The Straits Times, 30 May 1854

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 930 1 RATRK OP M'HMIK'ITHIII Aunually.. 6p. lirs. 16 1 Hair-Yearly.. 9 f yaiiwlf m I out Month \i 1 A Single Copy— One Itupee. J LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE AT THE COMMISSION ROOMS OF JOHN LITTLE CO. COMMERCIAL SQUARE-SINGAPORE. mini Outfitting Separtnwt. Pools shoes, and slippers, Paris and London made,
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    • 546 1 Ny Lind, *c.. Muslin Gloves French Kid, White and coloured, White and coloured silk, Sc thread Parasols silk, plain, and figured Ribbons silk, satin, bonnet and children's, a great assortment Thread cotton on reels, Silk, tapes, bobbin Needles, Pint, crochet Thread, and needles Babies' Hoods and Hats— silk and satin,
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    • 767 1 M«*r». WHAMPOA AND CO. S ADVERTISEMENT. IWfessr*. WHAMPOA Co. have always on Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, selected specially for their Stores. WHOLESALE RETAIL A rOR EXPORTATION. fttilltnrrn *V ©oetrri). Articles for the Work Table: HaUarme dresses; fluiiiu-ts of tlit latest modes, from fans; Chemisette*
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    • 826 1 AGtNTB. I London— F.Al({»r A Co Calrutta-Thacker Co. [rencf j HoiiKkoDK— Armst ong Lawf Bhtavia— Lange is Co. NOTICE CURSETJEE FROMMORZC HEREBY gives Notice that he has withdrawn from the firm lately carrying on Trade and business under the style of LITTLE, Cursbtjkb A Co., and he has this day
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 632 2 coat, and jackets; cigars, Man.U No. *™*J'^ cases, Manila aad China; colors, oil and water in tin boxes and cakes: camphor wood trunks; crown., for naval caps- dinuer and tea services; dressing case*; dX M« wrUin,, pieces, single and double barrel pistols, gunpowder »nd birding shot, Kold lace 1
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    • 634 2 NOTICE. WE have authorized Mr. Gustavus Ckamer and Mr. Otto Puttfarckkn, to sign our firm by procuration from this date. RAUTENBERG, SCHMIDT CO. Singapore, May llth, 1854 NOTICE IS hereby given, that E. Apkl, of the firm of E. Apkl Co. Singapore, and G. Dawson of the firm of Dawson,
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    • 1091 2 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. SURPRISING CURE OF A CONFIRMED ASTHMA AFTBR KIVE YBARS SUFFERING. The following testimonial ha* been sent to Professor Holloway, by a Gentleman named Mtddletun, of Scotland Road, Liverpool. Bir,-Your Pills have been the means, under providence, of restoring me to sound health after five years of severe affliction.
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    • 1039 2 HOLLOW US OINTMENT A MOST ASTONISHING CURE Of SCROrULUI/9 ULCERS:— A CASK CERTIFIED B\ TJU MAYOR or BOSTON. Copy of a Letter from J. Noble, Esq., Mayor of Botton Lincolmhire. To Professor Holloway, Dear Sir.— Mr*. Sab ah Dixos of Liquorpond Street Boston, bas thin day deposed before me that
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 599 3 *JftNSULAR ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S OFFICE. Battery lioad Singapore. WIAIL^TO^V LINES OUTWARD WIAILS The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Steam Ship "SINGAPORE" with the European Mails of the 24th April ma; be cipecled. en route to Hongkong and Shanghai, on or aliout the Ist. proximo. j Application for Freight
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    • 690 3 TRIESTE ;^H^ ROUTE. I I OVERX.AHD &OVTX VIA TRIESTE. 1 HE Austrian Lloyds Steam Naviga- II tion Company's Imperial Mail Steam Packet I cave Alexandria direct for Trieste 24 hows after the arrival of the Passengers by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers from Cal- II cutta, on about the
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    • 1124 3 ifi AnA Cl RFS WITHOUT MEMCIM?, I\. <*V,VUU CONVENIENCE OB EXPENSE, BY j T\U BARRY 1 dtlicio-is REVALENTA ARABICA PU JO, saves 50 times iti coat in other means of II cure aud ia the natural remedy which has obtained II 50,000 testimonial* of cure* from the Right Hon. the
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    • 591 3 II irritation and cramp of the urethra, cramp of the kid N neys and bladder, stricture* and hemorrhoids. Thia really invaluable remedy v employed with the moat II sdiUtactory result, not only in bronchial and pulmonary II c^ m P'* lnts > w here irritation and pain are to be
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    • 25 4 At Singapore, on the 25ih May, August Maximilian, son of the late Mr. liallt-r. Protestor of Music, I) inn M*.lt. Germany, aged 9 ilavs.
