The Straits Times, 19 March 1850

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Straits Times
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 686 1 B MKS lIF MHISCKICTIOW annually. t<P- Drs. 1C ;/..i(Y.ariy.. 9 j 'junrtrrly. 5 I )ue Mciitii li i Sinu'le Copy— One Kunec LIST OF ARTICLES FOli SALE AT THE COIfIIVIISSION ROOMS OF if tU% ano g^t* COMMERCiAL-SQUARE,-SINCAPORE. —JOOoe?- lieilin wool of colors Jaconet— White and colored nl itaoM, liuplisli and
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    • 743 1 Have always on Sale an extensive and choice assortment of the following goods, seltctttl specially for their Stores. WHOLESALE RKTAIL A rOR EXPORTATION. MLLINERY HOSIERY a, i t .i. w«,tTil.U. .Berlin Wool of assorted colors Art,, Irs for the Work Table Cn^ Collars- of K.:gUh M«nil /> ilz.iriiii 1 dresses
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    • 522 1 AOENTS /London W. Thim.i^ A Co I Calcutta Thaekei and Cn 1 China— William l'ustau C> I Batavia- Lant'e .>( Co. THE LAW OF STOKMS. The Editor of the Strait*, wiM obli;;i'dhi/ Captains nt futtk fltMukmf htm with particular* [extracted from Ihr Shift Iff, -rhnhnri observations of Barometer *nd
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 713 2 CHRONOMETERS WATCHES, CLOCKS and MUSICAL BOXES (UREFULLY repaired and the performance I guaranteed by the undersigned. GOOROOWADONG. JUST IMPORTED. EX CHRISTIAN FROM CHINA. AND FOR SALE AT THE GODOWNS OF MESSRS. E- APEL CO-Commercial-Square. 4 N Extensive and choice consignment of China A and Japan Goods, which are to be
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    • 666 2 BOMBAY CAM A INSURANCE COMPANY THE Undersigned having been appointed the Agents of the above Company at Singapore, are prepared to grant Policies or Goods, Ac, payable in Bombay. Calcutta, China and here. BVRAMJEE HORMUSJEE CAMA A CO. Singapore, 15th. Nov. 1849. noticeT fHE Interest and reponsibility of Mr. See
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    • 500 2 TRIESTE TigJlO ROUTE. OVERLAND ROUTE VIA TRIESTE. THE Austrian Lloyds Steam Navigation Company s Imperial Mail Steam Packets leave Alexandria direct for Trieste 24 hours after the arrival of the Passengers by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's Steamers from Calcutta, on about the llth of every month. The passage is
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    • 503 2 NOTICE. 1 LL persons having any claim upon, the Estate of Fro.m.hcrzk Sorabjrp:, late of Singapore, merchant, deceased, are requested forthwith to send the amount and full particulars thereof to the undersigned, in order that the propriety of the same may be examined and considered; and in default thereof claimants
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  • 3247 3 Borneo; Remarks on a recent Xacal Execution. W N. London: Effinghatn Wilson, 1850. These remarks are i>uliy, The writer does not mince the matter, but takes the first and strongest word that mils his purpose. Nor can any one Maine him who peruses the following naked chrom>k»Mc<i. abstract, subjoined
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  • 1645 3 11' is High time for government to adopt some dclinite aud u.utorm line ot conduct in the matter of convict transportation. Early last session a measure was announced having in view an experimental limitation of transportation with a view to its ultimate abandonment and the orovision of a substitute To
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  • 100 4 THE Strait s Times SINGAPORE: MONDAY, MARCH 18TH. 1850. We have to announce the arrival of the following passengers: March 13 per Sisters from Akyab, Mrs Bruce and 2 children, Mr» Medleycoat per Marie from Aky.ib, Mrs Browne and family per Henry Winch from China Dr Miller. We have to
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  • 22 4 To enable us to despatch the latest news by the Medea lo Europe, via Bombay, we anticipate our usu.-.l day of issue.
