscribers to the Butterworth Testimonial. The latter will comprise a Piece of Plate to be presented to General Butterworth, and a full length Portrait of our late Governor to be placed in the Town Hall. The amount subscribed for both objects is $3,780. Jno. Purvis.
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  • 1398 4 Calcutta papers have been received by the Shanghai to the '-J-.'iul April. The Governor General was at Cotaghery, but the Head Quarters were at Ootacumund. It is said that 11. K. contemplates an early return to Europe. The Englishman's correspondent at Lucknow furnishes the following notice of barbarities practised by
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 622 4 Memento Mori. Thou sweet image of my mother, We.t remembrance of Whose !f ab Ho wmai b up l te,S cares. of parental hop,., by Of boJ ho^V n Suaed l ty.; r rsed »*e tender plant i from dreary school relieved The glaJdened boy wa* met with holy tears-
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  • 2531 5 Sik John Bowrino s mission successful NEGOTIATION OP A NEW TBEATY.— On Wednesday last II. M.'s 6teamer Rattler ,iichnrfd in lite roads having, on board H. E. Sir John Bowling and suite, from Siam. There were many doubts and anxieties as to the success of Sir John Bowi ing**
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  • 1386 5 In our issue of the 13th February appeared some remarks upon the harsh measures which the King of Siam had adopted against the American missionaries, literally confining them to the immediate neighbourhood of their own dwellings, 'lhe statement was met by a general denial on
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  • 130 5 —A MethoJistin America, ragI sing how well he had instructed some In. limn E in religion, called up one ui them, and, alter some questions, asked him, it' he bad nut lonn.l threat comfort last S inday, after having received lh e Sacrament. Ay, Mass*, replied the savage but
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  • 10426 6 Operations beforb Sebastofol Committee of Inquiry. It wm never explained by the gentlemen who ho fervently harangued against the committee of Inquiry what they meaat when they pronounced it a ■ham, a mockery, a delusion, and a snare. If they meant that nothing would be elicited worth the
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  • 940 8 Mr. Gibson and the Dutch Government. Our Washington correspondent h»8 sent, us the correspondence of Secretary Marcy and Minister Gevers iv relation to the alleged missing letter of Captain Gibson. The administration seems to think that it settles the case. Even if the letter be the true one it
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  • 358 8 Washii.gtMi, Jan. 10, 1855. Mr. Secretary of Stale This morning, a* 1 whs running ovrr th> documents relating to the aflair of Captain Walter M. Gibson, which were communicated to Congress on the 17ib ol December last, I noticed, with some astonishment, that the
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  • 368 8 ALLEGED LETTER FROM CAPTAIN GIBSON TO THE NETHERLANDS GOVERNOR. Bauvia, Feb. 25, 1852. May it Please your Excellency I mice more lake the liberty of addressing you in relation to my case and I m v desiie to do so without any feeling of attempt at defence, but rather to
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  • 1387 8 Lot* or theCliffer Ship "Tinqua,"7Boi« China. —The clipper (hip Tingqua, Capt. hit inure, bound to this city from Shanghae, Sept. 15, hat been' totally lost with a very valuable cargo. She struck on tne outer tboal off Cape HaUeras, on the night of the I2ih iuit.. in thick weather, and
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    • 220 8 April 30 Dutch bark Jilanny, NiUJj, Cheribon April 14. May i —Do. do. Kembang Djecpoon, McKenzie, Amp.itMin April 5. Do. do. Futtel Kair, Nakoda, Grissie April 10. 2—II M. SV. Rattler, Mellersh, Siam April 25. P. and O. Co.'s S. V. Shanghai, Munro, Calcutta April 22. —Brit, brig Fattle
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    • 95 8 May I—Brit, bark Lord Hardinge, Irwin, Alyal.. i, —Hamb do. Neptun, Bonnichsen, Rrcmi-n m „—Brit. schr. Rapid, Taylor, Swan Hirer. 2 —Brit, ship Gleu.laragh, Sniiih, BaUua and Melbourne. i» n —H. C. S. V. Berenice, Berthon, Viiagapatam, and Calcutta. 4—P. and O. Co.s S. V. Shanghai, Munro, Hongkong. „—Brit,
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  • 70 8 On Kniiland 6 Months credits at 4s. 9jd. to 4s lOd y ir On C'lcultH 225 to 226 per Bum! iv H Im si^ht I!s. 217 per 100 Mhs> Syce<? Silver 8 to 81 per cent premium for Urge Company's Rupee* '236 per KM) dollars Java It ii
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  • 54 8 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL Tin 3. i>er 20 c*>. Gambit- r. 4. Pea. I Sajjo.. 4. 10 Shro Flour. 4. ■Mm 5Coflee in bags 4. 10* p<r li cwt. Black pepper £4. 5» \,?r I ti cwt. Measurement Goods 4. 5* per 50 ciiltic f' (iiittH £4. 10s to 4..
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  • 326 8 NATIVE CRAFT. BRlTlSH— Muhabooly, Atiet Rahman, Sisters, Brittomart, Islamabad, Tiunr H Futile Raman, Futile Anian, Maria. DUTCH— Kirn Tek Seng, Hip Knu, Bara Sanijnan, K»der Rachman, Noor Silain, Jadul K»ri n 1- Guan, Lent? Guan, Teng Guan. Bata\ia, Jalanny, Kembaug Deepoon, Futile Kair, Heng GuaKirn Eng
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 119 8 UOI.LOWAT'B PILL«, a certain Cure for Asthma— These Fills hue effecU J lerersl wondrrful cure« of Ihetr romplaintt. The follo«in« i< one out uf are hundred. Jo*«i>h Hul>jernei», ol I nrnue, tape of U0.4 H.>pe. well known it that nelfhtv nrhojd. tulrered with a.thma tfteen months. the .ontinual cough completed
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