The Straits Times, 29 November 1853

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 755 1 JIATB» It SUBMCRIPI'IOK > AimuaiK Bp. i>rs. 16 j /i..if-Vrarly..' ij':srtrri> i t >uc M< nth.. 1 k y A >int?lr Copy One Kupee. L IST OF ARTIC LE S FOR SALE A T T ll E C OMMIS SIO N RO OM S 0 F J O «Ji LITTLE
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    • 765 1 Have always on Sale an extensive ami choice assortment of the following good*, selected specially for their Stores. VVIKM.KSAMC RKIAIL A FOR. EXPORTATION. MILLINERY HOSIERY Articles for the Work Table Berlin Wool of assorted color* flalzarine dresses Caps. Cuffs, Collars- of English Manila Bonnets of the latest modes, frora.Paris manufacture
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    • 467 1 Lo^dui. f. Alg»r «'c < Calcutta Thacner an j Co I China— Krinkcr Cf.. Bh"avia Lanjjr Jj Co. X.TST OF ARTIf.I.KS FOR SALE AT THE OKXEiUp WAMfrMOOMS OF W. G. KERB CO. f Adjoining the Or B**h Sn^rnporr. I.ADI I I APPAREL White aii'l colored Gttti Silk, Satin »t TarlaUnnc
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 582 2 Silk gloves. Knitted boots. Black and bronze kid shoes with straps. Sky and pink Silesia suitable for cloaks. ARTICLES FOR THE TOILETTE. Hrushes hair, nail, tooth and flesh. Combs— of Torloisesheli, horn A ivory in tariety Powder boxes and puffs. Hair and tooth powder. Turkey Sponges. Eau de Cologne, Latender-watei
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    • 1072 2 LONDON HOTEL. The London Hotel, kept by G. DoTronQUOY, is situated on the Esplanade, commandinga splendid view of the harbour of Singapore and under the immediate patronage of the Peninsular and Oriental Company. PassengrßS arriving at Singapore who may honor him with their presence will find every comfort and moderate
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    • 1090 2 Thb London Hotbl, term par G. Dutromquoi e*t situl ■ur I 'esplanade, coinmnndant une superbe rue dv port de Singapore, et sous le patronage immediat de la t'eninnular and Oriental Compagnie. Ou les pasaager* .irrivant a Singapore gui veulent bitMi lvi honorer de leur presence troureront toutce quient comfortable a
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    • 89 2 El ib^jo fiimado encargado de la fund* titulada Lokdou Hotsl que esta situada en la Esplanada, dominando una per*pectiva magnificaHel puertode Singapore, y bajo la immediatAproteccion de la Coui' pinia Feniii'iilar y Oriental ofrece su hcrmosa l'osada a lo< Pasaceros que lleguen a Singapore y quieten honrar c sit pretenria
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    • 519 2 ON SALE AT THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS, In Commercial Square. New form of Ship's Articles, Cargo Books, Personal aiui Mortgage Bonds Blank Powers ot' Attorney, Import and export Manifests Boat Notes, Bills of Lading, Bills of Exchange, Bills of Parcels, Promissory Notes, Straits Calendar for 18.'»|, Ditto. Ditto, for 1852,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 667 3 LITHOGRAPHY. EVERY description of Job work, in Lithography, as Noteß, Circulars, Bills of Lading and Exchange, Prices Current, Plans, Drawings Ac &c. executed at the StraiU 'Times Press wiih M.ifness and despatch. COPPKK-PLATK PRINTING. Invitation and visiting Cards, &c. &c. printed at thje StraiU Times Press in Commercial Square c!si
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    • 574 3 TRIESTE 'ROUTE OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TRIESTE. THE Austrian Lloyds Steam Navigation Company' s Imperial Mail Steam Packet leave Alexandria direct for Trieste 24 houis after the arrival of the Passengers by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers from Calcutta, on about the 11th of every month and an arrangement has
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    • 525 3 THE LONDON ORIENTAL STEAM TRANSIT INSURANCE OFFICE. (.ESTABLISHED IN 1843.) mTHE Undersigned are prepared to accept Kisks (covered by open Policies with the London Insurance Companies) by the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's and the Hon'ble the East India Company's Steamers, or Steamers under charter to them. The interest
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    • 535 3 PENINSULAR ORIENTAL BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S OFFICE. Battery Road— Singapore. MAIL^P^v LINES OUTWARD MAILS. The Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company's Steam Ship SINGAPORE," with the European Mails of the 21th Oct. may be eipected, en route to Honorkong and Shanghai, on or about the 2nd proximo. Application (or Freight and
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  • 45 4 We regret to announce the total loss of the Norwegian brig Esmeralda," from Singapore with a full cargo, bound to Cowes for order*' This vessel struck upon the rock known as the Two Brothers, in the Java Sea, aud became a total wreck crew saved.
