The Straits Times, 2 March 1852

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 863 1 fc*Tß» OF »UK»('KIPTHH» Ar.n''ailT. 6p. J> r 16 Fin I- Yearly.. 9 1 i.'.ißrteriy.... f -jne Month 14 I A Single Cony— One Rupee. LIST OF ARTICLES FOft SALE" AT THE COMMISSION ROOMS OP COMIYIERC.AL-SQUARE.--SINGAPORE. Jaconet White and colored I j) t, ..ikl siioes. Jinglißh and FrciKh Lineu— Fine Irish
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    • 825 1 Have always on Sale an extensive and choice as- j sortmentofthe following goods, selected specially I WIIOLKBALB RKTAIL rOR BXPORTATfON. MILLINERS' j£ HOSIERY Articles for the Work Table *"-lin Wool of assorted colors flalzarine dresses Caps, Cuffs, Collars- of English 4 Manil Bonnets of the latest modes, from Pans manufacture
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    • 437 1 *O«MTt London— l. L. Hmmonda ACi Calcutta -Thacner and Uo. China— Kawle, Drinker Co. Batawa Lange 4 Co. I C.J.DAREACO'S^ADVERTISEIYIENTS G. J. DA~RE CO. SHIP CHANDLERS, Auctioneers and Commusion Agents. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Wine, Spirit and Bern- Merchant*: BOAT QUAY: SINGAPORE. lIEG to announce to ihip Owners, Merchant*. IP Commander*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1355 2 LONDON HOTEL. The LONDOS lIT.L. kept G. Dv- Jfr TRONQUOY, is situated on the EsplA- lir |Vplaat4a coinra.iudunl II«t«l qne eau situadi en la ade, commanding a splendid view of aas -up,-rbe vue dv port de **£****> JSJ^JS pu'J'r,he harbour of Singapore, and under t^.^kgg* S^Sthe immediate pitronage of Ihe
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    • 659 2 MAIL LINF. PEWINBULAK OfIJENTAL STEAM fsWvK'A-l \QV CCMPANY'B OFFICE. battery Road —Singapore. rpHE Peninsular and Oriental T^i/LJ^\ Company'! steamef Malta, Im^BBPS' (ll l )tliri rs en r l! Ut Pomhay, -nay b? expected .it Sin ga| ore about the sth. proximo, iV the Peninsular A Oriental Companys Steamer wilh tfieEuiopean
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    • 528 2 TRIESTE Sllll; RO JT:: OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TRIESTE. THE Austrian Lloyds BteaiA fiocigation Company's Imperial Mii! Steam Psc!»e:. leave Alexandria direct for Trieste 21 boat. after the arrival of Ihe Passengers bj (ImPcbjsb. sular and Oriental Company's Slediiii-i* fawn C,,_ cutta, on about the lllh of every month. The passage
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  • 2546 3 We have heard that two companies of Sappers have been ordered from Madras to Maulmain to erect some new, or repair some old, forts thgre which ought lo have been in good order and fit for resistance long ago for we have never been on safe terms with the
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  • 1563 3 •War or Wo War There can be ao war there will be no war there shall be no war, such ia the language 01 our contemporaries. We feel a perfect confidence that if the determination of this question depended on the wishes of the public press, or ol
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  • 1038 4 Accounts from the seat of war are to tb« Slh. instant. 11. M. S. Fox was fired into by the Burmese, and one man killed. The Burmese are resolved to fight. Tbe Governor General is said to be determined for Peace until there is no hope
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  • 996 4 The Straits Times. SINGAPORE TUESDAY, MAR.2ND 1852. We have to announce the arrival of the following passengers: F. b. 27. ter v,ou Shiv from KntUni! and Cape, R. Torrent K«q, CapUin Ha 1. .1, M«»ri. Fitlfibtxm. and Driver. p»T Bh«nf h«l. from r.lort Mr Mlrlrrloom. Mm Clark, from I
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  • 513 4 -Bj the Puou Shan we have received C'P e journals to the 20th. January? The war remained in much the same Hale previously reported. Major Wilmot was mortally wounded by a Killn in a skirmish with the enemy. Major Grneral Somerset's force hid successfully engaged large
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  • 117 4 papers mention the occurrence of a fire at Amhersl al the end of January, and reported to have been caused by emissaries of the Burmese authorities at Martaban— the greater part of the town has been destroyed. Owing to a hostile force, numbering between 8,000 and 10,000 men, assembling
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  • 1842 4 -We bare received Hongkong journab to the 17th. of February. 1 lie steamer Malta reached Hongkong at 11 a. m. on the 12th. and was to leave at 2 P. M. on the 2*ih. for Singapore. The ringleaders of the mutiny on board the ship Challenge have been lodged
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 28 4 V n fIiHE Teak built Brig Weraw" jKgK\ f 141 Tons and carrios 4CHO jffi^py piculs of Rice. Apply to, Wm. SPOTTISWOODE A CO. Singapore Feb. 9,%<h 1849.
