The Straits Times, 21 February 1854

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 504 1 „im or u»acatPTlo» u ,f.\>«riT.. 9 ji.«rf*rt>--.- I Mcnth... I, I .^ir.ele Copy— One Rupee. LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE AT THE CO3tkISSION ROOMS OF joo little it cc. CONIMERCIAL-SQUARE.-BINCAPORE. -J«ltHßg' tf»utfttttng Bepartment. ...noe.. and slipper. Paris and Lon- t Jg*fi* Long noth# OrM cloth( LilSSu. JMJ-P" ttd N:".i n
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    • 754 1 &M&MM&Ar&M® Have always on Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, selected special! jfor their Stores. WHOLESALE RETAIL TO* EXPORTATION. MILLINERY lift HOSIERY Articles for the Work Table Berlin Wool of assorted colors Balzarine dresses Caps. Cuffs, Collars- of English Manila Bonnets «>f the latest modes, from
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    • 452 1 AOSKTS. I London— F. Algar ARg Calcutta— Thatder »n I China— Drinker C. Butavia— Lange Co. LIST OF I ARTICLES FOR SALE I' AT THE GENERAL WARE.ROOMS OF i/W. C. KERR CO. LADIES APPAREL. White and colored Glace Silk, Satin A Tarlatanm Bonnets always on hand, and made to order
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 581 2 Silk gloves. Knitted hoots. Black and bronze kid shoes with straps. Sky and pink Silesia suitable for cloaks. ARTICLES FOR THE TOILETTE. Brushes— hair, nail, tooth and flesh. Combs— of Torloiseshell,horn A ivory in rariety Powder boxes and puffs. Hair and tooth powder. Turkey Sponges. Eau de Cologne, Lavender-water and
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    • 929 2 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS an ABToNreHrno cube of a disobdebed lives WITH A. VIOLENT COTJCII AND GBNEBAL DEBANQEMENTOF THK SYSTEM. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Treharne.Ohemist, Carmarthen, dated Stptctuber IWA, 1»52. To Professor Holloway, •Ziisti. .-aSKiEK; aft ding she had the best medical advice. M >«*«»» friend her to lyshe
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    • 1070 2 UOIIOWAmiSTMEIiT EXTRAORDINARY CURES KFFF.CTFD BY BOLLOWAT OINTMENT AND PILLS. Copy of a Letter from George Breton, Esq., Deputy Collector of Customs, dated Allahabad, Jan. «-MA, 1852. To PfOFEMOR HOLLOWAT, My Dear Sir— Having fur tevcral years past n*ed your Fill* and Ointment with unfailing success, 1 beg leave to mention
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    • 502 2 LITHOGIIAPHY. I^VERY description of Job work, in Lithon Mv phy, as Notes, Circulars, Bills of L a( lin «nd Exchange, Prices Current, Plans, Drawir tyc. &c. executed at the Straits Times Press wit> neatness and despatch. COPPKR-PLATK PRINTING. Invitation and visit ing Cards, &c. &c. print! at the Straits Time*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 580 3 TRIESTE ROUTE. OVERLAND ROUTE VXA TRIESTE. THE Austrian Lloyds Steam Navigai tion Company's Imperial Mail Steam Packe leave Alexandria direct fot Trieste 24 houis after the arrival of the Passengers by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers from Calcutta, on about the 11th of every month and an arrangement has
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    • 669 3 THE LONDON ORIENTAL STEAM TRANSIT INSURANCE OFFICE. ESTABLISHED IN 1843.) vV&Y^vK THE Undersigned are prepared t0 acee P l K' sl (covered by iaaiLSSaPB«r o i )Cri Policies with ihe London Insurance Companies) by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Com- pany's and the Hon'ble the East India Company's Steamers,
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    • 940 3 NOTICE. .CURSETJEE FROMHCRZE. HEREBY gives Notice that he has withdrawn (from the firm lately carrying on Trade and business under the style of Littlb, CohsbtJCK A Co., and he has this day established himself as a General Dealer, Commission Agent and Auctioneer under the style of, CURSETJBE A CO., AND
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    • 593 3 II PENINSULAR A cmYK" »7 r-vi NAVIGATION finl»iMVte i twn WITIr ATI i qj rFI C E Battery Road Sing a/me. MAIL c f|||u|\ LINES. outward wn i s. I The Peninsular a ld Oriental Steam Navigation j Vompany s Steam Ship "SINGAPORE," with the buropeanMa.l, o f „,e 21,,,
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  • 267 4 Strait Times Singapore: Tuesday, Feb. 21st, 1854. We have to announce the arrival of (he following passengers: Feb. 14 per Jhv* from B*tavia. Rev. Mr. mil Mrs. Milne, Mr. and bin, Houston, Mr. nnd Mrs. I)<m*v, Uapfesisi B >v<l, M-»m-. Os> vers, Aguilar and M. T. ipsMrj 17 per Cvii:
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  • 24 4 We set aside editorial remarks in order to make room Tor more interesting matter contained in the journals of Kurope received by the Mail.