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  • 32 4 By the late mail from England we received a pamphlet, ''Borneo: Remarks on a recent naval Execution," and a small work on Naval Architecture." We defer noticing these publications until next week.
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  • 90 4 During the greater part of last week the visitations of thunder and lightning were frequent, betokening that Dame Nature was breaking up the North-east monsoon. On Friday last several loud claps of thunder took place immediately overhead, which caused much alarm amongst the natives. The electric fluid struck the flagstaff
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  • 67 4 O.v Thursday morning last an affair of honour" came off, in the neighbourhood of the Race course, between two European gentlemen, Messieurs S. and P.— Mr. S. Ored and the shot whizzed close past his antagonist's ear; Mr. P. discharged the contents of his pistol into the air. The Police
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  • 85 4 On Saturday last the remains of the late TAN Tock Sing Esq. were removed to the place of burial, with much pomp and pageantry, followed by a large concourse of mourners and spectators, including many of the European community, who enjoyed his friendship while alive and paid the last tribute
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  • 332 4 CALCUTTA. By the Clippers Lanrick and Water witch accounts from Calcutta bare been r*> ceived to Feb. 2lth. The natives to the XorthWest are still troublesome. Tho Hur/caru of Feb. 23rd. notices tint a tribe inhabiting the hills sou; h of Peshawur had made anight attack on a party of
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  • 1286 4 Latest News rROM CHI* A. By the arrival here yc-.ii-r.liy of 11. M. Steamer Medea, we have received advices and journals from I longLong to the 'Jili. of March. The principal news is another bru«h with pirates at Mir Bay, in which 11. M's Steamer Mide<i encountered a fleet of
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  • 2157 4 from January Uil May of Usi year 1. 1 waa healthy. hi May slight intermittent appeared in the barracks, and CJiuuued during ttio greater part of tUe mouths of June and July, wiueli atthuu,".i it did not prove fat kl in a/»y tingle ca*e, attacked a Urge proportion of the
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  • 377 5 We observe that the Free Church of Scotland, at the suggestion of Dr. Duff, has been induced to lake up the Missionary Qeld at Province Wellesley. When will a similar movement be made in behalf of the thousands, more than fifty thousand natives, at Singapore, amongst whumlbe only Christian efforts
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  • 1383 5 OUR FAST MAN In another column we extract from the Straits Times some remarks relative to the address to Sir James Brooke from h numuer of the residents of of Singapore. The Tinvx quotes a passage from the Overland Free Press of UM sth insL'ua if the same had met
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  • 230 5 All thin however is irrelevant and foreign to ti.» maiu pomt at u«ue, and we have only eutered luto these explanations iv consequence of theniisrepreseuiauomj put forward by our contemporary. TM real question is tweuty-oue respectable rei»iueuis iv Singapore havnig coiue forward aud aigned and address io Sir James Brooke,
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  • 568 5 AN AIM' ILLI'srHMION. A pciMjn askr> I how it happened lhat miny beautiful ladii^ took up with indifferent hu>bands after ma.v. fine offers, was thus aptly answered by a mountain maiden. A young friend of reque-'--ed her to go into a cane brake, and get him the handsomest rued.
