The Straits Times, 1 May 1855

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 924 1 ITBS OF SUB80»Il > TlO» Half-Yearly.. 9 f Quarterly.... One Month I* A Single Copy— One Rupee. LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE A T THE COMMISSION ROOMS OF JOHN LITTLE CO. POMMERCIAL SQUARE— SINGAPORE. .iiHUr Outfitting department. BnnU shoes, and slippers. Paris and London made. Kl'S'ic gi ii t> an
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    • 495 1 Ny »c Mnslin Gloves— French Kid, White and coloured, White and coloured silk. thread Parasols —silk, plain, and figured Ribbons— silk, satiu, bonnet and children's, a great assortment i Thread— eottoa on reels, Silk, tapes, bobbin, -Needles, Pins, crochet Threaed, and needles Babies' Hoods and Hats— silk and satin,
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    • 763 1 Me**™. WHAMPOA AND CO.'S ADVERTISEMENT. •<'|JO> Messrs. WHAMPOA tt Co. have always on Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, selected specially for 'heir Stores. WHOLESALE RETAIL FOR EXPORTATION. £«iWnrrp Boeftrp. Articles for the Work Table Halsarine dresses; Bonnets of the latest modes, from Paris Chemisettes of
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    • 830 1 Aonrrs I London— F.Algar A Co Calcutta -Thacker C. [renrS J Hongkong— Annit ong k Law I Batavia— Lange Co. NOTICE CURSETJEE FROMMORZZ. HEREBY gives Nolice lhat he has withdrawn from the firm lately carrying on Trade and business under the style of Little, CcrsbtJv.% A Co., and he has
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 632 2 coats and jackets; cigars, MsniU No. 3 and 4 ciga casrs, Manila and China; colors, oil and waieT, in tin boxes «nd cakes; camphor wood trunks; crowus, for naval caps; dinner and tea services; dressing esses; desks, travellers writing; fowling pieces, single and doable barrel pistols, gunpowder and birding shot;
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    • 767 2 INSPECTOR OF BRACNHES. W. Fbidebicx Fraou&soN Esq. STANDING COUNSEL. T. C. Mobton, Esq., 10, Old Pott Office Strett. Officiating.- W. Ritchb, Esq. BANKEKS.—The Bank of Bengal. SOLICITORS. Robert Mosley Thomas, Esq. 6, Old Pott Office StreetMEDICAL OFFICER.— Duncan Stkwart, v. O. i Presidency Surgeon 29, Chowringhee Road. SECRETARY.— P. M.
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    • 612 2 SUN INSURANCE OFFICE. THE Undersigned having been appointed Agents for the above office, are prepared to grant Policies, Bisk payable in China, Singapore and Calcutta SARKIES Si MOSES. Singapore, 3rd March, 1855. CANTON INSURANCE OFFICE. THE Undersigned having been appointed Agent here for the above Office, are prepared to grant
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    • 542 2 Peninsular and Oriental Steatjj Navigation Company's Office Battery Road— Singapore. OUTWARD MMLS TUB Peninsular and Oriental (Jonin,, steam-ship CADIZ with the English 2 J April 9th, may be ehpectrd to arrive gapore, en route lo Hongkong, on or .bout 1 loth proximo. Application r Freight and Passage to i made
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 970 3 Notice SPECIAL BILLS OF LADING. ~~V* tLL I'rtii -no and lioods Uebpatched /p^Kak,-^*- by tlie I*. and O. Company's l<&S3f«SLt.',tm blllpS to i'INANO, (.JALLh, MaJHSJJJJpdkas, Calcutta, Ijomhay, ami io Honoko>o, Canton, and Shanoi require Si'tciAL biLL» of Lauino, Inch may |i uc re Hl tlle Straits Times Office Singapore, August,
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    • 774 3 and Co. to send him another canister of their Revatenta Arabicn, it agreeing so well with his infant. This infar' was six days old when it commenced lit ing oa the llevaIcnt? No. ,'lB, Dr. firie* Magdeburg, recording the cure of hU wife .'rora pulmonary consumption, with night •"eats and
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    • 1087 3 The friend of All 1 1 hollowaVs pills. MIRACULOUS CURE OF GENERAL DEBILITY. Translation of a Letter from Baboo Sorabjee Chetty, of Allahabad, dated nth of October, 1854. To Professor Hollo way, Sir,— for a number of years I suffered most intenst.y from general debility, disordered state of iheiiver, together
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    • 492 3 THE MONTAGUE ACADEMY FOR BOYS. THaiMf— Boarder*. Rupees 25 per mensem, exclusive of shoes, boots aud clothed. Rupees 35 per mensem inclusive of all charges but clothes. Mr. and Mrs. Montague personally superintend the Dormitory aad Refectory, and take their meals with the children. N.B. English, Greek, French, Latin, Bengallee,
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  • 56 4 Straits Times. Singapore: Tuesday, May 1st, 1855. We have to announce the anivalof the folloiviog passengers April 25 per Berenice from Vizagapatam, lieut. Col. Pooley, Captain Huet, Lieut. Buck and Morgan, Ensigns Justice and West, and Assistant Surgeon Sutiitfe 38th. M. N. 1., Mrs. Pooley, Mrs. Buck 29 per Invincible
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  • 26 4 We have to announce the departure of the following passengers April 27 per Prima Donna to Hongkong, Mrs. Sproul 28 per Nile to Calcutta, Mr. Shearwood.
