The Straits Times, 25 May 1852

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 582 1 1 ,TB» >F »UH!«'KiPTto* mnuaUy.. *P- l>rs. 16 x H.> if- Yearly.. 9 me Mcata U I Sinele Cony One Uunee LIST (IF iftffCLES Fill SALE AT THE COMMISSION ROOT/IS OF COWIWIERCIAL-SQUARE.-SINCAPORE. *oc»«^ r,...l of colors Jxconet -White and colored .ml shoe* Bnglish aaa Frraaa Lim-n— l-'iue Irish Paris, sUk,
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    • 720 1 Have always on Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, seltx-ltd spt-riallv for their Stores. U lIOI.KS V! K UK I AM. A TOR KXPORTATf OV. MLLINERY j£ HOSIERY mm t-ki« fltrlin Wool of .-isnorteii olcis I Articles for the Table <•.,,„. Cnlis. C-iiars ..f Kr R
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    • 557 1 ■MbjN London— P. L. biinmondi ACo 2 v Calcutta -IhacKer and Co. 1 China— Kawlr, Drinker Co, j Buuvia -Lanjjc Co. C. J. DARE* COS ADVERTISEMENTS G. J. D ARE CO. SHIP CHWDIEPS, Auctioneers and Commission Agents. WHOLESALE AN I > II KTA I I U'inr, Spirit and IJcrr 3fcrchnnfs:
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 648 2 LONDON HOTEL. Pie London llotkk, kept G. Dvi HONQOOY, is situated on the li^, commanding a splendid view of IN harbour of Singapore, and under the immediate patronage of the PeninMilar and Oriental Company. P.vsBKX4JRM arriving at Singapore who may aoaor him with their presence will find every comfort and
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    • 636 2 Tbb London Hotel, tenu pnr (i. PasaoWQgOl est situe I sur l'a»pU»d« eiiiiiinaudant mio MperßS vie iiu pott do ttiagapoca, stsattsla aattssMfS mini.'liat do la I'eninsular anil Oriental coinpagnie. Oak* passages arrivant a SiagAaoca <|'U veiilont bien |,v uoiiorer de Irur pnamea (r .jiivermit tOttl OS <l"i 81 coinforUbU a
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    • 84 2 El nrnjo furaado encarg«Ho do la foiida lituUda London Hotkl que e>u siluada en la Ksplanada, doniinaudo una imsfßllra mii^uiricidel pueilode Sinis»pore, y b:ijo la iinliiediat.iproteceioti de la Cumpinhi l'.niiiMilar y sil ItarSMMa Posada a los PaawM*e lut>1 ut> "c? U(J Siiia-ipure y (luiceu MMarla sii prexuncia; Bsapsfa*e>l
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    • 596 2 MAIL LINE. mM PENtftSULAR A ORIENTAL BJEAM M AVIc/tt lON COMPfIMY'S OFFICE. Battery Road Singapore. 'TMIE peninsular and Oriental T^/Mißirl^S. Company* Steamer. Malta, i*i| Ujdg'gg Captain Potts, en route lo Bombay, 'i;ay be expected at Singapore about the Ist. Proximo, the Peninsular A Oriental Company's Steamer with UieEuiouean Mails en
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    • 666 2 TRIESTE ROUTE OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TRIESx E# TIIK Austria// Lloyds Steam Nacig a tion Company's Imperial .Mail Steam Packet leave Alexandria direct tor Trieste 'Zl i,,,,,, i after the arrival of the Passengers by the IVnr j sularand OrientalCoinp.iny's Ste.iniTS fraai <\,; cult a, on about the 11th of every
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  • 3257 3 Monopoly in shipping is, after all, entirely abandoned' is altogether given up by the Dbrhv catunet. It is hopeless to attempt, it ia lolly 'l.ii.k ot ipstoiinir the MVJgMM* laws, says the rkmier. The policy of 1M8 i* not reversible rettigia nulla retrorsvm,' funereally adds Mr. Hkk. hies, the man
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 242 3 FOR SALE. IoBACCO for smokinjr. Apply to. FREDERICK LENDER CO. Singapore ISth May 1862. Wk recommend the services of Mr. j 4coi Clunis as Pilot, to the Captains „t such ships as may require his services that capacity, when going into, or trough NEW HARBOUR. SintHf ore, May. 1852.) „,MK