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  • 89 4 The Mails conveyed by the Benijnl from Calcutta t > Suez, were the fastest known, and remained at Alexandria two days, awaiting the arrival of the Columbo. We subjoin the time-bill of the Bengal The distance from C'alcutU to Suez is 4,757 miles, and as the passage was performed in
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  • 52 4 Caps Tow.v papers of late date announce the death of Sir tt. BUi.nt The colony was in a state of great excitement in consequence of extensive mineral discoveries. On the Orange River immense beds of copper ore had been found and near Cape Town, silver, copper and iron ores had
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  • 38 4 Ceylon papers mention that it has been definitively arranged for the P. and O. Company's steamers to coal at Trincomalee, instead of at Galle, and that they will call at the latter place to receive mails and passengers.
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  • 35 4 Maura* papers notice that the Electric Telegraph has been completed as far as Poouamalee thence it will proceed to Bangalore, BeUary, Hyderabad, Nagpore to Agra, at the latter place meeting the Calcutta and Bombay lines.
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  • 62 4 Bombay papers mention the departure by the Overland Mail to Europe of Commodore Lambert. In consequence of the capture from the Turks of Bagdad, and other places in the Persian Gulph, by the Persians, the H. C. sloop-of-war Falkland and schooner Constance hay* quitted Bombay for that quarter, to maintain
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  • 110 4 Arracan adtices have been received to (he 26th ultimo. There was an abundant rice harvest prices ranging from 32 to 40 rupeei, and lower rates were expected owing to the smut amount of tonnage loading. The brig v Susa Woodward master, from Calcutta bound to Akyab, was toUllj lost on
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  • 112 4 Shipping Notices.— The brig "Sisters, from Bjllv to Singapore with rice, hid been compelled to be«r up tor Batavia to repair >i «ma^e, occasioned by stress of weather. The brig Pantaloon left Bally for Singapore previous to the .Sisters," »nd has probably encountered bad weather. Several Dutch ressels had also
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  • 144 4 From New York papers lo the end of December we learn that Mr. Kobert Me. Lane, the American Minister to China and Japan, left New York for Liverpool on Dec. 10th, and may be expected to arrive here by the next mail steamer from Galle. Signor Fry, the manager of
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  • 128 4 The French mail steamer Eurotus" wn totally destroyed at Alexandria, with her entire cargo, among which were 600 bales of silk. The subjoined account of the disaster we Ukr from the Malta Mail January 13th. "We mentioned in our last the loss of the French itBurotui at Alexandria. We regret
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  • 340 4 - -The signs of (he times are ominously in favor of a genenl war. In our present issue will be found (be latest news from the seat of strife. The mere intimation that the Sultan proposed reopening negotiations for peace provoked hi; subjects to such an extent that
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 641 4 NOTICE rpHE UNDERSIGNED hare been appointed AgeoU at thif port for the Eastern Marine Insurance Company, and are ready to grant policies on shipments hence to any port »n the United Kingdom,— payable in caie of ioss on damage, either here, oral any of the following Ports, vii., London, I
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    • 853 4 lllll\ STEEL k CO. BEG to acquaint their numerous and respected Friends, that they have made arrangements in Europe, India, China, *c. which will enable them lo furnish a general assortment of Merchandize, particularly suitable for Shipping, and the Colonies, at wholesale prices Singapore, 6th Febnttrg, 18«4. NOTICE^ SIMMONDS A
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    • 166 4 WANTED, rR H. M. S. Rapid," a CAPTAIN S COOK. Apply on board. Singapore, Feb. 21, 1854.^ FOR MELBOURNE DIRECT Kl\k TpHE fin* teak-built ship Bombay, rA)kv 400 Tons, Captain J. Brown, ySU&i ill have quick despatch. For freight aiußSK**- or > Pmba? 0 having superior ammimodation for passengers, apply
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  • 139 5 Ibe combined fleet*, have clearly underlakfn I only lo prevent Kimia attacking lurkish -i, but also to intercept the landing of Russian i "on the shore* ol A6...-aboid step which L 11 most probably be construed by the Czar to a declaration of war. In addito wnal appears in
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  • 254 5 OH Friday last at lull-past three o'clock the norland letters were delivered at the Post ol- X c and al four o'clock Ihe mails for Auslra,/by the Chusan closed —pretty sharp .rk that, Mr. Postm.istci! Al sis o'clock the Chusan sailed for Australia, but after proceeding a few miles she
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  • 257 5 The Peninsular and Oriental Company's itfam ship Norna, Captain Black, arrived here on Friday at IP. M having left Bombay Feb. Ist, Galle the Blb, and Pinang the l.i lh instant. We annex a list ol passengers: For Hongkong.— -Mr. Newby, Mus Douglas, iud Mr. Maitland. For Singapore— Messrs. Edgar