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  • 98 4 On Thursday last the H. C. steamer Berenice arrived here, having on board Lieut. Colonel Pooley, the Head Quarters, and left Wing of the 38th M. N. I. consisting of Lieur. and Adjutant Buck, Lieut. Morgan, Ensigns Justice and West, 420 non-commissioned Officers, Rank and File, 21 public followers, 18
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  • 35 4 We are indebted to Captain Thompson of the Helena for Melbourne papers to the 21st March. The Helena left Hobson's Bay on the 24th March and reached Singapore on the 25th April— a capital passage.
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  • 22 4 From Melbourne papers we learn that the bark Antilles, Stamper, hence to Adelaide, arrived at the latter port on the SJOth February.
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  • 67 4 We understand that in the Sheriff's office will be found lists of the Gentlemen qualified to sit as Grand and Petty Jurors. All who are interested would do well to examine the lists, and if they have objections, either of error or omission, to make thereto, they will have an
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  • 15 4 On the 25th April a man was killed by a Tiger at Chea Chwee Kang.
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  • 131 4 We understand that the Band of the 38th Regiment M. N. I., arrived by the Berenice is a very superior one, and in the name of the community we respectfully call upon the gallant Colonel and Officers of the Regiment to allow the musical talents of the Band to be
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  • 377 4 Mr. Christopher Robert Rigg has been appointed Coroner at Singapore, in the place of Mr. William Willans Willans, resigned. The Fees charged for affixing the Seal of the Court of Judicature to all Writs, Processes, &c. are, until fuither order of the Governor, diiected to be paid to Mr. Willans.
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  • 584 4 We regret to notice the frequency of murderous attacks made by small parties of Malays on the Chinese in the interior, or coming from Johore, under circumstances which scarcely warren;, the sup- position that plunder is the object of t> attack. On the 26th April no less tha' four wounded
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  • 762 4 -For some Jme past we nave noticed the daring character and proceedings of Chinese pirate*, who interrupt the trade along the coasts of Coch«:; China, Anam and other pars of the Gulf of Siam, making Siiigapoie I heir chief rendezvous either fur refitting their junks or disputing of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 894 4 notice MESSRS. SMITH, ELDER CO. have the pleasure to announce to their frier ds, constituents, and the public generally, of our Inditn Presidencies and the Eastern Settlements, that they have made arrangements to carry into execution a design which they have long contemplated, for the Publication of a FORTNIGHTLY JOURNAL
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    • 597 4 THE SUPPLY DEPARTMENT. For the execution of orders for every dascription of Military Appointments and Clothino, Mess Supplies, including Wines, Provisions, Plate, G lass, China, &c Arms, Accoutrements, Band Instruments and Clothing, and all kinds of personal requisites. Orders entrusted to S. E. Co. for execution, will receive prompt and
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  • 631 5 Ovr missing correspondence and newsauers came on by the Berenict, a porhaving travelled to Madras and the 'ijiuder having found an equally round r b"ut way to leach Singapore. We insert i correspondents' letters, which will be read with interest. We subjoin two telegraphic despatches cived i» London on the
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  • 355 5 Melbourne papers have been received w the 21st March, which notice the tendency to confidence and improvement in all branches of business, excepting dry goods; Ac sale of the bankrupt stock of four wholesale houses and many smaller firms to the dry goods line had completely disurla"ged that branch of
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  • 1300 5 —We are glad to notice that the above suoject has again attracted the attention of the Imperial and Colonial Governments, and that the P. and O. Company are once more in the field negotiating tor re-open-ing the line of steam communication on a new, liberal and
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  • 1353 5 -In reply to a question from Mr. Loci 1, Lord ralmenton uid that account* had been reeeit d of the arrival at Balaklxva of the engineers and workmen who were to lay down the railway lhey had already, ou the 8th of February, begun to lay the
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  • 920 6 [From oub own Cohbespomdbnt.] Malta, Wb «re dull as ever in point of news from the seat of War, but now that spring is at hand, and the weather in the Crimea more adapted to military operations, we may again look out for tidings of another action, or as many
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  • 1382 6 [From our own Correspondent.] Malta, March 14M, 1865. The Gaglinani of the 6th, which reached us three days ago, brought tidings of the death of the Emperor Nicholas, on the 2nd instant, at midnight. The following extract from that paper may be read with some degree of interest The late
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  • 2313 6 [From our own Correspondfst.J London, 26<A Feb. 1655 We hare had another eLufflc of the Cards, but this time the game is in the hands of a man who knows the value of every move, and who is not likely to lose a single trick if it can be won.