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  • 519 4 SINGAPORE -LOCAL Os Sun lay night, the 16th. inst. Constables Hale ami McDonnell wish H lar^e party of peons proceeded to apprehend a neft of Gamblers at the house No. 38 Fhillip Street. Some delay was experienced in breaking open the door, which was strongly secured, Midi his enabled the
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    • 407 4 To the Editor or tub Straits Times. Mr. Wise present his compliments to the Editor of the Straits Times, and will feel obliged by the insertion of the following letters No 1. Mr. Me Dottgall to Sir James Brooke. Church Mission House, Sarawak, December Id, 1850. My dear Sir James,
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    • 1023 4 JC^Tue subjoined lelter has been placed in our hands to enable us to correct a slight error in our last week's issue, when we stated that a case, in which Sir James Brooke had directed a warrant to issue for the apprehension of Mr. Boms, bad been previously decided in
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  • 1263 4 We are requested by Messrs. Hamilton, Gray Co., with reference to the article which appeared in Tuesday's Straits Times regarding the late Mr. Burns, to state that the assertions made therein regarding them as the employers of Mr. Burns are incorrect. Sir James Brooke never evinced the slightest jealousy of
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  • 93 4 May 90 pel Mahomed Snmdanny from Pj Rev. Mr. Gomes, Mrtars Cameron ami D.iv'h' 1 son 99 per fjnmepor* from Hmnbay, Mr< Q and child j 93 per MooNUn from BfUvia. M*" Towiißfiid Hud chiMren. M. and M.lme D i and Petron; 24 per Shanghai from I*°* kong, Messrs.
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  • 86 4 Wi are indebted lo the Honorable the R e sident Councillor for Ihe subjoined abslract Return of Chinese Emigrants dlrinq the OFFICIAL YEAR 1852-53 bv square »'M«d Byj ur ,v. > esseli From Amoy by 21 Square K-gged! Vessels and 2 Junks 365" Macao by 10 Junks Canton by 5
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  • 38 4 11+ Junks arrived fron Cochin China, Cambodia and I il-iinani^bctwecn Ist August 1851 to 30;h pril 18.)2. .19 Junks arrived from China proper 15 Junks arrived Iroin Siim T. CHURCH. Hesithnt CoanciLur. Singapore 90!h May 185 c i.
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  • 41 4 MR. Hammond, of the Bengal civil seriicc Silling Magistrate and Assistant Undent, lining been recommended by his medical ahiyr. lo proceed to England, his duties wil be leniporarallj discharged by Mr. Garling. of thr Civil Service, who recently returned from Kuropr.
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  • 194 4 Japan. The sulijoinel item is ntractr-d from the London Shipitimj (J i z ■'> tl afardi Mak and gives, we believe, the latest intelligence connected with the conle.nplated opening of the Japanese Eirpirc to other coiuraerce tli-m tiui of Ihe Dutch. l'lie f".''i« inp teligr i|h c cominunieitinii ve>l at
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  • 57 4 Narrow Escape.— Hn the nijrht of t 1 21st. a KliiiK »i"> »liilst enga^eil in bathing himselt in Ihe Kochor Canal, near the bridg* leading tv the Course, he was bitten l>v an Alligator in the back ami right side, between the hip anil the small of the back,—
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  • 44 4 China. The sle.nncr Shanghn arrived here yesterday, having left China on the iSt'i By this opportunity we learn that con tiriml-iry intelligence had been received ot the alrocilie* committed on hoard the Hubert Bovven, particulars of which were publiihe. l in our la>t issue
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  • 39 4 By way of China accounts have bo en received from Adelaide, South Australia, to the m <ldle of February. Our respected Governor. Cilonel Biitlerwnrlh, and his firmly reached AdeluiJe Jan. 21st and left for Melbourne oi the 3rd February.
