The Straits Times, 24 August 1852

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 594 1 s a tF» or subsi:rivtkiw Annually., r-p- l)i». 16 Hal f-Vr«rly.. 9 1 <juari' rly. 6 OmMwii U I A Simile Copy— One Ru D ee. LIST lIP YRTICLES FOli B VIE at the cormmissxoN rooms or COWIMERCIAL-SQUARE.-SIi^GAPORIi. lier lin wool «f'«taM j,, Jaconet-White and colored „w-. hn-'lishandlTcnch Linen-Fine Irish
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    • 733 1 Have always on Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, selecttd specially for their Stores. WHOLK3ALB 11BTAIL A rOR EXPORTATION. WILLINSRY tif| HOSIEfiY «t i x.ii. Berlin Wool of asaoried colors Articles for the Work Table Caps, Cuff., Collar*, of English Man,! Ba! zarine dresses manufacture Bonnets
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    • 458 1 MM liondon— P. L. bimmondi ACo Calcutta— Thacker and Co China— llawle, Drinker A Co B»tavia— Lange 4 Co. LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE At the gexf.iiAl w Are- rooms of W. G. KERB CO. (Adjoining the Oriental Bank) Singapore. LADIES APPAREL. White and colored Glacr Silk, Salin A Ta'rl.itanns
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 580 2 silk gloves. Knitted boots. Black and bronze lid shoes with straps. Sky and pink Silesia Mikkli for cloaks. ARTICLES FOR THE TOILETTE. lirushes liair, tinil. tooth and flesh. <'.ombi— of Tortoise-shell, born ivory in variety Powder boxes and (Mills. Hair and tooth powder, .'•jirkey Sponges. Kail it 'Cologne, Lavender-water and
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    • 661 2 LONDON HOTEL. The London Hotel, kept G. Dutronquoy, is situated on the Esplanade, commanding a splendid view of the harbour of Singapore, and under the immediate patronage of the Peninsular and Oriental Company. P\ssENGKlls arriving at Singapore who may honor him wilh their presence will find every comfort and moderate
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    • 506 2 In.; London Hotel, tenu par Dctronquoi est situe gur I 'esplanade commandant une superbe vue dn port de Singapore, «t sous le patronage hnnteiliat de la Peninsular a:i I Oriental conipagiiit*. On les passugers arrivant a Siug.iporn gui veulunt bieu lvi kHMM de leur presence trouveront toutcc quiest comfort ible
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    • 97 2 El lbijo finnado encargado de la fondii tituUda London llotbl que esta siiuada en la EspUnada, dominando him perspecliva magniticadfl pueilo de Singapore, y bajo la iminediau proiecciou de I i Com" pania l'tniusular y ot'rece su liermosi l'osadd a lo* quo llegucn a Singapore y quieren iioiirarlc
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    • 567 2 PEN J NBUL AR 0 mo!f al *Tr Battery Iload-Siiif/apore. L •JIJRL a^ Pombay, b»expecic(i „[>,' gapore about the Ist. Proximo, the Pcnins'n|« Oriental Company s Steamer will, i;, c f pean Mails en route to Chiva, about the SSI Instant. Application for Freight or Passage fcj th«, vesseli to
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  • 663 3 Cht true principle uf the Lav of o«or«M^ri»«.»«»..y arranged fur bulk tic ,>t,j,/ures. iij Jam is 9KUUWICJL. LolldOll, lO(-. Osk of tlie moil proniiuent defect* u> be found in the work* of previous wrilcis upon thi* kuujcct, has always been uiut sich work* are written wilu
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  • 1026 3 The Rice loading season at Arr.xiii commencea on the breakng up ©i tne Rain*, or ,3. W. Monsoon, in Mi November: At this lime gram of tlio last you* crop begins lo hud its way into the market toe native* Wing now able to uubusk the Faddy, and prepare
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  • 764 3 Nkws fob England We resume our digest of the news for England by the Chutan from our last GOLD IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA. At the last meeting of Council, a reward of £l 000 was voted to any one discovering a workable Gold Field in South Australia, under certain
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  • 421 3 -TLis was ne^er worse suppii.-d than »t present, lirea during the panic in January and February Use, labour w;i» to be h id »t such a rate os nut materially to interfere witn the prosecution of profitable industrial operations. Now, however, it is either not be had
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 718 3 NOTICE. In the Goods of JOHN ARMSTRONG LATELY TRADING IN SINGAPORE UNDRR llf K FIRM OF «,EO. ARMSTRONG Sc CO.— Deceased. ALL persons having claims against tlie a_Minst the above ns»mt-<l Deceased ar° de,.,1 to send the sanio in lo the undersigned, ou before tlie Ist day of June next,
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    • 576 3 gave, together with the other brewers of Burton, by publisiiing a declaration lo the effect, that nothing- besides ■*W, II 'ii-,, and \V.\rEU, have ever been used in the co.upusitiuu of their Ales an.l they have alt along cou> sidered it iien-.Mtd the pruper dignity of a respectable house to
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  • 39 4 At. Singapore. October 12ih. Charles Princk ll<ii. 1 dway Esq. Deputy Registrar of Import* and Exports, aged 30 years, deeply respected. At Singapore, October Islh. Chan Tean Choon. Chinese Interpreter to .the Court of Judicature aged 50 years.
