The Straits Times, 20 February 1855

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 942 1 a«TBs op tunsoatPTio* m. nually.. Bp. Or*. 16 I rf „f-Yearly.. 9 f gur rterly.... i uiif Month 1| I A nel* <'oo» One Kunee LIST OF AUTICLKS FOR SALE AT THE COMMISSION ROOMS OP JOHN LITTLE CO. COMMERCIAL SQUARE— SINGAPORE. ...lit!" Outfitting Bfpartmtnt. Poots shoes, an I slippers, i'..ri»
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    • 554 1 Ny t.lnA Ar Muslin Gloves -French Kid. Whit* no'! cnlnurrri. White and coloured silk, ft thread Parasols —silk, plain, and figured Rihlions-silk. «»»in. hnnnet and children's, a great assortinrnt 'I bread cotton nn re-Is, Silk, tapes bobbin .-Needles, Pio«, crochet Threaed and needles Babies' Hoods and Hats— silk ami saliu,
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    • 816 1 Me*™. WHAMPOA AND CO.'S ADVERTISEMENT. jt|tssr«. WHAMPOA Co. have always un Salr an extensive and choice aasortinent <>f i lie following goods, selected siwcihlly for their Si ores. WMULKSALR UK I All. roll BXPORTATION. iMUUnrrp «p fljoeicrn. Articles for the Work Table; /ialzarine dresses; Bonnets uf the latest modes', from
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    • 863 1 iOETTI. London— F.Alg > r < Cs) Calcutta— Thamrr *C* (rence Hongkong Armut nng Law Batavia Lange 4 Co, NOTICE cursetjpt: raoM-ic^Z!:. HEREBY gives Notice that he has withdrawn from the firm lately carrying on Trade and iiini,ii'<s under Ihe style of LITfLB, CuiISKTJKt Jt Co., and he hat this
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1034 2 coats aud jackets; cigars, MauiU No. 3 and 4 cigar c-»»ca, .vlauiU uud Cmua; cuiurs, oil and water, in tin boxes and cakes; oamplior wood trunks; crowns, for naval caps; dinner and tea services; dressing cases; duHaW, travellers writing; fowling pieces, single and double barrel pistols, gunpowder and birdiug shot;
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    • 777 2 aad Co. to send .hip another canister of their ßf***"-" 1 Arabica. it agTMiog so well with his infant. IMs infant was six days old when it cosameueed living on tbf-Rev*-lenta No. 62.418, Dr. Gries Magdeburg, recordingtoe^ure of his wife from pulmonary •wnfumption, with MS* l weaia and ulcerated lungs,
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    • 1111 2 The Friend of Alt! HOLLOWArS PILLS. Mt&ACULOUS CUBE OF GENERAL DEBILITY. Translation of a Letter from Baboo Sorabjee Chetty, of Allahabad, dated 17th of October, 1854. To Professor Hollowat, SlK,— For a number of years I aufferea most intensely from general debility, disordered stote of the aver, together with melancholy
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    • 629 2 THE LONDON ORIENTAL STEAM TRANSIT NBUR *NC£ OFFICE?* ESTABLISHED IN 1843. THE Undersigned are prepj. red to accept Risks (covered b» Policies with the London Insurance Companies) by the P«. mnsuiar and Oriental Steam Navigation Com. pany's and the Hon'ble the East India Company', Steamers, or Steamers under charter to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 662 3 Mental Surgery AIK DAVIS, Surgeon Dentist, will visit Singapore professionally by the first stramer leaving Cal<utta afte' the 3rl of February next Letters and communications for Mr Davis will be received at the Straits Ti mes Office, Singapore. Calcutta, January I4t\. Itfss. NOTICE. -^HE UNDERSIGNED begs to inform the Public
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    • 759 3 any, the number of Policies in force was 1,374 insuring Cos. Rs. 80,33,354 and yielding annual premiums Co.'s Rs. 3,98,969-0-0 Since Ist January 295 fresh Ingurar.ces have been granted for the sum <fCo s, Ph 16,12,438, making the total annual premium upwards of Co.'s R*. 4,70,000 and exhibiting for the
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    • 591 3 TO BE SOLD OR LET. 15UKTT ETER CHTRMTN. New Harbour- formerly the residence of W. W. Keb, EsqThe Grounds attached to the House occupy a space of about 16 acres. Apply to KER, RAWSON CO. Singapore, \\th Deer. 1854. ADELPHI HOTEL. JW 1> High Strckt. Mr. C. A Goymouii begs