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  • 140 4 Straits Times. Singapore: Tuesday, May 30th, 1854. We have to announce the .nival of the following passenger* May 24 per Swan from Swan River, Mrs. Pope per Gilmore from Melbourne, B. Lyons Ksq.; 25 per Pekin from Calcutta, Messrs. Herriott, Anjier and Bolli 26 per Shanghai from Hongkong, Cap. tain
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  • 44 4 Captain Munro, of the steam-ship Shanghai, reports having experienced, on" the Paracels, a severe gale of wind on Sunday, May 21st, which lasted the greater part of the night. In the gale the Shanghai lost her starboard cutter, wheel injured, and sustained other damage.
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  • 41 4 Captain Ellis, of the Futtay RahinaK, reports having exchanged signals on May 18th, in lat. 1° 35' N., and long. 106° 50' E. with the Hamburg bark Elbe, from Canton to Hamburg and the English ship Salamanca standing to the southward.
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  • 24 4 Captain Down, of the uteamer Chusan, reports having passed, off Mount Formosa, on Saturday last, the ship Prince of JVaks, from Bombay to Singapore.
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  • 52 4 Tai steamer Argo, arrived at Calcutta, reports thdt the Lady Jocelyn was refitting at the Mauritius, having been dismasted on her homeward voyage. The Argo reports that on leaving the Cape of Good Hope the ship Earl of Balcarrax was being towed in by boats, with loss of masts, boats,
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  • 20 4 When the Chusan sailed from Calcutta the steamer Zenobia was preparing to leave for serviceon the Straits and China station.
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  • 19 4 Not being able to complete our remarks on the late disturbances, we must postpone their consideration until next isswe.
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  • 83 4 The Russian Squadron, comprising six vessels-of-war, were reported by Chinese fishermen to be in the neighbourhood of Shanghai at the beginning of May. The opium receiving-ships had moved higher up the Yang-tze-Kiang. 11. M. steamer Styx had been sent to reconnoitre, but did not fall in with the squadron. The
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  • 147 4 Thk Pinang Gazette of May !iOth announces the death of the Rajah of Kidah, which event took plate on the Bth instant. Our contemporary also notices that c n the 17th inst. disturbances broke out among the Chinese at the Province, arising out of gambling cases, which had not been
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  • 67 4 severe cyclone had passed over Rangoon and caused considerable damage to the shipping. The Head Quarters of the 36th M.X.1., which liad embarked in 40 boats, were overtaken by the hurricane, and about 30 boats foundered. From later ndviees it would seem that sorue hopes were entertained that a
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  • 426 4 Calcutta papers have been received by the Pekin to the 15th current, and by the stcimer Chn*an to the 18th idem. The departure for KurojM' of Colonel C'autley, director of the Ganges canal, has elicited from the Governor General an unprecedented recognition of that officer's public services. In tendering the
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  • 127 4 The P. and O. Cos steamy Shanghai, Captain Muu-u, arrived at 1(U hours P. U. on Friday last, bavin-* lclt Hongkmg at ii p m. May 18th.° Tj, P. and O. Co's Steam vessel Douro, which left this port on May 4ih arrived at Hoa». Kong oil the KHh.—
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    • 272 4 TO THE FDITOB or THE BTIUITB Tl\||:s. Sir, 1 he schooner Soph in, belonging to Messro. Binjf Brown Co. of Macassar, and under my command was, I regret to inform you, lost on the East ('out of Australia. We left on the Ist January K
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  • 2391 4 Tub Siwgatore Riots.- -The immediate cause of this savage outbreak i» apparently to he found in MM recent exasperation of tiie hostile feelings which the Hokien* and the southern Chinese entertain for each othrr. ami which appear to have been fomented in Singapore by the domineering spirit of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 791 4 fttfOicai, EnDali&, AND CENERAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, Established 18M. CAPITAL, £500,000. HEAP OFFICES, 2.5, PALL MALL, LONDON. INDIAN BRANCH. With nhich has been UmalgtmtMi the Orkntal Life /IIIIfSTHI ('"DI/Mllti). DIRECTORS. Captain Akthir Broomk, John Jenkins, Esq., MFoundry, Cussipore. rector of the Oriental I/ife Wii.mam (iiai-man, Esq., Insurance Co. (Prorl.) Director
