The Straits Times, 22 July 1851

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 890 1 '■MRS OP nUHNCKIHTION Annually.. sp. L»rs. 16 Half- Yearly.. 9 Quarterly.... 5 (>M Mont!i.. 1 j A Single Copy— One Rupee LIST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE AT THE COMMISSION ROOMS OF COMMERCIAL-SQUARE,-SINCAPORE. MAUDES 3 AIPIPAS3IL. Berlin wool of color* Jaconet White and colored i»<mts and shoes, linglish and French Lineu—
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    • 844 1 Have always on Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, selected specially I for their Stores. WHOLESALE RETAIL A FOR EXPORTATION. MLLINERY JB^ HOSIERY I Article* for the Work Table Berlin Wool of assorted color* flalznrine dresses Ca P». Cuff Collars, of English Manil I Jsonn.i.sofihelat«st modes,
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    • 415 1 toawrt liondon— P. L. biramond* *Co Calcutta— Thacker and Co China— lUwle, Drinker 4 Co Bfctavia— Lange Co. I CJ. DARE A QO»S ADVERTISEMENT G. J. DARE CO. SHFP CHANDLERS, Auctioneers and Commission Agents. WHOLBSALB AND RETAIL Wine, Spirit and Beer Merchants: BOAT QUAY: SINGAPORE. BEG to announce to ship
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 660 2 SELF-PRESERVATION; a medical Treatiser on the Physiology of Marriage, and on the Secret Infirmities and Disorders of Youth and Ma ntv usually acquired at an early period of life, which enervate tne pbyaical and mental powers, minish and enfeeble the natural feelings, and exuist the vital energies of Manhood; with
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    • 510 2 UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF ROYALTY AND THE AUTHORITY OF THK FACULTY hEATIWS COVGII LOZEMGES A CERTAIN REMEDY for disorders of the Palmonary Organs— in Difficulty of Breathing— in Kedundancy of Phlegm— in Incipient Consumption (of which Cough is the most positive indication) they at c of unerring efficacy. In Asthma,
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    • 637 2 MAIL LINE. PENINSULAR ft ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY'S OFFICE. Battery Road —Singapore. rp HE peninsular and Oriental _r/jl(HJ|\\ Company's stcamef Singapore J^ygjJHfl*Oapt. Purchase, en route to L'ombay, may be expected at Singa pore about the Ist Proximo, Sf the Peninsular OL" Oriental Company's Steamer with tbcEuiopean Mails en route to
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    • 555 2 TRIESTE ROUT r OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TKXESTs THE Austrian Lloyds Steam Aari tion Company's Imperial Mail steam P a leave Alexandria direct for Trieste 24 h after the arrival of the Passengers by the Po° sular and Oriental Company's Steamers from r, cutta, on about thejllth of every month The
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  • 4721 3 M ADR AS SUFREME COURT. IN THE MATTER OF LUTCHMEE UMMALL. On Friday last, 6 h June, Mr. Smyth moved for a writ of'Habcas Corpus for the production of Lutchmee Ummall, upon two affidavits, one by Andrew Phillip Streenavassa, formerly V. Slreeravasse Iyengar, husband of Lutchmee, and the other by
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  • 418 4 No. 3. Mr, Brooke to the Earl of Aberdeen i Received May «8.) Sarawak, March 30,1646. My Lord.—l vonturo to bring io your notice the resent acts of piracy eom.nitted pie of Sakanan, and to auggesl Hi a iv.uu.. bt,s wnich would re*uit from ihe aaopuon rtecisive .lIIH-- to
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  • 406 4 ceived May 'I\. /Sarawak, March 11//, lblJ. My Lord—1 bpg to acquaint your l.urdouip Llial on my reiuru to Saiawak 1 hoisicd a li ig, ami recommended its adoption by all native praiiu-i and other vessels uelonguig lo this country I subsiquei tiy waned
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  • 69 4 No. a. Viscount Palmerston to Sr Jaiitet Brooke foreign Office, iune SO. 1849Sir—l have to acknowledge ilie receipt of your despatch flheUihof March last, inclosing the pattern of a flag wbieii you had recoiiiineuded lot adoption by the native urahus and vessels of the com. try and I beg to