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  • 230 4 Straits Times SINGAPORE: TUESDAY, OCT. 19TH 1852. -momWe have to announce the arrival of the folfowing passengers: Oct. II per John Me. Vicar from Hongkong, Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins; 18 per Fully Momuuriirk from Hongkong, R. Penfuld ¥-<\-; per Kquxror from the wreck of (he Titania, Mr. Coltart, .Supercargo, Cnptnin
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  • 158 4 -The plan put forward by the directors of the Eastern Steam Company, for constructing magnificent vessels to compete with those of the P. and O. company appears to have lost none of its daring and adventurous character by being transferred to the columns of the American papers,
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  • 259 4 From the New York papers, for August last, we learn that, the ships forming the expedition were nearly ready for sea. The fleet will not exceed sis vessels. The Mississippi steamfrigate was ready to saH; the is described as a magnificent specimen of naval architecture.
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  • 23 4 Captain Legg, of the Helen Mary, reports luting spoken on Oct. 12lh off Pulo Aur, the bark Ararat from Shanghai bound to !>ydney.
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  • 82 4 Wk are indebted lo the courtesy of the Honorable the officiating dovernor for a printed copy of the Tabultr Statements of the Commerce and Shipping of the Straits Settlements for Ihe official year 1850- 5 1. We shall have occasion, when at leisure, to examine and offer some remarks upon
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  • 776 4 -In anollicr column will be louml some particulars uf a ferocious and murderous alUck on a Javanese inaudoor and two other men, employed as coolies in a small plantation on the Sirangoon Road. We draw particular attention to the case, not merely because the assassin's purpose seems to
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  • 409 4 l> the usual place lot obituary notices will be lound recorded tlte death ol Jlr. IJ „t JJepuly Registrar ol Imports anJ E«.j»orta, ail.j Chan lean Cuouu, duel Chinese interpreter ij ttic Court of Judicature *l tins Station. Uy Hie decease ot Air. Hollo way, the commercial community has lost
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  • 85 4 We regret to notice the loss of the English bark Tit<i/ii<t, Captain Coulthurst, which re>sel left Macao on September lth. *ith a valuable cargo for Sydney aud was wrecked on Hie -Oth on the Rob Hoy shoal in the China sea, during a heavy gale of wind. Fortuuately, at daylight,
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  • 32 4 The English ship John Me Vicar, from China bound to Liverpool experienced bea* weather in the China sea, and was compell to bear up for this port to obtain a new bowsprit.
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  • 38 4 The Peninsular A Oriental Company's steamship Chusan, t'apla.n Down, arrived here o n the 13th instant, having left S)dn e y Aug. 31st Melbourne Sept. Btb. Adelaide Sept. i^ ti Swan River Sept. 29th. aud Baiavia tbe iM'October
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  • 30 4 Capt. Me. Eachcrn of the Brahmin, reports having signalized tho Countess of Seufitld oa the Old. October off the Tambilangs, 21 days from Whampoa bound for New York all well.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 706 4 out troubling themselves about tho gold fields. Whatever p<»wer the Commissioners possess, •lierefore, that power they should exert to direct itM stream of enii-ratioa as far as may bo to this colony. The present rate 9/ two ships per month is totally inadequate. It should without delay be made double,
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    • 131 4 NOTICE. Lloyds WE request that particulars of all cases of shipwreck be communicated to us by the Master or survivors on their reaching this Port, for tha information of the Underwriters in London. SYMK and CO. Lloyd's Agents Singapore 20th. May 18 51. At Singapore, on the Bth. October, at
