The Straits Times, 13 June 1854

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 923 1 BkTBS Or 80«SC*IPTIOK Annually.. Sp. J-lrs. 16 1 Half- Yearly.. 9 f Quarterly.... 5 r one Month 1* A Single Copy— One Kupee. LIST OF j ARTICLES FOR SALE AT THE COMMISSION ROOMS OF JOHN LITTLE A CO. COMMERCIAL SQUARE-SINGAPORE. -uiiMlllum Outfitting department. Hoots shoes, and slipper*, l*aris and London
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    • 543 1 Ny Lind. *c Muslin Gloves— French Kid, White and coloured. White and coloured silk, A thread Parasols silk, plain, and figured Ribbons— silk, satin, bonnet and children's, a great assortment Thread cotton on reels, Silk, tars:, >>obbin Needle*, Pins, crochet Thread, and needles Babies' Hood* and Hats— silk and satin,
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    • 766 1 Messrs. WHAMPOA ANO CO.'S ADVERTISEMENT. llTessrs. WHAMPOA Co. have always on Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, selected specially for their Stores. WHOUIALI RETAIL A fOR BXPOHTATION. iilUUnrrp 9c i&oetf rp. Articles for the Work Table; fialzarine dresses; Bonnets of the latest modes, from Paris; Chemisette*
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    • 831 1 AOXNTS I London— F. AJgar Co Calcutta— Thacktr Co. (r«nc» j Hongkong— Armst cng k Law- fiatavia— Lange Co. NOTICE CURS£TJEE FROMMORZE HEREBY gives Notice that be has withdrawn from the firm lately carrying on Trade and business under the style of Little, Ccrsktjkk A Co., and he has this
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 658 2 coats and jackets; cipars, M ami* No. 3 and 4 cigar cases Manila and China; colors, oil and water, in tin boxes mid cake*; camphor wood trunks; crowns, for uaval caps; dinner «nd tea services; dressing cases .leski travellers wiitinp; fowling pieces, single and double barrel pistols, gunpowder and birding
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    • 641 2 NOTICE ALL Accounts against the late Edward Rohdk must be given in, at the office of ihe Undersigned, on or before the 12th June, 1854 E. APEL CO. Singapore, 29th May, 1854. NOTICE. WE have authorized Mr. Gustavus Cramer and Mr. Otto Pcttfarcken, to sign our firm by procuration from
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    • 1092 2 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. SURPRISING CURE OF A CONFIRMED ASTHMA AFTER MVE YEARS SUFFERING. The following testimonial has been sent to Professor Holloway, by a Gentleman named Middleton, of Scotland Road, Liver//oot. Sir,— Your Pills have been the mi-iM, iindfr providence, of restoring u»e to sound health after five years ofaevere affliction.
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    • 1047 2 BILUW.II "S ll!\ nil I A MOST ASTONISHING CURB OF SCROFULOUS ULCERS:— A CASK CERTIFIED Bt THK MAYOR OF BOSTON. Copy of a Letter from J. Noble, Esq., Mayor of Boston Lincolnshire. To Professor Hollowa\, Dear Sir. Mr*. Sarah Dixon of Liquorpond Street, Boston, has this day deposed before me
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 589 3 rENiftISULAR A ORIENTAL STEAM NAVICATION COMPANY'S OFFICE. Battery Road —Singapore. OUTWARD MAILS. The l'eiinisiilar and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Steam Ship "CADIZ," with the huropcan Mails of the Slh May may be i tpected. et) route to Hongkong and Shanghai, mi or about the Kith, instant. Application for Freight and
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    • 660 3 TRIESTE ROUTE. OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TRIESTE. THE Austrian Lloyds Steam Navigation Company's Imperial Mail Steam Packets leave Alexandria direct lor Trieste after the arrival of the Passengers by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers from Calcutta, on about the lth or slh of every month and I an arrangement has
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    • 1083 3 \l\ AAA CURRS WITHOUT MFDK I\E. I\OU,UUU CO^iEMLUt OR EXPENSE, BY DU BAUKY'i delicious UEVALENTA AKABICA v JO, save* 60 times its cost lit utber meuns ul cure and m the natuml remedy winch lins übuuied 5U.000 testimonial* uf cmn trout the Right Hun. ilie Lord Stuart de Decirs, Arclideacon
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    • 627 3 •nd bladder, such at itone or jtr.ivel uiflarnrriAtury irritation and cramp of the urethra, cramp of tLe kidI'eys aud bladder, »mclures and hemorrhoids Thit rtally invaluable remedy is employed with the most satisfactory result, not only in bronchial And ]>ultni>nary complaint*, where irritation and pain are to be reraoT«'l, but
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    • 25 4 At Singapore on Friday the Bth injt., aftei a painful illness of 4 mot. and 8 daya duration. Mr. John Viulia, aged 43 years.