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    • 503 4 N O T I C E new ship's articles, LflJ^ Press, (price One Dollar each) 4rtjßKft the new form of Ships' Articles in accordance with the Act of Parliament 7 8 Victoria. Cap. 11. FOR LONDON. ArpHE A I Barque TRURO, 694 A tuns Register, will have quick despatch. For
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  • 1080 5 The news to go forward by the Shanghai, for Calcutta to-morrow, is not very stirring. The Lad i) Maru Wood, which arrived from Shanghai on Sunday last, brings a rumour of the capture of Peking, and then- are reports of numerous victories in the provinces the expected relief of
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  • 699 5 Wi have received a copy of the Rangoon [Chronicle ef the 3rd instant. We deely regret to state that the sad catastrophe, which we noticed the other day, as h:iv ing occurred •luring the recent cyclone in Pegu, to a Madras' Native Infantry Regiment and a Company of Artillery
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  • 1971 5 The Arrival or the New Governor As soon a> it had been ascertained that the Uight Honortble Lord Urtrt.s «.v« on t>oar<i the utenmer Benlinck," salute of 19 guns was tired from the Kittiery, on her coming to an anchoi. The Town Major, wnh Mr. I'. croft, (the Chief
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  • 515 6 Thk following are amongst the latest telegraphic dispat'-'hes Vienna, Saturday April 8. The FU-mden Rlatt announces, under date of Bucharest, M April, that a great battle whs being fought at Kassova (about midway between Hirsuva and Silutria, in the Dobrudscha). The result was not known. Mustapha I'acha is
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  • 732 6 The definitive rupture of pacific relations between Russia and the Western Powers was on the 28th ult. simultaneously announced by the sovereigns of France and England to their respective legislatures. At the sittings of the French Legislative Body, the Minister of state read a Message from the Emperor
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  • 319 6 Fhe Milan Gazette contains the follow I ing on tbe policy of Austria in the Eastern question: j When Russia demanded the protectorate of the Greek subjects of the Sultan, she brought for- I ward a very delicate Question in international law, which was surrounded with a thousand difficulties
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  • 1202 6 Since our l.i-t C" 'ication an event baa occurred which mutt have anticipated for tone weeks past, and which will not, therefore, tak* our readers by surprise. On Tuesday last, the 28th of March, war with Russia wan of. ficially announced in the London Gazette, and furth.
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  • 2800 6 After thirty nine years ot peace, it wouia h.i\ been a subject of regret if war were now to be conducted according to the principles of National Law of the jurists who wrote in very different times, and the decisions of our own courts, which had to administer
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  • 753 7 -The latest accounts from the East inform us mat the Russian movements have been Attended with more or less success. The Danube hu been ciossed by them in various places, and w ith but a very slight resistance on the part of the Turks. Several of their fortified
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  • 314 7 -The Treasury Returns for the anaaciai year are highly satisfactory showing aa increase as compared with that of 1853-4, under every head of the Ordinary Bevenua, except the small bundle of odds and ends designated Juscellaneous." The total increase on the year »t terminated, as compared with that
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  • 1641 7 The first prizes taken in tie war with Russia have it seems been seized by— a Cmtoin-houae officer! Napier is outdone, and Dundad put to shame. An evening contemporary says Through the diligence of Mr. Scanlm, of the Custom*, a seizure has been effected of
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  • 1196 7 Relative to the market for freights, as attuctod by the war, and by the demand for tonnage for the service of the state, Messrs. Offor and Qamman furnish us with the annexed weekly report We again report continued firmness in freights, with a decidedly upward tendency. The vigorous prosacution
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  • 436 7 -{From the O'aictte of last night). At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 7th day of April, 1854. Pre»*nt The Queen's Must Excellent Majesty in Council. Her Majesty being compelled to declare war against hi* Imperial Majesty the Emperor of Ali
