The Straits Times, 13 February 1855

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 920 1 ATBS Or SUBSOKIFTTOM Annually.. Bp. l>rs. 18 i Half-Yearly.. 9 f Quarterly.... I On* Month 1« I A Single Copy One Rupee LIST OF j ARTICLES FOR SALE AT THE COMMISSION ROOMS OF JOHN LITTLE CO. COMMERCIAL SQUARE-SINGAPORE. ■ilMliii. Outfitting Beparitnent. Punts shoe*, and slipper*, Paris and London made. f
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    • 531 1 Ny Arc, Muslin Gloves— French Kid, White and coloured, White and coloured silk. A thread Parasols —silk, plain, and figured Ribbons— silk, tatin, bonnet and children's, a great usortraent Thread— cotton on reel*, Silk, tapes, bobbin Needles, Pins, crochet Threaed and needles Babies' Hood* and Hats— silk and satin,
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    • 771 1 Messrs. WHAMPOA AND CO.'S A DVERTISEMENT. M«Bnr< IMessrs. WHAMPOA Sl Co. have always ua Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following quods, selected specially for iheir Storea. WHOLESALE RETAIL «t rOH EXPORTATION. /ttUltiurp 9s |QOoferp. Articles for tbe Work Table; talianne dresses; Bonuets of the latest modes, from
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    • 834 1 AOKfTS. 1 London— F.Algar A Co I Calcutta -Thicker Co. [rence I Hongkong— Armstrong k Law y Bttivia— Lange 4 Co. N OJM C E CURSETJEE rmOMMORZC. HEREBY gives Notice that he has withdrawn from the firm lately carrying on Trade and business under Jie style of I.ittm, CursbtJbe A
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1037 2 coats aud jackets; cigars, ManiU No. 3 and 4 cigar casts, Manila and China; colors, oil and water, in tin boxed aud cakes; camphor wood trunks; crowns, for naval c<t|>s; dinner and tea services; dressing caste; doski, travellers writing; fowling pieces, single and double barrel pistols, gunpowder and birding shot;
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    • 757 2 and Co. to send him snother eaaUUr of their Re*al*nta Ambica, it tgreeing so well with his infant. This infant was six days old when it commenced living on the Keva- No". 42,418, Dr. Gries Magdeburg, recording the cure of his wife from palmonarr consumption, wu» mgnt sweats and ulcerated
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    • 1166 2 The infallible Remedy 00HOLIOWAY'S OINTMENT. EXTRAORDINAKY CURB OF SORE LEO*. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Michael Byott, of MeenU, fated the 29th of Augutt, 1854. To Professor Holloway, Sib,— A man in my employ, named John Jones, was for sixteen years afflicted with the most inveterate ulmtoos legs, which
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    • 654 2 THE LONDON ORIENTAL STEAM TRANSIT INSURANCE OFFICE. ESTABLISHED IN 1843. THE Undersigned are prepa. red to accept Risks (covered by Policies with the London Insurance Companies) by the Pe. ninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Corapany's and the Hon'ble thf East India Company* Steamers, or Steamers under charter to them. The
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 628 3 FOR SALE. ■CIIRST-RATECHRONOMETERS kfc^ -T —Warranted. J2- Some Marine Barometers and SteerJotruiasses, newly imported. W. C. LEISK. Marint Surveyor. Singapore, 21st. Oct. 1858. NOTICE. H g UNDERSIGNED begs to inform the public that he has opened an Auction and Igg ,oH Room in Commercial Square, and by care and attention
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    • 752 3 I any, the number of Policies in force was 1,374 insuring Cos. Rs. 80,33,354 Mid yielding annual premiums Co.'s R«. 3,98,969-0-0 Since Ist January 295 fresh Insurances have been granted for the sum of Co g, Rh 16,12,438, making the total annual premium upwards of Co.'s Rs. 4,70,000 and exhibiting
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    • 613 3 MONARCH FIRE AND LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY: LONDON Ti HE Undersigned have been appointed Agents for the FIRE Branch of the above Company, and are prepared to issue Policies. JOZE D'ALMEIDA SONS. Singapore, Dec. 23rd. 1864. TO BE SOLD OR LET. •OTJKIT EYKR CHIBMTN. New Harbour* formerly the residence of W.
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    • 507 3 Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Battery R oa d Sing<*P° r MAIX. t JJJ^k LIKESOUTWARD MAILS. The Peninsular and Oriental Company's steam-ship ERIN with the English mails of February 9th, may be eipected to arrive at Singapore, en route to Hongkong, on or about tbe 18th proiimo. Application
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  • 24 4 Domestic Occurrence. DEATH. At Singapore March 12th, Charles Farmer Coventry, Senior Lieutenant of H. M. S. Rapid, after 3 days' illne»i, aged 30 year*.
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  • 144 4 Straits Times SINGAPORE: TUESDAY, 13TH, 1855. We hare to announce the ariival of the follow, ing passengers March 6 per Maria' from Sarawak, Mr. C. A. Crymble per Egmond from Khio, Mr. Duykcrs; 7 per Kate Kearney from Batavia, Messrs. A. Cooke and B. Davis per Chusan from Calcutta, Mrs.
