The Straits Times, 18 July 1854

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 696 1 R\TP.l* S» 6UBHCRIPTIOW Abaually.. Sp. Drs. 16 J Half- Yearly.. 9 f Uuarteriy.... .5 One M' n'.n.. 1, 1 A Single Copy— One Rupee. J LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE AT THE COMMISSION ROOMS OF JOHN LITTLE CO. COMMERCIAL SQUARE-SINGAPORE. ■aiiMlnw Outfitting department. shoes and slippers, Paris and London made.
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    • 551 1 Ny Lind, Are., Muslin Gloves— French Kid, White and coloured, White and coloured silk. thread Parasols silk, plain, and figured Ribbons— .ilk, satin, bonnet and children., a great assortment I Thread cotton on reels, Silk, tapes, bobbin Needles, Pint, crochet Thread, and needle. Babie.' Hoods and Hats— silk and satin,
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    • 767 1 M«a WHAMPOA AND CO. S ADVERTISEMKVT. ■»ij»i> jllessrs. WHAMPOA k Co. have always un Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, selected specially for their Stores. WHOLKSALKRKTAIL A fOR KXPORTATION. ittilUnrrp ftoeicrp. Articles for the Work Table; Balzarinc dresses; Bonnet, of the latest modes, from Paris Chemisettes
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    • 824 1 iAOWTI. London— F.Algar A Co Calcutta-Thatker Co. [rens« Hongknog Armit'ontf k LawBatavia Lanae t Co. NOTICE CURSETJEE FROMnORZE.. HEREBY gives Notice that he has withdrawn from the firm lately carrying on Trade and business under the style of ITTLK, Curskt jke A Co., tnd he has this day established himself
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 623 2 coats and jackets; cigars. ManiU Wo. 3 and 4 cigar rases, Manila and China; colors, oil and water n tin boxes and cak*; camphor wood trunk.; WTOjg naval caps; dinner and tea services; dressing cases desk* travellers writing; fowling pieces, single and double barrel pis.ols, gunpowder and shot; cold
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    • 649 2 WANTED AN Experienced STEAM BOAT ENGINEER, for the Netherlands India Steam Company at Batavia. A liberal salary will be pllowed. Apply to auowe ii > MACLAINE( FRAS ER CO. Singapore, 12/ A June, 1854. NOTICE IS hereby given, that E. Afel, of the firm of E. Apel Co. Singapore, and
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    • 1115 2 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. i ♦> SURPRISING CURE OF A CONFIRMED ASTHMA AFTER yiVE YEARS SUFFERING. The following testimonial has bern sent to Professor Holloway, by a Gentleman named Middleton, of Scotland Road, Liverpool. Sir —Your Pills have been the me ana, under providence, of restoring me to sound health mfter nve
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    • 1041 2 HOLLOWAY'S OIHMEM A MOST ASTONISHING CLUE OF ScaOFULUl'!* ULCKRS:— A CASK OBRTiriKD BY TIIK MAYOR OF BOSTON. Copy of a Letter from J. Noble, Esq., Mayor of Boston Lincolnshire. To PnoKtssoß Holloway, Dear Mr.— Mn. Sabah Di ox of LiquorponJ Street, Boston, has this J»y deposed lx forr me that
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 588 3 yCMtMSULAR ©KIE^TAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S OFFICE. Battery Road— Singapore. MAlli^^Jm^v I.INES. OUTWARD XHXAZZ.S. Onk of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Steam Ships with the liuropean Mails of the 24th June may be expected, en route to Hongkong and Shanghai, on <>r about tin 3 1 si ;mlant. Application
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    • 645 3 TRIESTE ROUTE. OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TRIESTE. THE Austrian Lloyds Steam Navigation Company's Imperial Mail Steam Packets leave Alexandria direct for Trieste after the arrival of the Passengers by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers from Calcutta, on ahout the 4th or sth of every month and an arrangement has now