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  • 1190 5 -By the arrival of the steamer Chutan^ we have received complete files of colonial papers, and proceed to give an analysis of Uieir contents. miinky journals to August 31st. notice the excitement caused by the extensive emigration of its population to the neighbouring g Id colony, and the
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  • 1099 5 At 4 a. m. on the 11th. instant a murderous attack was made on one Uajee Abdul Samut, who wat in charge of a small plantation belonging to Mahomed Ali, ou tne Sirangoon Koa J. From the statement of the complainant, above named, it appears that at the hour
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  • 838 5 -Not one day went orer our bead* without sonic dreadful blunder or oilier being committed ninny. Now, for instance, Air. Edward had been saying, in his nasty mean way, as be never had a pudding or pw for dinner, he supposed ribbon had got 100
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  • 125 5 iieiicve me, my dear sir, the arms with which the ill depositing)* of the world arc to be coiubattcd, and the qualities by which it is to be reconciled to us, and we reconciled to it, are moderation, gentleness, a little indulgence to others,
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  • 237 5 I Iho popular version is, that a Scottish Ling, the great Malcolm Canmore, was slam in the Utter part of the eleventh century, whilst assaulting the castle of Aln wick, whose lord ran his spear into the monarch's eye. This is so pretty and
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  • 340 5 ■The house to be desiderated by the lover book* in ordinary, is a warm, cosy, picturesque, irrrgu'.ar bouse, either old but not fragile, or newbut buil upon some good old principle a hou*epossejsirig, nevertheless, modern comforts; neither big enough to require riches, nor small enougl
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  • 85 5 -A notorious swindler, who had a great impediment in his speech, was one day brought up before a magistrate, and, by his monotonous stuttering, completely annoyed the judge, who exclaimed 4 Hold your tongue, you fool to which the prisoner replied—* I—l ain't such a f— fool
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  • 33 5 ■A Miss Brown preach** in New York in a state of somnambulism- 1" this -country it is quite the reyerse; the preacher n wkkiwike aod the audience asleep.
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  • 1139 6 LtrCHSAtOt'l Fate. —We ktt afraid that I fag r»ti hopss ofth'j safety of poor Leichhardt and his party is eiMsfttMie^ 'ilie Portion Day Int Press of the 3rd instant, coutnius:---" A IstMr from correspondent at Diayton contains ttu: following highly important and puinfvlljr mii resting announcement The postman from
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  • 1062 6 1 his day g muil fur England will l« the bearer of liJiiigs of mote than ordinary importance, connected with our political and aocul affairs. In both, we have arrived at a marked and portentous crisis. This day's mail will convey to Her
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  • 1365 6 The papers received on Thursday arc to the I7th instant iutlusive. The Escort, which arrived on the 16th fiom Mount Alex.uidei, brought 16,000 oi. of Gold llie quantity left in the hands of the Commissioners was estimated at from 70,000 to 80.00J oz. The proposal to establish an Assay-office
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  • 1016 6 •J IflMt J can, on<» o\ the meu com mtud (or NMfl Ofiatt,at lH Ute mWmI !S -s>i MM i:i Mm 1 I i iin fiiiorn j^ .m r. l lyric, lo Mr. Carman, the Chief frtUhh -*^nln i before the Supreme Court in MaUmrae, to r.:I
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  • 151 7 have oeen as nUMHMM ana joyiui as any one after a victory but I aUo confess, that even then :n i with horror, but even turned me sick and M* llut I am older in life, I cannot understand, riy more than I 1
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  • 217 7 Limartine's History of the Restoration of the Monarchy in France, :ortisa chapter devoted to Mtirat, which has btea described as the finest biography of the cavalry officer ever written." There was :iucii tint was Gascon nnrt theatrical in M irat, ir. in >rii lint \v truly rhiiMlrous.
