The Straits Times, 21 March 1854

Total Pages: 8
2 9 The Straits Times
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 928 2 Annually.. Sp. Urs. 18 J Half- Yearly.. 9 f Quarterly.... I one Month.. 14 1 A Single Copy— One Rupee. J LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE AT THE COMMISSION ROOMS OF JOHN LITTLE A CO. COMMERCIAL SQUARE— SINGAPORE. Outfitting Department. Boots, shoes, and slippers, Paris and London made. jj races
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    • 812 2 Ny Lind, Ac, Muslin Gloves French Kid, White and coloured, White and coloured silk, thread Parasols silk, plain, and figured Ribbons silk, satin, bonnet and children's, a great assortment: T l read cotton on reels. Silk, tapes, bobbin Needles, Pius, crochet Thread, and needles Babies' Hoods and Hats— silk and
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    • 462 2 Canvasjaad Sewing Twine G una and carronades Pitch, Tar and Kosin Segars and Tobacco Tallow, Turpentine, Palms, &c. StarfflDarc Cutlr rn. A great variety of the best manufacture. •r fjina 3Japan /nanttfar turc e. A splendid selection from the stores of the first artisans in Japan and China, comprising every
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    • 487 2 AGENTS. London F. Algar A C< Calcutta— Thacker Ce. [mca Hongkong Armsfong Law Bbtavia Lange Co. Brown Holland and rough brown linen Braces buckles and Silver trowscr studs. Gold and Silver shirt studs. Uniforim and plain caps. Gold Lace. Gold Cap Crowns and Lions. Naval «fc Military buttons. CHILDREN'S APPAREL.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 528 3 Pii?ou W ilks' Canister powder Joyces patent shot Percussion Caps, Gun Nipples, nipple-Keys and turn Screws (iun Wadding, powder flasks, shot belts and pouches, Parallel rulers, brass joinled compasses, Gunters scales, measuring lapes, foot rules, Ac. Stationery Consisting, of a large assortment of account and blank books, foolscap, letter and
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    • 920 3 NOTICE. li Win CUR.SETJEE F&OMHDRZE. HEREBY gives Notice that he has withdrawn from the firm lately carrying on Trade and business under the style of Littlb, CursktJCB A Co., and he has this day established himself as a General Dealer, Commission Agent and Auctioneer under the style of, CURSETJEE A
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    • 1075 3 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. SURPRISING CURB OF A CONFIRMED ASTHMA AFTER yiVB TBARS SUFFERING. The following testimonial has been sent to Professor Moltoway, by a Gentleman named Middle ton, of Scotland Road, Liverpool. Sir,— Your Pills ha»e been the means, «nder proyidence, of restoring me to sound health after fe»e year* of
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    • 1090 3 HOLLOW m OIMTMEKT A MOST ASTONIB RING CURC OF SCROFULOUS ULCKItS:— A CASK dCUTIKIKI) U\ TIIK MAYOR OF BOSTON. Copy of a Letter from J. Noble, Esq., Mayor of Boston Lincolnshire. To Professor Hollowat, Dear Sir.— Mr*. 3aha.ii Dixon of Liquorpond Street, Boston, has this day deposed before me that
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 575 4 TRIESTE S^llig? ROUTE OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TRIESTE. fHI Austrian Lloyds Steam NaciyaHtm Company* Imperial Mail Steam Packet leave Alexandria direct for Trieste 24 houis after the arrival of the Passengers by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers from Colctttt* anout lne ln of every month and 'tii a/rangctneiit has now
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    • 647 4 THE LONDON ORIENTAL STEAM TRANSIT NSURANCE OFFICE. ESTABLISHED IN 1843.) 4P)Y^\} THE Undersigned are prepaclO(Bw^\. red l 0 acee P l 'i' s iS covere d by Insurance Companies) l.y the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's and the Hou'blc the East India Company's Steamers, or Steamers under charter to
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    • 875 4 @r eat Electoral ffimim $tate ILoan of 6,725,000 DOLLARS. THIS LOAN is guaranteed by the Government and icmttacted by the eminent Mdrfag Ht>u»e o: Messrs. M. A. Von Rothschild A. Sons, in Frankfort on-the- Maine. The following capital Prizes must be gained 14 of 40,000 Dollars «0 of 4,00f> Dollars