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  • 57 4 Ov Wednesday last passed through the Harbour the American ship Jno. M. Mayo, of Boston, Lincoln master, from San Francisco bound to Calcutta— 6s days out. The Jno. M. Mayo reports having spoken on Feb. 22nd. in Lat. 20° N. and Long. 132° K. the whale-ship Otean, of Warren, 15
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  • 31 4 We understand that the wreck of the steamer Pacha has at length been discovered at Batu Pahat, in 19 fathoms water, particulars of which we will give in an early issue.
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  • 59 4 We hear that arrangements are in progress for commencing the erection of the Town Hall, the tint stone of which will be laid by Governor Butterworth, C. 8., on Saturday next, at 5} r. m. on the site between the Court House and the Post Office. The Trustees request the
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  • 49 4 Colonel Cameron and the Head Quarters of the 43rd M. N. I. embarked in the Burlington on Wednesday last, and sailed for Vizagapatam. The Left Wing and Head Quarters of the oBth M. N. I. was expected to leave V izagapatam for Singapore, per Berenice, about the 10th instant.
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  • 188 4 China papers were brought by the Lanrick to the 22nd ultimo. The steamer Shanghai with the English mails of November 25th reached Hongkong Feb. 20th. The Shanghai encountered severe weather, ran short of coals, aud put into Manila. The China Mail notices that while the Shanghai was at the last
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  • 584 4 In another column will be found a letter, signed An Englishman," reflecting upon some observations of ours which appeared in the Straits Times of the 27th ultimo, relative to a correspondence recently carried on between some of the Merchants and the Resident Councillor. To notice seriatim the short paragraphs of
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  • 50 4 On Tuesday last a public meeting, convened by the Sheriff, took place at the News lioom, for the purpose of taking measures for presenting an Address to the Hon'ble the Governor, on the occasion of his final departure from the Straits. Jno. Purvis, Esq., was unanimously called to the chair.
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  • 309 4 Mr. Purvis, on taking the chair, remarked that, labouring under severe indisposition at that moment, he was sure his fellow citizens would excuse his making a lengthy address; indeed, the unanimity which prevailed as to the object for which they had assembled rendered speechifying unnecessary. It was but twelve months
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  • 1539 4 We insert in another column full details of the ceremony obaerved at the recognition <t the Sultan of Johore, by the local authorities, and the new treaty entered into on Saturday last. The occasion calls for some editorial remark* which we now proceed to make. We believe that the relative
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  • 671 4 "In framing these conditions I have viewed I Sultan as po-sessingthe right of paramount doiuim .O. and the Tumongong at not only virtually tMrcw*'/ the powers of government, but being like other JJM* sovereigns de facto the rial proprietor of the soil.' In another part of the same despatch, M
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 200 4 FOR LONDON. T\. rnHE fast-sailing Ship PRINCE 1 4jS 1 ARTHUR. 1,500 Tons burthen, i«sj|& will hare quick dispatch, and has oxjsWfiaW cellent accommodation for Passengers. For further particulars, apply to SYME CO. Singapore, 27th Feb- 1855. FOR LONDON. •Jw rpHE Clipper Barque COMMOii^V 1 DORR, of 489 Tons Register,
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  • 1775 5 Recognition or the Sultan of Johorb.— On Saturday last, in pursuance of instructions from the Supreme Government, the Sultan of Jobore »as formally recognized by the local authorities. The ceremony took place at noon, in the large room of the Government ottices. Although but little time had been available to
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  • 373 5 Singapore Rifle Cor?s. We are sorry not to have been informed of the parade of the Singapore Rifle Company, which took place on Thursday evening on Government Hill, on which occasion they were inspected by their Colonel the Hon'ble Colonel Butterworth, C. 8., Governor of the Straits Settlements and we
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  • 187 5 Calcutta papers have been received by the steamer Chusan io the 25th February, up to which date the news of the 25ih January from England had not been received by any telegraphic message from Bombay.— The Englishman announce* that duringthe Governor General's stay ft the Neilgherries he intends to try
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  • 190 5 Pinano papers have been received to the 3rd instant. The bark Hydroose, Captain Browne, with convicts from Bombay, had reached Pinang after a long and tedious voyage. It appears during the passage the vessel sprung a leak the endeavours of the crew, in throwing overboard the cargo (salt) and pumping,
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  • 183 5 We understand the H. C. steamer Pluto is not expected to continue her trips between the Tenasserim Provinces and Pinang, in consequence of not paying; but, it is said, if the Governor General does sanction her proceeding to tiie Straits again she will probably come to Singapore, as suggested by
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  • Correspondence.