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  • 731 5 -By the P. and O. Cos. •crew Ueamer Shanghai from Calcutta, we received the Bimonthly mail of January Blh. The place of Lord Palmerston in the ministry bat been supplied by Lord GranviUe, but on the day the mail left a Cabinet Council was to take place which
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  • 370 5 -The subjoined com- munication, from Hie pen of Commander Bate I of 11. .M. S. Royalist^ has been handed to us for publication. The sailing directions will be found highly useful to masters of vessels who may wish to reach a port oP shelter in the Palawan Passage,
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  • 1396 5 DESTRUCTION OF THE "AMAZON" BY FIRE LOSS OF 134 LIVES. -The subjoined account of Kcrrible catastrophe reached town ihia niurning jjb'mouih. The following details are given ir morning contemporaries becomes our painful duly to report the particulars of a most appalling accident. The iiew Royal Mail steam ship Amazon Capf.
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  • 307 5 -Since the foiegoing account reached us, the ticcreury of the company has informed us the crew and engine people on board lite Amazon were about 11*2 in number, anil that there wre 50 passengers 0:1 board He has also^ supplied us with the following list of the
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  • 127 5 -Notwithstanding that goods of ah kinds are on an average 99 and 30 per cent, dearer then they were a couple of years ;igo, the Vienna tii les-people assert (hat they never recollect to have sold s>o many Cluistinns and New Year's presents as they are now doing. The
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  • 187 5 ■As the exact cause of the* I misuuderat ludtug between ihe French and th<? Porte does 0)1 appear to be generally known, a lew words on (he subject may not be out of place The Oriental Cat holies lay ci.iim to nine place* intimately connected with the life and
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  • 167 5 Bj the last mail, we learn that Commodore Aaliek has been superseded in his command of the V. EaU India Squadron, and re-called and that Commodore Perry is on his waj out, to take command of Ihe Squadron. Remitter Feb. 17. His Kxcellency the Governor, it i$ known, will
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  • 310 6 -Lord Elcho's hunt was thrown into convulsions last week by the appearance, at their crack meet at Learmouth, on the English side of the Tweed, of a fullblown bloomer. Just a» the bounds were about to move from the meet, up drove a Coldstream dog-cart, with a
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  • 1368 6 -A design, by sir Joseph Paxton, for ihe intended Exhibition of the Industry of all Nations at New York, was on view on Tuesday in Clarges-st r e tt Piccadilly. The plan is upon a similar principle to that of the
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  • 40 6 -A \Vig*n a iclionet r advertised, on the walls, for public sale, last week, sundry silk, drettea, nminoes, Btc, Sec., winding up with one bottle of run, one bottle of whisky and several article* tuitabU for Ladies.
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  • 211 6 -There once lived in the cily of Button a certain Mr. Jones. This •ame Mr. Jones wa« an eccentric man— very much •o and among his many other peculiarities wjs that of failing iv business once in every two yean. Some people now-a-days have the same extraordinary
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  • 289 6 A MANGEUVRING MINISTER Advertiser tells a story of an eccentric clergyman, who not beinga very animated k interested preachtier, was often deserted by most of hi* fljck on tlie Sabbath dopted rather iposl of his flock on the Sabbath. The old gentleman finally adopted rather a no vel met had
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  • 203 6 -I'ae toll'jtviii^ n u.i alphabetic*! lut of all liie kuowa clan* oi' SootI 1 1, >vuli it description of tliu particular bi l_'.- ol d M-uiuiijii aacieully woru by e;»cb clan respectively, «nd ciiief* Buchanan, birch C-miiio.', oik Campbell, myrtle Chulului, Col 4 iUj.i;i, bale I
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  • 1836 6 —At a meeting of the Society for the Propigation of the Gospel, which took place last night in Lambeth, Sir James Brooke made the following instructive and most interesting speech His Excellency having stated that he disliked public meetings, for he was led on to
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  • 327 7 I!. 23— Hi it. bark lilatila, Couilhursl, Akjab Fib. 6 „21 Do. |>ri# Fair Bar adian, Griffen, Hongkong Feb. 15 :i. M. Si^rnor Salamander, Ellmw, l'ulo 0M Feb. 2-1 ~5 Brit baik Sophia, Fraser, Broonna'i, Ana an J.m. 24 Urein. luig.Marg.-irella, Langf, Pinnng Feb. It) -Brit. <!).