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  • 705 5 Malta, 13rA, January 185-1. H. M. steamers Sidon, Vesuvius, and Wasp •rrived here simultaneously on the 10th. The Sidon left on the following day, and the Vesuvius yesterday for the Fleet in the Bosphorus. The Wasp was last from Alexandria, and brings intelligence of the Persians
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  • 1638 5 London, Jan. 9/A, 1854. We have been so frequently on the very rerse of war within the last few mouths that it is hardly possible to persuade any one that the direful alternative has come at last. Taking the Moniteur as an otlicial authority, howevor, it
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  • 3330 5 -We h&vc the following from our Constantinople Correspondent. Tlie Turks hare encountered serious defeat o: the borders of Armenia, by the Russian General Andronikoff, at Akhalxik. Their loss was considerable, having left 4000 ou the field. A letter from St. Petersburgh states tuat the Prince Orbelian
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  • 1812 6 Constant! uople, J3th. On the 26th, thi> Cabinet Council declared itself*/* ptrmanenee. On the 27th, 80 of the ringleader* af the insurrection reached < me-i (in Candia), to which plac* they had been sent. Tha Sultan rejected <J"ueral d'Hillier's offer of assistance with extreme indignation, saying that be
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  • 297 6 By the Royal mail steam :r Asia we hav, wmc.-.. Jrorn New York to t!ie 28th Dec. She ha* brought 362,759 dollars in specie. Another U-rrible conflagration had occurred in New York on the 2tfth ult., by which upwards of f 1,000,00) wor*.h of propurty had bean destroyed. The
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  • 250 6 Anecdote of Jenny Lind, During her visit to Bath she happened to be walking with a friend, in front of some almshouses, into one of which she entered, and sat down f«.- a moment, ostensirely to rest herself, but in reality to find some excuse fur doing an act of
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  • 418 6 Wincing Lane, London, 6th January, 1854. Thj p iMt t'.irtnight has been one of extreme inaction in Msf Tea nurkct, which is, perhaps, partly due to the season, and also somewhat to the aews by the last Mail not being of a character either to induce speculative
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  • 332 7 Singapore, Feb. 16//*, 1854 Tji our last Circular we hinted that l wiii< T to ie continuance of the Chinese holidays, little or no business was expected to be done for the fortnight then nsuinj;. Of European manufactures only few" bales have been placed to meet immediate
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  • 89 7 White Shirtings pieces 21,970 Do. Figured 4,750 Madapollams 3,800 Jacconets 1,325 Cambrics 2,800 Dimities 3,000 Brocades 800 Linens 140 Grey Shirtings 15,000 Longcloths 4,380 Madapollams 6,875 Dcmestics 1,998 Drills 980 Twills 2,080 Linens 520 Trowserings 210 °}ed Shirtings 2,850 Do. Figured 500 Brocades 1,150 Prints 6,880 Chintees
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  • 483 7 Camlets pieces 40 Long Ells 1,620 Alpaocaa 50 TWIST AND YARN. Grey piculs 540 White 222 Turkey Red 54 Imperial Red 67J Blue 17 Green 4| Orange li Yellow 7 METALS. Bar Iron picubj 3.514 Lead 604 Yellow Metal Sheathing 293} Colored Twist. Very dull: we quote Blue, Orange
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  • 1424 7 Alum No imports; a fair demand eiists, nml first arrivals will readily bring drs. I- 1 to 1 J per picul. Arrack B.itavia in good demand, market cleared worth drs. 14} to 15 per half leaguer. Bees' Wax Import* from 25ih ult. to the 10th inst. 123 piculs;—
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  • 233 7 Exports.— Jan. 30th. To Hamburg via Akyali, hy the Dutch »hip Stad Dordrecht 4'iO pis rattan*, 455 pU black pepper. <it>^ pi* gum dammar, 25,700 Malacca canes. Feb. 2nd. To Philadel|ihia, via Calcutta, by the American ship Valparaiso 649 pli» and 78 ctys buffalo hides, 151 pis and 74 cty.s
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  • 70 7 Anjtr Shipping. Veisels pasßed through the Straits of Sunda .—Jan. 22 Benjamin Heupe, Shanghai for Melbourne 24 H. M. S. Sloop Royalist, Singapore tor England 'id Couranto, London for Singapore Oscar (Swed.) Batavia for Cowbs 2SJanc, Batavia for London Meiuitw, Amoy for Havana SO Joseph Fletcher, Shanghai for Londoi: Euterprize,
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  • 244 7 Merchants pardon a word of appeal. When the storms t»f a faithless ocean have sent your ships to the bottom when markets fail and hope dies wh»n the gauot demon of bankruptcy stares you in the face, grasp hold of the sheet anchor of honor, and never let go. Write
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  • 74 8 SINGAPORE SHIPPING. ARRIVALS Feb. 14 -P and O. Cos. S.V. Tartar, Caldbecl, Southampton Sept 26. „-Dutch ileamer hf». Batten, Bat.fia Feb. li. !■> -French do. C •»«•>«, de Plas, Manila Peb. 7. 17— P. and 0. Cos. s.V. Cadu, Roberts, Hongkong Feb. ii. Do. do. Norna, Black, Bombay February 1.