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  • 223 7 -Of Wilde's then were many striking proofs even in his days and the character bore him through every obstacle. His dogg^ resolution to overcome the impediment in his speech, and his success in doing so, afforded a remarkable instance- of this quality. II would stand silent
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  • 243 7 iT hurn whciv she in sxcl g tier entry in i?re&t pomp, and was received with the most enthusias|ic acclamations and on the following day she embarked in the stale galley of the Grand Duke, on of the most magnificent galleys which had «*er
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  • 187 7 ARRIVALS Aug. 17— British baik Lord Wm. Bentinck, Canney, Madras Aug. 1. 19— Do. brig Atiet Rohoman, Nakoda, Patany July 30. 20— Do ship Charlolle, Lyster, Madras July 29. Dutch brig Favorer, Nakoda, Samarang July 30. Arab ship Wadoet, Nakoda, Malacca August 16. 22— British bark Johanna,
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  • 384 7 (ON GOODS) VOYAGES BY SAILING VESSELS, -n r, Per Cent To Great Britain 24 to 3 Continental Ports in Europe -J to 3 Macao, Ciunsincmoon and sailing between 30th June jj Hongkong or and Ist March Whaupoa sailing between 28th Fcb 1J and
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  • 63 7 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL Antimony Ore 5 per 20 cwt* Tin '2. 5 Sago in Boxes 3. Sago in Bags 2. 10 per 20 cwt. (Jamltier in baskets £2. 15 Ditto in bales 2 10 Coffee in bags 2. 15 per I S cwt. Black pepper £2- 13 per hi
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  • 60 7 On England 6 Months credit* 4v perdollar. On Calcutta Treasury 2\~ per lui> dollars, (none) Bombay 30 days sight Us- 223 per dollars ll)»> Sycee Silver 5 to ii per cent premium for large Company's Kupecs 21S per IUU dollars Java Kupees (new) 270 per 100 dollars Juva
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  • 42 7 March I Alice Maud Wcelu* London April 20 Mora Teulon Glasgow Jno. Buchanan Lmngston Dorcas Mormh do Ak>.ar Jay do Alceste Manson Liverpool Knuerdale Moore do Zarah J>anglois London Henri Joseph Pannentier Antwerp June 7 Perfecta Trifeinu Hamburg
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  • 169 7 •The Hon. John Barnny formally challenged the French minister at Washington, M. cle Sartiges, to tutu a duel, but the minister bad declined, and applied for the protection of government. Property valued at half* million of dollars had been destroyed in Ml York, by the burning down of Swifts
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  • 226 7 ■Emigration to the cold digjfiugs of our Australian colonies is rapidly progressing. From a statement in the London papers, we perceive that thirty vessels, of 23,000 tons, have been laid on for Port Phillip, Melbourne, Victoria, and other places in Australia. At Liverpool there are fifteen vessel*,
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  • 119 7 girl, after she U betrothed, is cooped up in a ■mall room, with shackles of gold mid silver upon her ancles and wrist. If she hto bo mimed to a man who has discharged, despatched, or lost a former wife, the shackles which the former
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  • 596 7 •Chamberis EdinII burgh Journal gives a piper on j" Men of the I Time*" from which w? take the following sketch Charles Dickens, the most popular writer of his time, was born in February, 1812, at Landport, Portsmouth. His father, the late Mr. John Dickens, in the
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  • 24 7 ■A man turned his son out a doors, lately, because he wouldn't pay him housu rent. A striking proof of pay-rental affection.
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  • 51 7 -Mr. Lucas, ihc editor of the Tablet newspaper, is a candidate for the representation of Meatii, and he proposes, it* h be returned, to give an account of his stewardship in the columns of the TabUt weekly, where the electors can rout it of course, on huyiiij; the
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  • 44 7 lac cmperoi .Nicholas entered Vienna, we are told, wearing ths uniform of a Hungarian general." The uniform of Hungary Thus may the clothes of th« victim be ;.t times f upon the back ot the accomplice of his (Justrujliou. Punch.
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  • 276 7 NATIVE CRAFT— BRITISH —Piew, Zeelusj, Ateit Rohaman. DUTCH— Pakis, Seauw Guan, Lac Seng, Jatu, Indramyo, Biutang Tiga, Sopoh, Futtal, Saluu Pakus Suda, ILibong, Boreas, Syed Bhau, Favorer ARAB— Futtal YVadoet. Nation Vk»skl. I V. j— i >~ Name I Tons Captain Aoents I Destination &c H.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 927 8 HERE It YOUR REMEDY. HIIILOWAVS OIXTHEXT A MOST MIBACULOUS CURE OF BAD LEGS, AFIER 43 YEA»S SUI FKRING. Extract of a Letter from Mr. William <lnlpin;ofio, Saint Mary's Street, Weymouth, dated Hay loth, 1831. To Professor BOLMWAT, Sill,— At the age of 18 my wife f«ho is now 61) raiight
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    • 570 8 full particulars and, after the Drawing, the List of the successful numbers, winch will also be published in the Loading Journals. Arrangements have been made for tne immediate payment of the Prizes famed. Apply, without delay, to Moriz, Sons, Bankers and Merchants, Frankfort-on-the-Maine, Germany; or those who prefer it
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    • 409 8 FOR SALE. Wanderings im the Islands op ANDAMAN LITTLE AM) GR.F.AT COCO. Including an account of the natives, Productions, navigation, &c. Ac. By J. 11. Quiglky. To be hid at the iSlraits Times Press at 90 cents per copy. Singapore, Sept. \3th. 1830. NOTICE THE SINCAPORE NEWS ROOM IS now
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    • 836 8 THE ROAD TO HEALTH: HOLLOWAY'S PILLS CORK OF A DIi(IKHBKEI) I.IVBR AM. v W PH Copy of a Letter from Mr. R. W. Kirku, I 7, Present Street, Liverpool, dated 6th. J To Professor Hol:.o\vay. I Sir.—Your Pills and Ointment hive gtool th. i I cstonour sale list of Proprietary
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