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    • 651 4 TO THK KUITOa Ot T»K STRAITS TIMBS. Sir,— l make n > apology for addiessing|>ou|on a bubject, in which boiti )uur Headeis ana yourself h ive MkMM dcepM interest, astlMt uf th^ineritK, or tiie demerits, uf (lie Hajali Urooke. 1 conceive tliar liuwoer oapopoUf mmA«f€m to re|.reiienMuii tins letter nny
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  • 90 4 Straits Times SINGAPORE: TUESDAY,22ND, July 1851 We have lo announce the arrival of the following passengers: July 15 ptff Alur.i f.uin M.iuriiiu-., Messrs. L)ueIdi, (J.iritV.u uiid Hiirdonne; 17 per lied lluver from China, Messrs. Clarke and Wyalt;9U per Paeiid Iroiu llongkwn^, Dr. bnscoe per Auue Ai'Ul->llUll^ fnt*> liuino.i), Mr. and
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  • 43 4 Thk steamer Pacha Icl't llongkoujj at 2 P. M. July 10th. and experienced a sirong monsoon with adverse currents during the latter pail of the passage down. From Hongkong to Cape Varella the wind was variable, until within 200 miles' of Pulo Aor.
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  • 12 4 The ships Aden, aud Queen of England arrived at tioogkoug July Mil.
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  • 65 4 Captain Millep of the Pacha reports having spokeu on July 12ih. in Lat. 17 deg. 30 mm. North, and Long. 110 deg. 30 mm. lia>t the barque Favorite bound to Singapore; on July 16th. in Lat. 8 deg. 44 mm. North and Long. 108 deg. 3fi mm. exchanged signals with
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  • 43 4 The following vessels had arrived in China: June 27 Lusarien, Calcutta; July H. M. S. Lily, Singapore Pacha (S. V.) Singapore 4 Sagoff, Bombay Sir Bevois, Bombay Chippewa, Bombay; t> Equestrian, Bombay Smyrna, (Am.) Singapore; Sarah Boyd (Am.) Singapore; 8 Singapore, (S.V.J Singapore.
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  • 20 4 The schooner Goodluck reports 11. M. S. Amazon at Sarawak July 15th. and to leave oil the 17th. for Singapore.
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  • 38 4 The 11. C. Brig Krishna, which arrived here yesterday, brought 5A convicts from Calcutta and so this settlement is to be made Ihe receptacle for Bengal convicts, in addition to those from Bombay! Really this is too bad.
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  • 105 4 CALCUTTA By the Krishna accounts have been received from Calcutta to June ViUlh. The trial of the Ariel's incendiaries hud terminated iv the conviction of one ot' Ihe lascars, who was sentenced lo transportation (or lite. C.iptaiu Copps, ot the steamer Euterprize, i> no more, and will, il is eipected,
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  • 970 4 AN Indian Journalist seeking fur extract* wherewith lo amuse or interest Ins Headers an politician in quest of Iresh luel lo maiiiUm ni» lire* a colonial legislator looking lor Hie opinion of the pro* on lite Ir.msporUlion que>lio.i these are .i lew ot the uiany di.iracUis wnu would o.i
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  • 1636 4 On Wednesday last ,i case was (ii>ji i at Uuartcr Sessions which was one «»l public interest, it we may judge Irnin the dr. cuuislauce ul the entire Court and it* approd being crowded wilti Etirupeaui I v iti\cs, w., remained until the case ihsjosedol. deiendanls were thirteen in
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 152 4 a» late as liket, since he had ff ottpn, a lume that wald haud in.'"— Jfayw*. h Mrt Gordon. FOR SALE. jp l n Excellent Calcutta built Buggy, belonging to a Gentleman, having axletrees, axles and Springs, with a hood drop, Morocco Cushions and apron and cover, &c. with one
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    • 24 4 At Cairae Hill, Singapore, on July Dili. Mrs. Caruie of a daugnler. At £ingn|>ore, July isJih. the mfc of Lewis Fr iser of sun.
