The Straits Times, 16 March 1852

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 641 1 RiTfcK BUBWJRIPTIOII' annually.. Sp- l>r*. 16 iiaifYeariy.. 9 j gnarteriy^" 5 I tint Wrntn l| 1 A Sincle Copy One Rupee. LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE AT THE COMMISSION ROOMS OF |gttt&, §|f«r*rfjte, <»«*> $<§>• COMMEPCIAL-SQUARE,--SINCAPORE. n,rlin «■»<.! °f "lor. Jaconet-White and colorea ndsUoes, English »nJ 1-reiich Linen— Fine Irish
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    • 746 1 Have always on Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, selected specially for their Stores. WIIOLBSAIiX nCTAIL A FOR EXPORTATION. WLLiriERY l£ Hosiery r Berlin Wool of assorted colon Articles for the Work laoW Caps. Cuff«, Collars- ofEr.gliah A Manji Ralzarino drea*e« p«ri« manufacture Bonnets of the
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    • 433 1 AOBKT* London— P. L. biramond* AC* i Calcutta— Thacker aod Co. -Jhina-Hawle, Drinker C«j 1 Batavia— Lange 4 Co. G. J. DARE COS ADVERTISEMENT S G. J. DARE CO. SHIP CHANDLERS, Auctivm-crt and Commission AgtnU. WHOLE. SALE AND RRTAII. Wine, Spirit and Beer Merchant*: BOAT QUA V: SINGA P Cf
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 837 2 LONDON HOTEL. TRONQUOY, is situated on the Esplan- iir ivpianade commmdaut H-.tbl que esta situada en la ade, commanding a splendid view of U! ,a .uperbe yiu. dv port de B.pUnad., dommaudo .una the'harbour of Singapore, and under f^SS't^XSSi t^S^y^E' the iiumediale patronage of llie Penin- au j Oriental compaguie.
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    • 571 2 UNDER TH£ PATRONAGE OF ROYALTY AND THK ADTIIOIUTY OF THE FACULTY KEATI.WS imfITLOZCMGE^ A CERTAIN REMEDY for disorders of the Pulmonary Organs— \n Difficulty ofßreathng in redundancy of Phlegm—in Incipient CuNSDMPrioy (of which CoUGII is the most positive indication) they ai c of unerring efficacy. In Asthma, and in Winter
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    • 621 2 MAIL LIN?. mmwm PENINSULAR A ORIENTAL SJFf-M NAVIGATION CtMPANY'S OFFICE. Battery lload Singapore. rpHE Peninsular and Oriental ~|]jlihJl\ Company's stcamef Malta, Capt.iin Purrs,, en route[lu i'ombay, ma\ be expecte.l at Singapore about the sth. Proximo, 8f the Peninsular Oriental Company's Steamer with tbcEutopean Mails en route to China, about the
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    • 529 2 TRIESTE ROUTE OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TRIESTE. THE Austrian Lloyds St<am Natigation Company's Imperial Mail Packet, leave Alexandria direct for Trieste 21 bomafter the arrival of the Passengers by Ihe I'miii. sular and Oriental Company's Ste.iini-rs from C*u cutta, on about the Hlh of every month. The passage is usually
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  • 236 3 Insurrection is Goa. It is seldom thai 1 1» thing momentous takes place amongst our Portuguese Allies and the fact of a Rebellion having occurred 3t Goa is something quite astounding. The sensation created by the evenl will probably '>c in Bombay much greater than r,)ulil well be imagined
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  • 174 3 Rebellion in Qoa.— \\> lmllicr particulars are at present kMW« horc ol llni business, than that I large bod) or the insurgents, reported to be near 500 sirong, hive seized a tort (name unknown) murdered several people, ami burnt their houses, —and are clearing even thing before
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  • 2663 3 Indian Affairs.— The sum of l,Ooojf bating been accepted by the Cambridge Uni-u-rsily for the purpose of instituting a prize, to be called Sir Peregrine Mailland's Prize." for .in English e«say OR some subject connected with Ihe propagation of the gospel, through missionary exertions in India and other
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  • 562 3 -Admiral George Barker, on lite reser? ed list, died on the 25th ult. Springvalle, Isle of Wight, in the 92d year of his age. This gallant officer entered the service in 1771. ami was present in many gallant actions with the enemies of his country. tie attained to
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  • 159 4 The Straits Times. Singapore: TUESDAY, MAR. 16TH. 1852. We have lo announce the arrival of the following passengers: Match 13 pc» l'aglioni from London, Messrs Maulu.', 1 >■•!: echc and Cmitang. We have to amtotince the departure of Hie following passengers i M»rch 9 per John Hrightman to ITongkong, Mr«.
