The Straits Times, 30 November 1852

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 616 1 S »T r <" KIKTIOI» Ann"aily.. **P- Lit*. 16 Half- Yearly.. 9 1 ijuarteri?.... -5 I One Mcntn.. U I A Single Copy— One Rupee. LIST OF m ICt IS FOR Sill AT TH2 COXVIIVIXSSXON ROOMS OF COr/IMERC!AL-SQU ARE, --SINGAPORE. -jl3O i vs« in woo l of colors Jaconet— White
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    • 709 1 I Have always on Sale an extensive* and choice assortment of the following goods, selected specially for their Stores. WHOLESALE RETAIL A FOR EXPORTATION. MLLINEBY ti£ HOSIERY tft*. for the *-tT^ ttX^STViS^ IM of the finest quality Muslin and lluslinet Draw's, Curtain.. 4c. Children* and* Moanelio de lain* Dresaes.
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    • 459 1 AOBNTO London— P. L. i-immonds ACo Calcutta— l'hacker and Co. China— Kawle. Drinker Co{ B»tavia— Lange Co, LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE Ar the geseral wARE.nooMSr oy W. G. KERR CO. Adjoining the Oriental Bank)— Singapore. LADIES APPAREL. 1 White and colored tilace Silk, Satin Jt TarlaAnne Bi>niHi» always on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 592 2 ."ilk gloves. Knitted boots. lilack and bronze kid shoes with straps. Sky and pink Silesia suitable for cloaks. ARTICLES FOR TIIS TOILETTE. brushes hair, nail, tooth and flesh. Combi of Tnrtoiseshell, horn A ivory in variety Ponder boxes and pulls. Hair and tooth powder. Turkey Sponges. KSu de Cologne, Lavender-water
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    • 1684 2 LONDON HOTEL. The I ovijijn HOTEL, kept G. Dv- The Londok Hotel, term EUb. jo fiimado encar^ido tbc^QDoy, is situated on the Esplan- p:ir J D I *°J^ m «t tiuil <le u hnd» i.tuUd* I.onw.m j <ir 1 e>-|>l;iiiarie comrntnitant Hutkl uue uu ■itiiada. en la ade, commanding a
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    • 483 2 I'onibay. -nay etl| l '"l gaporo ahont the slh. Proximo, he A Oriental Company s Steamer v pea:. .Mails M route to Cuiv.v. about Instant. lc -9lii. 1 Applicnlion for Freight or a__ ves«el, t« he at the ,|,,,ve olit Singapore, Kov. 77j. 18->2. DW-OT OALOJTrA A oj^r.T^|M str.
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  • 2375 3 The following extract lrom (lit- Eilmbnrgh IKtfcMMwiil interest tunny of our Strain readers. Wo aliou.J Uag a^o hive uu(ice<i iho proceeding* < f Urn usuocialKiu wuicii lias »o zexluusly exerted i;.-t!f lor the perumnciA eslab;ii<hiiieiil ot'a I'resbwvii.iii cliiircii in tins S'-lilr Uieiit. but as the Keporl »lui:i |Mt br<:i
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 496 3 C. J. DAR COS ADVERTISEMENTS G.J. DARE CO. SHIS' CHANDLERS, SAILMAKEKS. Auctioneers and Commission Agen'.s. WHOLKSALK AND RETAIL ff«M| Spirit and Deer Merchants BOAT QUAY: SINGAPORE B£G to announce to ship Owners, Merchants) "iiiiTii.m f'-is of Vessels and the Public in liencral, that they Im»c always on hand nil kinds
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    • 655 3 NOTICE. 'The Undersigned is appointed Agent at Sin gapore for the sale of Messrs. Chas. Heatov A Co. s Oilmans Stores «S.*c. rot Jk.vsi; Hudson A Sons London bottled Porter AND .Mii.hoy A Sons' Pony and Horse Harness, Jtc. &c Shipments of the former just arrived per Albyn with sundry
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    • 589 3 NOTICE MR Cortiej:, Surgeon Accoucheur Ac. having returned to the settlement, begs 10 intimate for general information that he has ersumed practice. High Street, Singapore NOTICE. In the Good* of JOHN ARMSTRONG LATELY TRAMS G IS SINCAPORE UNDKII lUX FIRM OF GEO. ARMSTRONG CO.— Dkc f asku. ALL persons having
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    • 172 3 FOR MANILA. fIIHE Spanish Brig Yr.OCANO. 'v-'* Captain Itioml.i, wili have im ■J^J^v* medale 'l.^p.itcli. For rr n 'b t or passage apply to sv.mi: a co Singapore, find Xor. 18.52. FOR^INANOA CfttCUTTA -r£«2|. r pllt new nnd Fa»t-sa,iling >hi[> "MARO.UAUD FAMILY" 33rt Tons, Captain MII.LKR. For freight t oe
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  • 1346 4 The wanty political tocideata «>l th« laatftv irwki from wltisk aa* iadiaaiiatM nl iaa j cj o( can be ilr.twn. throw very liUie ac* li^iil on ill* ftreu prukWai liuil Iky bcftffi in la I.icC WIN us n.iicb in the dttb M n.r coactrrning th.- llm t>l action