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    • 891 3 jinn mn a co. BEG to acquaint Ibeir numerous and respected Friends, thai they have trade arrangements in Europe, India, China, Ac. which will enable them to furnish a assortment of Merchandize, particularly suitable for Shipping, and Ihe Colonies, at wholesale pries. Sinfopore, 6th Februarg, 1854. TELECRAPHIC EXr'K.SaES IT
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  • 35 4 SINGAPORE: Tuesday, Feb. 20th, 1855. W e have to announce the •nival of tb« follow, ing paueng*rt Ptb 18 per Sidney from Labuao, Lieut TrUcott 43rd M. N I. 16 per Wmff from Sarawak, Mwn
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  • 65 4 Crookahsnk, Htlmt »nd Gates. 17 pw Pmu Shua fr»tn Calcutta, W. N. Blowt Esq. W« hate to announce Ibe departure of the following paMftifrer*: Ftb. 15 per Hugh Lindsay to Madras, Mn. Bora, Lwnta. Bum ami Tri*coU»*rd. M. N. 1. and Lieut. £faot Mil M. N. I. 17 |>er Cc-rad
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  • 40 4 The European news of December 26th, brought by the steamer Paou Shun from Calcutta, was published in our Extra. We have since gleaned some additional intelligence, including news from the seat of war, which will be found in another culumn.
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  • 28 4 Up to the hour of gjin? to press last evening there was no siga^l a fjr the steiner from alle with the overland in-iils from Europe, now overdue.
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  • 57 4 There was no signal for the Dutch steamer from Batavia up to the nour of our going to press last evening it is thought that the steam. -i- is reuiet'inj assistance to a Dutch vjsiul on shore at the Rhio entrance of B »nka Straits, and supposed to be the
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  • 79 4 From the Englishman price current of the oth February we take the subjoined notice of the Drug market at Calcutta: Opium The increased value of money prevent* «pe> cuUtion in the drug, ..n<l the market ia quiet with lower price*. We quote Patnaat Ha 6-5 for new, and ««f for
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  • 29 4 The H. C steamer Hugh Li'.dsay sailed on Thursday morning for Ma 'ras, having on board Lieuts. Burn and Triscott and a detachment of the 43rd M. N. I.
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  • 13 4 Thb condemned ship Northumbria was sold on Friday last the hull realized $4,500.
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  • 39 4 The schooner Sidney which arrived here on Tuesday last, brought over from Labuan Lieut. Trtscott and some sepoys of the 43rd M. N. I. When within 100 miles of Singapore one of the Sepoys jumped overboard and was drowned.
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  • 77 4 W« regret to announce the loss of the well known schooner Syed Khan, sailing out of Singapore, the property of Tan Kimseng Esq. The Syed Khan left Macassar early in December last with a cargo of coffee for Singapore when off Cape Mandur she encountered a severe squall and upset
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  • 350 4 In our iuue of the 30th January last we directed public attention to the desirableness of suggesting to the executive the advantages which would result from extending the Plutu'g trips to Singapore, instead of making Pinang the southern limit of steam communication. On the Bth instant the Chairman of the
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  • 562 4 Extract of a Utttr from tke Uonble the OfieiaH%q Governor to tke addrtm of tke Comiuiui tter of tke Tenatlerim Province*, dated tke 2nd January, 1 865 I think it right to suggest to yon, that the tripe of the Pinto would probably prove more remnoeratire wan they axtwfed U
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  • 812 4 Calcutta papers have been received to the 6th February, from which we gather the following items of news: Sir Lawrenre Peel, the Chief Justice, was about to proceed to Bombay for the benefit of his health. The Tenasserim Provinces have beeu placed under the direct management of the Supreme Government
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  • 682 4 The following are the particulars of a shocking outiag<> and murder which took place at the I'olite Office on Thursday evening la-t I he two M»Uje were in cu«to It, on a ch»r(r* < I Piracy raid to haw Irrn run. mined ab* ut ihre* monthi a<»..|fSt. Juim'e Inland, by