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  • 356 7 •We are rejoiced to learn that Government hu found it consistent with the vigorous prosecution of the war to suspend, and we hope to abandon, the practice of licensed piracy masked under the scarcely less odious name of privateering, and to forego the right of following enemies' goods into
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  • 179 8 May 23— Brit, brig Itipsima Anna Maria, Heckford, Hongkong April 21. Do hark Fultah Rahman, Ellis, Sydney Feb. 2, and Lalm.m. Am. ship Valparaiso, Kumell, Calcutta April t'i. 24— Brit, baik Swan, Barker, Swan Kiver April 20, and Sourabaya May 17 „—l)o ship Gilmore, Scolt, Melbourne April 6. Dutch
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  • 122 8 M.iy 23 Bril. sclir. Juliet, Naloda,* Pinang. n Dutch bark Emilie, Bantm r, Sainarang. Span. do. Medusa, St. Maria, China. Rril. do. Eliza Ann, Powell, Pinang. 25 Chinese schr. Time, Haddon, Melbourne. Am. ship Valparaiso, Rumcll, d-nlon. 26 -P. and 0. Co's sir. Pekin, (irainger, Hongkong. 27— Swcd. ship
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  • 372 8 (ON GOODS) VOYAGES BY SAILING VESSELS. Per cent To Great Britain 24 to 3 Continental Ports iv Europe 24 to 3 Macao, Cuinsinemoon and sailing between 36th June Hongkong or and Wt March 14 Whaiupua Amoy, during the above period respectively 2 and
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  • 133 8 tfoadicea Jupp Glasgow Klizu Thornton Maxwell London 17 Mar. 1 l«'J i Matheson Ulasgow John liiliby Oates Lirerpaol t Feb. Lanca hire Witch Parke Uo. 21 Feb. Nerbudda Crawford Liverpool Nassau Bockel Londou Portia Campbell Liverpool Sir Henry Pottinger Cragg Literpool 1 April Vice Auu»iral Lucas
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  • 45 8 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL Tin 2. 10 j>er 2Ucwt. (ianibier iv bat>kets nuue Ditto in bHlen 4. Sago Flour 4. «Joti°ee in bags none black ircpiwr 4. 10 |ierlrtcwt. I Measurement (iood* 4. 10 iter .">" niim- f*. I Uutu Tuban 4. 10 per 20 cwt.
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  • 63 8 On England 6Monius cmliv at is. lit id. #> dr. Oh Calcutta 234 per IOU dollar*. Bombay 30 days sight Us 238 pur dollars 100 Sycce Silver to >i per cent piciimim for l.ngv Company's Rupees T.ii per I'iij dollarn Java liupees (new) 280 per Hut dollars Java
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  • 177 8 A njer Shipping News. Passed through the Straits of I Siiinlii M.iy 6 Inland Queen, Hongkong lor .-> I rr 1 1 :.i Couranto, Singapore for Liverpool Martabaii, I Melboarne for Hativia Wynnstay, Whainpoa for London 8 Aerolite, Melbourne for Canton Dannedrog (Dan.) Shanghai for London; Atrato (b'r.) Batavi.i for
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  • 386 8 The Italian paI pen publish very contradictory accounts of the manner in which the late duke me' In* death. The official Parma Gazette of the «7ih ull. states that the assassination took place, as was first announced, in the public street. The duke was returning
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  • 141 8 We hare now I in commission 120 steamer*, p«dd,» and screw, of 36,082 I horse-power, carrying 2.279 guns of the heaviest calibre, J U< ti 3 meu# ne number of shipb, bail alone, at present in commission is l(Mi carrying 3,23ti guns, and -1,!»7.J men.
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  • 1163 8 -The movement in ra- pidly spreading all over the kingdom, and prejudice in imperceptibly giving way before the growth of the noble appendage. It if anticipated that on<; of the advanJ tage* to be derived from the ouraing war will be the permission allowed our infantry
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  • 148 8 An extraordinary nnnil*r of pHHtuMi^ers are tr« veiling to and frmn Southampton, India, China, hikl pMtimlorif in ilie humc-w-trd bound ships, doubtless on account of the war. When the Ripon left Alexandria slip look hwkv 1 40 pMHM for Southampton and left 200 Ikhind. The Euxine, which left
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  • 101 8 Thedi*. ctission by the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce upon the question of limited liability, was brought to a close on Saturday, when the resolution of (he Council of the Chamber, moved by Mr. Robertson, and seconded by Mr. Lain pert, in favour of the principle
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  • 516 8 NATIVE CRAFT— ttilinSH Futiy Mo.nbarick, J.uiul Kariui. Stiival Atni.l. Dolphin, tw banv, FutU Baric, K. C. Bar, Kirn Soon Hin, Good Luck. Sideris, Fattal Kamaii, B O. Mallah. Amee.i Rahman, Polka, Fatty Rahman, Britto.nirt. T. R. Davidson, Kliwb. DUTCH— Serrio, FotftJk, Futty Hokseusj. Futile Rayroan, Futtal
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