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  • 537 4 A lteration In Exchange. -On the 24th I] ult. the KjnI India C«B|PM| K-ne notice, MM the rite at which they MaM receive C»>li for Bills on India *l tiO days" si^ht, would be as follows j On Mill. in .1 I Calcutta, 2*. II. per rupee. On Bombay 2«
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  • 488 4 -T.V r,et I, l| present c*en stronger imi.Im n ot llic apathy arU AiwUiit H Um p j few ;a-es have the nu nlj.-r rateri i i; creased, ami in many Iliej am c ,s rate (lie endidates mj.t ei.-' 1'tea and-by. The forcing process i... |j it is
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  • 247 4 -The DniMtb M« ol til r>-s:,'.i III M Mi'iitter hiving pr<«-.. -I*.- 1 ii> ili« I'.ii report till lilt- ■•(MMliOM I 1 i FnUI I, gier, the Minister tor tli lulorior, .1- i tribune, and, bAot s: Umkj tint at the l. wilting on the previous d.iy, la.- in:
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  • 341 4 -'Ihe Kin- of Tru^ia Marly m« with »n Acinlciit while on liis return t burjf At Vcivlun, on leaxini; the rail". th.: postillion, driving clumsily ag»ni8t ilieg^ 1 of the hiiiMin<r, nearly overturned thec;riai.' Count N*«ti«. wtra we* with his Majesty, juu.]' fd out aad "I matters^l.t. The
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  • 176 5 -It xv.; may bclM** he accounts \\men u ria N.w YorKttd New Orleans, the iaUad of Um Lona Star oontiutttft »<k only disturbed internally, but the Creoles are subjected 10 very rigouroua Bwftfun s. Nawbera if*** are reported; that many liuve been, is confessed by th- olliciil jaunwl ot
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  • 397 5 The annexntiri of Cu'ia and TttMM u beguming to agitate the uuiau through its length and breadth. It is the topic ot' uaivtisil conversation, and the Movement of the '•Lone Star" is becoming taora for.nidible ilian was aulicipited. 'l'liere are iut wauling people to lament the late of
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    • 39 5 At Sing.-ipore, Nov. 2b':h. Mrs. Cowpar. ihe wife of Dr. L'owpar, M. 11. S. Assistant Residency Surgeon. On Oct. 7'li- °f Cholera, on the river l>e!o\v l'rome, H. K. Hear Admiral Austen C. li. Naval C'oiliill iii.iil-in Cllief.
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  • 82 5 Straits Times Singapore: Tuesday, Nov. 23RD. 1852. We have to announce the arrival of the following passengers: Not. 2* per Lanriek froM Hongkong, Dr. Remingtofi, H.C.S.jper Lady It .file- from Libian, Mrs. Uot let and child. 29 ;cr Hooghly fron Mi!;icca.J. Harvey Bag. Mrt.Tniill, Mr. SeheMef v r Pranck from
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  • 18 5 Wk set aside all editorial remarks in order to make room for extracts received by (he mail steamer.
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  • 32 5 THE Torch V.\ot brig has been fitted up for a Floating Light and despatched from Calcutta to take up her assigned position in ihe 2£ lalhoms Batik in the Straits of Malacca.
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  • 30 5 Captain Roberts, of Ihe Eiii, reports having spoken on the 25th Nov at 7 A. M. the Putlin(j<r V.} the Northward of Pinang, from China and Singapore bound to Calcutta.
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  • 138 5 Calcutta papers to the 19th. November received per Erin notice Ihe complete glut of money in Ihe market. The Bank of Denial has, i;i consequence, reduced its rate ol interest to four per cent. A well planned forgery of two cheques succeeded in obtaining from the Dank seventy si* notes
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  • 60 5 Wk o'.iserve Sir William V.irdley, Puisne Justice, hM been appointed Chief Justice in sut'cessioii to BnUM Perry at ISonihay Tafl vacancy caused by Sir Win. Yardley's promotion Ins not been fillcdup. Some of the Indian paper* suggest the probability of the appointment being given to Mr. Jackson the Advocate
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  • 39 5 Tub steamer Erin which left Calcutta on tlie morning of the 20lh arrived here on the Blh day an average speed of him: knots; she did not call in at Pinstng On Sunday evening the Brim sailed lor China.
