The Straits Times, 30 January 1855

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
  • 20 1 THE STRAITS TIMES. JD SINGAPORE JOURNAL OF COMMERCE. VOL. Uth. published every [TUESDAY JANUAKY 30th, iBss] Tuesday morning NO 725
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 981 1 llT ii or svMomiPnoa v Annually.. Bp. Dn. I* J Ealf-Tearly.. t f Quarurly.... f One Month... 14 1 A Single Copj— One Rupee. LIST OF n ARTICLES FOR SALE AT THE COMMISSION ROOMS OF JOHN LITTLE CO. COMMERCIAL SQUARE-SINGAPORE. nimillnn Outfitting department. ftoots «hoe», and tlippers, Paris »nd London
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    • 533 1 ay *r Muslin Glores— French Kid, White and coloured. White and coloured tilk, thread Parasols silk, plain, and figured Ribbons— silk, satin, bonnet and children*, a great assortment i Thread eottna on reels, Silk, tapes, bobbin .Needle*, Pins, crochet Threaed and needles Babies' Honds and Hats— silk and satin,
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    • 801 1 M-n. WHAMPOA AND CO.'S ADVERTISEMENT. jllfisM. WHAMPOA Co. have always un Sale an extensive m 4 choice assortment of the following goods, selected specially for (heir Store*. WHOLESALE RETAIL Jt FOR EXPORTATION. /ttiMurrp Sf ffiostcrn. Articles for the Work Table: Balzarine dresses Bonnets of the latest moder, from Paris; Chemisettes
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    • 845 1 I Lendon— F.Algar i v < Calcutta— Thacner ACo [renoc j Hongkong Arm it ong A Law I Batavia Lance Co. N O_T_l C E CURSETJEE FROMrttCJHZE. HEREBY gives Notice that he has withdrawn from the firm lately carrying on Trade and business under the style of LITTLE, CURSCTJKB A
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1085 2 eOaU and jacket*; cigars, Manila N*. 3 and 4 cigar eases, MauiU and Vliiua; ssMers, oil auJ water, tv tin boxes aad cakes cam^bei .Broud iruuks; cruwu«, for naval caps; duiaer and me. semcis; dreeaing coses; desks, travellers wttungj fcwltug jneccs, in.gls and double barrel pistols, guupowder aud birdtug sbot;
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    • 794 2 aad Co to send kirn another eaataler of tkeirßevalenU Arabic. U .greein. a. well witb hi. iufaot. 1 taa infant was sis «ays" Id wken it commenced living ob tbe Bey». Ne". «».418, Dr. Ortes klagdebarg, reeordlag tke cure of hi* wile frwß» pwlruonary coii«umptio», with Ml*|Bt aweau and ulcerated
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    • 1184 2 The Friend of AU HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. aßHaaßßasw Q- aw MIRACULOUS CURE OF GENERAL DEBILITY. Translation of a Letter f-om Baboo *V bjee C'uity, of AUahabad, dattd \itkuj OctMr, laa*. To ProfeMor Hollowat, Bib,— ror a nuin k er f years 1 Swßftew mo«t intensely from general ilcbiiity. di^ >r<lerru »t
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    • 1227 2 The MnfnUihle Remedy HOILOtfAVsTinJIEJiT. A MOST ASTONISHING CURK Or SCROFCLUCtf tI.CKUa.— A CASK CKIITiriKI) TUB M.wun »r boston. Copy of a Letter from J. Noble, Esq., Major oj llosUih Lincolns'iiie. To Professor lloli.owav, Deiir >u. -.Wr.. g-AJUBI I)iX'»M of Liq'l<ir|> >:id Street, initlou, t..i« tlii< day drposed b f c
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 643 3 NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED begs to inform Ihe Public <hat he has opened an Auction and CoifMiB*ios Room in Commercial Square, and trusm, by rare ami attention fo business, he will merit a share of their Patmnnge. M. F. DE SOUZA. NOTICE THE General Agency an I Commission Business erected at
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    • 769 3 any, the number of Policies in fore* wm 1,374 insuring Co a. Rs. 80,33,354 *n<l yielding annual pieiniumsCo Rs. 3,98,969-0-0 Since Ist January 296 frt Insurance* hare been granted for the ram of Co s, Ra, 16,12,438, making the total annual premium upwards of Co. Rs. 4,70,000 And exhibiting for