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  • 143 8 V^ii 14 Brit, bark Samdanny, Koxellf, rraana;. Do. do. Hamoodj, Pearson, Calcutta. Aid. ship Pioneer, Childt, Akyab. 15— Brit, brig Fair Barbadian, Taylor, Melbourne. Do. bark Lady Raffles, Marienburg, Akj-b. -Do. brig Ocean Bride, SbiUlone, Hongkong. is_Do. schr. Maria, Burrows, Sarawak. „-Do. ong Futtal Marian, Nakoda, Karrical. Dutch bark
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  • 376 8 RATES OF PREM OF INSURANCE AT SINGAPORE. (UN UOODS) VOYAGES BY SAILING VESSELS Per c* lit ft Great Britain.... liY' l Continental Ports in Europe 2| to J Cumsiu'itmoon and sailing between 30th June Hongkong or an<T Ist March 1| Whaaipoa Amoy, during th* abo»e period respectively 2 and 2
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  • 47 8 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL Tin i> 4. pu 20 cwt. (iamhier in basket* none Ditto in bales 5. *agn Flour 5. Coffee in bogs none Black pepper £5. 10 per 16 cwt. Measurement Goods £5. 10 per 50 cubic A <iutta Tuban £5. 10 ocr 20 Cwt.
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  • 68 8 Ou Kngland 6 Months credits at 4s. lid. to &t. par dr. On Calcutta 235 per IUO dollars. Bombay 30 days sight Ks- 235 per dollars I IX) Syce* Silver 8 to »4 per ceut pr annum for large i otnpauy's Rupees '130 per IIW dollars Java. Kupeea
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  • 120 8 Alexander London 7 Miy Chebucto Ru»aeU Liverpool 1 Wo». ChrUUan H" 11 Couranto ttan.gau London 9 Oct. Carl von Gnefe «r*ef* Liverpool 3 Oct. Congo Din* Hamburg 2 Dec. De Ucilige Lud«in» Wiuch NewcMti* 5 A.«g DorU»n» Me Oee Li«efv«ool 8 D« c Kqu«eur Magrei !>•««••
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  • 41 8 Claiissa Lyster Direct M .rgaret SkeU/ Pearce 20 Jan Pekin(ST.) Or»inger via Pinang FaoK botfßaT. Futty Balaa Jones vu Pinang Julia Purchase via Pinang Singapore Bvans via Piaaag VBaaiLißxrßOTiDrßOif C*re or Good Hofb k Airas Flora Titdeman
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  • 68 8 Pantaloon sonny man Sophia Fraser Griffei ■Sisters Djncan Vcsselj csrccTED FROM Australia. Don Affjnso Santa Anna Sydney 30 Nov Miilothian Oibson Melbourne 8 Dee. Sophia iloffi'.t bell Adelaide Susaa Massey Syduey 9ylph Thompsoii Meleourne 6 Dee. VfUF.LS IXPEtTED raOM CHINA. Formosa (S. V.) Christian Hongkong 15
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  • 25 8 STRAITS CHINA SHIPPING. Arrived— Dec. 21 Challenge, China 25 Eden, Canton 26 Scandia, China 31 \A.den, Whainpoa; J»n. 3 Sir 11. Pottinger, Shanghai. Departed. None.
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  • 2880 8 CoMMBBCtAL INTBROOUBM WITH JAPAN, A*D BBITIBH ahd American Poucr is thb East.— Tne S ingapore [Straitt Times and) Journal of Commerce, of th c 1 6th of August last, in Adverting to the American expedition to Japan, takes occasion to soothe the apprehens io n of British subjects in the
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  • 299 8 NATIVE CRAFT— BRITISH— Futta Sarawak, Fully Momharick, Judul 'Ramo. Shaval Ami Dolphin, Fain Robany. Fattel Rahmark Futta Berie. Cala.idar Bui. Mian Queen, Suerte K. C. Bux, Bally Packet, Sree Malacca. DUTCH— Serrio, Poepah, Futty Hokaeng, FulUe R»ym»n, Futtal Han. MALAY— Sree Delhi, Fa?d Allum. BAI ,LY
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