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  • 221 5 The lllh. sale of drug took plice at Calcutta on tne 9th. instant, with the following result I his result shows a decline npon the average of the proceeding sale of Us. 4S 1 J for Palna was B*. 42. 15. 3 lor Benares. Prices after the
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  • 1542 5 Intelligence from the seat of war had reached Calcutta to Ihe 6lh. inst. The City of Prorac was taken by the British on October 9th. with Ihe loss of two killed and si\ or seven wounded. The British ensign now floats over the city. No advance
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  • 223 5 -At the List sitting of I Ik* Academy <>f Sciences several communications were read on (lie |x«iu!o, m »!ady and ihe means ot prevention. M. Brit-rre of Saint-Michel-en-THi rni informs (lie Academy that having perceived that llie ImI prevailed lo a greater extent in lands whLn
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  • 285 5 -As to the chn ri.''iT <>f 'f aou-lv .\ang himself, and in h.iI, we mu»t, us we h.ive already said, juige linn M h TutU prince. NVe hive been struck in the Mm «»f reading liis life wi:h ihe reseinb! nice of ii:s mental
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  • 2289 5 Tlie Lancet give* iho loiio i,; rc>uit oi tki mi.. i>.,f ataaaiplcs, parporttun i«i m t m la* riaannof ihediaWnK nnuuf. r:iiauts L>y wituiu Lon Ion i'il I 1 »u »url»i ;»re supplier i, as iiroiuml from rariMM |IHM \-c, vis.: Four ol tin- s irnple.* were
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 60 5 FOii B ALE A few Kegs of prime S.ilt butter, just arrived per Vier (jebroeders apply to the Captain on board. Singapore 17th November 1852. FOR MADRAS. i^_^ A 1 Barque RnjarajaswaJkjjLX m% Ci|ii..m Smith, (expected here from China alter 20th. proximo) has room for light Freight and will be
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    • 83 5 NOTICE. AN Artnp and ImltHrious Young man Wants employment He is aa excellont Writer and a good Accountant, has >ened in Government and Mercantile (Hikes in Ceylon, mid India. Apply at (lie Office of Stiiaiis Timks. Singapore, '27th. Nov. 852. At Singapore Nov. Sir<K < lie wife of Captain J.
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  • 3374 6 Extract from the but Received Edinburgh Review. 41 We would now endeavour to explain the actual organisation of the great living machine which keeps guard over our metropolis, wilh its ten millions of rateable property, and watches at night in jrder^ that (wo millions and
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  • 413 7 Nov. 23 French ship Ville de Tonniens, Monnier, Manila Nov. 9. British schooner Dolphin, Nun wick, j Pinang Nov. 12. Bally ship Metropolis, Lange, Bally Oct 27. Dut. bark Krmbang Djepoon, Nakoda, Sourabaya Oct. 27. D i. do. -oinir, Ditto, Samarang Oct. 15. ,< Brit, brig Sundra
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  • 544 7 We beard some time ago the old Corn~ to i /I it, 74, was coming out to Hongkong, tilted up as a Hospital for the Troops. We now learn that, on her arrival here, the Alligator Hospital Ship, will be converted into a Consular Chop and P
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  • 562 7 NATIVE CRAFT— BRITISH— Prince Albert, Swallow, Cadir Bux. Buccaneer, Mydin Dux,! Mana Futta Sarawak, Z^lust, Fortunu, Dolphin, Ruttan Maluh, Cadir lias, Dolphin, Suiidia LetCTi my, Kirn Yeap Soon, Falhool 8«l»m. DUTCH— Lac Seng, Jatu, lodramyo, Futta Sslam, l'akus Suda. Boreaa, Gjan Lee, Futtel Ktchman Fathool Karin,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 844 8 HERE IS YOUR REMEDY. HOMOWAY'S tIITHBIT A MOST MIRACULOUS CURB OF BAB LB«S, AFTER 43 YEARS SUFFERING. I Extract of a Letter from Mr. William Galpin; of 70, Saint Gary's Street, Weymouth, dated May lotn, 1851. To Professor Hot.loway, ftl Siu,— At the age of 18 my wife fwho is
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    • 524 8 UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF 1 ROYALTY AND THE AUTHORITY OF THE FACULTY KEATOG'S COIIGH LOZEMGft j A CERTAIN REMEDY for disorders oC the Pulmonary Organs— in Difficulty ofßreathng— in Kedundancy of Phlegm— in Incipient Consumption (of which Cough is the most positive indication) they at c of unerring efficacy. In
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    • 423 8 FOR SALE. WASBKltnros I* tub Islands or ANDAMAN Little and great Coco. Including an account of the natives, Productions, navigation, Ac. Ac. By J. 11. Quiglky. To be had at the Straits Times Press at 90 rents per copy. Singapore, Sept. 13/ h. 1850. NOTICE THE SINCAPORE NEWS ROOM TS
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    • 910 8 THE ROAD TO HEALTH! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS CC»K OF A I»I«ORI)IRED LIVEtt AXD B.\i» ,IT Copy of a Letter from Mr. R. W S^qSL 7, Prescot Street, Liverpool, dated 6th. J Ullt |g I To Professor lloli.owav. Sir.— Y»ur Kh and O.ntmrnt hive O id th. lwt en our Mil li*tof
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