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  • 1719 4 The Malay and the I 'eon died shortly afterwards. A Coroner's Inquest, is no* enquiring into the case The Suet or StsASToroL. All the accounts from t! t Crinita received up to the l.ith Dec. concur in representing the siege operations as neany at a standstill, o»wg t0 tlie diiiicult>
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 520 4 Peninsnlar and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Battery Road —Singapore. OOrffABDMULS. THB Peninsular and Oriental Company's steam-ship CADIZ with the English mails <>' January 9th, may be etpertrd to arrive at Singapore, en route to Hongkong, on or about tbe 16th proximo. Application for Freight and Passage, to be made
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  • 3363 5 Annkxation or Tin StKuwicH Islands. Kmoiish ProTCCTIOM WlriiO.<AWN -ImiO-T.NT FACTS.— We have, from various source*, late, reliable and important information in regard to the psn.l ng treaty for the annexation of tbe Sandwich Islands. Our readers will remember the interesting intelligence which we published on this subject a few weeks
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  • 7680 6 European Intelligence. Thb war. thb Sieok of Sibastopol. More than 20 days have elapsed since we last received authentic accounts from our army in the Crimea. Our latest news is derived from Russian sourcesand we are carrying on war against an enemy who has ten days the start of us
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  • 3410 7 SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. TBt Kino or Sum aitd Sis Courtiirs. In Mother column will be found mi article taken from the Straits Time* relative to Siam, of very similar character to several notice* of Siamese affair* which hare recently appeared in that paper. These articles we arc sorry to
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  • 202 8 SINGAPORE SHIPPING. ARRIVALS Feb. 13— Brit. ichr. Sidney, Brow dp, Labuan Feb. 8. Do. ship Wm. and Uu Iba, Miller, Hongkong Feb. 4. 15— Do. brig Corcyra, Collins, Macassar Jan. 7. Do. bai k Courser, Day, Calcutta Jan. 30. 16— Do. brig Weraff, Burrows, Sarawak Feb. 12. Dutch do. Sret
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  • 125 8 Vessels Expected From Europe. Abdul Meujid Wilkie Ulan K ow Blind is.Vj Glasgow Han<alore Turner Do 15 A Commodore Swaney Clyde Orie Vnen i«n 28 s D-tnkuaarbeiJ Fottma Liverpool Klavio (iioca Fahhorp Cnrdiff 1C 0 •irace L<> i<atatf I>»gan Glasgow 2(i a u Janet Wiliou McNitb Giatgow 29 8» D
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  • 110 8 Vessels Expected From Calcutta. C. ;ri S V C.rUn B J 1 L*Uy M*, 7 Wood(«.T.)Town.e u d ,i» rinan* »'ulin t .oa U.mbl. dirvct V«»«« L EXPKCrRD FItOM MAVLMAIR. B lld lf '«)lur »ia j.iu»i 1({ WlSCLI EirtCTtD FKOU ALITR*i.J«. Prim. Doai.m Spraul A, elbouruc D» c {>( l
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  • 58 8 MONEY MARKET. On fc.nglanjtj MuiiilutriMlu. .»i 9li g 4«9,d W dr, Ou CalcutU 234 per IWH liw U..uibay 30 dajrit tight Ka. iU par 100 dollar*. Sycee Silver 8 to »4 per cent |>retmiim forlarg* C.nn|)«ny'a Iff pei hn) dullura J*t» liuptren (new) 'JBo per 100 dollara Ja»a Rupees (old)
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  • 40 8 FREIGHT TO LONDON LIVERPOOL. fin A Antimony 2 10 :■> 2Uf» iO t*i. Juil«« in bags A l'i-. 6 i r 1-j wi. Black peeper 4. «5- twlvmvt. MeiiHiireineiii (iuo<l.-< 4. Ijs |>ci' JU cimic ft (inttii Tnlinn 4. m iiliAi.
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  • 95 8 An Infallible Kemkly ioi Bne t Jam.dice, ami Liver (Joni^laiiiif, IJ'dlnciy't /'tilt. Extrad ol a L-iui iron. Ellm Fawceti, of Purt Kill b> ih, Algoa Ba>, tv ?iolrt>Boi H>iloway.— 1 suffered for seven n i ii tioi J.mndice and Bile, aiisim; from a very disordered ale ot <lio liver; during
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  • 345 8 SHIPPING IN THE HARBOUR. Nall\ l. Cit Vr' 1 ii.i. I I 31 .wt A n' i. t*v>i|«lnti, K»u.- Kuiiani, Sidens. MuhabooJy, Ami Rahman, Diamond, Hylroose, K. K. Bus, Kirn Yap Soon, Whampoa, Nonhumbiia, Sister. DUTCH— Cornelia, Haat H«ir, Kirn TU>f Tay, SuuffeUr, Chung Eng, Eng Wai, Bnitani? Tujo, Homer
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