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  • 279 4 arrival of the I'eiiiusn'ar ami Oriental vrtinpanys steam-ship Ciuntjes (rotn Gallc, with the English mails of January 2itli., lias caused inucli anxiety for her s.ifety. We are wholly at a loss to account for the deity, unless the steamer on the Mediterranean side, or the Haddiugton
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  • 199 4 -The Peninsular and Oriental Company's Sleam-ship Malta, Captain l».>tls, arrived here on Friday last, with Hongkong advices to the 23th ultimo. I'he news l>y Ibis opportunity is very scanty. W>o V. A. frigate Marion sailed in the 20th for America, having on board si* of the crew of the
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  • 1463 4 - -By the Dutch steamer j advice* have been received from Balatia to the end of Februarj. The following are the only items ofinleiesl to be found in the Jataiche C our ant. A heavy shock of earthquake was fell on some uf the islands of the Molucca archipelage. At
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  • 217 4 - lly the laic anivals ft out Bangkok I have received accounts Irotn .lam to Hie in:J- die u( February. The warlike aitiiule assumed by Burmah towards GlWl Britain bj» begl i to attract some notice, jut tli Siamese a'l<I lion was nearly entirely taken up with Hie ceremonies attending
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  • 1276 4 TO THE EDITOR OF THE ST RAITS TIMES. My LttAR Mh. Editor,— As MjUknyrrsptc.iug the Km); Sfcun i» beginning to rsvite int«rt»t both i.t hi'ine iiiul in liiilid 1 have thought a short aicuunl of a \i.mi paiil to the King of that co miry, by your old fueiui,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 584 4 JUST RECEIVED. Xx TAGLIOSI from London. SraoVrd York Hams. t SmoWd Herrings. Chcdder and North Wilti Cheese Biscuits, Captains, Abcrnethy, fancy, and Spiced Nuls. London preserved Salmon Lobters; French Sardines, Anchovy piste in pots, Bloater do. Real Durham Mustard and Salad Oil PmlJcs and Tart fruits Sauce, Royal, Worces- urshire
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  • 180 5 who arrived here on the 11th. instant, reports that whilst his vessel was at anchor at Kongpoot on the 251h. February, the owner's agent came on board from Kong Kcu with a message from the Rajah to the eff.ct that the latter had received
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  • 404 5 Tlie gold fever has reached us ihough not of i tery virulent description J utither does it seem probable tint it will be ol long continuance, or that its <-tfccts will be very disastrous. The malady first broke out in tlie public offici-s, attacking MM of the junior
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  • 494 5 We ragMl to perceive, both by the public piints and 1 10:11 piivate ndvices, thai Soul 1 Auslialift it sua%ring sevecalj IVeui the drainage of her U boning population, and it is to be fcnied that ■oina 11. ne must elep-<e before a reaction takes place. The discovery
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  • 335 5 —We are enabled to publish the official report of Messrs \i >snk^l and Babbaoc on the pretended disco? "j of gold at Mount Gammon, near Mitchell's Flat. The suspicions hinted at in our last have not been lessened by the facts that have since transpired and if
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  • 99 5 -Yesterday the Govert prorogued the Council. He walLed in state at is, in lull uniform— lo the Cliamaccotnpanied l>> W. 11. Matin i:i, fc-q and Cd,it. Moore, where he was received anJ inIroduccd lv the Council liy the Speaker. His kkccllency n-ad his brief speech, and re'urned
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  • 52 5 -Cul. Uuttrrworth, Governor of the Straits settlements, with his family, are expected ilnl) at Port Adelaide. His Excellency, we understand, intends to rcauin some weeks in the colon;. Sir Clupman Marshall is also expected to arrive by the l'enelope which was to leave Singapore a few days after the
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  • 84 5 - —We regret to hear that not less than eighteen resignations in the Metropolitan, and six in the Mounted Police Force, took j>Uce at the end of the month. Amongst them are some of the oldest and most valuable police men. Yesterday about sixty applications were made for