    • 841 5 TO THK KDITOB OF THE STRAITS TIMES. Sir, Whether I am right in noticing your remarks on the subject of the correspondence between the Resident Councillor and the Merchants, is a matter which may admit of a difference of opinion but I do not consider it just to the parties
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  • 999 6 —American Presidential The President's Messages, like the popular drinks of that country, require to be strongly flavoured and well »piced to «uit the public taste, and the la»t of tht ue lengthy annual documents which has just reached this country appears to have been mixed too mild
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  • 2321 6 .—It is a singular fact often commented upon by the natives of Ireland, that the Emerald Isle," so essentially the Land of Song, whose bardic remains have obtained a world-wide reputation, whose national melodies alternate from the touchingly simple to the thrillingly superb
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  • 425 6 The English woman in Russia.* The remark of Madame de Stael, that a Russian is only the outer akin of .a Tartar, naturally commands the assent of Englishmen. But, as is natural, this assent is exceedingly vague, for the causes which render it probable that he is still at heart
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  • 2642 6 IV lafMwuMi Mtutta him j VOf Skml> mi im. officer appropriate his neighbour's money at the card table, another slipping concert tickets up bia sleeve animo furandi. Of another, she has moral evidence that he purloined a lady's watch. She herself has been watched by her hostess, and the reason
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  • 1496 7 .—The Emperor of Russia has thought proper to mark the close of a year which will ever do remembered as the most calamitous of his twigs by a firwh appeal to the confidence of his subjects, who have made, it must be confessed, enormous sacrifices with a
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  • 1268 7 It appears impossible to doubt that Prince Gortaohakotf has been authorised to enter into negotiations at Vienna on the l>.nn of the four points, as they have been interpreted by the Allies. The telegraphic messages of our own correepond>.-nts coincide, in their announcement of this news, th the telegraphic intimations
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  • 779 7 following on the treity of the '24th of December —The Constitutionnel ha* the The third condition contained in the guarantees of August 8, and the unmodified adoption of which Austria requires from Russia, before entering into negociation with her for peace, is the revision of the treaty
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  • 1547 8 Acceptance bt Russia of the Four Points.— We have no doubt that the statement forwarded to us yesterday morning by our Vienna correspondent is strictly correct, and that a conference was held on the 7th inst. between the Plenipotentiaries of the allied Courts and the Russian Minister, at which Prince
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  • 965 8 Thb Wak.— We are still without any decisive news respecting the operations in the Crimea, but if reliance can be placed on the accounts recently received, the projected assault on Sebastopol may be daily expected, if it has not, in fact, already taken place. It is affirmed that instructions have
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  • 202 8 March 6— Brit, scbnr. Maria, Skinner, Sarawak Jan. 29 and Sambas Mar. 3. H. N. M.'s do. Egmond, Wyke, Rhio Mar. 6. 7— Brit, brig Kate Kearney, Houston, Batavia Feb. 21. P. and O. Co.'s S. V. Chusan, Carling, Calcutta Feb. 25. Brit, brig Hamlet, Collis, Swan
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  • 142 8 Amaranth Probel Cardiff 11 i Abdul Mediid Wilkie Olasaow ■J Bland (S.V.) Ula.|ow W bangalore Turner Do. it Drie Vriend.n tSt Dankbaarheid Poitma Liverpool U 'ft! Flavio Oioca Falthorp Cardiff in r> Free Trader Wade Glasgow Flag of Truce l>»y Liverpool (irange Morrison Olaagow Orace Longttaff
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  • 19 8 Sultan Nunwick Sophia Prater Urilfen Vessel Expected mom the United Statu Storm Roberts New York
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  • 37 8 irratoon Apcar le»erly ri-«nd )ido Mi saglet(B V.) £liia Penelup* lamodj ioorfol C"naew Am Youngerman Patterson Stewart Kamige peartun Young Kooner direct direct direct direct direct direct via pinani via Pinani direct direct
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  • 124 8 Glendaragh Smith via Pinang Dec. J| Hydroosee Brown j)ec jj Lord Elphinstone Massey Sopahnia Nakoda via Pinang Metropolis Lange direct Vessels Expected fkom Madras. Teaiei via Pinang Berenice (S.V.) aerthon via pinang Vessels Exfectbd from Maulmain. Rapid Taylor via pinang. Vessels expected prom Australia. Havilah(S. V.;
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  • 44 8 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL Tin Antimony 2. 10 to 215 per 20 cwt. Collet in bags A 12s 6M per 18 cwt. Black pepper £4. 15* per 16 cwt. Measurement Goods 4. 15s per 50 cubic ft GuttH Tuban 4. per i 0 cwt.
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  • 61 8 On England 6 Month* credits at 4s9d.@ 4*9 id. iff dn. On Calcutta 234 per 100 dollars. Bomaay 3l> days sight Rs. Ml per 100 dollars. Sycee Silver 8 to»i per cent premium rorlarg* Company's Rupees 236 pet 100 dollurs J*va Rupees (new) 280 per 100 dollar* Java
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  • 361 8 NATIVKCHAKI 1 UKin>tl— S»Udv.ii A. mJ. Dolphin, Faiie Kuhany, Sideris, Muhabooly, Au< Rahman. Northumbria, Sisters. July, Juliette, Maria, Adelaide, Dido, Samdanny. DUTCH— Cornelia, Haat Hoir, Kirn TUag Tay, Snuffelar, Chong Eng, Eng Wat, Homer Bintang Baroo, Patrinda Hokseng, Culumbus, Mas Danok, Damar, En< Guan, Kirn Hin,
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