The Straits Times, 10 December 1850

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 750 1 AIF.S OF 81'MSCkiVTIDN Annually.. Sp. i>rs. 16 Haif-\ early.. 9 Quarterly.... 5 ')ne Month.. U I A vSmi<le Copy— One liupee US! OF ARTICLES FOR IMF AT THE COMiaZSSZON ROOMS OF skiffle, f anb o. COMMERCIAL-SQUARE,--SINCAPORE. JLABSISS &liPß'A._i_El_. ISerlin wool of eofon Jaconet— White and colored Boots and s'uoe*. Knjflish
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    • 702 1 Have always on Sale an extensive and dioiee assortment of the following goods, seltcttd specially for their Stores. WHOLESALE RETAIL FOII EXPORTATION. MLLINERY Jj^ HOSIERY A,»- i r .v a___k«___i Berlin Wool of assorted rolort Art,,| e f,, r tlie Work Cable C*|__» of Baft** Manil HRleuriw dresses fjr r
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    • 690 1 i London W. Thomas *Co Calcutta— ThacK« and Co. China— William Puntau Cfl Cuavia— Lange Co. JUST imPORTED. EX CHRISTIAN FROM CHINA. ANT) FOR SALE AT TH E GODOWNS OF MESSRS. E. APEL CO Commcrcial-S'juarc. I N Extensive and choice consignment of with r and Japan Goods, which are to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 652 2 NOTICE. {Hereby declare, thai I have appointed Messrs I nr.iiF.iur v Lendkr A Co, as my Agents for Singapore and all the neighbouring Settlements, and that tl>py alone are authorized to sell and to t»?ceivc orders for my manufactures. Co ognc, 11/// Sept. 1848. JOIIANN MAHIA FARINA. The Genuineness of
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    • 573 2 sticks with shades, and spectacles, concave and convex. Bird C<iges and Tea-kettles. Artificial flowers and Ladies corsets. Green-peas in tins of 1 and 2 lbs. Sausages in Tins, Herrings in kegs of 12 I pieces each. Cbocotate, Prunes, Raisins, Currants, Cherries, Macarony, Bonbons, Almonds Ac. Paints in Tins. An assortment
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    • 552 2 PEWSNBULAR OWBWTAL STEAM MAVJCAinOH COMPANY'S OFFICE. lattery lioad —Singapore. y \l nPIIE Peninsular and Oriental Company's steamer Achiles, r ':ipt. Evans, en route to Bombay, may be expected at Singapore about the till) Proximo, and the Peninsular and Oriental Company* Steamer with fieEuiopean Mails en route to Clll.vA, about the
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    • 615 2 TRIESTE J^-^ljj ROUTE. OVERLAND B.OUVS VIA TRIESTE. THE Austrian Lloyds Steam Sn igation Company's Imperial Mail Steam Packets leave Alexandria direct for Trieste 21 hours after the arrival of the Passengers by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers from Calcutta, on about the llth of every montli. The passage is
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  • 27 3 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCE DEA TH. At Lerwick October 7th. 1850 James Bain, Esq. Aged 77 years. At Singapore December 9lh. 1850 Mr. J. H. Lohfeldt, Aged 19 years.
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  • 270 3 Straits TiMES SINGAPORE:TUESDAY DEC. 10TH, 1850. We have to announce the arrival of the following passengers:— Dec. 3 per i>em from Siam, John Jartie Enq. and Capt .in Hancock per Amelia train t»bu in, D. Cowan h.-ij per Maxttgran liom Califuruia, Me.srs Lehn, Renard and Uortena 4 per Randall from
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  • 24 3 li. M. S. Amazon, Captain Barker, from China and Manila, ai rived here on Friday last and will remain some weeks on the &laliwu.
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  • 12 3 Yesterday morning the 11. C. Steamer Nemesis sailed for Sarawak and Labuau.