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    • 600 4 PENINSULA 3 ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S OFFICE. Battery Road Singapore. MaLlL c?3jL iINES OUTWARD MAILS. The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Steam Ship "CADIZ," with th< European Mails of the 21th Feb. may be expected. en route to Hongkong ami Shanghai, on or about the 2nd proximo. Application for
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  • 214 5 Straits Times. Singapore: Tuesday, Mar. 21st, 1854. We have to announce the arrival of the following passengers: March 14 per Boat from Rhio, Mr. Paasmore 15 per .1 iv. i from Batavia, Lieutenants-Colonel Le Grand Jacob and Lang, Bombay Army, Sir. and Mrs. Bik, Messrs. Brown and B. Carter; 18
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  • 47 5 It is generally understood that Admiral Sir James Stirling, the newly appointed Naval Comtuander-in-Chief, will arrive overland by the next mail. The following officers form part of the suite of the AdmiralCaptain Tbos. Wilson Flag Captain. Lieut, J. M. Bruce—— Flag Lieutenant. Captain Mark J. Currie— Secretary.
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  • 39 5 From Cape Town journals to the end of J nuary we learn the following shipping newsArrived the brig Alerl" from Singapore the bark Coromandel" and the ship London" both from Singapore had reached the Cape, and sailed for London.
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  • 57 5 Programme or Music to be performed by the Band of the 43rd Regiment M. N. 1., this evening, weather permitting. 1 Quick Step, by C. Barthmann. "I. \V»liz, Fairest of the Fair" C. D' Albert. 3. Polka, "The Bridesmaid" Jolly. 4. Grand Selection, "Lucia di Lammermoor" Donizetti. b. Uuadriile, "American"
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  • 49 5 We hear that, in consequence of the representations of His Honor the Governor, H. E. the Naval Com mander-in- Chief has ordered two vessels of war to proceed to Singapore, and to remain here until further orders. We suppose the "'Comas" and Grecian will be named for the station.
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  • 42 5 Captaik Baker, of the steamer Ganges," reports having spoken, off Cape Comorin, tbe Hero of tbe Nile." The following vessels were at Galle when the Ganges" sailed Senngapatam" (dismasted), Chevalier," and Sea Serpent Carl (Ramb.) Oceanus (Norwg.) Matinal (Fr.) and Angelina" (Fr)
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  • 27 5 The Ganges" has on board 1709 chest* and 10halfche8ts of Malwa opium, and 34 chests Turkey drug also about 25,009 treasure for Singapore and 62,000 for Hongkong.
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  • 55 5 A CIRCULAR was sent round a few days ago intimating that the advertiser hid received on sale a quantity ef Russian tongues." Considering the probability of an invasion, and the difficulty of conferring with the Russians in tbeir own vernacular, we suggest that the local authorities buy up the whole
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  • 624 5 Th« general tenor of advices received by the last mail is decidedly more unpaciflc than heretofore; it was even admitted by (he Karl of Clarendon, our Foreign Secretary, in the House ol Lords on the 6th Feh.uary, that he apprehended that war would be lorced upon us, and that it
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  • 233 5 The following regiments will be all remaining in the United Kingdom to do home duty The 34th, 20th, 97th, 48th, 33d. 77th, 91st, 13th, 12th, £31, and the Rifle Brigade. It is intended early in the ensuing month that a camp, consisting of 30,000 Lnglisa militia, shall be formed either
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  • 309 5 -The P. «nd O. Cos. Steam-ship N'ui ua," Captain Black, arrived here early on Saturday morning, having left Hongkong al2 p.m. on the Nth instant. Tue news by this opportunity is rather scanty There was little more known of the progress ef the insurgents than that their adversaries were
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  • 183 5 The Peninsular and Oriental Company's atcam-ship GANGES, Captain Bakbr, ararrived here on Saturday at noon., having left Bombay March 3rd, Galle the 10th, and Pinang the 10th instant. We annex a list of passeugeis Jfor Singapore. Major and Mrs Graham, Messrs. Jas. Guthrie, Fnederick and Hey iron. For Hongkong. Mr.
