The Straits Times, 19 September 1854

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 915 1 K»r*a or »nasoair riu« v a-.xlly 8p Drs 18 J ..urteriy i „< *Icnth... 14 I i <i:.ffl* Copy One Rupee. > LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE AT THE COMMISSION ROOMS OF JOHN LITTLE CO. COMMERCIAL SQUARE— SINGAPORE. .iintm* Outfitting Bepartmrnt. Hoots, shoes, an I slippers, Parl* and London made,
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    • 542 1 Ny Lind. fte., Muslin G hives— French Kid, White and coloured, White and coloured silk, ft thread Parasols —silk, plain, and figured Ribbons— silk, satin, bonnet and children's, a (rreat assortment Thread cotton on reels, Silk, tapes, bobbin -Needles, Pins, crochet Thread, and needles Babies' Hoods and Haw— silk and
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    • 767 1 Messrs. WHAMPOA AND CO.'S ADVERTISEMENT. -»»*jo» ]||essra. WHAMPOA A. Co. have always un Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, selected speciullj for iheir Stores. WHOLESALE RETAIL A ruH EXPORTATION. JfitUtnrrp IQoeftrp. Articles for the Work Table: Salzanne dressts Bonnets of the latest modes, from Fans; Chemisettes
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    • 828 1 aoxxts. I London— F.Algar Co Calcutta— Thacker Co. [rence HongkoDg Arust oog A Law Batavia— Langr ft Co. NOTICE CURSETJEE FROMMORZE. HEREBY gives Notice that he has withdrawn from the firm lately carrying on Trade and business under the style of Little. CursktJRE Jt Co., and he has this day
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 760 2 coats and jackets; ci K ars, Manila No .1 and 4; c gar .ases, Manila and China; colors, oil and water, in un boxes and cakes; c.mph.. wood trunks; crowns, for naval caps; dinner and tea services; dressing cases; desks, travellers writing; fowling pieces, single and double barrel pistols, gunpowder
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    • 637 2 ICE DEPOT. ICE can be procured at the Depot, near the Assembly Rooms, from 7 till 9 o'clock in the morning, AND FROM 3 till 6 o'clock in tbe afternoon, (Sundays excepted.) Tokens for quantities of 2 lbs 5 lbs. and 10 lbs. can be obtained at the godowns of
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    • 648 2 Nones. THE Interest and Responsibility of Mr. Henri Vernlui. in our Firms of Morgan, McEwkn Co., of London and Glasgow, and McEwkn Co., of Singapore, Baiavia auti Mauila, terminated on 30lh April last. Our Business at Batavia will be conducted by Mr. John Black and Mr. Wm. Martin, who are
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    • 805 2 EASTERN MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. THE Undersigned are prepared to grant Po!j. cies on shipments hence to Great Britain, India and China, payable either here, or at Lon. don, Liverpool, Calcutta, Madras, Bombay, Rangoon and Canton. Shares in the Company may be had on appli cation to us. MACLAINE, FRASER CO.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 593 3 peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Office, Battery lioad Sinyapore. mail £B^ lines OUTWARD MAILS. TUB Peninsular anrt Oriental Sleam Naviga- (.ompany's Steam Ship ERIN, Captain |;o(iKiis, with the European Mails of the 25th August may be expected, en route to Hongkong and Shanghai, on or about tho 30lh instant.