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    • 1097 3 -n ftnft CIRCS WITIIOIT MKDICftE, l\. rlu.UllU o>\KMr KOR E\PE!\SE, BY r\V BAHHVs delicious KEVALENTA AHAbICA FOJL), sdVCii .*>o tiiiies its coil in oilier means ot cure and is the natural remedy which has i'titained 50,000 testimonials of cures from the liight Hon. the Lord Stuart de Deciet, Archdeacon Slunrt
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    • 953 3 and bladder, such as Mone ur travel; liitlaromalory irruatii.n and cramp of the urethra, cramp of the kid neys and bladder, strifttnes ami hemorrhoids. Tin* really invaluable remedy is >'n.\i\<>ye& with tho most satisfactory r< suit, in.t only m bronchial and pulmonary MMfMM*, uh>'re miuii' n ami pain are to
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  • 123 4 We have to announce the anival of the followimr pwfengers July li per Java from Batavia, Lieut. Col. Noman, Rev. Mr. Dupuu andfamUy, Messrs. Melbourne, BoyJ, Richardson, Shaw, King, rarve, Kinphout and Kiugsbeg > 12 per Louisa frvtn Adelaide. Mr-. Hi-lop per Champion
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  • 15 4 Thk English uews, brougkt by the steamer Pottinger, will be found in a separate sheet.
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  • 23 4 We learn that the Russian trading brig Onni, from Melbourne to Batavia, had been taken as a prize by H. M. S. Sybille.
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  • 58 4 It affords us great pleasure to announce that Mr. Syed Ali, the wealthy Arab merchant, has placed the munificent sum of one thousand dollars at the disposal of the Committee of Tan Tock Sing's Hospital, which amount is to be invested in houses, and the rents and issues thereof to
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  • 458 4 Calcutta journals to the 29th of June arrived per Paou Shan they appear at «i loss to account for the non-arri-val at Galle of the Douro from China, and the Citizen and Hur'caru venture to conjecture (the former paper, forsooth, circulated a report) that the missing mail steamer had been
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  • 746 4 China.— The P. and O. Company's steam ship Cadiz, Captain Roberts, from Hongkong July 6th, 2 p. m., arrived here on the 13th instant at 2 a. M.^mving accomplished the passage in 6£ days, against the monsoon the quickest trip ever made in the month of July. Hongkong papers to
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  • 1079 4 Java- lUtavia.— By the I'utch steam er Java, files of Batavia and Samaraiv papers have reached us to the Bth instan", from which we take the following items of intelligence Intelligence received from Menado states that ou the coftst of Lombek and Bilon« Magondo, the Magindanao pirates had appeared. H.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 768 4 STEAM COMMUNICATION BETWEEN SINGAPORE AND JAVA rpHE Dutch Screw steam er MACASSAR, having bee ß «-l /lil»DW^Vv engaged by the Netherlands In<Ji*n (iovemment for the conveywfSSSß^ ance of the Mails from Singapore to JJ'itavia, -under contract for the next five years, will P*? regularly between Singapore and Batavh, leaving Singapore
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    • 112 4 LITHOGRAPHY. EVERY description of Job work, in Lithogiaphy, as Notes, Circulars, Bills or Lading and Exchange, Prices Current, Plans, Drawing! 4-c &c. executed at the Strait* Time* Pres« with neatness and despatch. CUPPER-PLATE PRINTING. Invitation and visiting Cards, &c. &c. printed at the StretiU Time* Puss in Commercial Square. N
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  • 1015 5 California Byway of China, San Francisco papers have been received to the loth May. M. Dillon, the French Consul— whose case was fully detailed in our last paper— had written to the Federal and State authorities to inform them that, until otherwise instructed by the Government of France, he will
