The Straits Times, 20 June 1854

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 703 1 K«TM OF »UHKtKllTli|H Annually. op. lira. 16 UaiMsariy..' f Uutrteriy One Mciith A single Copy One Kupee LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE AT THE COMMISSION ROOMS OF JOHN LITTLE CO. COMMERCIAL SQUARE-SINGAPORE. Outfitting Bepartment. Poots shoes, ani sliders, Paris and London madr lUaces-KUstic, silk, and cotton. Buttons-Naval and M *Uarv.
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    • 547 1 ay Lind. »r Muslin Gloves— French Kid. White snd coloured. White and coloured .ilk, thread Parasols nilk, plain, and ni<ured Ribbons— silk, satin, bonnet and children., a great assortment i Thread— cotton on Mais, Silk, tapes, bobbin j Needle*, Pins, crochet Th. -ad, and needle. Babie.' Hoods and Hats— silk
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    • 772 1 Messrs. WHAMPOA AND CO.'S ADVERTISEMENT. «J0»M» jllessrs. WHAMPOA Co. have always un Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, Kelectcd specially for their Stores. WHOLESALE RETAIL A row EXPORTATION. itttlUnrrp $c JQoetrrg. Artictes fur thy Work Table; oalzann« dresses Bonnets of the latest modes, from fan* Chemisettes
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    • 836 1 10LN7I. i London— F. Alg»r Co J Calcutta— Ihacaer Co. [rsnoe (Hongkong— Armst ong k LawBatavia— Lange 4 Co. NOTICE CURSETJEE FROMIrIUnZE. HEREBY gives Notice that he has withdraw* from the firm lately carrying on Trsde snd business under the style of Little, CtmsBTJK A Co., snd he has this
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 648 2 coats and jackets; cigars, Manila No. 3 and 4 cigar casts, Manila and China; colors, oil and water, in tin boxes and cakes camphor wood trunks; crown*, for naval caps; dinner and tea serv.ces; dressing cases; «le<.k«, trawltais «ri;i.u; fouling pieces, single and double barrel pistols, gunpowder and birdmg shot;
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    • 649 2 NOTICEALL Accounts against the late Edward Roiidl must be given in, at the office of .he Undersigned, on or before the 12th June, I^s4^ Singapore, 29th May, 1854. NOTICE. WE have authorized M*. Gustavus Crambß and Mr. Otto Puttfakcken, to our firm bf procuration from this dale. BAUTENBERG, SCHMIDT
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    • 1086 2 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. BURPRISIKO CURE OF A COSPIBMED ASTHMA AFTER KIVE YEARS SUFFERING. Tlie following testimonial has been sent to Professor Holloway, by a Gentleman named Middleton, of Scotland Road, Liverpool. Sir —Yoor Pills have been the means, under profidence, of storing me to soun.l heul'h after hve years of severe
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    • 1050 2 HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT A MOST ASTONISHING LTHK OK Mil >Xl I i < ULCERS:— A CASK CCIITiriCD BY THK MAYOR OF BOSTON. Copy of a Letter from J. Noble, E»q., Mat/or of Boston Lincolnshire. To Professor Holloway, Dear Sir.— Mrs. Sarah Dixon of Liquorpond Street, Poston, has this day deposed before
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 595 3 FENINSULAR ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S ©FF3CE. Battery lioad Singapore. MAlL^ftj LIWES OUTWARD MAILS. One of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Steam Ships, with the European Mails of the 241h May may be expected, en route to Hongkong and Shanghai, on or about the 30th. instant. Application for Freight
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    • 653 3 OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TKXXSTX. THE Austrian Lloyds Steam Navigation Company's Imperial Mail Steam Packets leave Alexandria direct for Trieste after the arrival of fie Passengers by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers from Calcutta, on about the 4th or sth of every month and an arrangement has now been entered
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    • 1159 3 I KA aaa CORES WITfIOUT MED!CI\K, I\. <JW,UUU CONVENIENCE OR EXPENSE, BY W\U BAKKY'a delicious UEVALENTA AIiABICA KUJU, save* 50 time* us tost m uther means ol 11 cure and it the natural remedy which has obtained II 50,000 leatimoniala of cure* from the Kight lion, the II Lord Stuart
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    • 645 3 and bladder, such an stone or gravel inflammatory I irriiatiuu and cramp of the urethra, cramp of the kid I at 7* u i «l biidder, Mrictuii-s and hemorrhoids. Thu I > UT *lu*ble remedy is employed with the mom satisfactory result, not only in bronchial and pulmona.y I conapUints,
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  • 376 4 Straits Times. Singapore: Tuesday, June 20th, 1854. We have to announce the of the followin jr passengers Juae 13th, per Pekin, from Hongkong, and the wreck of the Douro, Messrs. O. Gassatt, F. Nietnanw, Aitken, King, F. A. King, A. Shortrede, W. P. Ripley, T. J. Birdaeye, A. P.