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    • 638 3 TRIESTE ROUTE. OVEHLANP HOUTE VIA T&XSBTS* THE Austrian Lloyds Steam Navigation Company' s Imperial Mail Steam Packets leave Alexandria direct for Trieste after the arrival of the Passengers by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers from Calcutta^ on about the lib or sth of every month and an arrangement has
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    • 1072 3 AAA CIRCS WITHOUT MIIIK I\F. B. 9U UUII CO^VENIEXCE OK EXPENSE, BY F|U BARRY'g delicious REVALENTA ARABICA FO JD, savea 50 time* us coat in other means of cure aud is the natural remedy wind, has obtained 50,000 testimonials of cures from the Uighi Hon. the Lord Stuart de Decies,
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    • 906 3 »nd bladder, such a.« stone or gravel inllammatory irritation and cramp «.f i he nrethia, cramp of the kxl neys and bladder, .itru liifs and heinorrhoida. Tlim really invaluable remedy is employed with the most satisfactory re»u;;, met only in bronchial and pulmonary j complaint*, wheie irritaiion and \>nu< m
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  • 94 4 Strata Times Singapore: Tuesday, Sept, 19th 1854. We have to announce the anival of the follow, ing passengers Sept. 12 per Koningcn der Nederlanden from Batavia, Mr. Brandriad and family, Messrs. Vreese, Motley and Vanderhoven per Cadiz from Galle, Messrs. Wat«on, Moss and Boyd 15 per Maria from Sarawak, Messrs.
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  • 25 4 The United States sloop of war Plymouth, Captain Kelly, arrived here from Hongkong on Tuesday last, and will leave this day for Pinang and America.
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  • 104 4 The P. and O. Company's screw steam ship Cadiz, which arrived here on the afternoon of the 12th instant, has made the fastest passage yet accomplished on the Bombay and China line. The Cadiz left Bombay on Sept. Ist at 9 a. m., stopped nearly two days at Galle, three
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  • 39 4 The H. C. steamer Hooghly left this port on the 13th instant to cruize about the Anambas in search of the long missing schooner Albatross, which vessel left Singapore for Labuan on July 18th, with a party of Golaundauze.
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  • 224 4 With reference to the remarks which appeared in our last issue, anent the transport of troops and treasure, we deem it right to correct an error which then appeared. It seems that the Government treasure was sent over to Labuan by H. M 's brig Saracen, and that an unsuccessful
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  • 111 4 On Wednesday evening last the Troupe belonging to H. M. S. sloop Lily gave a farewell theatrical entertainment, which realized the highest expectations that had been formed, and will belong remembered by the Singapore public. The house was crowded to excess, and the audience convulsed with laughter from the beginning
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  • 169 4 The Local Judge. According to letters received from England by the last Mail, a provision for the administration of Justice in the Straits of Malacca has not been forgotten. Thanks to the persevering efforts of Sir Erskinc Perry and Mr. Crawfurd, the question is still agitated with promising effect, and
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  • 100 4 We observe that the Governor has appointed Mr. H. S. Mackenzie, of the Bengal civil service, to succeed Mr. Lewis as Assistant Resident at Pinang. Mr. T. Braddell is removed from Malacca to the appointment of Assistant to the Resident Councellor at Province Wellesley, recently held by Mr. Mackenzie and
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  • 451 4 Thb llornko Commission.— On Thuisday last the Commissioners again met at the Court House. Mo one appeared to prefer any accusatory matter*. After a short pause, Mr Commissioner Prinsep said he scarcely knew what wouU be thought of the proceeding in Kngland it was a matter of great surprise that
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  • 160 4 We observe that workmen have at last commenced the repairs and alterations of St. Andrew's Church, after more than two years' inactivity, during which time the building has been daily falling to ruins. We trust that the work having been commenced it will be followed up vigourously, and the congregation
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  • 2653 4 Java— Batavia. I he Dutch mail contract steamer Kuningen der Nederlanden, < apt. un Deighton, arrived here on Tutsday last, with dates to the Bth instant and papers to the 6th. The subjoiued account of Montrado affairs is translated from the Couraut By H. M Steamer Ventviut newi bare been
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 344 4 NOTICE. rpHE following Packages, ex Dor ro, are now 1 lying at the P. and O. Co.'t Office. Battery Road and I hereby give notice, that unless they be remored within seven days from the present dat«, they will be sold by Public Auction to defray'expenses. H T MaMHIII Superintendent.