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  • 862 5 Minutes of the Proceedings of the Municipal Committee, on Uth July, 1864. Hon. T. Church. Jisq. J. Guihrie, Esq. Captain H. Man, H. T. Marshall, Esq. M F. Davidson, Esq. The Chairman reports that, with a view to carry out the Resolution of the Committee, he assembled
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  • 376 5 A. To the 1 fan Me T. Church, L*u. and Members of the Mv nuii«it Comv <i'*er at Singapore. Gentlemen, We, the uudersigned resident* and occupienof house*, manufactories Mid property contributing to the Assessment funds, beg to bring to your notice the absence of all protection and police control in
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  • 392 5 C. The lion hit T. Chtuck, Btq Ac. «frc. Sir, I have the honor to hand you the plan and Mtimate for the Drainage, the former as yet in pencil, pending approval. The aggregate cost upon this plan you will observe to be higher than upon th« former, for though
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  • 119 5 To the Honorable T. Church Etq. Chairman of the Municipal Cmnvtittte. Sir, I beg to inclose hurt wi th my half yearly Report on the state of the Municipal works and alto estimates of the probable coat of proposed repairs &c., &c. The brick work about the lirid^es on Tulloh
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  • 607 5 Half-yearly Report on the itate of the Municipal n r orks at Singapore BKIDGBB. The following bridges are in thorough repair—Colemans, Lattice, Kong Tuai;'*, Pearl's, Stephenson's, Purtit'i, Police, Canal, llokien, Bukit Passoo, Caiuj»onj{ Malacca, Armstrong*, Dhoby's, two oil Orchard Road, one on Tanglin Road, Upper and Lower Rochore, two Wooden
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  • 98 5 F. To tke Nimble T. Church Etq. Chairman of the Muni cipal Committee. Sir, I beg to forward letter* from the two cWks, Mr. Norris and Mr. Nirh..!*-.n, in th- Magistrate's Ktablishment, and have much pleasure in stating, that during the time 1 bare acted for Mr. Garlirjg, they have
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  • 478 5 Th« ArmoAcn to Crokstadt.— The following statement will «how the earlient date of the opening of the navigation at Cronstadt for the last 12 years:— DATES Or THE AIIRIVAL Of THE FIRST VESSEL AT CRONSTADT FOB THE MBT 12 TEARS. Old "'Tie. Mew Stjlr April* May 10 IS4» May I
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  • 4794 5 Memorandum op Covers received for Delivery at, and dispatched from Singapore, in June, 1854 Received Per Steamer Kunninyen der Xedeilanden I nun liit, I* i.i l4ft Sinyapor* Iroin Europe 4,193 Do. from other place* 1,301 Macattar from UhUvim 222 Pekin from Chin* 1,014 Cadiz from Europe 4,01 i Do. from
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  • 1115 7 ■T,om '-he Bi- Monthly Circular and Singapore Prircs Current) Singapore, July 14//*, 1854. Daring the past fortnight an average MOUAt of business has been transacted. flic elt'eet of the war in Europe tends to ln>( k speculation amongst native traders, ■j are ill informed of the state
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  • 386 7 Alum. No imports; a fair demand exists) and first arrivals will readily bring s1 to ij per picul. Arrack. Batavia in good demand, market cleared— worth 13 to 13$ per half leaguer. Bees' Wax. Imports from 251 b ult. to the lOlh inst. 32 piculs; good bright Velio
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  • 915 7 Gold A Gold Dust. The imports during the fortnight consisted of 301 buneals from the Archipelago. The rates reported for Australian are $29 to 29£ for bars, and $28 to 28$ per bunkalfor dust. £x ports, as above, 330buncals. Gum Benjamin.— lv fair demand, no imports; first quality would readily