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  • 401 5 The Legislative Council, as most of our readers •re aware, have lnth< rto been opposed to any plan of steam communication which did not regard Sydney as the port of primary consequence; but the Council have at leu.'th virtually gfeaa in their adhesion to the Capo route,
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  • 389 5 The Brilibh Government, or in other word? the Colonial Secretary Kail Grey, has utued a scheme or plan to encourage small capitalists to emigrate lo Van Diemen's Land. In the official in. uce issued by the Emigration Commissioner*, it is stated that— Her Majesty's Government being anxious
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  • 470 5 (From Ihe Sorth China Heiald Feb. 14 J CaLlFojisia papers to the IOUi December, h«Te re&tlud us SJ l.nour of Cajitain George Washington Frusei, of llie clipper .Sea Witch, (late Cor.imaiidei ot the schooner Mazeppa), the Usi biings us lniilligence of new* receded tid Nicaragua fiom New York, lo
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  • 897 6 - —The Laird of Usan, lear Montrose, was one of the most sober,, overwise gentlemen in his neighbourhood. He wa» an extreme old lory, and as such— jesides the fact of his sobriety and formality .cemed to be a sort of natural antagonist of Lord Panmure who
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  • 273 6 - -There is a point beyond which humap forbearance cannot go, and the most even tempers will become ruffled at times. At the assizes held during the past year at Lincoln, both judge and counsel had much trouble to make the timid witnesses upon a trial speak sufficiently
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  • 119 6 - ■There is an inn on the western road called v The pueen's Arms," and from the said inn a coach starts which 'rejoices in the name of Prince Albert." The walls in the neighbourhood are placarded witb bills acquainting her Majesty's subjects with the fact, that v
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  • 78 6 - -A humourous fellow being sabpoenaed as a witness on a trial for an assault, one of the Counsel, who had been notorious for brow-beating witnesses, asked him whit distance he was from the parlies when the assault happened, he answered, just four feet five inches and a half." v
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  • 184 6 MOST IMPORTAN T.- -The relative statures n her Majesty and Prince Albert are four fee eight, and live feet ten inches. The celebrated Dr. Thyme— celebrated almost as much for his love of good living as for his professional skill called one day upon a certain eccentric nobleman, whom lie
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  • 476 6 Various Modes of Salutations. Greenlanders have none, and laugh at (he idea of one person being inferior to another. Inlanders near the Philippines, take a person's hands or foot, and ru!) itoer their face. Laplanders apply their noses strongly against the person they s-ilute. In New Orleans, they place learcs
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  • 85 6 Hodge's Hi nt. -The great man of a village, being at dinner, allowed one of his tenants to stand while he conversed with him. Wha newi, my friend?' said the squire. "None that I know of," replied the farmer, eicep that a sow of mine has bad a litter of
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  • 117 6 -Dr. Recce, Idle physician of Bellevue Hospital, New York, has been making experiments concerning the best mode of healing burns and scalds, and checking acute suffering. He has found that Hour, thrown on with a common dreJging box, is one of the best and must efficient remedies
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  • 130 6 SENSIBLE REMARK -At the time when the frighted the isle from it's propriety," of < urs, who, in getting on to the top nibus, said, "It is a wet <l :v," was received by the coachman with 4i Thankye, »ir, for that wery sensible information. You're the first gen'leinan for
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  • 257 6 "REAPING CORN The French claim the merit of a new discovery of great importance to agricnltura, in the advantage which, according to them, result from the practice of reaping coYti before it is perfectly ripe this theory, winch his just been promulgated by M Cadet de Vaux, originated with M.