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  • 57 4 Mr. Durell, mate of the brig "Creole' from Sydney— which »essel arrived here or Sunday last -reports, Captain Avery jumped overboard at 7 a. m. on the 23rd November Passed two brigs on shore in Torres Straits, n the 2ist September, on Cockburn's reef." THB Grand Jury will, we hear,
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  • 51 4 W* understand that the Hon'ble the Gorer nor and his Family have accepted an Entertainment lo be given them by Lieut.-Colonti Cameron and the officers ol the 13rd regimen* M. N. I. The Entertainment, consisting of i Ball and Supper, will uke place on the eveoin, of Thursday the 15th
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  • 54 4 The Band of the 43rd Regiment will pUj the Parade Ground, near the barracks, this em ing, weathfr permitting. The following is D programme of music to be performed 1. Quick Step 2. Rose de Mai." Waltz Krenip 3. Overture to" LaGazza Ladra". Rossir.: 4. Quadrilles, News from home," J-illien
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  • 291 4 At a public Meeting, convened on the'J.,l November, 1833, atlbe offices ol Messrs. Gut 1 and Co., to consider and resolve upon a P^ I Entei tainment to be given lo the Hon bk J Governor and his Family, on their return fi Australia, John Purvis, Esq. was unanimoiJ called
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  • 168 4 In another part of our to-day's isiiiel found the latest intelligence /rom I I nople, and among other items the I claralion of war by the Forte ag*'">|M It would seem that the Sultan, u»j- i strain the enthusiasm of his own solicited the presence of several vessel combined English
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  • 4036 4 Straits Times Singapore: Tuesday, Nov. 29th, 1853. We have to announce the arriral of the folfowing passengers: Not. 22 per Gem from Melbourne, Mr. Spioer; from Calcutta, Potter and We have to announce the departure of the following passengers Nov. 13 per Pekia to Hongkong, M«ssr» W Paterson and G.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 920 4 NOTICE. lIMWI CURSETJEE FEOMMDRZE. HEREBY gives Notice that he has withdrawn from the firm lately carrying on Trade and !>miness under the style of Little, Ccrs«tJKE A Lo., and he has this day established himself as a General Dealer, Commission Agent and Auctioneer under the style of, CURSETJEE CO., AND
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    • 620 4 THE LONDON ASSURANCE. (FIRE U RANCH) TUiE UNDERSIGNED having been appointed by t he Corporation ot' the above Company, w their Agents at Singapore, are prepared lo lake Risks against Fire on Godowns and Dwell-ing-Houses built of Brick and covered with Tiles, and upon Merchandize otored therein. Full particulars will
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    • 624 4 PROSPECTUS. ACAD E M V FOR TH£| EDUCATION OF YOUNG LADIES. UNDER THE DIRECTION "f THE SISTERS OF THE HOLY INFANT JESUS." No. 2 Victoria Street, SINGAPORE. A N Academy for the Education of Yonng La- dies, conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Infakt Jesus, had been established in
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  • 6197 6 We have received the following important communication from ihc Board of Admiralty. It would appear ihnt the Northwest Passage has been actually sailed through. A more important item of the news is that nothing has been heard or seen of Franklin and his gallant companions. It is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements

  • 193 7 Admiralty-office, Oct. 7. Si-, I have the honour toacqutint you, for the infornction of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, ot arrival in Lonion this morning with Captain Ingle!i:id, of H M. Ship Phoenix, having been charged with CnOMßder M'Clure'a dispatches by Captain Kelleit, oi h-r Majesty's ship Resolute, which
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  • 362 7 By Robert M'Clure. Estj Commander of her Majesty's Discovery Sliip Investigator, au«l Senior Officer present. Considering it of the uiniou importance that the crew i'.ould be divided, as the ooly means of currying the views which I entertain into effect— viz tl.e probability of being thereby able to extricate and
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  • 125 7 To Lieutenant Creswelt.of her Majesty's discovery ship Investigator, in charge of travelling party. Henry Kellett, Rsq c. b., captain of her Majesty's chip Resolute. It being of importance that an officer of her Majesty's ship Investigator should reach England by the earliest opportunity, audit being possible that these ships may
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  • 153 7 Her Majesty's ship North Star. Beechey Island, Aug. 20 Sir, It is my melancholy duty to inform you that two of my »»<"n, who left this ship with Lieutenant Bellot, have just returned with the «ad intelligence of, I 'icing drowned. The pirtictilar* on an examination of the two
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  • 846 7 Niw.s from THK Levant. -By the arrival of the French mail steamer the re]H>rt!t that had been circulating here, of war having been declared, by the Porte against Kutwia, were confirmed. Ou the arrival here ou Saturday night of H. M. Ste. ship Carurloc, it was circulated that the declaration
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  • 325 7 (1) The F'tntn it the sacred irrerooable decisions which the .Sheik-ul-islum, (Chief of tbe Ulemas) at head of the church and Muftis, and the Lord lieutenant of the Sultan, is accustomed to i»«ue— Ed. M. M. whilst the clergy abandoned their appointments in favor of the army Tranquillity and good
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  • 2399 7 The Mctiny and Loss or Life on Hoard the Qt ken of th« Tkion. Yestt-rJay the inquiry respectin^ the mutiny of the Asiatic crew of the Queen of the Teign, of Teign mouth, and the loss of life caused thereby, wa« resumed at the Thames Police court, before Mr. Yardley,
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    • 203 8 Nov. 1>3 Brit, brig Gem, Lcgoe. Melbourne Oct. 10. Do. bark Polka, Welsh, amoy Nov. 3. tt Dutch do. Kirn llt y Eng, N.ikudj. Rhio Nov. 22. Swed. brig Harmonia, Liljedal, Har- tlepool June <>. Brit, brig Harriot, McLean, Port Phillip Sept. 30. 24— Do ship Shelomilh, Potter, Calcutta
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    • 200 8 Nov. 21— Brit, bark K. ft, Forbes, Wright, London. Do. sclir. Kirn Soon Hiu, Nakoda, M;il;u'im and Pinang. 22 Do. ship Acadia, Dunn, Pinang and H.'ston. Do. steamer Sir Jeinseljce Jejecbhoy, 9 Skinner, Malacca and Pinang. Do. bark Sapphire, Fox, Geelong. 23— Dutch Do. Elizabeth and Johanna, Ballot, Batavia.
