The Straits Times, 9 November 1852

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 604 1 RaTRO IT M!>»« RIJ'TI<>I» Annmiiy. i>r*. 16 HaifVcariy.. 9 J (juurrerJy I tli 1 J i A Singli -°Py— One KuDee. LIST OF A VriCLES FOR SALE T TES COmMZSSX6ir H***** OF COMMERCIAL-SQUARE.-SIWGAPORE. L ,,1,, rs .laconpt- White and colored DunMalile andhtraw Urußhels munufaoture LH^^Z:Z L, n don, flomha, and
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    • 757 1 Have always on Sale an extensive and choice ;issortment ot'the following iroods, selected specially for their Stores. WHOI.rSAI.K IIICTAir- <fc FOR BXPOItTATION. ML'JNLY fj|| HOSIERY Berlin Wool of assorted colors Articles for the Work I able Caps. Cuff*. Collars of English M«'ul flalzarine dresses manufacture flonnets of the latest modes
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    • 460 1 London P. L. .Nmm >:i.l.i A to Calcntta— 'i'haekrr and C» 1 <;hina— Kawlc, Drinker* Co. i Bktavia— Lauge 4r Co. I.IBT or m ARTICLES FOR SALE At the Gi:\r:iiAr nAiw-nooMs o*k W. C. KERR CO. Adjoining th,- Oriental Bank) Singnpo* LADIES APPAREL. Wh.l« and clorrd (ilact' Sllk. S.ilin Ta-i-jt
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 587 2 Sil'h gloves. Knitted boots. Black ar'd bronze kid shoes with simps. Sky and pink Silesia suitable for cloaks. ARTICLES FOR THE TOItBTTB. plushes hair, nail, tooth and flesh. Comb) —of Torloiseshell, horn A ivory in variety Powder boxes and puffs. Hmr and tooth powder. Turkey Sponges. I<'.oh de Cologne, Lavender-water
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    • 836 2 LONDON HOTEL. The LONDON HotBL, kept G. DO- Th I 0 Ntlu< Hotbl, tenu El ili.ijo fiimndo tnrareado TRONOL'UY is situated on the E<snlan P tr l)i:rKO <luo1 de l.i fomla litulada 1...:>0<.m TBo>ytUY, is suuaiea on me Lspian- gur re!:r alia( te c,, Notbl que caM si.uadi en I*
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    • 464 2 TRSESTE ROUTE OVERLAND ROUTS VIA. TRIESTE. THE Austrian JJo>/rls Sfeam Xaiir/ation Company's Imperial Mail Steam Packetleave Alexandria direct for Trieste 21 houiaftcr the arrival of the Passengers by ihc Prniiisularand Oriental Company's Steamers from Cut culla, on about the llih of ever) month and M .Tiangenient has now been entered
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    • 498 2 battery Road -Sim,^, l TifSL "otpTn"'" s"'^5 and riCm Pnmbay, > Mylw«pe f |*!?J l gaporc about the oth. Proximo, m A Oriental Company's Steamer '"l" Ul nean Mails M route to C.iiva, al, ()1 ,t Instant. 1C ~»th. Application for Freight or Pam*. vessel, to be made at
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  • 1235 3 Despots and THl Pkess. All panics are contagious. No sooner has a mad dog been teen or supposed to have been seen— in one parish, than dog battues become fashionable over the whole country. It is the same with newspapers. The claim was given in France by the President's some
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  • 145 3 The Cowrrier says, that the treasury being exhausted is on the point of suspending the greater part of its payments. In order to preveia ihia calamity, the Ministers of Finance have ordered the cashiers and the tax-gathers to press tl.e payment of the taxes by e»ery means which the law
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 967 3 SALT AIMJ CO.'S EAST INDIA PALE ALES a S a general rule. Salt nnd Co. Uhvp been content to J\ let tlirir Ales spoil fat themselves; but the agitation which lias been going on for the last few weeks in tho shape of whiit may be railed the Stuychxine ("oni
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    • 601 3 NOTICE. HTiie Undersigned is appointed Agent at Sin gapore for the sale of Messrs. Chas. lleaton Co.'s Oilmans Stores Ac. FOR Jesse Hobson Sons London bottled Porter AND Mn nov Sons' Pony and Horse Harness, &c. &c Shipments of the former just arrived per Albyn with sundry other goods. Jkss£
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    • 331 3 TO BE SOLD OR LET ON LEAST. From the Ist. of January 1853. In consequence of the demise of the late Mrs. Mikes. That modern and pleasantly situated House at New Harbour opposite the P. and O. Co.'s Wharf. Containing 25 Rooms, four Baths and 2 Patent Wdter closets on
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  • 216 4 Straits:Times Singapore:Tuesday,Nov,9th 1852. We have to announce the arrival of the following passengers: Nov. '1 par Kotiingen <ler Xederianden from BfttaVia, Messrs. Hunter and II c wet son per Snllan ii"!n Sarawak, Messis.ltuppell and Xidioll*; per llarpooner from China, Mi\-<. Morrice ptff Ino (me Manil.i, Mr. Hun y Jiinr. 3
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  • 28 4 We regret to announce the death of the Queen of Siam, which melancholy event took place on the night of October lOlli. after a lingering ami painful iilncss.