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  • 75 6 LITERARY QUALIFICATIONS FOR THE FRANCHISE. -Wo arc given to understand, on what we deem reasonably goad authority, that the measure which Lord John Russell proposes to introduce Ibis year for the extension of the Parliamentary franchise* will recognise education and literary standing apart from all other considerations as electoral qualifications.
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  • 363 6 —Insincerity and extravagant adulation often betray people into uttering the most ridiculous absurdities guii c unintentionally. A great man addressing ih e House of Lords, said. "It is my most painful duty to inform your lordships that it has pleased the Almighty to nfaue the King from his
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  • 45 6 n u^ ilrink it lik whipping constantly ones horse; ,a Hr-l makes him step out quicker, iml he mm figs under t!ie constant impulse*. llj ( lii lash as he hecomes accusioncd (v it, ontil, [> nuke him stir, he requires constant beating.
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  • 92 6 - •When Ihc late Lor.i In Line, then goin^ tj circuit, ukcd l»y ins landlord how he had sl<'|>t. lie relied I" n, i is strength a fjct of which some of jour inmates appear to be umv.ire: for hid tin; His been unamrnous last niglit, th-y niiglit
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  • 46 6 Good. -A gentleman once said he shouM like to tee a boat full of ladies adrift on ih ocean, to see what course they would steer. A lady in the room replied, that's easily Mi— they would steer to the hie of Man, to he sure."
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  • 73 6 -A grey hair was espied smcng Ihe ra»en l.icks of a fair friend of our>, a few day* since. "On pray pull it out, fbe exclaimed. "If I pull it out, ten will com to the funeral," replied the lady who made the unwelcome discovery. Pluck it out,
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  • 68 6 -The I) troit Datly Adcertist r says that Captain Taylor, of the steam-boat Daniel Webster, running between Detroit and Buffalo, is Hie fast friend of the printers; and as evidence of it, he will car ry editors free, and deduct one from the fare of ever
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  • 161 6 CONCLUSIVE REASON FOR NOT PAYING FOR A NEWSPAPER. -The Richmond Christian Adcoca'e publishes the following extract from a letter, concerning which he says, Certainly our subscriber deserves a premium for his ingenuity in finding a reason for cheating the printer. There's no getting round him. We give it all up:
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  • 376 7 Mar. 9 Brit brig Stamford, Nakoda, Pinang Feb. 2,1. v Do. do. Johanna, Pereira, Do. ''eb. 25 Do. sdir. Buffalo, Nakoda, Ponlianak March 2. 10— Do. brig Psyche, Mitchell, Pinang March 3. Do. <l >. Lanrkk, White, Bombay Feb 8 I!. AI. S. V-leopatra, .Massif, Borneo. t
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  • 90 7 t. 3 Young Kn^land Robertson r ly«'.e Highland M*ry Shields 0:t. 23 Tmom Chonard Ul:i*jr.>» 25 Llizubelh Mork iaMiftj N 7G. H W.ippaus 1 eterson Hamburg U Cimeleun Wyke Liverpool l,u<y -harp Me He Glasgow U Orbona Allan Clyde Cbiefuia Wutson London John Willis Sturgeon Liverpoo
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  • 62 7 F REIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL Antimony Ore £2. per 20 cwt '"> «>|o i.i Boxea 2. 15 tUg»i« lings.. ..£2. sper2ocv.t I'J (iiiuiliier in baskets £2. 5 '0 Ditto b bales 2. C uft« iv bag! 2. 15 per H c wt '■>^ck pepper 2- 15 per l(i cwt. Measurement
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  • 56 7 On 6 Months credits 4«.*6Jd. pcrdollar. On Calcutta Treasury 21$ per lul) dollars, (none) H'.mbay 30 days sigut Us- '223 per dollars 100 Byee« Silver 5 to 54 per cisnt premium for large Company's Kupees2H per IJU dolUrt Java Rupees '270. per lOUdrs. /.ivaltupees (old) 2 GO per