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  • 37 4 On the night of Wednesday last the Squadron, consisting of H. M.s. ship Sybille and the sloops Lily and Rapid, returned to Harbour, after a cruize of some days at the Singapore entrance to the Chinese Sea.
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  • 27 4 The French frigate La Jeanne d'Jrc, bearing the flag of the Rear Admiral LagU?rr arrived here on the 12th instant, and sailed for Macao on Saturday last.
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  • 34 4 B. the bng Wizard, from Malta, there armed here Mr Lovi-the gentleman, we bebtvc, who has undertaken to recove the treasure from the wreck of the steamer Pacha, lost in the Straits of Malacca.
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  • 19 4 Wb understand that H. M. Ship Sybille and the sloops Lily and Rapid proceeJ on a cruize to-morrow morning.
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  • 32 4 We understand that Mr. John Jarvie has been appointed Consul for Denmark at Singapore. We learn also that Mr. Bradley hns been appointed by the United States Government Consul at this port.
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  • 16 4 The steamer Norna, we believe, conveyed to Australia 479 boxes of letters— a very heavy mail.
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  • 88 4 Calcutta papers, to the 30th May, received via Galle, announce the death of the millionaire Baboo Mutty Loll Seal, who has left a crore of rupees, half of which is bequeathed to hia family.— The electric telegraph is now completed between Calcutta' and Bombay. The news of the 24th April
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  • 138 4 Tub Pining Gazette of June 10th, received per Hitoijhly, contains' an official notice convening a public meeting of the inhabitants on the 10th idem, for the purpose of taking into consideration the best means of contributing to the funds now collecting in England for the relief and support of the
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  • 205 4 Considering the large sums of money periodically expended in the fruitless endeavour to clean out the Singapore Canal, one would naturally imagine that at least ordinary means would be employed to prevent the channel being choked up by filth. It says but little for the vigilance of the Municipal authorities
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  • 301 4 Another General Wood' Tragedy. We are much pained to announce the occurence of a shocking outrage on board the bark Clarissa, Captain Lyster, from Calcutta bound to Malacca with 172 convicts, chiefly Sikhs. The Clarissa left Calcutta May Ist, having on board a guard, consisting of a havildar, subadar and
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  • 1400 4 -The P. and O. Company* steam-ship Pekin arrived here on Tuesday last, at 2 P. m., having left Hongkong on the 6th. The Pekin brings news of the loss of the mail steamer Douro, which vessel left Hongkong May 22nd, with mails and passengers for Australia, India and Europe
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  • 326 4 THK and Oriental Company's steam ship CADIZ, Capl. Komcars, arrived hrreon Saturday at 8 P.M., having led Bombay June Ist, Galle the 10th, and Peiung the ltilh instant. We annex a list of passengers For Singapore lic\d Mr. Sam?*, Messrs. Etn ainjf-f, Si-nr. Fiirm-rolo, Senr.
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  • 674 4 {From oie own Coiirespondf.nt. Afata, May 18w, 165*. The lato arrival of the P. aW O Co.'s new ship Simla," corn.quent ou her having unfortun.ite'y Token two of the Cum of her screw in a heavy g*la wind during her p.ia*i^a across th-< Buy of Hssas;, em bles us to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 393 4 IC B DEPOT. TCK can be procured at the Depdt, near the Assembly Rooms, from 7 till 9 o'clock in tbe morning, and *kom 3 till fi o'clock in the afternoon, (Sundays excepted.) Token* Tor quantities of 2 lbs,, 5 lbs. and 10 lbs. Ctto be obtained at the g
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  • 840 5 [Feom oca Cuurimpo.vdent.] Triate, May 10, 1854. DaLMATIa, 4tii May. The news received per steamer »re, that the Moutenegrmes have appointed 6tn ol May, tho day of St. George, lo theopjuiuj of hostilities i.),'.iiUBt the Turks. Their forces already to t,uUU nun under arms, According to a decree, every
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  • 62 5 [Ukciivxo via Hvmz.] The newt uooi CouMUotinoplv of Uw 13th of May v: iue Squadron* were blockading Sevastopol, with a portion ucucutd iv »tur' >i ot two ivuawaii hue vi battle »my» mifeiug Uuut Ui«ir previous aucnuragu. A divw.ou ot Ut« Jbugusu army to be Geueral Bruwu'sj w»» oid«iea to
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  • 1240 5 [From our own Coiuuuu>ondknt.] LonUvn, ifn't .Hity, 1851. I t'arliauieiit ru-astieiubluU atiur Uie JtflMo* nHH on cue ii/tu uiuuiu, \.ui Uitt cIl.-i, atcii vi ha-oui.-as urn, ia tl'UtU it id uol cusy iv sec vtuul buBiujab Uiw beeu Ues^utcucii bcyoua uic (jiuutuijj ol iMMTaJ iv luiUiaiis ol puOiic uiouvjr lor
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  • 1478 5 Odtua, 2itk April 1854. 1 believe 1 told you iv my letter of the 1 -Hn ta.u the Fwriuu* was sent to Uieas.4 to liriujf away tv« Co..*ulj, i and *om, a bo;il *,lior<s with a ilag of trued, which w^> bred at from snort-. U.i
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  • 1013 5 Tu* DiStOTER ON THE 6ITASO —We regret to say, from late authentic intonuatiou received troiu Pegu, there ii every reason to believe that Lieut. .S.iortland and m.. ut 60 laen of the i6th M. N. I., and two Europjaas of tho Artillery h«N pdrishud in tiu late uui