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    • 580 3 TO BE SOLD OR LET. "OXJKIT ETRE CHIRMTN. 2«ew Harbour formerly the residence of W. W. Kbb, Esq* The Grounds attached to the House occupy a space of about 16 acres. Apply to KEH, HAWSON CO. Singapore, 11th Deer. 1854. ADELPHI HOTEL. JV? i, Nigh Strrbt. Mn. C. A. GOYMOCn
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    • 900 3 IT JOIN STEEL k CO. BEG to acquaint (heir numerous and respected Friends, that they have uaado arrangements in Europe, Imfa, China, Ac. which will tnr.hlc them to famish a general assortment of Mcrrhandize, particularly suitable for Shipping, and (he Colonies, at wholesale prices. Singapore, 6th Fcbruarg, 1854. TELEGRAPHIC EXPRESSES
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  • 144 4 Straits Times. SINGAPORE TUESDAY, Jan. 30th, 1855. We have to announce the ari ival of tbe follow, ing passengers Jan. 22 per Shanghai from Calcutta, Messrs. Orerweg, Wilson and Couche 24 per Cnilo from Manila, Mr. and Mrs. K. Abbert and family, Senr. U. Bo«ch 25 per Nile from Minto,
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  • 48 4 Captain Bathe, of the ship Francis, reports having spoken in Banca Straits, between the 3rd and 4th Points, the ship Mimosa, from Shanghai bound to Halifax. On January 1 1 th off Battu C irrain Point, spoke the ship Tippoo Siib, out 145 days from Liverpool to Singapore.
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  • 25 4 Thb H. C steamer Hooghly returned to Singapore on the 27th instant, having on board the Hon'ble Colonel Butterworth, C. B. and Lieut. Cox, A.D.C.
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  • 56 4 Thf. H.C. Hocghly steamer proceeded on Saturday evening to render assistance to a largejunkwhichhadgrou'idedoa theJohore shoal, on board of which were 1200 ♦"nines; passengers. How so great a number > managed to stow themselves away on board a junk ewnof the largest size, we are at a loss to imagine—
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  • 46 4 Her MnjMty'i fii^Hte Sjbille, Captain the ilon'ble G. J. II F.llioit, sailed ou the 25th instant to Hongkong, from whence she will proceed to I'etropauloski and Hs> ka, to co-operate with the l'a< ific squadron iv the reduction of the ltussian foi tresses to the northward.
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  • 68 4 Thb P. and O. Cos. sfe.-im-si.ip Ganq*i started yesterday for Galle and Bombiy direct with the mails, instead of proceeding to Calcutta. This change was iv consequence of an urgent request for the use of steamers as transports to convey troops from Bombay for service iv the Crimea, and Captain
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  • 90 4 The Opium Sales— By the Shanghai, from Calcutta, we learn that, at the reouest cf the Chamber of Commerce, there has been a slight change in tie days fixed for the Opium sales, so as not to interfere with the departure of the mails to Europe. We subjoin the newly
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  • 425 4 The following appeared in the Mail edition of the SStraitt t Times on Tuesday last:— I The P. and O. Cos. 8. V. Shanghai 1 arrived last night, having left Calcutta on the 14th, bringing ou the English mails of Nov. 25th. xhe news from Europe has been anticipated by
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  • 106 4 I'ixan-o Gazette* have reache4 us to the 20th January. The Gixette of the above date contains a lengthy draft of an act of the Legislative Council for regulating riv rs, ports, and harbmrs of the K.I. Company* teritories, and establishing certain tolls for defraying the expenses of •uch management. Many
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  • 203 4 New Zsvland. We have great pleasure in noticing that ;i re.ular line of steam-communi ation has bvu opened between SyJnpy and New Z aland. According to a letter received at >in^ap«»re j from Sir. l.orkhead, the Sydney Agt nt, it would appear that the Provincial Government of Auckland, New Zealand