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  • 378 7 (ON GOODS) VOYAGES BY SAILING VESSELS Per Cent. To Great Britain i| Continental I'orti in Europe 2J Macao. Cu.iisiuvmoon and j (ailing between 30th June tio*fk«lg or and tut March it Wnuupoa tailing between "28th Fcb and i.t July H Arnoy, during the
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  • 1186 7 It seems (lie affairs of '.he Union Bank are again to become the subject of enquiry and discussi >n. A meeting of stu reholders is advertized for Saturday, the 28tb. inst., when a Committee is to be appointed ta enquire into the disposal of the Bank's assets and to
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  • 201 7 What shall I Take for a rush of hM in" U«° head." I have been doctoring myself, 1 said the languid fair one, with a smile, to the bluff, lliougli kind. M.L> while he was feeling her pulse. MAh how V 4% Why I have taken Morrison's pill, I'arr's pills,
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  • 105 7 whom he was quite unacqiainled, remained for a long lime silent, not liking to say something! and a1i. .1,1 to speak of others. At last, seeing the boards of the room laid the wrong way he observed (thinking how fortunate he w»> in detecting suclt a cirenmstance)
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  • 140 7 - •The Portland Trait *cripf, in publishing a little poem, pi daces it with these words: —We hive read s»!ne I. tile p<»etry in our d and have been variously affected lij it, but our feelings were never so wrought upon .is in reading
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  • 434 7 Natiom «t Vk«ski.. I VfssriV Nwr I T"n* I <'*rTAii« AOKItTS Destination fte 11. M'«. >iuu H. M'». MMMI li. C. St-.iiiu-r U. S.Sliip Uiitish Hriiisli schooner British brig Uri'i-ii scho'ioer Brnisb b.nk ISriiish ship British bark Hntish birk Kruisli b.trk Bniisli srli'iotier liritiah buk
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  • 16 7 NATIVE CRAFT— BRITISH. Futta Khair Futile F«tul Rymon. Fiew, Zeeliut Brittoman Glory. Buffalo, Psyche, Di(i 0
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  • 27 7 -Falhor Pakia, Seauw Guan, L^e Seng. Kompol Mm, J^lu, Indrnnvo, Btattng Tig*. Go»u Lee, Allalowie, Sopoh, Futt»l S»lum, Fuuel lUiman, Futtel H»ir, Kirn T. S«ng
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  • 3 7 -Bog Chong.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 903 8 H HE S YOUR REii.EDY. HILLOWArS •IKIHEIT A MUST MIIIACGLOI'S CURB OF BAD LEGS, AFIKR 43 YEARS SUFFERING. Extract of a Letter from Mr. William Galpin; of 10, Saint Mary's Street, W<" "mouth, dated May ibth, 1881. To Trofrssor lloi.lowat, Shi,— At the age of 18 my wife fwho is
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    • 518 8 LIST OF ARTICLE FOB SALE AT THE SINGAPORE MILLINERY GENERAL WARE-ROOMS TA VERN STREET SINGAPORE. LADIES APPAREL t White and colored Glace Silk and Tarlalanne Bonnets always on hand and made to order according to the latest Europe Modes, or to suit the taste of Customers. Tuscan, Dunstable and Fancy
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    • 419 8 Silver Bouquet holders. Do. Bracelets JAPAN AND CHINA MANUFACTURES. A collection of Ivory and Silver card cases, Bouquet holders, chess men, Ivory puzzles, writing desks, chess boards, paper cutter.*, rice paintings, Sandal-wood boxes. Silk Grass-cloth &c. Ac. OILMAN'S STORES. While wine Vinegar. Tart fruits. Sauces Reading, Harvey's, John Bull, Beefsteak,
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    • 785 8 THE ROAD TO HEALTH! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS CCB« OF A Ul«O!ll>EKEI> UTWM AVI) HAIj DIOR*nOX Copy of a Letter from Mr. K. W, Kirkui, Ckemist, 7, Prescot Street, Lioerpod, dated 61/ i. June l%s\ To Profe«»or llollow.vt. Sw.- Your PilN and Omtmerit hive «tml the hiihest ou our sale ii»t of
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