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    • 1403 6 TO THE EOITOB OF THE MTBAITS TIME?. Sir —I recollect of having read soruewhe'e of a traveller of rank. who. during an audience with which he WM honored by the Dey ot Algiers, (it might have been the Bey of Tunis;, chanced U> sneak eomj.lainiagly of
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  • 1766 6 Wi regret to have to announce the lost of the P. O. Cos. Mail screw-steamer Douru, upon the Paracels, on the 26th May. The following are the particulars The steamer left this at 2 T. M. on the 22ud, and had favourable weather until the 24t!>, which wu cloudy,
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  • 143 6 During the pa»t few month* there been an extraoidinary rage fur emigration. From the lit January to date, no fewer thin 15,648 person* hive quitted this harbour 4.07 C for Port Philip, and 11,472 for California. Such tv the desire to get away that on a scarcity of ship
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  • 118 6 Departure of the Governor and the Admiral for the North. A few hours after MM arrival of the Bth if April mail, bringing us the news of a declaration of war, the Admiral proceeded to the North in the Wincketter, the Governor and his suite tearing M the same time
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  • 114 6 having to report that .11 doubt M to the fat! of thit gentleman U at an end, one of the accomplice* having turned Queen's evidence. Ha autea that Mr. Perkina waa eeiied from behind while standing on deck, and his arms pinioned behind him his
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  • 773 6 me H<m4e*r recently published the following I m penal decree, promulgating the convention of alliancu between France and England "Napoleon, by the grace of God and the national will, Emperor of the French. "To all present and to come, greeting On the report of
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  • 277 6 The official journal of the Hague has published the following notice According to orders from the King, the Ministers of For eign AtEtirs, Justice, and Marine, make known to those whom it .n.»y concern, that in order to observe a strict neutrality in the war which
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  • 135 6 Her Mnjesty h;»s signified her gracious intention to honour with her presence a grand bill cott::m> which is to be given on the 12th of M.»y, by the Ambassador of France and the L'omieve Walewska, at the French embassy. This will
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  • 47 6 Her Majesty his been graciously pleased, under the provisions of the Act 16 and 17 Victoria, cap. i) 5, sec. 3, to appoint Lieutenant-General Sir George Pollock, G.C.B, Mr. John Pollard Willoughby, an.l Sir Frederick L'urrie, Bart, directors of the East India Co'npany.
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  • 90 6 The present stall anoai of the Peninsular and Oriental Company MMhM at the present time of 49 commanders, 5 masters of depots, 49 chief officers, 37 second officers, U 1 third officers, 21 fourth officers, 27 surgeons, Ipurserg, 3 su|>ercargoeB, 11 clerks in charge, 11 pursers' clerks,
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  • 82 6 Never «cut a piece out ol a newspaper until you hnve looked on the other side, where perhaps you :aay find something more valuable than that which you intend to appropriate. Never burn your finßers -if you can help it. Let no gentleman ever quarrel with a woman.
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  • 29 6 Will you have me Sarah said a young man to a modest girl No John, said she, but you may ha?e ma if you ll
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 56 6 .0* If the statement of our correspondent be correct —mid as far a* our enquiric. lia»e extended there appears no rfsson to doubt it— then the parties who refrained from punching what thry viewed r.« an offence, and delivered up the offender to Siamße juitlice, h«ve brought scandal upon tbe
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  • 10 7 f r om the Bi-Monthly Circular and Singapore Prices Current)
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  • 1082 7 Singapore, June \kth, 1854. Owing to the non-arrival of the mail Bstcanier Douro from Hongkong, the usual 1 to Europe did not go forward, and \e present despatch will convey both mails. The junks having now departed there i|; not much business doing, except at iCoraewhat lower
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  • 1385 7 Alum. No imports a fair demand exists, and first arritals will readily bring I 1 to 1| per picul. Arrack. Bdtavia in good demand, market cleared— worth $13 to 13$ per half leaguer. j Bees' Wax. Imports from 251h ult. to the lOih inst. 14 piculs; good bright
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  • 1111 7 How we shall get on without Rsuusian Produce. -It is not true that a stale if war with Kussia can shut us out from our Bnpp| v of the produce of that country, it will come t6 us from her port*, unless we avail ourselves of <>urri E ru to
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  • 536 8 Mincing Lane, Lc7idon, Slay 6fA, IS5<The- markpt for Colonial produce continues in a sluggish state, and there does uot appear to be any disposition to operate hejond for the mere wants ot the moment. Sugars have been,. on the whole, firm at my last quotation, and in
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    • 171 8 June 13 1». and O. Co's S. V. I'eLin, Grjinger, Hongkong June 6. Chinese brig Onyx, Slap, Hongkong May 6. Port. Do. Triumpho, Remedios, Goa April 20. Brit. Do Adelaide, Freita*, Pinang May 30. 14— Do. schr. Juliette, Nakoda, Do. June 3. Do brig Wizard, Harrison, Malta Jan. 7.