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  • 227 5 Malta, UeA Ftbruary, 1854. The French boat arrived here yesterday with date* from Constantinople up to the sth inst., but without any news of importance from that port. The French •team frigate Vaaban had arrive J, the Cacique was expected momentarily, and the Napoleon (120) reportad
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  • 1537 5 [From our own Correspondent.] London, February &th, 1854. Speaking? technically, England and Russia cannot b« Mid to i>e at war, but we fere on the verj bordenof it- The two Governments are pretty much in the sane relation to each other as two gentlemen who had quarrelled would be after
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 328 5 (Official Advzkt73EMlSt.) IJREAT HESSIAN STATELOAN OF 6,725,000 DOLLARS. To be reimbursed with .16.688,610 Dollars £2,400,000 Sterling THIS LOAN is guaranteed by the Government md contracted by the eminent Banking House of Messrs M- A. Yea Rothschild and Sons, m FmoWurtoo-the-Main*. The following capital Prizes must be gained, vie 14 of
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  • 1014 6 -By the arrival of the Picnch steamer Akxandre last night from Constantinople, we hare i.c.iud papers from that capital to the 4ta iiist. They :.:i.n hu'< of political importance lhe combined were still at lieicoi, with the eiception of a few frigates that were cruizing in the Black
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  • 1057 6 The P. and O. steamer VaUtta arrived yesterday afternoon from Marseilles, bringing London journals to the Bth and Oalignani to the 9th inst The most important intelligence contained therein is the withdrawal by Russia of her Ambassadors at the Courts of England and France. M. de Kisseleff left Paris on
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  • 973 6 Tueidat, January 31.— The Queen in person opened the Session of Parliament this day. The strung mutter of diplomatist*, in glittering uniforms and bUzing wnii ordera, obliged some of the body to take their places in the gallery where they are accustomed to hear the debates of
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  • 1978 6 Admiralty Register op Wkecks fob th* Yeah 1862. -The Blue Book under the above title, which is annually presented to Parliament, has ju»t boen published for the year 1862 It cornea at an appropriate tin*. Wintry gales, long nighte, and dark fogs are the fit accompaniments for so fearful a
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  • 177 7 —The Americans have made another magnificent discovery of the use of cotton. Cotton makes the beat cordage for ships. It runs freer, and ties tighter knots. (The knots hitherto caused by cotton all Uncle Toms can bear witness to.) Cotton, moreover, makes the best sails for the Sovereign
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  • 987 7 SIR JAMES BROOKE'S PRIVATE LETTERS.* (From the Spectator, January 7«&, 1854.) The world is Hirely getting rather too much of "Rajah" Brooke and his concerns. The real interest of his character and adventures was pretty well exhausted in Capt. Keppelfl book, published in 1846. Capt. Mundy's continuation of the
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  • 1739 7 The Private Letters of Sir Jamas Brooke, X.C.8., Rajah of Sarawak narrating the Events of hia Life, from 1838 to the present time. Edited by John C. Temp--I>T, Esq., Barr inter at -law, and -.ue of the Masters of the Court of Exchequer. In three volumes, Published by Bontley. A
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  • 858 7 -Sailing ot tbk" C%rg. •us." Southampton, Jas. 11.— The magmn cent screw steamship Crtttut, belonging to the Gen Tal Screw Steam Shipping Company, com mainled by Captain. l. V. Mali, left her inoroings i:i the Southampton Water at 2 30 p. m. today for Auii'ralia. The Criesux
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  • 7 8 Bi-Monthly Circular and Singapore 'rom prices Current)
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  • 1014 8 Singapore, March i§lh, 1854. -r H i: transactions during the past forthave been on a very restricted scale, Vthc tew sales reported are of staple A at rates much the same as our last talions. There has, however, been a amount of sea-damaged goods (.about ''irtOO pieces)
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  • 1652 8 Alum— No imports a fair demand exists, and first arrivals will readily bring drs. I*> to 1$ per picul. Arrack— Bdtavia in good demand, market cleared— worth drs. 14$ to 15 per half leaguer. Bees' Wax— Imports from 10th ult. to the 10th inst. 23 piculs;— good bright
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  • 754 8 Prices of Bread and Meat in France for the last 153 Years.— By the official statistics just published, (lie prices of bread and meat at different epochs were as follows Bread: From 1700 to 1763 the mean price of the 2lb loaf was 1 sou 6 deniers from 1763 to
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  • 265 9 ARRIVALS Aijr. 14-llamb. brig Andioraache, Lassen, Kongpoot March i. Pruss. bark Uselte, Parman, Newcastle Sept. 28. It -Dutch steamer Java, Batten, Balavia March i~- 16— H. C do. Hooghly, Stewart, Piuang March 13. 17— Brit, brig Ulrica, Stone, Melbourne Jan. 30 Do. bark Samdanny, Powell, Pinang March 6.