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  • 73 5 Striits TSmti Mm* Mmrok. iSth. Noon H. M. Steamer Fury will, in a few days, pro ceed to Maulmain, Madras, and Cej lon, and from the latter place convey part of the Ritle Corp to Hongkong. 11. M. Sloop Albatross returned to port this morning, from Malacca, and will
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

  • 4454 6 (From the Manchetter Examiner.) If the success of a measure is to be judged of Irom the degree in which its results have fulfilled the predictions of its authors, it is impossible for any honest and unbiassed person to contend that our recent tree-trade policy has
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  • 211 7 Mar. 13— Brit, brig Sisters, Fenney, Akyab Feb. t n Do. sehr Marie, Browne. Akyab Fcb2o n Do. ship Henry Winch, Harris, Chin a F*>. 27. 11— Do. brig Lanrick, White, Calcutta Feb. 8 1 Do. hark Alhole, Black, Liverpool Nov. 21. Dut. do. Vooserain, Nakoda,
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  • 711 7 Calcutta. Star Office, 2-W. Feb. 18-3 J. Late in the evening of the day preceding our last weekly report the Overland Express from Bjmb.iy reached town the bulk of th'j imil came up two days subsequent. This is one more of the quick passages, having been accomplished in thirtynine days,
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  • 1076 7 The Mutiny at Umritsir. Last week we stated with great regret that the (iGlh Regiment of Native Infantry at Lahore had refused to receive their curtailed allowances, and had exhibited the most mutunuus disposition. The particulars which we gave were drawn from the Laliore Chronicle Extra, but the statements in
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  • 733 7 A petition is about to be presented to the House of Commons by some of the York and Berwick shareholders to expel Mr Hudson from the House, as the author and cause of the great declension in railway property. Mr Hudson liusjendeavoured to justify himself in a long letter to
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  • 119 7 Memorandum of covers, inward and outward, by the l.iic IMb: Letters received for delivery at Singapore. Ex Sir. '•Ucin.i de Castilla" from M uiti.i 104 Ex Dutch Steamer "Balacia" from ll.itavia 21^ Ex "7V/.«'/<" from Hongkong 42S Ex Malta from Europe 6,72? Ex "Lady T ar tj Wood" from Born-
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  • 205 7 Thk Markets in China. Canton advices to March 7th. arc somewhat unfavorable for European Goods, owing to the heavy arrivals by English vessels. Siorts of inferior Silks were nearly exhausted n hrgc business had been doing in Green Teas .it a slight advance on rates current at the departure
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  • 296 7 NATIVE CRAFT— BRITISH,— BuffaIo. Fatahool Rahman, Mahasboly, Mahomed Samdanny, M.ihomed Bux, Kader Maidin Bux, Emma. DUTCH— Asia, Hoong Goan, BintangTujoo. Saumannp, Lachamade, Goanse, Bun Lee, Phir.nx. Ingbee, Hap Hin, Adcua;i, Sri Bintang, Fatauool lUu, Anna Matha, I'uttal Hair, SlAMESE— Mercury. Nation Vbmei.. i Vrssri.s Na«k T«M
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 100 7 fC^* This account explains the erroneous ncv\» received, via China and the Sandwich i.-.'.rrl-of Franklin's safety. Editor, Straits 'Times. The Qikknk nkxt Visit to Ikki.vxd. According to the Evening Post, it hrn been fintiUv arranged that her Majesty is to make a yacht voyage during the ensuing summer up the
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 594 8 A VERY WONDERFUI, CUM OF A OISORIiKIIKM UVKK AND STOMACH. Extract of a Letter from Mr. Charles jnison,3o. Princes filrei-t, Glasyou-, dated February, iHth 1847. To Professor BbttOWlT. Sir, [laving taken your Pills to remove a decease o the Sloinaeh and Liver, under whichil had long suffered, and having followed
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    • 1189 8 ON SALE AT THE STRAITS TIMES PRESS, (Near the Armenian church.) New form of Ship's Articles, Cargo Books, Personal and Mortgage Bonds, Blank Powers of Attorney, Import and Export Manifests, Boat Notes, Bills of Litdinjj:, Bills of Exchange, Bills of Parcels, Promissory Notes, Straits Calendar for 1847, Ditto. Ditto, for
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    • 668 8 NEW SHiP'S ARTICLES. rl\> AN* Sale at the Nth a its Jg«& U Timks Pkkss, (pru-t cfS*Bfc» o n;. i),,||;,i- each) tii new form <>t Ships Articles n ■ocordanoe with the Act <• t" I*:• >- liameot 7 fc.B Victoria. Cap. 112 VALU ABLE~HORSfST I CHI FOX lUKSOTI. Extrart of
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