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  • 276 7 Exiorts, July Ist. To London by the British ship Hope 3,364 pis and 20 clys black pepper, 1,474 p], and 72 ctys white pepper, 1,887 pis and 9 c»ys gutta, 1,681 pis and 71 ctys gamhier, i!,;{6o pis antimony ore! 897 pis and 6fl cty» buffalo hide', DB[: pis and
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  • 119 7 Anjer Hhtppiny iVewt.— Vessels pasaed through the btraitsofSunda:-J U ne2o Blem;, Sin^rx.rc for Liverpool 24 Suun (Am.) Manila for Boston Grange, ShiiDghai for London 20 Edward (Dut.) and Redder kerk(Uut.) Batavi; for Calcutta 27 Equateur (Fr.) Singapore for Nantes Euphrates, China for Bombay ludi» X ByaviA for Antwerp; Southerner (Am)
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  • 601 7 The Allies, should they feel inclined to garble their despatches, will liave but few opportunities offeied them for don>£ ao. The Kn <f li«h Press is mu*t powerfully repiexeritetl at the Seat of War, and the leading journals will have news of every moment almost as soon as the English
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  • 306 8 July 10— Arab brig Gazelle, Nakoda, Pinang July 3. Brit. do. Weraff, Dufretay, Sarawak July 3. Do. schr. Maria, Skinner Sarawak July 1. Li— Arab ship Nassaree, Nakoda, Pinang June 3. Brit. do. Inglewood, Burton, Batavia June 2. n „-Am. bark Canton, Gibbs, Sydney June 1. Dutch
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  • 107 8 Anna Paulowra Bek Liverpool Abdul Mcdjid Glasgow I. .mi' .i Inglrton Do. Antilli Carr Liverpool Boadicea Jupp Glasgow 10 April Benjamin Sauier Dulo Fleda Mathetou Glasgow Gustav Adolph Gode Hamburg 13 May Gwalior Taylor London 18 May John Bibby Oatei Liverpool 2 Feb Lima Peters Hamburg
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  • 102 8 Arrow Roger* direct. Dido Youngerman do. Erance Smith do. Erin Hox do. Gallant liUck via Pinang HydrouKec Brown Fantaloon Honnyman Direct Shanghai (s. v.) Muuro via Pinang Fkom Bombay. Fottinger (s.v.) Stead via Pinang. Vessels expected fkom Madras. Amelia Vessels expected phom Australia. Felicidade Kerreira Sydney
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  • 373 8 (UN OOOUd) VOYAGES BY SAILINU VESSELS Per cent To Great Britain 24 to 3 ConUnental Forts in Europe 2| to J Macao, Uum»insjmoon and sailing betwt n 30th June Hongkong or and Ist Met li Wharjpoa Amoy, during ia« above period respectWeij 2
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  • 48 8 iin 2. 10 per 20 cwt. (iarntiier in l>;iU» 4. Ditto in baaketit uone Sagn Flour 4. (Jotfee in bags none Black jiepper 4. 10 per 16 cwt. Measurement Goods 4. 10 j>er 50 cubic ft (iutta Tuban 4. 10 per 20 cwt.
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  • 62 8 On England 6 Months credits at 4t. lid. dr. I, C«ll«H« 240 per l<»0 it. 'Hum. BuiV-T 30 |m sight Ks- lA% per dollnrs liW Sycee Silver b io»4 per ceut premium for large Con»pa |i y' B i3S V*' luu dollars Java Kupees (new) 280 per 100
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  • 1977 8 The following items are embraced in our present summary Disturbances at Canton Piracy —News from Shanguae Disasters at Sea— Japan Expedition— and the 4th July. Distubbancks ax Oamton.— ln the body of the paper will be found extended details of some late insurrectionary movements in the neighbourhood of Canton,
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  • 404 8 NA.TIVK CKAFT—LJRITISH— Fuuy MowtMnct, Ju -lul Karirn, Shaft! Anil, Duipbiu. i hany, Futtaßarie.K. C. Bux, Sideris, Elinhtib, Joli«mi;i, Hyler Ally, Gj->dli k DUTCH— Serrio, Poupah. Putty H kt'ti.;, Furl- ttiytnan, Futul H nr. Ori >n. Futlrl Utir. I' kenguan. Chan Guan.Yuiuat Yasur, Cornelia, Sree, Sree Ken,',
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