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  • 17 4 Savku O>i\h, a wealthy Arab merchant, at Singapore, died nn the evening of Saturday the 6th. inst.
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  • 33 4 The IIOVBM£ E. A, Blundcll Esquire, officiating Governor of the Straits >ettleincnt, arrived here on the 3rd instant per Hooghly. His Honor will, we hear, probably remain at this station for several months.
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  • 59 4 Captain Buchanan, of the United States Navy, arrived here by the last mail and proceeded on to China to relieve Commodore Aulick commanding the U. S. Squadron. Commodore Aulick is expected here by the mail steamer mj route to Europe and America, and captain Buchanan will retain command of the
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  • 235 4 Manila By the Ino, late accounts have been received from Manila and also full details of the frequent shocks of earthquake eiperienced from September 16th to October 20th. We subjoin some particulars contained in private letters. Manila, Sept. 22nd. 1852. At half put six in the evening of the 16th.
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  • 771 4 also felt on board the '•Henrietta Maria." People in boats on the river experienced no sensation. Manila, Octobtr i\th. An earthquake took place yesterday morning at half past six, and a slight shock M half psst 3 r. ll. Oct. 12th.— This morning at 8 o'clock another eathrquake was felt.
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  • 57 4 China— The P. and O. steam ship Malta, arrived at Singapore at i.^ hrs. A. AI. on the sth, having lell tltngkoug at i I*. on the 30lh ull. The newspapers received by (his opportunity contain but little news to what reached us per Pekin. In another columns will
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  • 197 4 JAVA— By the Dulch steamer lli'vn we have received files of the Courant and Bode they contain very l.ttle matter of interest la the general reader. Mr. Gibson, of the American cchoaner Flirty forthwith to be tried, together with his male, on a charge of treason. A steamer was despatched
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  • 1531 4 th' three abovementioned persons had marks on the side and t>ce as if they had been singed. The lightning j. t -c«iil fur a^ain through the door and killed buffalo that was tied under the Muzjid. Tiie roof was begiuing to burn, but by the speedy assistance lent by all
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  • 3276 4 Our last i<suc of Friday *fc« consequent on lite sudden ihaiiRc ol which indicated the .ip|iro;ich of the N,,,r East Monsoon, Captain Biden had on Ihc tl Hihf day warned Km: Wpt in t!io to be well prepared for the eipccled rou counter. On the morning of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 145 4 NOTICE THE InUraal mi Responsibility of tiie late .Mr. Wii.mam Wilkivsov in our Firm ceased Mi Mm 30th of November. 1818. WILKINSON ffc TIVENDALE, SnqnjMfv 30:h Oct. 1852. r pilE PadtnigaMi give Notice, Iliat from and after Ibis dale Ihev have associated themselves for Ike purpose of carrying on IJusiuess
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  • 2325 5 Scanty as at all tunes our m<-arn of obtaining correct information lin* been, the rebellion, now tint Ihe chief seal" of war are iixed ia province* farther from than K»va'i;j»i, become 8-ibject of which it is still more ditiicult to gel reliable aefJO. We but know that it
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  • 2091 6 Singapore, Xov. Oth 1852 The Bagb traders are arriving but at present no idea can be formed of the actu;il number expected this season those at present* here are now disposingoftheir cargoes: towards tin- end of the current month they will commence making their purchases, nnd impart
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  • 2110 6 Arrived from Europk.— Oct. 25 Limn (Kami).) Peters, Hamburg; Marquess of Bute, Htitton, lliir(lf|n«i| 26 Clara Henrietta (Dut.) Boir, Rotterdam Vertrouven (Dm.) Pott, Bristol. From Adelaide.— Oct. IS Chutan (S.V.) Down 30 Packet, Eves. From Batavia Oct. 24 Union (Am.) Chapman Nov. 7 B.iUvia (Dm. S. V.) Vmmsn