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  • 59 3 Siam By the Gem accounts have been received from Bangkok to Nov. 2£nd. All was quiet, and likely to remain so unless eilernal menaces interfere. Trade was resuming its accustomed activity, notwithstanding some apprehensions were entertained that the disappointed embassies would return at an early period to extort by compulsion
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  • 31 3 By H. M. Ship Amazon from Manila we learn thai the boiler of the Juno, a steamer trading between China and the Philippines had exploded, but fortunately no lives were last.
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  • 51 3 We curtail editorial matter, in our present issue, to make room for Letter No. VII and last ol Scrutator. Ihe scries have been reprinted iv Ihe lorm of a pamphlet, which we present to our readers, trusting that the communications ol Scrutator will receive not merely attention but scrutiny and
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  • 161 3 BOMBAY journals to November 19th arrived per Achilles, several atrocious murders had been committed m which Europeans aud natives were concerne 1. In one case there was a caste meeting al Akitnm, when a band of rulliaus armed witn swords, fell on and backed to pieces three unarmed uieti, and
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  • 258 3 Calcutta journals were brought by the Zaphnatu Puunia to liie ltitb ol November, llieie were coulradictory reports abroad relative to warlike preparations in progress again*! the Alreedies. The Governor Gencul wasalHoopur, Hie Coiumaiider-m-chief at Simlah but as lue former was ou his way to the last mentioned piace air Charles
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  • 391 3 CSVLON journals to the 25th November furnish a few items of intelligence. Governor Sir George Anderson bad arrived, but was a mere cipher, bis teal having outstripped the slow paced colonial office. All due courtesy was paid him by the othcers of Government, but Us landing was not announced bj
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  • 153 3 —By the Pekin steamer we have ad- vices and journals from Hongkong to Nov. 291h and by Ihe Red Rover clipper to Dec. Ist. Admiral Austen had visited Canton in the 11. steamer Phlegelhon, which vessel got on the rocks below Canton, whereby three holes were made iv her
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  • 168 3 Pinang Gazette have been received to November 30th. The liooghly steamer with the Assistant-Resident on board bad proceeded to Trar.g oiisome political mission. Robberies were still frequent The Uazette complains loudly ol the state of the roads, in a wretcbel condition, attributable to a systematic neglect lor years." Our
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  • 218 3 .—By the Dutch steamer we received a file of the Courant, the columns of which are rather scanty of intelligence. The following appear to be the only items worth translating: H. M. steamer Etna lias brought news from Samba* up to the 23n1. Dctober 1850. They confirm that which
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  • 29 3 Letters from fitraj mention that heavy rain bad done an ia>roeuity ot damage to the currtnta which wire exposed to drj: this will raise the price of this article.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 689 3 CJ ELF-PRESERVATION; a Medical Treatise KJ on the Physiology of Marriage, and on the Secret Infirmities ana Disorders of Youth and Maturity, usually acquired at an early period of life which enervate the physical and mental poweib* dimmish and enfeeble ihe natural feelings, and exhaust the viul energies of Manhood;
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    • 467 3 Gentlemen's Saddles, Bridles A Riding Whips. Complete Dinner Services, will. Hot-water *"de Dishes and Plates. Complete Tea Services, with Egg Cups and Muffineers to match. An assortment of Useful Earthenware. T. Master A Cos. Patent Cooling Jugs and Butter Pots. Palent Soda Wafer Machines and Freezing salts. Patent Rotatory Knife