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  • 115 4 Straits Times. Singapore: Tuesday, June 13Th, 1854. We have to announce the snival of the following passengers June 6 per Charles Grant from Bombay, Mrs. Alcock and child 8 per Celerity from Siam, Key. Mr. and Mrs. Silsby and family per Hero from Sydney, Mrs. Kirk per Koningen der Nederlauden
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  • 31 4 In consequence of the quantity of strictly local matter, we are compelled to withdraw all editorial remarks, and to omit some interesting correspondence which must stand over until our next issue.
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  • 48 4 From our advertizing columns it will be seen that Mrs. Deacle intends to give another and a final entertainment at the Theatre Royal, on which occasion she will be assisted by a powerful corps of amateurs. We ask for an old favorite a full, aye, an overflowing house.
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  • 186 4 By the Dutch steamer Koningen der Nederlanden Batavia journals have been received to the 7th instant. We understand arrangements have been entered made by the Netherlands Indian Government to take the steamer Batavia off the Singapore line, and that in her place the Macassar or Ambon, belonging to a
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  • 164 4 ■run a friend at Isa'a via we have received tht following reports T.i- American bark Zinyari, Captain B. Slrout, from Batatia 28tli May, bound to Singapore, lost on Brouwers Shoal. Captain, crew and passengers picked up by the American Clipper Ringleader, bound to Boston wh«n the crew left
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  • 141 4 Subjoined is a notice of a wreck on the above shoal Sir If you please yor m;iy innert the following in your next publicatiun. I vouch fur its authenticity. May 3Ut., 6 p. m., passed a barque of about 300 tons on shorr <>n the
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  • 472 4 The subjoined item is extracted from the Malta Mail, April 28th it clearly proves that the much talked of fortresses at Sevastopol are not to be dreaded by the wooden walls of old England" The War has commenced the first shot in the Euxine has Lien fired agiinst the navy
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  • 2385 4 On Tuesday last, the 6th instant, a Special Criminal Session commenced at the Court House, for the trial of prisoners charged with offences arising out of the recent Chinese disturbances. The Judges present were, the Hon'ble W. J. Butterworth, Esq., C. 8., President the Hon'ble Sir William
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 872 4 AND CENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, Kstablis/ird, 1341. CAPITAL, £500,000. HEAP OITICES, 25. PALL MALL, LONDON. INDIAN BKANCH. With vhich has been amalgamated the Oriental Life Insurance Company. DIRECTORS. Caftaix Aktirk Broome, Johx Jenkins, Ebq., DiPound r it. Cossipon. rector of the Oriental Life William Chapman, Esq., Insurance Co. Provl.) Director
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    • 362 4 FOR LONDON. 1 T\K rpHE A I Barque TUURO, 094 i.^fei A tons itegister, will have quick 4&sflgS drspßich. For freight or passage ap- I>y Me. EWEN 4 CO. Singapore, 22nd May, 1854. NOTICE TO SHIP MASTERS. 1 2vk I^HROSOMETERScHrefaII.r rated ij^Sv hs UHual, or the time given by &9KtS'
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  • 1108 5 The Eastern conflict it now divided into two aspect*, the diplomatic and tuo warlike Iv the former, we have a new protoI «>1 of the Four Powers, in which Austria and i .V^""^ j?' n England and Prance in re-affirming the principles laid down in the former Vienna
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 51 5 Singapore iKumctpal Comnuttrc. Minutu of the Proceedings of the Municipal Committee, on Monday, 29th May, 1854. Present. r Church, Esq. J. Guthrie, Esq. r -»ptain H. Man, H. T. Marshall Esq. M. F. Davidson, Esq. In advertence to the proceedings of the Comon the 26th of April laat, Mr Motley
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    • 1021 5 submits a plan for the drainage of a section of the the town. After inspecting the plans, and considering the operations proposed to be pursued, the Committee are of unanimous opinion, that covered drains sunk to the depth of from 7to 9 feet, ur j j unsuitable to the unsound
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    • 1077 5 trirnental to order and injurious to the public welfare, inasmuch as squatters cannot feel the personal interest in the wrell-bting of the Settlement, which possesnion of a legal title from Government guarantees. They therefore strongly recommend that all Squatters be jj compelled to take out grants for their holdings, and
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  • 1490 6 fonrl nl l^ r 4 shall hereafter be famous in the annals ..f history fcr the ..currence of a bitter Continentol War, alter an enduri.. S Peace <>f forty yearn, it will, at the MM l ini.-, be distinguished for various benefits conferred u]m.h