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  • 367 7 SINGAPORE SHIPPING ARRIVALS Oct. 1— 11. N.M. S. V. Ualavia. Winden Moore, Batavia Ocl. 29 Brit, ship Jam-etjee, Jerjcebhoy, Fitzm.itirice. 'I tilicor nt Oct. 10. 2 Dutch S. V. Koningen der Nederlandcn, Curtis, lt;it.ivia Oct. 29. Do hark Halhair, Nakoda, Samarang Oct. 20. n n British bark Ann, Walker, Whampoa
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  • 384 7 Rates of Premia of Insurance At Singapore (ON GOODS) YOYAGKS BY SAILING VESSELS l'oi Ont To fJreat Britain JJ to 3 ('••iiiiiifiital i'orU in Europe 'JJ to JU.1..1. Ciiii.^iiiuuio'jn ami sitting Ii •tivppn 30th June ij HMjffcoMg or ami Ist M iri-n \V, i v moil sailiiif; !i -tnit ii
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  • 60 7 Antiinonv Ore '2. 5 per 20 cwt* Tin 2. 5 Bag* in Hoses 3. Sago in Hugs 2. 10per20c«it. (i.tiuliKT hi baskets 2. L.i Ditto in bales 2. 10 INiiK-e iii bags 2. 15 per Hcwt. black pepper 2- 15 per 1(> cwt. Measurement Goods 3
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  • 62 7 On England ti Months credits 4s. 7J. per dollar. Un Calcutta Treasury "219 per 100 dollar*. llflwjf a<) days siglit Us- 2li per dollars 10*) Syce-: Mlvw b to 3j jiur cent premium Cat Urge Cuijiaiiy's Hupees iIS pet 100 du'lar* J,vi K«a««l (new) S7U per 100 dollars
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  • 714 7 June 7 Cntlia. Johanna Jii'ki I. .n-ion 27 flora Hamburg Kiuilic io. July 6 Wißrams Thurtell Liverpool 7 Peifecta Tiibinu Hamburg 21 Matilda Buller Glasgow Vitr Uebroedert Voiick Cardiff Amlii irix Antwerp Carditt Zuki^a Williamson Liverpool Juiy 23 Scmdia Htmburg Janet Wilion HutchUon Clyde Au,j.
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  • 316 7 Macready's Introduction to thk Stagk. William Charles Macrcady was born in London, in the parish of St. Pancras. Mjrch 3 1793. His father was the manager of a provincial compjny, and lessee of several theatres but, with a leeliug not unusual, desired a different profession for his so:i, whose wishes,
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  • 561 7 Sia Krskino Firry. Sir F./skine Perry ii ju»t closed the last Criminal Sessions over which he is likely to preside in Bombay. In his addr«M to the grand juiy he took occasion, ia the allusion to tli. tact of that being Iho last occasion on wliicli h■ should have
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  • 506 7 NATIVE CRAFT— BRITISH— Prince Albert. Swallow. Mahaboolly, Hamoody Cadir Bux. Buc- cancer, Juliette, Payche, Esauw Letchmy. Ameer Lelchmy, Mydin Bux, Atiet Rohoman DUTCH LaeSeriir, J»tu. Indramyo, Futta S>larn, Pakus Suda. Bore.iH. Jupiter, Chay Guam. Gcnr Lee, Futtel Racbman, Alfuck, Lachnv.iJie, Gunn Swec, Balhair. ARAB Futtal Wtdoet,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 874 8 H:RE IS YOUR REMEDY. HOLLOWAY'S OIXTMEST MOST MIRACULOUS CURB OF BAD LEGS, AFTER 43 YEARS Eriract of a Letter from Mr. William Oalpin; of 7o, Saint Mary's Street, Weymouth, dated May \blh, 1851. To Professor Hoi.loway, Sik,— At the ape of 18 my wife ("who i* now 61) caught a
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    • 506 8 UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF ROYALTY AND THE AUTHOHITY OF THB FACULTY KEATIWS Mm LOZEMGES A CERTAIN REMEDY for disorders of the Palmonary Orffa?is in Difficulty of Breathng in Redundancy of Phlegm in Incipient Consumption (of which Cough is the most positive indication) they arc of unerring efficacy. In Asthma, and
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    • 417 8 FOR SALE. Wanderings in the Islands or ANDAMAN Little and giucat Coco. Including an account of the natives, Productions, navigation, Ac. Ac. By J. 11. Quiglky. To be had at the Straits Times Press at 90 cents per copy. Singapore, Sept. 13th. 1850. NOTICE THE SINCAPORE NEV/S ROOM IS now
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    • 749 8 THE ROAD TO HEALTH! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS CURB OF A I>I«ORI»BKED LIVER AN,, 1,',, Copy of a Letter from Mr. Ji. Jr. Kirku,' r^ 0 7, Prescot Street, Liverpool, dated tth.j],,'*'*'''' To Professor Hollow \v Sm.-Your Tills ami Ointment h to voni ,i. e.tcnour sale listof Proprietary M ,1 year*. A
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