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  • 375 8 (OX IiOODSj VOYAOES BY S ULUIG VBBBELO. l'er cent. Omi Bntau 24 to 3 Condaeuial Pottt ia Bkwif< 2J to J Mai:.n>. C«saste|tM 1 and taUtus bct<vpen 3()th June lloiijkon^ or and l*t March 14 \VUaij[>o» Auiov, dii Kin th» ahow P'lind reijjcctively
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  • 52 8 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL Tin t per 2'('M\!. Sago in Uoxps 3. lo Siigo in Bugs 3. (iainhicr in baskets none Ditto in bales it C'oll'ee in b ign none Bl—fc f* Oftt 3 .2 6 perlficwt. Hoods £1 i« per 50 cul)ic f' (liiu.i TtiUm 3 0 MT
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  • 59 8 On England G Months credits 4s. lOd. per dr. On Calcutta 'loti per !i)0 dollars. Bombay 30 days sitrlit IU 230 per dollars liM) Sycee Silver losj p,.r cent premium for large Company's Rupees IM per llH> dollars Java Kupees (new) 270 per 100 dollars Java Kupeeg (old)
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  • 200 8 Alexander London 7 May Ambiorix Ruyter Antwerp Andromache Lawen Hamburg 13 Aug Chebuctu Russell Liverpool Christian Hull 19 Aug. Courauto Flanagan London 20 Ail*. Coquette HfM* Marseilles 26 July Carl von Oraefe Graefe Liverpool 3 Oct. De Ucilige Ludwina Witsch Newcastle 5 Aug. Kibe Mublenortb Hamburg
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  • 19 8 AbbotsfoiJ Amoy Ad.-laide Mason Amov Eriu(S.V.) Hoberts Hongkong '.'7 Nov. Jet Taylor Ainuy 6 Nov
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  • 88 8 Adolpbus Aun H. Town 26 Auj. A. J. Kcrr Shepherd Melooume Blue Bell I'urtalU 20 Aug. Cluiitarf Syiiiifj 28 Sept. DruiJ U lo«n 26 Au^. Karl of Chester Xancoll.* Mclbnur \c 22 Aug. Eolus siitki*nbiih Melbounif 3 .Sept. Fiir Barbaclinn I iyl"r OfltWM 2» Au« Helen
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  • 32 8 Arrow l)»ndu 5 O v. Catherine Apcar Jackson a Fattj SultMU N 111 »iv Pining Mariuioti H.iige Ocean Bride Shilstone Shan*! Aliin.J '1 lioma» Ditto TaaMrhM 13 O«t.
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  • 193 8 Mk.uoravdum of Covers Keceived for Delivory at, and despatched from, Singapore in November 1853: Heccived 1 I.\ Stcamt-r liatacia from Batavia. 283 Ex n Pottinger from China. on 'Ex linn from Europe 1.553 Do. from other plates. 970 Ex Jata from BaUvia 124 Ex .1 Ganges (rom China 3:jL E»
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  • 320 8 The Javasche Courant of November ports the following Seen by Captain Mellink of the Stad egen, on the 15th, September in 40, S L and 28 29 E. Long the Willem Ernst," c a tain Doornik, from Liverpool to Sydney, out 1Q 1 days all well on board. Batatia.
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  • 280 8 The Cholera is st; carrying >>ff nun y vu'.inu in this city in Amsterdr The number of cnses in the cholera hospital ot lk< 1 iticr, fiom Sept. 30 to Oct A, w.n 81, ol which »7 terminated f.itally. Yesterday, 4 more died in tii<establishment, and 29
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  • 410 8 NATIVE CK\FI' —BKll'lsii —Futta Sarawak. Futiy MwiMnct, Judui lv.irim, r' W >iln; Shaval AmiJ, Dolphin, Tin Him. Sai.l Ban, Gle.idora, Faize RoU«f, Fatt.l liihmw. Johanaah, Rachel, Futta Baric, Glory, Calendar Bus. Maria, Good Luck, Sree lumc DUTCH—Ocrair, Bunlim, GuanSengr, Bintang Timor, Serrio, Pospah, Futty Hokseng, Adrak
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