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    • 4362 4 RAJAH BROOKE THE SEREBAS DYAKS TO TH EDITOR OF TIIK tTAAIti TIMES. Letter JW 7. Sia. I have had frequent occasion in what is already before your readers to make incidental reference (o the Papers laid before Parliament relative to Borneo Piracy, but these important documents arc worthy at more
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  • Page 4 Advertisements

  • 1369 5 THE COAST OF BORNEO BEFORE BROOKE'S TIME. We hjvc no doubt the great hydrographer described the Borneo Malays of his own- day, cither as he found them by his own experience, or from the representation of others who had the means of judging of their character but, with all due
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  • 977 5 The following description of the Lanuu prahus is taken ham the evidence of the late Captain Samuel CongaKon of the Strait* Steaiiut, given on the trul of the 18 Lanun pirates before the Criminal Court at Singapore June 9th. 18:33: lie captured the prisoners off Tringano, tlieir prahu was one
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  • 1393 5 On Sunday night last a man called upon the Panghulu of Julotong and reported that he had been waylaid by a ganij of Chinos.-, the gang on finding that he ha 1 nothing valuable oo his person let him go, an 1 that In.* believed it was concealed
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 1865 6 ""The following is the General Summary of the Overland Star published yesterday We have Jittle of interest to communicate in respect to State matters since the departure of the last mail —matters in India being uearly as dull as they are found to be in England. Every chance of
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  • 1123 6 Transmission of sound through the atmosphere —The vibratory rootion of any any body surrounded by air arise in it l > an undulatory motion, winch, on being transmitted to the car, produces the sensation of Generally speaking, it is hy means of the atmosphere Hi a the sound waves
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  • 227 6 The steamer has brought us Ceylon puper* to the 23rd ultimo. Lord I'nrrinifion embarked at Galle on the 17th idem. The (,'rylon Time* acting as chief mourner, if nut as ihe only one, on the occasion, pathetically chronicles the last in clients of the dear departed at Colombo. ■It
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    • 222 7 Dec. 3—Malay ichr. Young Quecu, Nakoda, Lingin Nov. 28 „—Bril. brig Ge i, Marsli, Siatn Nov. 24 „—Am. ship Marccllus, Spooner, California Oct. 12 „—Do. do Zenoliiii, Jackson, Ditto Od. 16 j, n—Brit, brig Amelia, Browne, l.ilunn Nov. 27 ,,—Do. ship Cowasjec Family, Durham, Calcutta Nov. It Do. do
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    • 140 7 Dec. 3— French bark Nanlaise, Le Roy, Nantes m —Bally do. Todah, NakoLi, Billy —Brit. do. Victoria, Smith, Binnb.iv —Do. do. Caroline, IMlierbridge, Pinang <4—Dut. do Jnddul Karrun, Nakoda, Ponliaiiak —Am. ship Macedonia, Snow, Calcutta Do. do. Zenobia, Jackson. Bombay s—Bnt. brig Rullun Mullah, Nokoda. Pinang f} Dutch schr.
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    • 25 7 CLEARED 9_Brit. bark Randall, Horsburgh, Arracan „—Do. ship Quinton Leitch, Fitzmorns, Bombay _Dut. schr. Asia, Nakoda, Sambawa —Brit. Bark R<d Rover, Oliver, Calcutta
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  • 42 7 Kliaa&eth Browu Singapore Ilccdia Bin tang Borneo Druid Maria Christina Napoleon John Cooper Condor Westerwick Qeeiiitown sth. Way Newport 2nd. London June Do. Hth Aug. lAgieton Clyde Vo s s V rdy Hamburgh, iith'se'pt l,ivcrp>ol .'...Clyde Honbargh Newcastle
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  • 50 7 FREIGHTS TO LONDON LIVERPOOL Antimony Ore.. 2 S. per 20 cwt. Tin..." ai 3 5 Gambier in baskets a Ditto in bales.. -i» Coffee inbtgs J PPr* r [JS* Black pepper .i. P- 0 C(j|jic fee Measurement Goods L IU F UI p GuttaTuban 3. ss. per 20 0* t.