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  • 368 9 (UN UUULIS) VOYAGES BY SAILING VESSELS. Per ctn To Great Briuin 24 to Continental Ports in Europe 2} to Macao, Cumsimrmoon and sailing between 30th June Hongkong or and Ist March 14 Whatupoa Amoy, during the above period respectively 2 and 2
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  • 44 9 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL l» 4. per 20 cwt. tiambier in baskets none Ditto in bales 5. Sagi Flour £5. iioffee in bags none Black pepper £5. 10 per 16 cwt. Measurement Goods £5. 10 |>er 50 cubic f'. Gutta Tuban £5. 10 perVSOCwt.
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  • 272 9 On England 6 Months credits at4s.lO4d. 4s. lid. per dr. On Calcutta 230 pur KM) dollars. Bombay 3D days sight Us- 230 per dollars 100 Sycee Silver 8 to 84 per tent premium for large Company's Rupees -!-it per 10U dollars Java Kupees (new) 'AD per IUU dollars
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  • 45 9 Arrived. Jan. 24 Alma and Olga, China 23 Ahmore, Shanghai 26 John Knox, Shanghai 27 Centurion, Whampoa Crisis, Shanghai 28 Cambulu, Shanghai Whampoa JO Celestial, China Old Hickory, Shanghai. Departed. Jan. 24 Surge, Hongkong Feb. 2 John Bibby, and Patna, Singapore.
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  • 570 9 Mincing Lane, London, 6th Feb. 1851. Slack Tkas. -Common Congous were neglected for several days, and the quoted pnee was as low as Is per lb., without leading to much business. Subsequently a demand arose, and the price rapidly advanced to Is Ojd, and Is Id per
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  • 80 9 - —The grocer* of Manchester and Salford have been brought into a state of much uneasiness by the prosecutions which the officers of the inland revenue have commenced against several of the trade, for the aale of chicory. A meeting of grocers was held at the Spread Eagle
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  • 965 9 The latest newspaper to hand from Peking is of a date equivalent to our 14th of January, —nearly a fortnight before the commencement of the New Year of the old dynasty. In a memorial in it, from the Censor Yung, paou, Inspector of tho central part of the City,
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  • 505 9 - —The Dutch steamer Java," Captain Batten, from Batavn March 2th, arrived here on the night of the 15th instant, bringing advices an -I journals to the former date. From our Dutch contemporaries we take the subjoined items of news. The Java Bade says, that the Mangi n( 5
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  • 94 9 —The Hon. East India Company have recently forwarded to the Manchester Commercial Association sample* of certain fibrous gra*i ea, said to grow in Aaaam and other districts of India. One of these sample* is identical with the fibre known M China grass, and has beau
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  • 339 9 NATIVE CRAFT BRITISH Futty Mombarick, Judu( Karira, Sha?»l AmiJ, Dolphin, Faize Bo> bany, Fattel Rahmark Futta Baric, K. C. Bux, Kirn Soon Hin, Samdanny, Jullietta, Mam DUTCH— Serrio, Po«pah, Futty Hokseng, Futtle R»yman, Futtal Hair, Orion. MALAY— Sree Delhi, Faid AHum. BALLY— Fattel Kair. SIAMESE.— Kirn
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