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  • 1214 5 In our present issue we re-publish from the Uorueo Blue Cook three communications. The very lengthy paper on piracy by Sir James Brooke we omit, because, with certain omissions in the Blue Book, which we shall presently call public attention to, the document has already appeared before the public, and
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  • 1143 5 It is with extreme regret we have to announce the death, by Hongkong Fever, of Dr. l-'iaherty of 11. M,'s 69th liegiment, which occurred a little alter hoju yes;eiday. The Funeral will take place at the usual hour this evening. <»uly one i^iol three as reported) of the newly
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  • 546 5 London, according to Mr. Me Culloch, con tains at present 2,100,090 p-.isous, or, including the district! embraced by the Keriislrar-General's bills or mortality, 3,240,000, M a greater amount of population 'han has ever been previously accuimil<itc<l in t:»-! same a.i cij ill? space." Such h [)iate will deserves lhat me
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 66 5 The above sentence is very unscrupulously omitted at the conclusion of MM. 7 at p-ige 15 of the Slue Book. Edit b, Straits Times. f This inconvenientpasi>agc is carefully suppressed at para. 8 page 1j of the il.ue Uook, after the woids Oa the second point, we Mi only concede
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  • 2060 6 LOSS OF THE FRENCH WHALER NARWAL ON THE COAST OF COREA AND RESCUE OF THE CREW. Continued from our last J The reader of the first part of this sketch will recollect that we arrived 4 Quelpnrt Island on Friday 2bth, April and were in communication with a Military officer.
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  • 1241 6 The English press is peculiarly fond of casting reproach upon our people for our deeds of tiolencc. E¥ery great crime that u perpetrated within oar borders is complacently paraded in its columns; and if it happens to be of a somewhat extra enormity, it is, as likely as not, made
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  • 278 6 HILL, Lord B.iOiGUTON ino»ed the second md. ing of this bill. Legislation on tliis W been recommended by Sir C. Robinson, Sir Samuel Rouiilly,anl more recc.illy by Lord Cam. bell and the present Lord Chancellor. Acnmission bad been appointed lo enquire i:iio liie sul.ject, MNirihg "I
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  • 1236 6 The comiig strug- gle in, is a mailer of serious interest. Whatever opinion may be entertained ai t> the future political condition of that cou itry, bet^een the ronflicling claims of the republic and Iho mo archy —between aulhunly and revolution—between the inaiiitenaiice or the re^isua of the tinting
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    • 128 7 July lo— Brit brig Mora, Teulon, Mauritius June ">. 16— Do. bark Jane, Steers, Batavia July 10 17— Do. do. lied Rover, Claiton, China June 14. Dutch do. Fathool Raman, Alyccr, I! illy June 24. 18— Brit, schr Dido, Dufretay, Sarawak July 6. 19— Do. brig Rob
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    • 118 7 July 17- Dutch schr. Sre, Nakoda, Bally B.idong N n French brig Arthur, Autray, Nantes ii n Brit- ship Lady Montague, Lcshaw, Madras Do. schr. Syed Khan, Smith, Macassar. 18- Do brig Golden Spring, Power, Sydney 19— Do. schr. Dolphin, Robertson, and Itnini Do bark lUd Rover, Claxton,
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  • 371 7 RATES OF PREMIA OF INSURANCE AT SINGAPORE (ON GOODS) VOYAGES BY SAILING VESSELS Per Cent. To Great Britain 2) Continental l'urts in Europe ...24 Macao, Cuia»inginoon and j sailing between 30th June Hongkong or and Ut March 14 Wliaiupoa sailing between 28th Feb. and Ut July U Amoy, during the
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  • 60 7 On C Months credits 4s. 7J<l. per dollar. On Calcutta Treasury '222 per 100 dollars, (none)* Bombay 30 days sight Us- 220 per dollars 100 Sycee Silver 5 to 51 per cent premium for large Company's Rupees 444 cents. Java Rupees (new) 270. per 100 drs. Jaya Kupees
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  • 63 7 Antimony Ore.. I. 10 per 20 cwt Tin £2. 0 Sago in Boxes 10 Sago in Bugs 5 per 20 cwt Gatnbier in baskets 2. 5 Ditto in bales.. 2. Coffee in bags 2. 10 per 18 cwt. Black pepper 1 5 per 16 cwt.