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  • 741 7 HONGKONG CRIMINAL SESSIONS. Mon&ty \Qth. February 18-32. lldiiiiw, I! \u v Si-.f.iiekv, a' "JVCK,* Badotjc Cam 13, alias "Musmhihaii," am at, and Skkukkn, arraigned for murder on the hiyli Scat. The folio wing Jurymen were empanelled A.M. Fryer, 11. A. Ince. J. C. Baldwin, tt. Jar- j din".
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  • 972 7 I am Serang on board I 1 1 Corey ft, and was on lioird on the 13th January I i-t. 1 was sick below about 10 P. M. hear.l In.' two first prisoners >nl soineo. hers caliMff out to Ibrahim, the steersmin, to com j on deck. They
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  • 363 7 Mr. GALKBLL said that the evidence agiinst Booray and B.ib.i Seedeen was too strong for him (o struggle against—he must therefore leave those two men in the hands of the Jury and Court but fur (he others, there did not appear to him
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  • 372 7 HiimAVMn. I Wmmut Not* l Tmm I C\I>TAI?« AOI'NTS 'Df.stination fte H. AIV tti l» H. M\«. Steamer British tiMtk Hrnish schooner I" riiish brig Hritislt schomer British lir Hruisli b.irk British tchuouer Dutch b*ik I'cT'.lTittll S'.lip A niiri m buk British bark British ghip British
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  • 33 7 NATIVE CRAFT— BRITISH KutU Masart, Qoodluck. Futtle Fatul Rymon, Fi«i», Zeelw Ameer B«. Brittouurt. Swallow, C»la..davaay. Sister. Emma, Suliana K«tt«l R.hi.n F»tli>r ltachmaii Fak.^. Seauw G»m.. L.v,Se.. S Kompol Mas. J»Ju. lei Hair.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 902 8 HERE IS YOUR RE.YEDY. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT A MOST MIHACULODS CURE Of^ BAD LEGS, AFTER 43 YEARS BUFFJCRIJTG. Extract of a Letter from Mr. William Galpin; of 70, t Saint Mary's Street, Wei/mouth, dated May Ibth, 1891. To Piofessor Holloway, Siu,— At the age of 18 ray wife fwho is now
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    • 519 8 LIST OF ARTICLE rOR SALE AT THE SSNCAPORE WHLLINE3IY A GENERAL WARE-ROOMS TA VERN STREET SINGAPORE. LADIES APPAREL. White and colored (ilace Silk and Tarlatanne sonnets always on hand and made to order according to the latest Europe Modes, or to suit the taste of Customers. Tuscan, Dunstable and Fancy
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    • 423 8 Silver Bouquet holders. Do. Bracelets JAPAN AND CHINA MANUFACTURES. A collection of Ivory and Silver card cases, Bouquet holders, chess men, Ivory puzzles, writing desks, chess boards, paper cutter;, rice paintings, Sandal-wood boxes. Silk Grass-cloth &c. Ac OILMAN'S STORES. White wine Vinegar. Tart fruits. Sauces Reading, Harvey's, John Bull, Beefsteak,
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    • 771 8 THE ROAD TO HEALTH! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS CURB OF A UHORKEK.ED I.IVKI. AM) HAD MORHTIO.H Copy of a Letter from Mr. R. IV. Kirkus, Ciemitt, 7, Prescot Street, Liverpool, dated iith. June l%si'To Professor Hollowat. Sut.— Your PilU and Ointment have »too>l the highest on our sale list of Proprietary MeliduiM
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