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  • 1509 6 Rusnaval iorce in the .North 1 acihc. It has had a i ""f''*' so-called men of war (one of them a ci-devant i>ii. i collier) to m»fce year.y voyages between Uknotsk and Awatsha, and one or two frigates have generally been sent in the
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  • 379 6 We learn, from the New Fork Herald, that John Mitchell, the Irish rebel, has issued a proclamation, calling upon all !ns countrymen in the United State* to organise themselves into a military body to levy Mi upon England, and to commence operations by the invasion
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  • 183 6 A notice was sent down to the Bank of England yes'erday afternoon, inviting tender* for 6 000,000/. of Exchequer 1! mils, to bear intetest at the rate «it3'. percent., and redeemable in Miv. IBAB, 1859, ami 1840. by equal amounts of 9,000. 000/. No
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  • 451 6 His I minTial Ma- jesty the Kmperor of all the Russia* has seized j and appropriated Sir G. H. Seymour's property at j St. Petersburg. As the persona and property of ambassadors and others concerned in the political intercourse
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  • 200 6 ■On the I2lh inst. the jara ol Messrs. Mare of Black wall wa» the scene ol the launch of a splendid first-class iron-sere* •teaiiier.^jnteiidew .°r tlic Meet ot the ( Screw ki tea i m P a v > constructed from the iaana 1 1 Mr.
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  • 417 6 The directors of tiiis new wonder of the world have a'ready sounded ineir note of preparation l»y issuing their prospec1 mT| S J^'mli' T ey ani lounce its opening hi (lie end of May and when finished, it will undoubtedly l>eniore like a vision from fairy land
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  • 109 6 The Bill introduced by Mr. Bowjer to amend the law lelating to criminal conversation, provi ie, iliat a fine is to be paid to the (row n, in lieu of damages to the pliuiirih"; tba notice of the action, and the name of the defendant, must be given
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  • 190 6 On Saturday, the new act t admit foreign ships to th«coasting trade, whiih received the roynl absent on Thursday, «v printed. It repeals the 152 nd and 191*1 kection* of the 16 and 17 Viet., c. 107. and enables her Majesty to exercise
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  • 75 6 Several Russian ships which arrived at Cork within the last fewr days, have betn •old to Liverpool firm*, the owners being apprehensive of losing their property in consequence of the breaking out of hostilities between the two countries Times. The stewanls o r the Ji>ckey Club ha»e declined
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  • 26 6 •A friend of ours says he n growing weaker and weaker everyday H hat got -.o weak now, that he can't raise five dollar:
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  • 445 7 At the Court at Buckingham JPaUce, the 29th day of March, 1864. Present., the Qfmm'9 Most BmBS Majesty in Council. Her Majesty having determined to anord active assistance to her ally, his Highness the Sultan ■Iff the Ottoman Empire, for the protection of his 1
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  • 263 7 At the Court at Buckinghan Palate, the 29th day of March, 1851, Present, the Queen's Most IvM-ellent Majesty in Council. It is this day ordered by her Majesty, by and with the advice of her Privy Council, that no ships or vessels belonging to any of her Majesty's subjects be
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  • 338 7 At the Co'irt at Buckingham Palace, the 29th day of March, 1854. Present, the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in CouncilHer Majesty, being compelled to declare war against his Imperial Majesty the Emperor of All the Russias, and being desirous to lessen ;is much as possible the evils thereof, is pleased,
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  • 3011 7 By the Queen.— A Proclamation. Victoria R. Whereas by our Order in Council, bearing d»t« the 29th day of March, 1854, we have ordered that genera reprisals be granted against the ships, goods, and sub- jects of the Emperor of All the Russias, or his subjects, or others inhabiting within
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  • 1317 7 The paper by Mr Leoni Levi* having dealt with the expediency of obtaining agricultural statistics, turned to the consideration of the statistics of other countries, and the following comparative statement «v,< exhibited Area, Population, and agricultural produce of the folloiving countries Great Britain. Area: Acres under
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  • 273 8 June 6— Brit. schr. Pearl, Ward, Kongpoot May 21. v vu Dtiicii brig Vice Admiral Lucas, de Weerdt, Swansea May 6. "—Brit, ship Charles Grant, Alcock, Bombay May 9. 11 Do do. Queen Margaret, Spence, Do. May 6. 7 Do bark La Felice, Nakoda, Pinang May 23.