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  • 545 5 SupßiMi Court,— August 18, 1854.— (Before Sir Janes Lulcile.J— Thr Queen Vf. THE SsiKH Convicts.— We reported the trial of this matter in full on Wednesday. On that day again, eleven other prisoners were arrraigned on a charge of wilfully killing the Captain of the Clarissa, and convicted of
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  • 455 5 Accounts from Madrid of the 28th of July state that the National Guard is already composed of nine battalions and two batteries ot artillery. A decree of the Junta suppresses the royal council, aud another calls into force the press law of 1837. The decree which exiled the lufante Dou
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  • 2332 5 C'konstadt hot iMmiGMABLK.—Tie opinion of the Council in London which took into consideration the assumed impregnability of Cronntadt, and was furnished with all the available information that could enable it to com* to a correct conclusion, is, that, "if assailable, it is not impregnable." The Council had the advantage not
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  • 5229 6 Entry or the Turks into Bucharest. -BcchaRKBT Auo 7.— The Turkish advance-guard, under Skender Bey, has just entered the city. The rearguard of the Russians, consisting of seven •.-giments of Hussars and Cossacks, are only two miles Authentic information says that Moldavia will also oe evacuated. Russian
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  • 1080 7 Vom the Si- Monthly Circular and Singapote Price* Current.) SINGAPORE MARKET REPORT, Singapore, Sept. 16/7<, 1854. Our market for almost every descripim of cotton manufactures continues in very depressed state, and sales to any tent cannot now be effected even at the ratea at present ruling. ill nee generally commands
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  • 1466 7 Alum. No imports; a fair demand etisls, and first arrivals will readily bring V lo 1J per picul. Arrack. B.itavn in good demand, market cleared— worth 12 to 13 per half leaguer. Bees' Wax. Imports from 25th ult. to the iOtli insl. 20 piculs;— good bright Yellow is
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  • 1027 7 Text of the Ausro-Pessian Message to the Czar. -me lollowiug. according to the German newspapers, is the text of the Austrian and hwia message to the (Jxar, iu\ilmj{ him to evacuate the Principalities: TO COOT LSI UUMZI, AT ST. I'ETBHSBI RC In pre-enre of tkc treat ri.n whu h k.
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  • 658 7 —It would be a <i rficult task (my the Etmj Herald) to exaggerate the importance of the wmn hangiug upon the coming harvest. We turn thereto with mingled feelings of hope and fear the formti, however, greatly predominating, for up to tie present the irops appear to h«
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  • 298 8 SINGAPORE SHIPPING ARRIVALS Sept. 12— Dutch steamer Koningen der Nederlanden, Deighlon, Batavia Sept. 8. P. and 0. Co.'s S. V. Cadiz, Roberts, Bombay Sept. 1, Galle 6th and Pinan g 11th. U. S. ship Plymouth, Kelly, A Hongkong July 29. 15— Brit. schr. Duck, Prowsc, Kongpoot Aug. 24. Am. bark
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  • 262 8 Vessel* expected mosi Calcdtta Linnet Formosa (S.V P» nMI G. C. str. Nemesis Goodwin Vbsbels expected prom Bombay Erin (S.V.) Eogers via Pinang Malta (S.V.) Purchase direct Vessels expected prom Chin*. Mary Mackertoon Hongkong Brothers Crowell Whampoa Chu»au(S.V.) Curling Hongkoiig Ganges (B.V Bowen Do. Noroa (8.V.)
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  • 2600 8 Vessels expected from Australia. OudAlhlaa Melbourne Allandale Davisou Sydney June M Sir H. Hardinge Hay Sydney June 3U Barrackpore Stewart Melbourne June 7 Rapid Taylor Do. July 4 from Madras Gazelle Teazer Z. Panneah Jarvit VISSLKS EZPECTBD FKOM BALLY. Sophia Fraxrr Oriffen Corcyra Collins Marie Jenkins Gen. i*goe France. be
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  • 360 8 NATIVE CRAFT-BlliriSll-Fui.y Uonbanck Juda Kama, H****" banv, K. C. Bux, Sideris, Tung Hin, Sultan, Muhabool y, At el Kah lu .n DUTCH-Serrio, Pospah, Futty H*~g Fu.ul Hair. JjiUal H r, w t Haat Hoir.Tanjong Pinang, Ki.n Tiaii« Tay. fcnuffeUr, Cnong Cog, S Sree Patunie, Tnjo,
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