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    • 207 8 June 13— Bally schr. Venus, Nakoda, Bally Badong. Brit, ship Homer, Sack, Hongkong. Brit. schr. Packet, Owen, Sydney. 14— Brit, ship Duke of Portland, Seymour, Colombo. >» n Amer. bark Fenelon, While, Boston. i« Brit, bark Lalla Rookh, Berg, Hongkong. Port, brig N. S. de Luz, de Jesus, Macao.
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  • 375 8 RATES OF PREMI A OF INSURANCE AT SINGAPORE. (OS UUUDS) VOYAGES BY SAILING VESSELS I'ci cent T« Hi cat UliUiu 21 to 3 C'uiuiueuul f ortit in Kuropc 2J to 3 Macao. Cuiuoiiwmoon an i a.ii'.n.^ bctweeu 30th June Hongkong of 1 *t .«i»ro:i 1| Wliaupua \mnj, daring tt»«
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  • 131 8 Boadicea Jupp (ilugow Mint Thornton Maxwell London 17 Mar. Heda Matheion (ilasfow John Bibby Oatc* Uverpoi I J Feb* Lane a hire Witch P*rke Do. 21 Feb. Maitdiileua Klem It*. Nerbudda Crawford Liverpool Naasau Bockel London Numi Vid» Honnea Swansea 14 April Prince Woronioff OUtjow Queens
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  • 49 8 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVER POOL Tin a 10 per JU cwi. Uambier in baskets none Ditto in balea 4. i>ugo Flour 4. J otfee in bags none Black pepper 4. 10 per 16 cwt. Measurement Goods 4. 10 per 50 cubic ft (intta Tubait 4. 10 per JU cwt.
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  • 65 8 On Kngund 6 Months credits at 4s. Hi. \y j, Uu Calcutta 234 pci 100 dullars. Bombay 'M days sight 1U '^38 per dollais ILMI Sycen Silver to 84 pur caul preuuum fur large Company's Uiipeen 'i 35 per 1"U tlullars J«Ta llu'i'c^ (n<:w) 280 per 10U dollar*
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  • 75 8 Arrived. April 28 Moselle, and William, Can* ton Pudaey Dawhon, China Parlnnd, Pinang Abeonn, Cbinn; 49 Countrssof .Seafield, and Lissie, China Panic, Shanghai. 30 K. S. Forbes, and Wm. Fisher Singapore. Mhv 1 Carnctacus, Pinang; Menam, Shanghai Antilla.and Albion, Singapore. 1 Walter, China. S Snow Squall,
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  • 496 8 East India and China Association have published their usual comparative statement of the number of ships, both British and foreign, with their aggregate tonnage, entered inward, and cleared outward with cargo from and to places within the limns of the East India Company's charter, from
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  • 180 8 A ltftter bas th» tut been received m South Shield* from Mr. Ph;|| ;p master of ibe b.irk /.one, now at CofMtMNj^, pie, giving the particulars of the attack on hi, vessel by the Russians on the Danube Tfe. captain Btates that tb« Russians kept up a
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  • 463 8 3L. Bobierre ha* paid considerabe attention toihi •abject, and has arrived at the following conciun.;, to the cause of the rapid destruction of some cof*. and bronze sheathing -I. When unalloyed copp.) is employed, the presence of arsenic appears to hai. ten its instruction.
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  • 394 8 NATIVK CRAFT BHinSH P.ittr Mombarick, Judul Kariw. Sh.ival A-nUI, Dolphin, Fai* J 1 hany, Futta Bari-, K. C. Bus, Kina S >on Hin, Sideris. Hannah, Sultan, Ameen Rai' n j Fully Rahman, T. R. Davidson, Elisabeth, Pearl, Johanna. Hyl-r Ally, Bally P.^ket, J« DUTCH— Serrio, Poapah,
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