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  • 64 7 r b lolltll>i 4s. Is. H per .1.11 ii LSt rrPM ry mat 6^ CSS cimntn. 'I 0 l °W r CCIU P« '«"tt«n tot Urge t-onipaiiy s vu U p ce e s U i cc n t s 6 •ava Rupees lue wj 27i». per
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  • 385 7 RATES OF PREMIA OF INSURANCE AT SINGAPORE. (UN GOODS) VOYAGES UY SAILING VESSKLS To Great Irltafa Contincuul i'uru iv Emntf ""3 Mar;ao, Cu.n^iii-inoon and j aailin,? between 30th June UimgKMg or aadlatMuak n W uampoa sailing between 28th Feb. and lv July U Amoy, durini{ the above puriud respectively 2
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  • 1108 7 he aggregate uumii<--» in tho monetary aud mercantile markets tliU wre* Inshccn w i\ sMuMfiriMl mid »uul<l rrprnsent an immense sum. w he .lift a^. regard* tlie MM* fers i>f stock, M tin- MIM 1 prnJui'e. i'ue uititeiid,paiJ at the tank »f Baglaal have ,i.i.l«-.i
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  • Straits and China Shipping.
    • 33 7 Sept. 21 John Laird, China Oct. i Corinna, Singapore; Hants, Singapore; Lady Sale, China; Bangalore, Pinang; Helen Stewart, China; 15 Neptune, Singapore; Klsiuore, Mauiln Margaret West, Balavia; 19 Tyian China; Peruvian, Singapore.
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    • 21 7 Oct. 3 Ann Jane, China; 15 William Simp* son, Bata?ia; IS Mangosteen, China; Albermarle, China; Lady Mary, Singapore; Sphjni, Balavia.
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  • 516 7 It wot done by myielf." The Afghan war was done by Sir John Hobhouse. "Alone I did it." I was the person responsible lot it, and the- Court of Directors had nothing to do with it." Here is a Confession, in a few word*, enough lo break down a score
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  • 467 7 Ensign Charles Twy»den Scale, H. M. 94th Foot, has been tried by a Court Martial for sending a challenge to fight and for being drunk when on sick report. His Excellency the Coinmander-in-Chief makes an observation that will surprize many. He says witnesses to a charge of drunkenness must
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  • 421 7 NATIVE CRAFT— BRITISH,— Mahomed Bux, Kader Maidui Bux, Zeelust, Strgal" "dTT~" Rachel, Feluk Sailah, Maliomect SatnJauny, Satfinaioo Kvtuon, Sbavr, Ann, Letch'mv °M f Bux, BuflTalo, Ration Mullah, Ameer Letchujy, Fathol Wahap, Stamford. Glory C \f t> La Felice, C. Bux. 7> U< W< Bux DUTCH Pathool
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 998 8 HEALTH WHERE TIS SOUGHT HOLLOWAY'S PILLS CfRE OF A DISORDEHED LTVEH AND STOMACH, WHEN IN IN A MOST HOI'ELV.SS STATE Extract of a Letter from Mr. Matthew Harvey, of Chapel Hall, Airdrie, Scotland, dated the loth of January 1850. To Professor Hoi.i-oway-Sia. Your valuable Pills have been the means, with
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    • 476 8 NEW SHIP'S ARTICLES. rlMv AN Sale at the .Straits 4s||& lj Times Press, (prut One Dollar each) the new form of Ship's Articles ji accordance with the Act of Par liament 7 8 Victori-i. Cap. 112 j ON SALE /^AT THE STKAITS TIMES PRESS, g T (Near the Armenian church.)
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    • 586 8 FOR SALE THE Law of Storms or Sailors Horn Book by H. Piddington. A few copies have been received. G. J. DARE A CO. Singapore ISlh. Sept. 18,50. G. J. DARE CO. Have Received and have now on Sale. Anchors from 1 to 9 Cwt. Calcutta Biscuits in Tins of
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    • 1043 8 I CURES FOR THE UNCURED! lIOLIUW.W'S OLVOIOT I A* KXTRAOB.DIXAKY CTUHF. OP SCROFULA, OR KINO KVIf Extract of a Letter from Mr. J. U. Alliday, 209, lU,jh street, Cheltenham, doted the 22nd January, 1850 To Professor Holloway. Sir.— My eldest Son, when about three ycarß of aae wa» afflicted with
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