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  • 55 7 Meg Merriles Me Kellar Liverpool Norma Hamburg Jeanette& Bertha Rolling Hamburg Fredrick Boehm Newport Champion Wiley Liverpool Jno. Bibby Pearson Do Zarah London Miry Elisabeth Do Carmencita Onand i London Senator Nagle London Mary Stewart Davidson London Ana Nelson Nelson London 15th. Feb21st. Apri 1 21st.
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  • 491 7 There was a libel case tried in the Supreme Court yesterday; and the Bombay Gazette was not in it which will be thought odd, at the rate we have been going on of late years. But the fact is we are going to pull up we have foresworn the
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  • 575 7 Do yon really writr for the press asked the captain of his fair neighboar. "You need not looks~> alarmed," answered »he, laughing, "it is only a spiteful invention of the general, to damage my chances of getting married." Is the pen so insurmountable an oh stacle to the
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  • 511 7 NATIVE CRAFT— BRITISH,— FuttaMasart, Ariel, Friends, Dido, Goodluck, Samdanny, Hamo.dy. DUTCH Fatbool Herman, Hong Guan, Tattel Rahim, Fathor Rachman, Pakis, Seauw Guan, Lac Seng, Kompol Mas, Peu, Zepaanu, Jatu, Indramyo, Futtbool Hair, Faid Alum, Ooan Lt Natiox Vessel. VrmxiV Namr I Ton* I Captain AOF.NTS Destination
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 956 8 HEALTH WHERE THIS SOUGHT HOLLOWAY'S PILLS IBP OF A DI9ORDBEED ITVEB AND tTOMACH, WBJW U* 1. RE OF A BIB Y* A MOBT HOFKLBBB STATE Fxtract of a Letter from Mr. Matthew Harvey, of Chapel Hull, Airdrie, Scotland, dated the 15th of January 1850. To Professor HollowayS IR —Your valuable
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    • 484 8 LJST OF ARTICLES FOR SALE AT TBI SINGAPORE MIJXINERY ROOMS Commercial— Square. Ladies White and colored Satin, Glace Sift and Tarlalanne Bonnets. Do. Tuscan, Dunstable and Fancy Straw Bonnets Do. Ladies Mourning and Sitting up Caps. Mantillas, Visiles and Polka Jackets in Salin, Glace Silk, black Water Ducape, and BUck
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    • 499 8 JVOTICE. MIS. NUGENT has just received by the Steamer Pekin an Invoice of Millinery, Hosiery &c. consisting of the undernoted articles which arc now exposed for sale at her rooms in commercial Square. Her stock whether as regard extent or variety, is now greater than it has hitherto been, and
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    • 1033 8 CURES FOR THE UNCUReq HOIIOWAY'S OISTMEM A* EXTRAOBDINARY CVRB OP BCROPUI Extract of a Letter from Mr. J. H. jfiuE, 2P" *t Street, Cheltenham, dated the 22nd JanlL^' H Hk To Professor Hollowat. w """"wry, m Sir.— Mr eldest Son, when about thr» I wm afflicted with a Glandular SwelW
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