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  • 2418 7 [FbOM OUR OWN CoBUESPOXDBNT.] London, March 9th, 1855. Full of deep interes', as many of my late communications have been, they are all left far behind in importance by the intelligence, I have now to convey to your readers. The Emperor of all the Russias is Dead The disturber of
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  • 1970 7 Ohlt tbote who have experienced the difficulty of supporting a cause the final cuccesa of which haw to be obtained by the aid of instruments of ackuowledged inferiority cad appreciate the position of the impartial Chronicler of the Chinese rebellion. In Kurope tin first day's result in a revolution
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  • 1650 8 Meantime, we are happy to believe that a season of increased prosperity to trade will gradually dawn upou Foreign commerce, as the interruptions to internal communication are swept away. These causes cf complaint would not have lasted so long, if anything like energy and skill had been displayed by the
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  • 1144 8 DAMAGED CARGO-THK MASTERS DUTY TO PROTEsT. CALCUTTA SMALL CAUSE COURT. (BEFORE A. O. MACPHERSON, EBU.) Charles John Marry vs. Dossabhojf Framjie (Jama and Co. This was an action for Rupees ninety-seven and eight annas, for money paid by the plaintiff for the cosu of ext judiug, at the request
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    • 140 8 April 24 —Brit, hrig Tiang Hiii, Bird, Kongpoot April 13. 25 —Am. ship Helena, Thompson, Melbourne Mar. 24. —11. C. S. V. Berenice. Berthon, Viiagapatam April 17. —Unt. brig Aheona, Richirdsoti, Hobart Town Mar. 3. 26—Dutch bark Kader Rachman, Nakoda, Sourabaya Mar. 20. —Do. do. Noor Salam, Do. Cheribon
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    • 94 8 April 24—Brit ship Menzies, Wilson, Kongpoot aud \Vlmiii|iui. 25—Do. bark Bangalore, Turner, Liverpool. —Span. S. V. Keina de Caslilla, Yzquireudo, Manila. 27—Brit, bark Edward Marquard, Durnford, Akyab. —Bril. brig Prima Donna, Sproul, Hongkong. —Do. schr. Sidney, Browne, Labuan. m Do. brig Dulo, YoungTman, Calcutta. 23—Do bark Cornelia, Rob on,
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  • 65 8 On England G Months c. edits at 4*. 9|d. to 4$ 10J H* On Calcutta 225 lo 226 per 100 duhnrs. I'.ombay 30 days sight Ks. H7 per 100 tMUrs. •Sycee Silver Bto Si per cent premium I -.r Company's Rupees "236 per 100 dollars Java Kupees (new)
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  • 48 8 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL Tin 3. 20 c *t Gambier 4. Pearl Sago. 4. 10 Sago Flour. 4. Hides 5L'offee in bags 4. 10« prr 13 cwf. Black pepper £4. 5s j»erl(icwt. Measurement Gchklk £4. 5* per 50 cubic f> Uutta 4. 10s to i. 15s per 'if)
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  • 305 8 Abdul Medjid Wilkie Gla«)fow 9 j ltl Alcyone Liverpool Hetty and Johanna Petersen il.mliurg 16 Jai. Cailana Wateherne Liverpool Bankbaarheid Po«rn» Liverpool 11 I. Fleda Mathenon London Free Trader lila<<gow Flag of Truce Day Liverpool 23Feb Orange Morrison Glasgow 6 r>6 J. C. Calhoun Cardiff Jessie
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  • 321 8 N4TI VIfc CRAFT. ifH'Tl**H MsAibooljl Atiel Rahman, Sisters, Brittomart. Islamabad, ting H DUTCH— Kirn Tek Sen?, Hap En?, Bara Sanirnan, Tanjong Pinang, Kader Rachman, Noor W* Jadul Karim, Eng Giian, Len? Gnan, Ten* Guan, Batavia. BALLY— Fattel Kair. ARAB— Fulty Roxack, Jadul Karim. MALAY— Young Queen,
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