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  • 30 4 CAPTAIN Town»end of the 1/00//<7/j. report* that the Spanish steamer from Europe, which iv expected to convey the .Mails between Mi'hj and this port, passed Anjer en route to .Manila-
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  • 3164 4 Dur readers may, perhaps, remember thai when we last week refuted (he calumnies of Mr. Druminond and his friends, in regard to the character of the late Mr. Barns, and at the same time went into some few details of the life of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 171 4 FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. jr. fIMIE A 1 British Barque "A» iJfs|\ I Nklson 'oflo L Tons, Captain iM 1>l lll l' c l sotl i Apply to. MACLAINE, FRASER A CO. Singapore 17 May 18o'2. FOR SALE. by public acctiox on 6th. June 1852. of not preinous'y disposed of
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  • 87 5 M »n example ofita« umcr«puli,««a*atof thla imul uin* pMlaa thr .pUt »aj remain thai la wriUng to Mf.-r.. lUmiKon, un, A Co IIH-re l>oth ihe tupprtuw mti and the »iw«Wi« for ..Hi.iiua j u |Ubrou(hlMtr> uf Burn, safelj tuJ mcmm, tin- latter was Lmlullt mil. l>r.-.*d wliilal. .till further to
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  • 330 5 INFLUENCE OF GUTTA PERCHA ON THE ELECTRIC SPARK On rnday curious emeniueiit, demonstrating the pioleclive quality of gulla percha against the escape of llie electric lluid, was tried on the premises of Ike Gutta Percba Company. A series of ?op|>er wires, coated with gutta percha, each wire 1,000 feet long,
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  • 721 5 At the usual monthly meeting ol the club, held last week, at the Bedford Hotel, Coveut-garden, a model of a boat w*» submitted to the inspection of the member* present for the purpose of illustrating a new method of promptly freeing a boat from her fastenings
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  • 1152 6 Lord Campbell has addressed the following letter to Mr. Scolt Murray Cambridge, Saturday, March 13 My dear High Sheriff, O.i my arrival here on Wednesday to hold the assists, I was told there was a letter addressed by you to
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  • 115 6 The Finance Minister informed the Second Chamber of the Stales General, in its sitting of the 16lh, that the bill for reducing the tonnagd dues on shipping was withdrawn by the government. A bill was carried authorising the government to issue paper money to the amount or ten
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  • 215 6 CONVERSION OF THE WINDSOE CASTLELINE -OF BATTLE SHIP It having been decided by the Admiralty that the Windsor Caxtle, a firstrate of 120 guns, building at I'enibroke Rojal 1) ickyar i, ami lengthened amidships '60 feet, and an additional 7 feet 6 incite* added to her stern, in order to
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  • 182 6 1 lie lollowing circumstance is tinted to have taktn place uu (ward the Simpson, pri«on-nhip, in th« Medway In Miy. ISll.the French prisoners con lined on board the Sampson, tunned a conspiracy forcibly to take possession of the ship, and effect thair encape, wtiich was prevented by one
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  • 92 6 PaTRIOTIC Gratitude. •Rear. Admiral Rai- nier, who died at Bath in 1808, left properly to the amount of nearly £250,000. After providing amply for bis near relations, be made the following bequest:— "l bequeath ono-letith purl of my personal property to the Chancellor of the Exchequer lor the uiqjs J>eing,
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  • 1906 6 Captain Bia Euwiuu Uelchkh, U. 8., F.K.6., F.U.S.,— Who b«s 6e«n appointed to i li<j command of the new Arctic oeardung expedition, wu bora in 1799, i* second ion of Amlrew Belcher, Esq., formerly of Roehamptoa; granftson of Win. Belcher, Esq., Cuief Jutlice,
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  • 72 6 Speaking of those English gentlemen who have partaken of the hospitalities of Prince l.'iui->i-poleon at the Elysee and Tuilleries, a correspondent of the Tunes expresses himself thm temperately They who accept hospitalities from a rebel, a traitor, a liar, a perjurer. > butcher, and
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  • 31 6 Among the late marriages recorded in the Vienna Zextung we stumble land almost break our neck) oter Herr Liebesel, Kaiserlico Komglicherdntter hofstaalsgerichlsrathscanzleiunlerinspectionssubstilut, and Sandy Lachtnmajer, Kaisrelich komglicbe, TabackitraliksaiiwartscbofUiubabers-Tocb-ter.