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  • 122 4 Wr observe the Bengal government hai notified that the H. C. steamer Pluto will be despatched from Maul main to Pinang on arrival at Maulmsin of the mail steamer from Calcutta, and (hat this line of communication will be continued, the Pluto conveying passengers and freight between Maul main and
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  • 214 4 I freight list of the Pluto, we do not see j the propriety or even justice of making Pi. nan^ the southern lnnit of the I'luto't monthly trip. The P. and O. Company having succeeded in freeing thcmselvj* from conveying to the StraiUand China one ot the fortui o 'litly
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  • 348 4 China.— Tlie P. and Cos. S.V. Qanqet, Captain Bowen, arrived here on Saturday evening, having left Honvkohs at 2 p. m. on the 22nd. The news by this opportunity is somewhat exciting The intflligente from Shanghai reaches to January 10th. Ou the morning of the 6th, the French Admiral made
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  • 254 4 Wk insert below nvo letters, o-i« from (\i;»tai i Bs)«M of I J Co.'" S- 1 i«;'ii Qamjeti AvtaiHoj; the raptm :i CaiatMtj tii i os, .id! l- j-.|..- i \n\ th Naval Cnn na l i«- -i liLt ;i k mi-.v-le<l |fasg th? 'r-rn^r. ju liciiun na I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 604 4 Peninsular and Oriental Steam Narigatitn Company's Office, Battery Road— Singapore. OVTWARD M 111. 3. Tll« Peninsu'ar and Oriental Companj'» steam-thip CADIZ witli the English imiU nf Janunrj Oth, m,ij he o*peit«'d to arrive at Mng.iporc, en route to Hongkong, on or about th« 16th proximo. Application for Freight and Passage,
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    • 160 4 SALE BY AUCTION, T THE VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD PROPERTY, LIBRARY. PLATE, CARRIAGES. HORSES, *c op TEt HON'BLE THE tiOVEHNOB- V E aaTff been oreJ witlj instructions to sell by Pubiic Auction, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY ICTH, 1855. The viilunble-nl in Hous-U ••Id Furniture Ch..n<ldiers. l'icurf, B oks, Hate Pitted VV'i.r-, Dinner,
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  • 99 5 Winchester, at Hongkong, 5.h January, iB.'s. Sir,— l have the honor io acknowledge the receipt of your letter of this day's date, in which yod inform me of your succ»sstai capture of 14 PiraU'B taken Jtdyrante dtlicto. and whom you h*ve dj!ivreJ ovjr with great propriety to the CjIooUI authorities.
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  • 318 5 We are hv>py to announce the re'.ur> of the Hon'b c Colonel Uutt r-v >rfa o lira stari n, after a ih rt rilil o C 1 vita. Dur.^x Hit ilonor't siij t tks S.-at of >\y h>ar, a"d siucvre'y b'lieve. lie did his beat to secure f>rthe (Scttiem
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  • 123 5 Wk have bsen downed to give insertion to the subjoined correspondence relaive to the very liberal subscription sent forward last year in aid of the Widows' and Orphans' Fund. In compliance with the request we publish the corres- j pondence To the Revd. C. HlaDwin, &c. &c. Sir, We the
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  • 351 5 Gentlemen,— Having collected the Nfoney allud.'d to, and satisfied the Donors hat such has l>een duly forwarded to its destination the same being acknowledge! in the local prints, in the London Times of October 16th, 1851. and a stamp, ed receipt for the same being dily filed am >ng the
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  • 626 5 I! Ed their letter iv terms wholly irrespco I tive of any private conversation which any of the subscribers had with the chaplain. The tone and style of the letter we would I unhesitatingly condemn but for the reason already assigned. What necessity there was for instituting an inquiry wo
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  • 214 5 [Fbom oob own Correspondknt.] Malta, 22th Aov. 1861. Since I last wrote you nothing irtsh has reached us from the I rimea, but I hope before- closing this, the arrival of the French steamer from Con- I stantinople may bring down something worth communicating. With this you will receive a