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  • 185 8 June 6— Brit, brig Rob Roy, Francis, Madras. vu Port, lugger Neptuno, Baumgarlen, Macao. v "—Brit, bark Flora Mure, Glover, Labuan and China. Swed. brig Julie, Bjork, Cork for orders. 44 7— Brit, bark Hydroose, Brown, Pinang. 44 Ssvcd. brig H. Ilillebrand, Emberg, Honkgong. 44 44 -Brit. schr. Goodluek,
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  • 361 8 (ON GOODS) VOY\GES BY SAILING VESSELS In crut To Great BriUiu Cuutinental Forts in Europe to J Uum»iM<noau and sailing be .ween 30lu June Hongkong or and Ist March U WksMffM Amoy duriug the above period respectively 2 and 24 fflSlr (W Ditto..
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  • 48 8 £> in 2. 10 per 20 cwt. Gamltier in baskets none Ditto in bales 4. Sago Flour 4. Cotlee in bags none Black pepper 4. 10 per 16 cut. Measurement Goods 4. 10 per SO cubic ft Gutu Tuban 4. 10 per 20 cwt.
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  • 64 8 On England 6 Months credits at 4s. lojd ty di On Calcutta 238 per IUO dollars. Bombay 30 days sight Rs- 238 per dollars 100 Sycee Silver 8 to 84 per cent premium for largt Compauy's Rupees '23s per 100 dollars Java Rupees (new) 280 per 100 dollars
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  • 116 8 Boadicen J"PP Glasgow Kliza Thornton Maxwell London 17 Mar. FleJa Matheson Glasgow Johu Bibb; Oates Liverpool 2 Feb. Lanca hire Witch Parke Do. 21 Feb. Ma»r<i;ilciia Klem l»o. Nerbudda Crawford Liverpool Nassau Bockel London Numt Vidn Konnea Swansea 14 April Queens Hill Murray Liverpool Sir Henry
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  • 155 8 A njer Shipping News. Pmmcl tiirough the Straits o f Sunda. May 7 Jacob (Swed.) Melbourne for Batavia 20 Brothers (Am.) Boston for Hongkong Celestial London for Hongkong; 21 Architect (Am.) New York for Hongkong; G. H. Wappaus (Am.) Manila, for Cowes 22 Mariant a, Singapore for Bombay j o
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  • 217 8 Memorandum op Covers received for delivery at, and despatched from, Singapore in May 1854 Received Per Steamer BataviaUom Bitavia 254 O«/«s from Hongkong 4*22 Douro from Europe 5,215 Do. from other places.... 285 Do. from Sydney via Ceylon. 747 Shanghai from Cat. 8f Png 766 A'. d'-.r N. from Brtlavia
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  • 146 8 The Plantaoenet left Southampton yesterday f Sydney, with upwards of 300 government Migrant* These emigrants were all English agricultural libour ers and their families chiefly from the Western couiitie.',, and were some of the strongest and healthiest looking emigrants that have yet left our shores for Australia. There are two
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  • 40 8 The purchase #f Pat Creenock from Australasian Pacific Comthe Compagnie dei Messageries Maritimes es, which already possesses a large number tf plying iv the Mediterranean and elsewhere, completed, and the steamers have passed into pany's hands.
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  • 289 8 the following article iv the Xorthern Bee of St. Peters burg, of the 7th The Emperor of all the Russians hid at heart the unhappy fate of ten millions of orthodox Christians groaning under theinfamout yokeof Islamism, and our great Czar, in his quality of
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  • 484 8 NATIVE CRAFT— BRITISH— Putty Morabarick, Judul Karirn. Shaval Amui, Dolphin. Faije Ko banv Fntta Baric, K. C. Bur, Kino Soon Hin, Sideris, Hannah, Sultan, Dido, Ameen Rah man Futty Rahman, T. R. Davidson, Elizabeth, Pearl, La Felice, Psyche, Kirn Yap Soon/ Johanna, Hyder Ally, Bally Packet.
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