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  • 341 7 |f is But. ship Relln Marinii, >Vood, Aky.ib Mar. 21 Mid Malacca. —Do. l»rij? Hneppa, Hardy, Calcutta April 12. Do. tlo. Kipsima Anna Maria, Ili-ck-lonl. D<>. Mar. 0, Maulinaiti.iiid Pining. j t( Sp- liarl Medusa. C.ucullo, l>o April 3. 20 -Brit d>>- Mcliomet Ali, GalMee, Souriibaya May
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  • 68 7 VESSELS EXPECTED FROM EUROPE 23 lSuwes of Streatlam Xpwlmlm Clyde 1 Dumfiieshire McCracken Liverpool k. 10 Olieisnool Unpins lJ.iiuwi I'lsilur Hauieit do 19 Ki-rtlaw Wilson do 23 Bugalora Turner OlaHf(oiv 21 i'.iniiii (iibson M 20 Kmin.i t'aise do Larch C'olimi Kopperhold Hamburg W i:lielniino l'n 1111 do 4 Ann Mitchell
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  • 62 7 FLYEIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL itiiway Ore .£2. per 23 c*t 2. ISJl SJ in Uoxes 2. 15 pa b«gts jf 2. 10per20c H t '"'il'ier in baskels 2. 10 D '»u in bales £2. 10 i" bags £2. 15perlS C wt. lL k ftffm £2- 15 per II cwt. Goods
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  • 63 7 v 'l mills .:reiliu U. sjd. 4-5 per dollar, (nomiualj L «CWta Timmi} 218 per lKMolUrs. (none) *»f Su days sight Us- 223 per ollara IUO N Silver 5 to 51 per cent premium for large u P"'y'B Kupees 218 per 100 dollars Rupees (new) 270 per 100
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  • 389 7 (ox 060 1)8) VOYAGES DV SAILING VESSELS Per Cent To G 1 eat lirituin 2 J to 3 Continental I'orts in Europe iftoJ Ciimsiiiuruioon 1 sailing between 30th June U«ngkM( ullU Mawfc i 4 Whai.ipoa sailing bttWt«B Stth Fffc Md l-l J»l>
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  • 1856 7 MOBTGAGEES OF SHIPS- RE Thomas Arnold. (Ihf'ire Commissioner Mr. .sergeant Stephen, mi .tlonday ln this ease a question jro-e M 1 1 DM validity ot' tli>: BMlfflfi of llic schooner bhzahclli l>y the bankrupt to Mr. Lovegrove, solicitor to the assignees. t'lie points were argued at great lengti on the
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  • 370 7 NATIVE CUAFT— IUtITISII.— Futta Namreth, fiew, Zeelust Dido, T. H. Davidson, Jay Mollah. E- Bebar, Pultab Aliiuan, Staui(or>i, Kirn Yeap Soon. DUTCH Fatlior llachmaii, Pakin, SeaAw Guau, Lac Seng, Jain, ludra.njo, ifintang Tiga, Allalowie. Sopoh, Futtal Salum, Pakus Suda. MALAY— Dragon. Nation .<fc Vi».ski.. I Vk><k'~'
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 918 8 HERE It YOUR REMEDY. IHUWArS tMTHEIT A MOST MIRACULOUS CPRF- OP BAD LEGS, AFTER 13 YEARS SUIVERTNG. Extract of a Letter from Mr. William dalpiu; of 70, Saint Mari/'s street, Weynviuth, dated May ibt/i, 1851. To Professor Hoi.loway. S.n,— At the krc of 18 my wife fmho is now 01)
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    • 536 8 LIST OF ARTICLE FOB SALE AT THE SttIOAPOIIE WIILUKERY A tiENERAL W A UK-ROOMS TA VERX STREET SISGAf'OKE. LA D I ft 1 APPAREL. White and colored Glace Silk and Tarlalanne Bonnets always on hand and made Ii order according to the latest Eurupe Modes, or to suit the taste
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    • 421 8 1 Silver Bouquet holders. Do. Bracelets JAPAN AND CHINA MANUFACTURES. A collection of Ivory and Silver card cases, Bouquet holders, chess men, Ivory puzzles, writing desks, chess boards, paper cutters, rice paintings, Sandal-wood boxes. Silk Grass-cloth &c. Jtc. OILMAN'S STORES. While wine Vinegar. Tart fruits. Sauces Reading, Harvey's, John Bull,
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    • 621 8 THE ROAD TO HEALTH! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS cuke or a Dii,)iu.i.!u::> UTM AXO nvi. i, Cop], of a Letter Mr tl. W. Kirku.\ r 7, I'resot Stre', Litrpol, dutcUjth. J« n To Profp'sor Moi.r.owvY. Sm.— Your I**ll ami Ointment hwc ttoa^ the hid eit on our sale li-t of Proprietary Medieinn
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