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  • 244 5 from Constantinople in company with the CamI bria," By her, news from tuo Crimea up to 17m lust has reached us. Although the Yectis" brought a report this morniiig^lrom Marseilles of I aa action having take a place *on 13tti there was nothing of the kind. The british troops howe>er
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  • 1968 5 [FaOH OtJR OWJf COBRMPOUDFIfT.] Lojjdon, Xvvember 25<A, 1864Th* fortnight which hat juat elapsed has been perhaps the moat pregnant with exciting i.< ws from the Sea; of War" of any period the commen- ment of hostilities. Scarcely a day haa p-M-<O'l f itbout aonie startling announcement favorable or disastrous
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  • 4141 6 Baluljut. The disturbances at the Ballaiat goldfields have at length assumed the form of open rebellion, and already many lives have been lost in the ranks of both soldiers and insurgents The last advices from Melbourne, per BosphonA mentioned that Mr. Commissioner Rede had beeu made prisoner by the
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  • 805 6 Hullo tea y i'liu. £.x.iam .1 i,u Cm* of fj. piution of llic lleurt....Piofes*«r li,ilowny h id tht pleasure nf rtceivingthe following letter, dudd M irch I7lh, 1354. Di .ir D v t'ir, -Your Pills are enu.elr g>»->d few years ;.g> I was un<hr the tic-itm r.t of Dia. of
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  • 2877 7 MONTHLY MARKET REPORT. Singapore, January 20th, 1855. THE discontinuance of tbe semi-monthly mail steamer ol>h&e» us to return to a monthly report of the stale of our markets. Since the dale of our last circular there has not been much business doing in European manufactures, the stocks of which are
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  • 705 7 Eiroaw D«c. 15tb. To Ntw York by the AmericiD *bi*> Itaak Waltm i lss pU and SOcty* ratuns, 145 pl« and 37 ctys sapan wihml, 01 pis mad 6 ctya buffUo horns, 132 pla and 4 ctys (in. 179 pit and 61 ctya c-unplior, 601 pis and 31 ctys gambier,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements

  • 306 8 SINGAPORE SHIPPING ARRIVALS. Jao. 22— Dan. brig Colibri, Koppernolt, nongkong Jan. 14. M Port, brig N. S. de Lux, De Jesus, Macao Jan. 12. n _p. «O. Co.'s S. V. Shanghai, Munro, Calcutta Jan. 14. 23— Am. ship Resolute, Mackenzie, Calcutta Jan. 3. Span, brig Neptuno, Bazagoile, Ma- nila Jan.
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  • 246 8 Vessels Expected from Europe. ■land (S. V.) Glasgow Baugalore Turner Do. IS Aug Cornelia Larmonl Shield* 7 July Commodore Swanty Clyde 3 Oct. Conrad Heorich 8 Oct Duke of Argylt Jone* Shields 15 Sept Dri« Vnertden 28 8ept FUtio Gioca Falthorp Cardiff 10 Oct Grac« Lon R 8taff Logan Glasgow
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  • 71 8 On England 6 Month* crediu at 4s M. <$ 4s 91d- V Private Bills 4s. 91d. to 4«. lOd. On Calcutta 234 per 1 00 dollars. Bombay 30 days sight Us. 234 per 100 dollars. Sycee Silver 8 to 84 per cent premium for lar c Company's Rupees
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  • 13 8 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL. Tin M BSSS|{: glf* Gutu Tuban i. 4- P"
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  • 2321 8 . Duties at Shakohae.-Wc are^ Informed that the Chinese have refused to accept M r. MaeLaiiet decision in this matter, and dechne reeving the third of the duties as awarded by him. Horn this we infer that the American Commissioner wa* an unauthorised Umpire on the Chinese si^e-and that the
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  • 492 8 SHIPPING IN THE HARBOUR. NATIVE CRAFT. BRITISH— Judijl Karim, Sbaval Amid, Dolpbia, Faixe Robany, C. K. Bux. Stderis, Muhabooly, Atiet Rahman, Pearl, Diamond, Hydrooaa Ameer Letchmy, Juheitc, Stamford, K. K. Bux, Am«ed Bux. DUTCH Cornelia, Baat Hoir, Kirn Tun*; Tay, Suuffelar, Cbong Eng, Eng Wat, Bintang Tujo Homer Sally, Biutang
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